Category: Social Networking

How to Stop Sounding Automated on Facebook Pages

There are a number of reasons why people have been using automation programs to update their social networks. The more we expect from social profiles, the more active they need to be. When customers expect too much, it becomes difficult to keep up with the demands. Thus, companies began to use tools like Buffer App and Hootsuite, which help you to automate your status updates. Even when you are in a conference, you can set up Hootsuite to keep posting on your behalf so that there is always a steady stream of updates available for your audience. But really, does it work this way? Won’t people know that you are automating your status updates if they arrive at regular intervals and you are not responding to comments left by your audience? What happens if there are comments, which require immediate attention and Hootsuite or Buffer App posts an inane status update because you didn’t see the crisis coming while you were away at a conference? All these and more difficult questions have begun to arise and people now know that it is not a very good idea to completely depend on tools that automate your Facebook page updates. On that note, in this article, let us take a look at the available options and how you can stop automating and stop sounding automated when it comes to Facebook page updates. Do you really need to automate? There are a number of reasons why people automate their Facebook updates. They may not have the time or resources to constantly update Facebook pages as and when required. They might fear that they will forget updating when there was something to share. Many people automate their Facebook pages because it is easier to track and manage what was shared. It is always better to do follow the rules of automation, if one were to do it at all. Tools like Hootsuite and Buffer App do not just automate your updates but also help you to track & measure your social media campaigns. It becomes easier to know which update received more likes and clicks. This way, these two tools are not just automation software programs but they help you to arrive at metrics and measurement. With all these things considered, it might be possible that it is not quite necessary to automate your Facebook posts. If your company is not large enough, you can probably use Facebook pages at your own convenience and update them as you like, built upon a strategy. If you fear you will not be able to do it all by yourself, there are social media agencies who will maintain and nurture a social community through lively conversations and information sharing. However, if you still want to go the automation way, there are a few things that you need to know. Divide your content: It is important to segregate your social updates according to their level of importance. For instance, a tried and tested method is to automate informative links and always stay online to respond to queries & potential leads. Understand that it is not possible to automate everything: Many people have a wrong belief that they can automate all their updates without ever having to login to their Facebook pages. This is a very common mistake that companies do. This can be worse than not updating the page at all. For example, if your company has winded down operations and your social profile is still updating the Facebook page because Hootsuite was set up to keep updating statuses, it is going to be an embarrassing mistake. The ideal way to resolve this issue is to automate certain updates and manage everything else in real-time. How not to sound automated? Whether you choose to go the hybrid way by automating partly and responding to critical queries in real-time or you choose to hire full-time social media managers, it is important to not sound automated. It is quite possible to sound automated even when you are responding in real-time. Below, let us take a look at how we can avoid sounding automated. 1. Be real and enthusiastic One of the first signs of automation is that content sounds robotic. If there is no sign of enthusiasm or motivation, people assume you are using automation tools to update your social profiles. Display enthusiasm and actively engage in conversations. Do not stick to scripts while updating your status messages. A little bit of enthusiasm will go a long way. 2. Hire a social media agency If you are unable to do this all by yourself, you can hire the services of a social media agency. When you outsource your social media tasks, you will be able to focus on your core competencies. It is, therefore, a good idea to outsource your social media management tasks to an external agency. Professional social media agencies have an army of social media experts who understand what your business is and who your target audience is. According to these factors, they will update your social media profiles, which will help you to look natural and real. 3. Participate enthusiastically When you post updates yourself, do not stop it at just leaving a message or sharing pictures and logging off. When people like your images or leave comments, engage them in conversations. These conversations help you to build long lasting relationships with your prospects. Most often, it is these prospects on social media who comment on your posts and images, who will end up using your services & products. Never underestimate the power of enthusiastic and engaging conversations. 4. Be kind and display empathy If someone has a grouse, try to show empathy. Do not wear your defensive shoes and try to explain the problem. Instead, allow people to speak and then offer your empathy and kindness. You could probably thank them for bringing touchy topics to the surface and then prove to them that you are working on resolving whatever issues they might be

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Four Best Practices to Dramatically Boost Your Social Media Presence

To have a social media presence has become one of the most important steps to achieving success. A lot more people are using Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn today than ever before. In this background, companies really have to work hard to stand out from others. Only an engaging social media strategy can help companies to do that. However, it is not just enough to have a social media strategy in place and assume that everything will fall in place. You need to know certain best practices that can dramatically increase your company’s social media presence. In this article, let us take a look at what these important steps to conquering the social media space are: 1. Hybrid social sharing with automation and real-time updates It is not possible to update your social media accounts all the time. However, it is important to automate certain blog posts, images, videos and news so that they are circulated on social media in a timely manner, especially, when the traffic is high on social sites. Yet, it is also equally important to not automate everything. In order to prove that you are not an automated bot, you will have to dedicate at least 50% of your social media activity to real-time sharing. This includes answering to people’s queries, replying to complaints, solving issues, thanking people for feedbacks and actively engaging with your audience. 2. Track your social content It is one thing to be active to share posts on social media and another to track & measure your ROI. In order to do so, you have to have an effective strategy in place. You need to use tools like BuzzSumo, Hootsuite, Buffer App and others to track who shared your links, why it was shared, what were their demographics & psychographics and how best you can connect with that person. This will give you important insights about your social media strategy and help you to arrive at solutions that you probably didn’t even know existed. Tracking and measuring social content is one of the most important ways to achieve social media success. 3. Optimize your social media profiles One of the most important ways to boost your social media presence is to ensure that you make your social profiles look better. This will help people to find your social profile attractive and stay on for a longer time. If your social profiles are not uniquely designed and if they look outdated, people will lose interest in your activities. It is important to keep the target audience in mind and develop social profile aesthetics that will appeal to your chosen buyer personas. This might cost a little money in the beginning, especially, to get your profiles designed professionally. However, in the long run, it will help you to get back all that you spend and more. 4. Actively build a network As we mentioned earlier, you need to use 50% of your social media resources to engage in conversations in real-time. It is not enough to automate your social media activity and forget about it. You need to actively engage in conversations, build an intelligent network, choose your influencers and use those influencers to advocate your product. This is a very important aspect of social media marketing. Influencers are known to help people make decisions better than advertisements. If you can make a list of all those influencers with a good social media presence, your own social media presence will be boosted. Be intelligent in doing this, otherwise, you might come across as a self-promotional aficionado. Final thoughts If you follow these recommendations and best practices, you could be rest assured that it won’t take long to achieve the kind of success one wants. You might not even need to hire a professional agency, if you cannot afford one. Only, you need to follow the steps below to ensure that your social media presence receives a big boost. It will take a little patience, some hard work and a lot of creativity to achieve success.

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Facebook’s Dynamic Product Ads Hit the Right Audience with the Right Products

You think you have the perfect website….but what about those shoppers who just get to the brink of purchase and then, for whatever reason, fall out of the conversion funnel? Abandoned shopping carts account to the loss of trillions of revenue. So how do you advertise and highlight the right products to the right people? Retailers need not have to worry as long as social media networks are with them. The Launch of Dynamic Product Ads Facebook announced the launch of Dynamic Product Ads to dynamically promote relevant products to shoppers browsing your product catalog on your website. This super solution offers businesses a number of ways to highlight different products on Facebook across all devices. Marketers can even upload their product catalog and create campaign to target specific products to specific target group. They can also let this powerful platform to automatically showcase the best relevant products to the interested audience. All you need to know is how to set up Facebook Dynamic Product Ads. Dynamic Product Ads and Its Unique Features Highly relevant: You can show ads to interested people in order to increase their likelihood to purchase. Single or Multi-product Ads Unit: You can either display a single product, or a set of three, with their images, description, click target and statistics. Custom audience improvement: You can build audiences’ based on parameters like ‘People visiting specific web pages’ or ‘People who haven’t visited in a certain amount of time. Scale: You can promote all your products without having to configure individual ads. Cross-device: You can target and reach people with ads on any device they use irrespective of their original touchpoint for your business. One-time set up: Once you set up your campaign, you can continue reaching people with the right products at the right time. Dynamic Product Ads and Its Dynamisms With dynamically optimized ads, products will be tailored based on the user’s activity and interests. The ads adapt to show its viewers what they want the most from the online merchants. They can target ads to people who have visited particular pages on their website with specific interests and specific location. Advertisers can now target consumers based on their expressed likes and interests, website behaviour, shopping history, app usage, and relationship with the business. The feature knows a lot about what you intend to buy and allows retailers to watch every move of their consumers online. The ads also incorporate a format for highlighting multiple products, and update products based on the inventory data, removing the items once they get out-of-stock. In addition, the ads also integrate product feed elements to offer more personal and shopping specific ads including dynamic body copy or product-specific images. Dynamic product ads offer placements of products on all devices as well as the omnipresent News Feed where the majority of the Facebook users spend time. Dynamic product Ads and its Strategies Use Partial Catalog You may notice certain items that are viewed on your site but have low conversion rate. When you’re already retargeting, use the data to determine product conversions through retargeting. Use Custom Audiences Facebook enables you to form custom lists using phone numbers, Facebook IDs, email addresses or IDs of mobile advertisers. This helps leveraging segmentation from your existing customers and email programs and highly impacts the creative and targeting strategies. Use Creative Ideas Catchy headlines and crisp descriptions greatly affect click through. Give unique headlines to perform better for different product types and customer segment. Apply Rules Once you upload your entire product catalog, leverage rules and constraints to make sure that the relevancy of products you make is correct. Build your own rules and closely observe your statistics to validate your instinct. Business Benefits from Facebook Dynamic Product Ads More Engagement of Customers With dynamic product ads, target has been able to engage consumers with highly relevant creative ideas. Advertisers can curate ads as they see fit. Generate Huge Website Traffic As Product ads can reach more relevant audience, it drives high-quality traffic to the site. The custom Audience Pixel allows advertisers automatically reach people who have previously visited your website. Enhanced Website Conversion Rate As every image has its unique web address, traffic is derived to different pages of your website which leads to higher conversion rates. Highlight Different Aspects of your Business You can show more products and promotions in a single advert. Product ads provide you extremely engaging, highly creative and visually rich way to highlight important and interesting aspects of your business to your prospective. Facebook’s Dynamic Product Ads has its own magic when it comes to targeting the right customers.

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Social Media Myths to Overcome in 2015

Social media is seen in different perspectives by marketers. Some take it too seriously while others consider it a time waste. It is a fact that social media carries a lot of weight and plays a significant role in influencing customer decision making process. But before you choose any particular social media service, you must know if your audience is present there or not. Do you have a plan in place or you are just entering for the sake of it. How much time can you afford to spend in maintaining your social media profile? What is the source of your content generation? Are you able to connect with decision-makers and influencers in your industry? Social media is a relatively new platform for businesses. Both the network owners and business owners have realized how to exploit this potential. Networks are becoming more user-friendly and business-friendly. The most awaited launch of “Facebook for Business” in 2015, says it all. Such initiatives come for a reason. This article is written to bust the most popular myths and take a new approach on how marketers see this. 1. You don’t need a plan It is a fact that social media is easy to use and helps you to interact with your customers but for a business, one needs comprehensive planning to pursue your goals of social networking. Quite often, interaction is high in the beginning and slowly comes down to negligible. Such a pursuit is better not attempted. For instance, the reason is people join your Facebook page with the hope of learning something new but if you don’t meet their expectations, they will soon unfollow you. Determine your goals and objectives for each social network profile you have. What is the follower growth rate you have projected? How many queries do you respond every day? (This is significant when businesses start receiving a number of queries but are never answered.) Criticism spreads like fire on social media. How do you plan to handle it? All these questions need to be a part of your social media strategy. 2. Complacency about the size of your target audience Unquestionably, size of your target audience does matter and it helps you to allocate your marketing budget. But to take advantage of target audience on social media, you need a focused approach. If your focus is just on to increase the number of followers of your social media profile, without wanting to, you will fail miserably. In the end, it is not the number that matters but quality interaction with a small group of people. You can’t expect to engage in quality interaction with all your followers. Identify the ones who show more interest and curiosity than others and take it from there. If you are able to satisfy a small group, word-of-mouth will start paying you. Moreover, running a huge social media campaign requires time and resources (money and man power). For a small business that might be naïve in running a social media page, it is always safe to start at a small scale. Quality engagement with a smaller group helps you to understand your target audience better and prepare yourself for a bigger battle. 3. You need to be present on all the leading social networks It is not necessary to have a profile on every leading social network. Choose the number and the ones that you are comfortable and determined to work on for a long term. Every network has unique features and capability. There are various supporting tools and tactics to enhance the capability of every network. Why not explore one network acutely rather than dirtying your hands in all and get nothing. For instance, tools used by marketers on Twitter include Bitly, Buffer etc. Bitly allows you to shorten the length of the URL being shared and you can share the links on multiple Twitter accounts. You can also see the stats for Bitly links on your dashboard. Similarly, Buffer allows you to schedule your tweets throughout the day. 4. Use every post to talk about your business This is one of the biggest myths that need riddance in 2015. It is true that you wish to educate your target audience about your business so that they become your customers. But you can’t bore them with marketing pitch on every encounter that they have with your post. Talk about anything but business. Look for the relevant issues or trending topics that intrigues your audience. You have to look for the right opportunity to talk about business. Sense the mood of the audience before you start a discussion. Ask about their preferences and likings. Ideally speaking, social media is a place where people are relaxed and expressive about how & what they feel. Audience need not ever get an impression that you have come with an agenda to sell on social media. 5. It is okay to commit grammatical or spelling errors There has been an exponential growth in using creative spellings and very little attention to grammar by users on social media & instant messaging services. Though there is nothing wrong in doing so but such practice makes today’s generation vulnerable. However, marketers should keep away from such a practice as it does not look professional. You might be talking about casual topics that interests the audience but your audience will not take you seriously if you start a similar practice. As a marketer, you have to lead by keeping your communication professional. Casual spellings carry a risk of non-seriousness. In your effort to tune with the audience, you lose out to your competitors. 6. It’s just interaction, why measure it? It might look unimportant at first glance but measuring the statistics associated with your social media audience helps you to know your audience profile. With what they read, like, share and tag, you can design your product & marketing communication. Your content can be more focused. You can analyze audience demographics and study the differences among different groups.

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Facebook Groups – Your Business Tool to Drive Customer Engagement

Every business has their secret weapon to bring in new customers. Today’s topic of discussion centers around one such secret if you have none for your business. Do you think promoting your brand through your business Facebook page will suffice? Well! There’s potentially a lot more to it than that. Let’s explore the most underutilized aspect of Facebook. The strategy is about creating Facebook Groups to lay the foundation of the best customer service. Facebook Groups – Your Weapon to Increase Your Visibility and Networking Facebook Groups is all about providing an easy way to segment customers, creating communities around specific products, providing a network forum for customers, improving customer service and most importantly, driving new sales. Facebook Groups allow conversations and exchange of ideas. However, do not misunderstand Facebook Groups with Facebook Page. Pages are managed by an organization while Groups can be formed by anyone. Checklists Before You Join a Group You can join up to 6,000 Facebook Groups If you’re unsure about where to find groups, start with Facebook Graph Search Focus on only 10-20 active groups Measure your group against a few criteria including active group members, low spam, members of a specific Facebook Group, impressive description etc. Check the ‘About Section’ of any new group to learn about their business goals You may also restrict group membership based on qualification Avoid groups who focus only on sales and promotions & do not contribute to any valuable conversations Utilizing Facebook Groups for Marketing Build Your Community The basics of Facebook marketing start with building a community. A group should be about its members and how they contribute to your business. However, networking is equally important for your group members. They should make connections and discuss about your offerings. I found it easier to communicate with people through my Facebook Group than it is via email. I feel that having the group creates a more personal connection between my brand and my clients. It gives me an added level of support. Create a Competitive Market Place The real reason behind Facebook Groups being so powerful is its capability to market your products and services overnight. Post your products and make your fans go crazy to buy them. However, do not spam with unnecessary clutters. Discuss current events and offerings Facebook is the right platform to discuss about the latest happenings of businesses. And Groups are great places to keep up with current events and updates in your industry. If you’re conducting any business event, welcome your group to participate and ask for suggestions if required. Let them brainstorm ideas, share resources, answer questions and create strong relationships with one another. After all, satisfied customers promote brands on Facebook more than any other social network. No other medium is as good as Facebook Groups in highlighting your offerings and making your customers fall in love with your brand. Offer them varieties of products and the best deals to encourage conversations around each of these individual offerings. As people tend to be more personally connected to conversations in Facebook Groups, group members are more likely to see your updates. Value your customers Reward your customers within the group and make them feel special. Post their pictures on Facebook and let your community know about your ‘Happy customers’. Choral your loyal customers and keep them motivated to talk about your brand. Use the group to follow up with your clients and solve their queries. Another smart approach is to encourage your group members to help you reach your goals. Utilizing Facebook Groups for Customer Engagement Construct a Customer Support Hub Use closed Facebook Group to deliver support to customers in need of any help. Eventually, it also becomes a central place to receive feedback on what is and what isn’t working for your business. The whole idea is to generate an open dialogue between you and your customers by giving them a specific location to ask questions. Group members who have already made a purchase are more likely to engage with your brand, if they’re happy with your customer service. The closed group forum allows your customers to get direct access to you. Form Networking Hubs for Existing Customers Use secret members-only groups to create a personalized and classified feedback loop. This is a great customer engagement and retention tool. This group is an ideal spot to provide extra value to your special clients. If your brand has a more exclusive audience, a private group is a perfect fit in to your business. Lay a hub to build customer awareness and interest in your brand Start an open group to focus on business niche. Use your open group to establish yourself as an expert and to network with others in the industry. Provide content in a more personal and community-focused way and allow your group to talk about your brand. Incentives are the best way to attract customers and build their interests in your brand. Bonus for Facebook Groups Facebook’s ‘SAVE’ function works for Facebook Groups content. This is an added advantage for members who have the luxury of reading and responding to something when they have more time. This reinforces your brand. This is not the end; Facebook definitely needs a pat on its back. To make business prosper, Facebook has also introduced a new app for the Facebook Groups. The app allows easy sharing, chatting and keeping up with Facebook Groups. The app also simplifies the process of discovering new groups, joining the new groups and viewing all notifications.

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10 Techniques to Drive Clicks from Twitter

Marketers use Twitter to promote their brand/event, take customer feedback and suggestions and naturally converse with their followers. The goal of your business could be to drive sales, increase awareness about your brand or a social cause, subscription etc. Twitter helps you to achieve everything what you desire, provided you follow a thought-out Twitter strategy. Random tweets here and there are harmful for your brand & your customers are unlikely to take you seriously. To sustain your Twitter image for a long time, you need to work consistently towards it. There are a number of simple techniques that simplify your Twitter agenda. This article will highlight the ten most common techniques used by businesses to drive more clicks. 1. Offer something compelling Users get curious if a brand offers them something unique. The tweet does not have to mention the details of the reward. Phrases like participate to win, click here for your gift, goodie inside etc. are some tactics used by brands to generate clicks. Users come across hundreds of tweets on a daily basis. Once you start offering something interesting periodically, users will start keeping a track of your tweets. Keep your offers timely. A timely offer is the one that is well-suited and moves ahead of your competitors. If you are planning to offer something entirely different, create excitement around it. 2. Use image and videos The option of posting images and video links has been available for a long time. The problem with it was that users had to click the link to see the image or the video behind. The click-through rates were less as it depended on whether the user is driven by the short description to click on the link; but last year, with the introduction of inline image with Buffer’s browser extension, Twitter users are capable of seeing the image with the tweet itself. This has greatly influenced brand engagement by increasing click-through rates and retweets. A link to your store or website can be embedded in the image to increase the respective visits. Likewise, you can also use videos to drive more clicks. 3. Create a sense of urgency The best thing about tweets is they are short and function in real-time. A short message can be used to show a sense of urgency. So, when you are tweeting something to get instant clicks, mention the validity of your offer. If you are offering a special discount for first 10 buyers, mention it explicitly to thrill the audience. If your offer is valid for a day only, tell your followers not to miss it and share the link of your store. Besides that, you can also use Twitter for urgent public causes like blood donation, organ donation and other similar causes. Tying up with a hospital to spread the message through your tweet will help your brand build a strong image. 4. Engaging people with well-written tweets Tweets have to be informative and need to relate with target audience. Try to figure out what your followers want. Would they be interested in retweeting? Use witty one-liners to draw more attention. The tone of your business needs to match with customers’ expectations. There is no room for making a marketing pitch with your tweets. Your tweets need to sound like a regular conversation with your customers and not be very formal. Be receptive to both positive and negative feedback. Reply to all your feedbacks by using a personal “@” symbol to express a genuine regard and consideration for their valuable feedback. 5. Using viral words and phrases You would always want your tweet to be original and resonate with your brand’s voice unless you are quoting someone; and if you incorporate viral words that instantly grab viewers’ attention, you will definitely get retweets. It is astonishing to note that 78% of user engagement with a brand’s tweets is the form of retweets. Using words like here, like, see, look etc. attract readers’ attention and phrases like click here, know more, make you, amaze you, the best, the most etc. are all used frequently to engage their attention & get clicks. Use of “how to” phrase to educate or teach a skill is another interesting way to engage your Twitter followers. 6. Powerful hashtags Hashtags are an interesting way to generate clicks from Twitter. They act as powerful motivators for consumers to explore more content. Big events and brands use their own hashtags to begin their campaigns; and they do turn out to be successful, provided they are created with a strategy in mind. If you are tweeting about a social cause, find the most relevant hashtag being used for that cause. You can tie your hashtag with a contest as well. It can be a hashtag with an actionable language. Don’t try to use your brand or product hashtag until you have a huge list of followers as it will reflect your desperation to start your own movement. Look for viral hashtags around your idea. 7. Optimum length of a tweet Twitter provides you a space of 140 characters for writing your twee; but it is observed that using every single space to express an idea does not increase engagement. The best length for tweeting is 70-100 characters. These medium length tweets add a lot of value to your tweets, especially, if you are tweeting frequently. The probability of retweet increases and the readers are likely to add commentary to your tweet. Thus, it is generating more clicks. Furthermore, short and crisp tweets take less time to read & have an instant impact on the reader. 8. Are you tweeting at the right frequency? Higher frequency does get a higher exposure but your tweeting frequency, actually, needs to depend upon the content of your tweets. As a business user, if you are publishing 10 tweets a day, it is considered to be reasonable. Followers do like to hear you when you are sharing interesting content with them. A combination of tweets,

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Social Media Plans That Retailers Might Use This Holiday Season

For any retailer, holiday session is one of the most important times when they maximize their sales. Usually, holidays are associated with festivals and the custom of buying gifts during the festivals is something that triggers their sales. People also love to pamper themselves by buying gifts for their own. Thus, an effective digital marketing strategy during this time can boost sales for a retailer. Go aggressive on Social: Having presence in social profiles is mandatory as part of modern marketing strategy. It helps to stay connected with your buyer everyday and thus, helping in Top of Mind Recall. During holidays, you may roll out special offers in terms of discounts and free gifts, which can provide a strong reason to visit your store. Promote the products with images and a strong message along with the offers. Facebook allows paid promotion of posts. So, you can spend few dollars to boost the post and reach out to a larger audience beyond your Facebook fan base. Run Contests: One of the best ways to engage people is by running contests. Don’t make the contest too tough, else you will not get good number of participants. The objective is not to test the knowledge of users but to encourage them to participate so that the desired engagement happens. This will help you to collect the email ids of the participants which can be used for Email Marketing at a later stage. SMS Marketing: Sending SMS with offers is a new trend. If you have a large data base of mobile numbers, then use it in SMS Marketing. You can send a promo code through SMS showing which a customer can get extra discount. Trust me it works. Targeting Existing Customers: Targeting existing customers can give you good amount of repeat business. Engage them on Facebook and Twitter. Announce an award for Customer of the Week. These recognitions become viral very easily and give huge publicity. Video Marketing: Either shoot a video or create an animated video on your store and products. Develop an interesting storyline with a strong message to the society and publish on sites like YouTube, Vimeo etc. These videos can be shared on other social platforms like Facebook and Twitter, which helps in making the content viral. More people share the video, more importance the content gets. If you can attach the emotion of the festival with the content, then the video becomes more relevant and hence, you get more value out of it. Setup an e-store If you don’t have an e-store yet, then it’s time to build one. E–commerce market is booming and you can target buyers outside your geography, if you have the right delivery logistics. Successful social campaigns for an e-store also indulge in impulsive buying. During holidays, you can run special offers with promo codes and offer lucrative discounts. Lots of people prefer to shop online. So, why miss them? Don’t neglect the power of Pinterest/Instagram Facebook influences 30% of American women when deciding what professional clothing to buy while Pinterest influences 22%, according to a joint study by Netbase and Edison Research. When it comes to clothing for a special occasion, Pinterest influences 28% of American women and Instagram influences 17%. (Source: As you know a picture speaks a thousand words, proper content marketing with beautiful product images in Pinterest and Instagram can help you to gain customers in festive season. All of the above are some small ideas you can work upon to create a big impact. A right cocktail of all can help you to achieve more footfalls and hence, more sales.   This article is part of the employee experience sharing & content contribution initiative for Indus Net Technologies’ Blog site. Content Credit: Santanu Mukherjee – Senior Manager – Operations (Digital Marketing)    

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e-Government to Social Government: South Korean Government’s Twitter Usage

With each passing year, we see more Governments across the world adopting social media and related services to reach out to their citizens. Though e-governance has been in place for many years and we have constantly striven to provide the best of e-governance packages, one must note the importance of social media too, when it comes to Government services. While e-governance has made it easy for Governments across the world to deliver services across social classes, social governance has allowed Governments to be more transparent and efficient. In fact, most political parties which abide by the rules of democracies already have some activity on their Facebook, Twitter and other social media accounts. This helps citizens to track what the Governments say and what they do later on. In effect, social governance makes it easier to keep Governments and individuals accountable for their words and actions. That being said, Governments have much to gain from social governance. In this article, we shall discuss a research study conducted in South Korea, which analyzed the effects of Twitter usage among various Government and citizen entities. Before we discuss the study, let us try and understand a few terms that are discussed in the research paper. E-governance: When a Government uses information and communication technology to deliver Government services and when it uses IT to integrate, communicate and deliver various services & functions to citizens, businesses and Government entities, we refer to them as e-governance. It also includes back office operations within governmental entities too. G2C (Government to Citizens): This refers to all sorts of communication, service delivery and integration of various channels that pertain to the citizens of a particular region over which a Government has jurisdiction. G2B (Government to Business): This refers to all sorts of services, communication and integration of functions related to businesses. G2G (Government to Government): This refers to all sorts of communication between various Government entities, within and without. It could be services and communication rendered between various departments of a Government and within those departments as well. G2E (Government to Employees): G2E refers to all the communication, services and exchange of information that takes place with the help of information technology when it comes to Governments and their employees. This form of e-governance acts as electronic wing of Government human resource departments. The above terminology can be directly applied within the realm of social governance as well. Social governance refers to using social media to reach out to citizens, businesses, employees and Governments themselves. When South Korean Government’s Twitter usage was analyzed G. F. Khan, H. Y. Yoon, J. Kim and H. W. Park published a paper titled “From e-government to social government: Twitter use by Korea’s central government” in the Online Information Review, a journal that publishes research articles about the Internet and the ways people use it. The research, which was made possible by the National Research Foundation of Korea Grant studied how Twitter was used in South Korea, especially, by its Government. The study was funded by Korea’s Government and it provides us with some very valuable information. The paper concluded that though the South Korean Government’s direct networking strategy targeting its citizens did not necessarily motivate them to participate in the Government’s Twitter activities, it played an instrumental and important role in “reinforcing G2G relationships”. A hierarchical and socially conservative society engages less with Governments The conclusion highlights a very important aspect of social governance in countries like South Korea, which tend to be very capitalist in nature, yet socially conservative. In South Korea, hierarchy is valued and it is not usually questioned, unlike in Europe or North America. It is possible that citizens did not attempt to question or engage in conversations with whoever was tweeting from Government Twitter accounts. They probably just took the Twitter feed for granted, soaking in all the information and also using it. The researchers probably missed this point. Were the results colored by the choice of the social network, that is Twitter? It is quite possible that the research bias tended to ignore the importance of passive social media consumption, which is very much prevalent on Twitter than on Facebook. Most people tend to use Twitter as a broadcasting service, reading all the tweets and not responding to it directly. They know what is being said and who is saying it but they do not reply or retweet. Passive usage of Twitter sets it apart from Facebook, where people tend to be more vocal, though it is of course, more of a closed garden, when compared with Twitter. This study highlights the importance of social media within various departments of Governments. The study concludes that Twitter in South Korea, plays an important role in reinforcing G2G relationships. What could this mean? It means that using Twitter in G2G communication helps in transparency, communication and exchange of information within various entities of a Government. This could be from a top-down model or vice versa. As government employees tend to be more vocal about their communication with other government entities, the study probably revealed that G2G communication is more enhanced than G2C communication. What was the methodology of the study? G. F. Khan, H. Y. Yoon, J. Kim and H. W. Park (2014) extracted tweets, follower/following relationships and hyperlinks for 32 ministries of the South Korean Government. It investigated the broad-spectrum nature of South Korean central Government’s social governance strategies by classifying all the Twitter-based communication based on content. By applying descriptive statistical analysis and social network analysis that were able to map South Korean Government’s Twitter activity. Network properties, co-link analysis and reciprocity of relationships were part of the study tools. While South Korean Government is not an example of governance across the world, when it comes to other democratic societies like India, U.S., Canada or countries in Europe, Twitter can play a very important role not just in helping various ministries communicate with each other but also in encouraging public social dialogues between people and Governments. In

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When Turkey Banned Twitter and All Hell Broke Lose

Last month, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan banned Twitter and vowed to “wipe out Twitter”; and he did for 2 weeks. The country’s Constitutional Court ruled the ban illegal saying that it infringed upon freedom of expression. The court did not stop at that. It also said that the ban was “illegal, arbitrary and a serious restriction on the right to obtain information”. The last part of the ruling, which states that Twitter is fundamental for Turkish people’s right to obtain information, speaks much about Twitter and its importance when it comes to today’s world. Important publications like BBC News online, The Guardian and The New York Times have all run stories about the saga. Banning Twitter shows that it is very important When authoritarian rulers and dictators are scared of a tool, it speaks volumes about its importance. Telephones were widely tapped in East Germany and Soviet Russia. The Stasi of East Germany listened to telephone conversations of normal folk (not in way NSA collects metadata, but in a way far more invasive). Telephones scared them. Their fear spoke of the importance that telephones had as tools of communication. Similarly, when satellite television is banned in certain countries, it reveals the importance of television as a tool to change people’s opinions and provide them with new knowledge. Today, Twitter seems to be that tool which gives authoritarian leaders and dictators sleepless nights. It allows people to instantly broadcast what is happening, contact people across the world and that too, contact people with influence. If there were ever a truly democratic tool, it had to be Twitter. It lets anybody contact anyone else who is on it, as long as they are literate. In countries like Turkey, where literacy is not as big an issue as it is probably in Afghanistan, Twitter certainly seems like a threat to authoritarian regimes; and when the Constitutional Court lifted the ban, it again spoke volumes about the importance of Twitter in our society. Google’s YouTube has helped sustain democracy too Though Erdogan won local elections and it seemed like a period of victory for him, the Twitter case proved to be a bit too much for him. Google too has appealed to the Constitutional Court so that its YouTube service can be restored in Turkey. YouTube has often been banned in many countries too as it allows people to post videos that might not be pleasant for the ruling groups. It has often been accused of inciting people to protest. On the other hand, YouTube is yet another social networking tool that has helped millions to learn truths that have been hidden away by way of censorship. Banning tools like Twitter in democratic countries foments resentment and anger In a country where democracy and freedom of speech is respected, tools like Twitter cannot be banned or restricted. It will backfire and that too, very badly. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not initially care about the outburst within and outside Turkey. His political support comes from the working classes of Turkey who do not use the social networking site much. Erdogan knew that his votes came from people who probably never got online, leave alone Twitter. Yet, the venerable Turkish court ruled the ban illegal and brought an end to the 2 week ban. However, YouTube continues to be banned and Erdogan continues to restrict the freedom of Internet users and has tried to block websites that cast him in poor light. The damage seems to be done by now are Turkish people who never used Twitter have begun to register en masse and have begun to criticize the single-handedness with which it was banned. That change of mind occured even among the conservatives when the Constitutional Court ruled the action illegal. Turkish intellectuals, activists and common people now have an uphill battle to fight against Internet censorship and arbitrary banning of websites like YouTube (it is still banned) ahead of them. The fact that the constitutional court ruled in favor of Twitter shows that it is neutral in nature, respects freedom of speech and information and is not biased by political motives. Surely, YouTube’s ban will be removed too, though it might take a little while. Twitter’s place in democracy Twitter, as we all know, is a social broadcasting tool that lets people share text, media and links in just 140 characters. It can be used from the browsers on your computer and mobile devices, Twitter applications on mobile devices and also through text messaging. In short, anyone with or without an internet connection can use Twitter as long as they have a device connected to the Internet or just a cell phone without a data plan. Whatever we call Twitter and whatever role we assign to it, its importance in our societies cannot be understated. More than Facebook or LinkedIn, Twitter has the ability to let people connect, no matter whether they know each other or they are complete strangers. With respect to broadcasting being available to common people, Twitter is the closest that we can get to. Not surprisingly, marketers and managers and SMEs have understood the power of Twitter in terms of connecting with people. Billions of people across the world could possibly use Twitter, if they wanted to; and they do. When revolutions took place across the Middle East, people used Twitter to connect with each other. Some governments were repressive enough to ban it entirely and some, like Turkey, followed legal and constitutional obligations and reversed the bans. Twitter has also helped people in times of disasters. Each one of us can remember searching through Twitter feeds furiously when a tremor struck nearby. Grabbing one’s cell phone, we probably ran downstairs and assembled in the garden nearby and found out that though the neighborhood was still sleeping, though no news channel had yet reported those earthquake jolts, people on Twitter were already talking about it. Twitter proved that you weren’t hallucinating an earthquake. It really

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Understanding the Cult of Infinite Scrolling

Infinite scrolling is attractive to some and burdensome to others. It has stayed long in people’s minds. In fact, it has reached a cult-like status among web designers. Twitter, newsfeeds of social networks, certain websites that are image-based, and a host of other websites employ infinite-scrolling. However, one needs to stop and ask ourselves: is infinite scrolling really the way to go forward? The prevalence of infinite scrolling in social media The birth of social media saw an over-dependency on infinite scrolling in a bid to handle the ever-burgeoning user-generated content. Social media would never have been the same if it was not for the gift of infinite scrolling from web designers to the then internet-savvy people. Web designers use a lot of cues from these yesteryears even now. A lot of pages from the social media circles have now loosened the load on themselves because of over-dependency on infinite scrolling and are exploring other alternatives to handle the overload of information on their sites- infinite scrolling looks like its outdated. You should comprehend the large volume of information generated here to get a feel of the predicament of the people in social media. This exploration of alternatives may take long but it is a welcome step. How have popular websites limited the use of infinite scrolling? Here are a few steps these social media giants have taken to get a grip on their sites and do away with infinite scrolling. Let us look into that. 1. Facebook Facebook caters to people in the millions- 450 million and counting, to be exact. An average user glued to Facebook, which is often the case, can generate a huge volume of information from his likes, statuses, photos or videos. And this avalanche of information can put to shame the widely catalogued information in many of the world’s libraries. To curb this over-dependency on infinite scrolling and explore other options, Facebook has adopted a whole new breed of strategies. One of them is the categorization of the news feed wherein the posts of its many users are grouped into top stories, most recent stories and the like. Top stories direct the users to the gossip about the friends whom the user has been in constant touch with and thus considers their company worthwhile. It should be noted that many users on Facebook do not meet the whole of their friends in their list personally and are total strangers to them. This categorization can solve a lot of problems infinite scrolling resolves and can be a good alternative. Most recent stories are carefully picked by Facebook through an algorithm that decides what the users are best interested in and the posts that are very fresh. This is better than the stale news which some users detest. Facebook also reserves some other good features such as the option to view older stories. These stories are the ones that the users have very likely missed and can be important to them. These are the ones such as important events like a wedding, a birthday or anything else. These photos and albums make sure that nothing is missed or else the user could land in a soup concerning his friends. Another important feature that Facebook has come up with is giving its users the liberty to subscribe to their most important friends’ news feeds. A click of the button ensures that everything that their friend posts does not miss their attention. This optimization to the infinite scrolling system can allay fears of the users being in the dark regarding their friends’ antics. Facebook has greatly improved with the recent hacking fiasco that it had fallen victim to. Needless to say, Facebook can come up with a great substitute to infinite scrolling in a few years. This innovation by Facebook can make many heads turn. 2. Twitter To lessen the load on its website, Twitter limits the characters in its tweets to 160 and once the tweets are full to the brim it is never shy to admit that its network is busy and congested. It notifies the user that the tweets are full to its capacity and the social network is up and running after a few minutes. Twitter also prompts an average user to group their tweets into hash tags. Once a user searches for a piece of information via a tag it magically appears and is thoroughly grouped. This information is streamlined. Prompting the user to group his own tweets is a good idea to counter heavily relying on infinite scrolling. Also, the mobile version of Twitter makes an attempt to put the user at ease by the introduction of a useful button that asks the user whether he wants to go back to the top after he has scrolled to the near bottom of the page. This is kind of useful because many users are not aware of the usefulness of the ‘Home’ and ‘End’ buttons on their keyboard. Hence they find it very difficult to navigate the page. Twitter’s infinite-scrolling has worked in its favor, though. What should web designers be watchful about infinite scrolling? Here are some of the users’ habits that make a web designer to watch their step when they plan to tread into the ambit of infinite scrolling: 1. Users want access only to exclusive data The users of the website in question here do not want a deluge of information flooded to their monitors but welcome the thought of having a lot of this on their fingertips. They should be allowed to explore many of the information at their whim while the most important piece of data that they have come searching for should be at their hand’s reach. Thus a website designed with a readily available content can be termed usable by its users. 2. Users want to keep themselves posted Imagine the plight of the users when they do not know the volume of data that is remaining to be displayed and they have to

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