Category: Social Networking

How to Turn Negative Online Reviews into Positive Customer Experiences

Businesses grapple with negative reviews every so often, that they are often left wondering how to effectively manage them. Those working in the digital marketing field will agree that negative reviews can actually help grow businesses, provide valuable insights into customer behavior, create new opportunities to build relationships, and improve brand reputation. Before you begin to clench your teeth at the very mention of “negative review”, try to put your worries to rest and learn how to turn negative online reviews into positive customer experiences. 1. Acknowledge the reviewer If there is anything that is more hurtful than feeling you’ve been wronged, it is not being acknowledged when you voice your concerns. When a customer leaves a negative review, it’s disrespectful and borderline-callous to simply ignore it. The first step one needs to take is to acknowledge the reviewer and their review. Merely knowing that you’ve been acknowledged feels like a balm to an aching muscle, and that can have deep implications to the positive customer experience you create. 2. Admit to the lapse, if any Once you acknowledge the reviewer respectfully, admit to the lapse, if there is any. Consider the customer’s perspective, and try to walk in the reviewer’s shoes. What may seem like a minor lapse to you may be a huge deal for them and not acknowledging to the lapse that has occurred could be a bigger mistake than the one that has already occurred. If you feel you have been unfairly targeted, deliberate on why the customer might have chosen to make an effort to go ahead and type a review, negative or not. Most likely, there probably was a lapse that missed your attention. 3. Offer your side of the story If there is a genuine reason for the lapse, explain your situation and narrate what actually went wrong. Owning up to one’s mistakes elevates one’s position in the eyes of the customer, rather than the contrary. However, make sure that your explanation does not come across as an excuse, as that diminishes your image. When you own up to the shortcoming, your customer will feel like they have been heard, and that has been given the importance they deserve to be. 4. Ask how you can make up for the oversight Ask the customer what you can do to make up for the lapse that took place, and provides the reviewer with a few options to make them feel better. Being given options to undo the damage that’s been done is a great way to create a positive customer experience. If you start doing this often, you will begin to see a pattern in the kind of fixes that customers want, and you can straight away offer these fixes to make your customers happy when they write negative reviews. For example, if you are an eCommerce business and have noticed that people repeatedly ask for shipping fee waivers when deliveries have been delayed, you can simply offer that as the default fix for shipping delays. 5. Explain the root cause, if any This is not always possible but if you think there is a root cause to the problem that occurred, thank the customer for providing an opportunity to recognize its existence. Explain the circumstances under which the root cause of the problem has festered, and what action you plan to take to address it. Doing this makes your customer feel more confident about your business in general, and future customers who read your response to the negative review will appreciate your genuine approach towards doing business. 6. State the action you plan to take Whether there was a root cause to the issue the customer stated, or it is a one-time lapse, make sure that you describe what action you will be taking to rectify the problem. Being as explicit as possible about your action plan imbibes a sense of honesty and dedication, and helps you gain respect from customers. Being vague or uttering cliches such as “we will do everything to fix the issue” can further infuriate an already irate customer. 7. Ask the reviewer how you can fix the issue If you are unable to decide how you are going to fix an issue, ask the customer themselves what you can do to fix the issue. Most of the times, customers may simply acknowledge that they have been heard, and that’s more than enough for them, as mistakes are committed by everyone. Sometimes, customers may ask for minor favors, and very rarely, they may try to take advantage of you. However, that will not look bad on you. 8. Display proactiveness and empathy Displaying empathy, or a genuine concern for the situation the customer finds themselves in, is more valuable than anything you will ever do to build positive customer experiences. Alongside empathy, you will also need to be proactive about fixing issues, making amends, and improve customer experiences. Most research studies point towards empathy and proactive behaviors enhancing customer experiences. Your priority should be to build positive customer experiences, regardless of reviews In short, regardless of the kind of online review you receive, your focus should be on building positive customer experiences. Begin to acknowledge the reviewer and their experiences, and work towards admitting to the lapses that might have occurred. Offer a genuine explanation, without it seeming like an excuse, and find out how you can fix the issue. Describe your situation, and explain how you will fix the problem, and ask the reviewer if there is anything else you can do to make up for their bad experiences. Underneath it all, ensure that you display empathy and proactiveness at all times.

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If Facebook Is Biased, Can We Trust Social Media At All?

A few months ago, there was an uproar across the world when it was revealed that Facebook’s trending topics had a liberal slant. Former employees of Facebook admitted that sometimes they consciously suppressed conservative topics and ideas. This led to a backlash and an inquiry, for which Facebook responded by saying that most of the trends were neutral because they were chosen by an algorithm. That is quite true and we could possibly believe that. Facebook’s ad business runs on algorithms and it does not stand to benefit anything from suppressing topics or ideas from various political entities. On the other hand, questions need to be raised about algorithms themselves, and their place in our society. Algorithms are increasingly influencing what we read, what music we listen to, and how we choose things that we want to buy. In fact, more than the companies, it is the algorithms that they develop, which have control over suppressing or releasing information or trends. It is not possible to say whether they are developed to be biased or not. In fact, the chances are very high that an algorithm can have an in-built bias. On the other hand, algorithms are designed by programmers who do not understand the ramifications of what the algorithms will do. In other words, the real bias arises from the viewer or user, who sees what is displayed by the algorithm, and how he or she chooses to see it. [php snippet=1] What an algorithm does? When you listen to Apple Music, you might have noticed how it fetches certain genres of music, based on what you listened. Similarly, Facebook ads are shown depending on what you might have liked or said on Facebook. Facebook Trends on the other hand, depend on your location, and also on the algorithm which might see what’s worthy of being shown. It has been taught to deliver content that might be viral, argument-provoking, catchy and entertaining. This does not mean news and analysis that is not catchy or viral is not important. Here lies the problem with algorithms and all the artificial intelligence as we know them today. While inherently an algorithm is not biased, the way a programmer develops it may make it bring biased results. This is clearly the case with Facebook Trends. Coders and algorithms aren’t the problem Do we blame the developers of Facebook Trends then? Not at all. They only write codes. What we need to understand is, algorithms are not biased, and social media is not inherently flawed. What is flawed is the way we approach social media. Choosing other sources of information is also a good thing to do. If not that, one can always take the information we find on the internet with a pinch of salt. At least, it is not clear that Facebook isn’t biased, and we do not have to start distrusting social media. We just need to understand that certain qualities of content will likely be picked up by algorithms. Our constant endeavor must be to search for these qualities and use them while publishing content.

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Facebook Updates Pages with Shopping and Service Sections

Facebook has done it again. This time it has made much easier for brands to display their products and services on their Facebook Page.  Facebook has introduced two new sections – “Shopping and Services” to make your Facebook Page more complete than ever. Businesses can not only feature their merchandise directly on Facebook but also can offer their services. “Shopping and Service” On Facebook Page This is indeed a great opportunity for businesses to transform their Facebook Pages into online shop, inviting and engaging more target audiences’. Market experts predict that these sections will be a super-hit in an instant. “Shopping” will allow users to convert into customers on the page and assures a bump in ROI and an increase in sales. While the “Services” section is set to allow brands to showcase exactly what they can do for prospective clients and customers. When brands can highlight their credentials and detail of what they offers, lead generation from an active Facebook community are set to amplify drastically. Facebook Partnered with Shopify The company has already partnered with eCommerce service Shopify, to help merchants who use Shopify’s service to sell their products directly in the ‘Shop’ section on Facebook Page.  Clicks on the products will take the users either to the Store’s website or let them check out directly on Facebook. The transaction tracking and payment processing will be managed by Shopify. This is one of the ways Facebook is making itself into a kind of online mall. “Our goal is to make it easy to sell products where the customers are,” says Shopify’s director of product, Satish Kanwar, “and increasingly that’s on mobile.” Some More Updates The company is also allowing Page administrators more control over how they interact with their target audience through Facebook. Besides, the administrators can also respond to the common questions through a “Saved reply” option while the “Reply Privately” feature allows them to make private replies to public comments. The company says, these new sections and more call-to-action options will make Facebook the ultimate place to shop online and survey for services.  Company’s Mission Facebook emphasized that no matter if you’re a non-profit organization, a cake shop or a big brand, your Facebook Page should hold the relevant information people are looking for. It believes that certainly this will enable better communication with the customers and support business goals. The updates are meant to customize companies’ Facebook presence based on the type of businesses they are in. For Facebook, shopping is just another thing you do in the real world. Facebook doesn’t just want to be your friend. It wishes to become your world.

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Google’s Shopping Ads on YouTube Now

As we all know how Product Listing Ads (PLA) is a success for Google. It immensely helps online retailers to create unique ads for each product they want to sell. By showcasing relevant ads for a given search, PLA allows businesses to experience higher click-through rates. Pleased with PLA’s striking performance, Google wanted to expand its features further on YouTube platform. Recently, it announced an integration of its Product Listing Ads and YouTube videos in a feature called TrueView for shopping. TrueView for video advertising is an excellent avenue for online merchants and advertisers to grab the attention of the audience that YouTube sees every day. The ads are powered by integration with Google Merchant Centre. YouTube will not be facilitating the transactions. Rather the platform will send the interested users to the third-party sites to buy goods that are relevant to the videos. How Does TrueView for Shopping Work? With Google Merchant Center allowing advertisers to connect their products to the in-stream videos, it is encouraging more interactivity and accurate accounting of audience engagement for brands. These ads are delivered on the YouTube cards, and click on the product ads take the users straight to the merchant’s website. Cards won’t automatically appear when a card-enabled TrueView ad plays. AdWords will ensure that most of the relevant products are presented to the viewers during the time they watch videos. The ads are customized for viewers using signals like demographic details and geographical targeting. Brands can dynamically connect their campaigns to their Merchant Centre Feeds and accordingly select the products that they wish to showcase to the viewers, thus, resulting in increased click-through rates and conversions. Merchants can also add inventory data to Google’s pay-to-play shopping service and enable Google to collect and catalog brands’ product listing to populate the TrueView cards. Does it function across all Devices? With the majority of YouTube views coming from mobile devices, these ad units will seamlessly work across all smart devices. How Does the New Shopping Avenue benefit the Marketers? Marketers can take full control over the ads that appear alongside their videos right with the images, call-to-actions and other details. They can show the right ads at the right time irrespective of whether it’s a review video of a product or an instructional video on how to use a product. This is indeed encouraging for the viewers to click in order to buy products instantly. Besides, retailer’s previous targeted products and demographic details can be used for video content by using TrueView for shopping on YouTube. They can use these ads to remarket to people who may have checked out a product on a brand’s site without checking out. However, if one thinks that they’ll still have to go to the advertiser’s site to make a purchase, both Google and YouTube have plans for them as well – the new ad format makes the path to shopping shorter. Merchants can reach millions of users besides the already existing desktop and mobile PLA’s. When Ben Young, media manager of TV and online video for home goods retailer Wayfair, analyzed the shoppable TrueView ad against a standard TrueView ad, he stated that with both the campaigns targeting the same group of audience, the shoppable TrueView bought three times more revenue than the standard one. Google shopping seems to keep growing and evolving over the years.        

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How to Leverage Social Media for eCommerce Marketing

There is a lot of noise about using social media for eCommerce marketing. If you don’t have a digital marketing strategy, you can consider yourself a little outdated, to say the least. You might have a website and a blog but that doesn’t mean that just your online presence is enough. You will need to start spending time on social media and discover how you can optimize your digital marketing plan with the help of social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. However, do not forget that social media is just a platform and not something that will sell your products magically. Everyone is eager to monetize social media but the important thing to evaluate is to see how it is going to benefit you. Statistics show that only 12% of the companies feel that their social media strategy is working out for them. As Cyriac Roeding, CEO of ShopKick, a social commerce app, said, “Don’t mistake social as the core of the shopping experience. Social is a means to make shopping better, not vice-versa.” You can connect to a large audience and market your product to them. Social media also helps in finding out whether your customers are satisfied with you or not. It also acts as a monitor to show you who is talking about your product, whether they like your product and what are they talking about it. All these provide you with a heads up about where you stand in the market. You need to understand that your objective is to sell. So, use the media to attain that. Also, social media can add to your business other than direct sales. You can use Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as an extension of customer service or to build brand awareness, this can be a place where you can improve customer engagement & gain insight into your customers’ interests. All these contribute in increasing overall sales. Finally, making your social media strategy a success requires time and unwavering commitment. Follow the given instructions to leverage social media for e-commerce marketing. 1. Involve your audience Your website needs to be designed in such a way that it aims at enhancing customer friendliness. Add social media into all aspects of your e-commerce website. Give your customers the option of using an existing profile to log in. By doing so, you can avoid unnecessary steps that require a user to create an account or register. Make sure your home page, product pages and other pages also have easy sharing buttons. The power that a simple share button has can’t be undervalued. New customer would want opinions of the veterans in the business, rather than the companies blowing their own trumpet. Involving your audience can give you an edge over others. 2. Don’t oversell Many businesses who fail to engage their audience on social media commit to self-serving. Talking about new products or sales is great but you need to know where to draw the line.  Try to engage your audience with the company itself and not just buying or selling. You can do this in multiple ways by resorting to contests, quizzes and tips. Make the questions interesting enough to generate discussions. Try to keep promotional posts only up to 20% and the rest needs to be what the audience connects to. It could range from current news to popular TV shows that have link to business. However, make sure that all your conversations are related to the kind of products that you sell on your e-commerce website. 3. Visual creativity Visuals attract crowd better than words and there is absolutely no doubt about it. You can use this for your gain. A collective of all social media platforms, photographs are the most shared. Photo sites such as Instagram and Pinterest can be the perfect platform to showcase your company with a creative streak. You can choose a wide range of things to post like photos, cartoons, caricatures and even a small text message in a quirky font and an attractive background to catch the eyes of your audience. Philosophical quotes and motivational messages never grow out of fashion. Build a relationship with your customer that is interesting and fun. Last but not the least, use visual creativity to showcase all your products from their most flattering angle. 4. Scope for improvement Social media is the best place to know where you went wrong or what else you could have done due to the immense information available about your performance. You can measure your activity and learn about social media marketing & the important nuances like the best time to post, the trending topics, which products are popular, who is doing what to promote their brand. Combine all of this knowledge and monitor your own performance to create a power-packed e-commerce publicity campaign. The trick is to never stop experimenting or never stick to one particular strategy. Experiment with your strategies to keep your audience engaged to your company. 5. The third wheel content Like mentioned earlier, you don’t have to limit your posts to e-commerce topics. You can use other interesting matters relating to your business. Likewise, you can share content from other websites that are related to your business but with due credits to them. Even if you curate content from other sites by sharing, try to add a creative description along with the shared content to captivate your audience. For example, if you are a telecommunication brand, and you come across some interesting things related to telecom sector, share it on your web page. But don’t forget to mention and give credits to the source, you got the information from. 6. Crack a sweet deal The secret code to successful e-commerce marketing is to make your audience feel special. Focus on showing what you can offer rather than making them purchase. Talk about attractive deals and exclusive offers to show how special they are. You don’t have to make grand utopian gestures; a simple “thank you” for their purchase will work wonders.

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LinkedIn Pulse Posts Bring More Eyeballs to Your Content

Every writer would agree to the fact that one of the toughest parts of blogging is actually to build the right audience. However, getting it published, generating interests and leads and the social media activities are something that most of the bloggers struggle with.  The content that you consider to be the best ever written can go unread and unshared simply because it is not reaching the right audience. All you need is more eyeballs on your content. Social media networks are helping you to accomplish your goal with its never-ending contributions. One such contribution is seen from LinkedIn publishing platform through its LinkedIn Pulse, a news application allowing LinkedIn members to create and share content written by various influencers across different industries. Members can get access to the valuable content, displayed in a photo-based grid. Besides, it also allows the members to tailor their news feed by selecting the sources and subjects that interest them the most. Unlike LinkedIn Today, that made readers leave the LinkedIn website to consume more content, Pulse encourages readers to reside on LinkedIn by producing unique and genuine content. How Does Marketing with Pulse Bring in More Traffic? The marketing potential of Pulse is untapped by the majority of marketers. However, it’s time to try this new publishing platform to connect with the right audience at the right time. Without a shadow of doubt, you’ve enough compelling reasons to explore this interesting destination… Enhanced Brand Awareness and Reputation With its ability to deliver great articles from top influencers and publishers, LinkedIn Pulse is more efficient in attracting audience’s attention. The more you publish your article, the more you’re increasing your brand reputation as an expert. One article that can take a long time to get views on your website’s blog can easily get thousands of views through this application. If your posts get featured more often, LinkedIn can even label you as an influencer. More Number of Viewers, More Potential Leads If your articles are really interesting and deliver value to your readers, the views can possibly mean having hundreds of likes, shares and new followers right on your company page. This definitely ensures the possibility of potentially new leads and clients. Besides, the notification that followers receive when you post content, your posts also show up directly on the followers’ feeds and increase your content visibility further. Add Link Back and Get More Traffic Once you add links back to your website, your LinkedIn Pulse posts drive traffic and click-throughs directly to your site. Here are different ways to add links back: Link Back with Banner and Image Pulse allows you to add images and link them to your post. Most importantly, Pulse posts have little to no distractions as it does not contain any advertisement and the focus is mainly on your content. Link Back to a Valuable Resource As you link to other valuable posts on your blog, do the same by linking a relevant and useful resource on your website. Simply link back to a post or two on your site that adds value for the readers. Link Back to Squeeze Page Link to a page that encourages visitors to share their email addresses in exchange of something, which is of value to them and start building your list of leads. Now, the traffic that you get to your site tends to be of high quality, as expected. Pulse Articles are Search-Engine Friendly LinkedIn is a highly trafficked website. This means Google is more likely to index the Pulse content and put in Google search result than the content you put on your personal blog. This augments your search engine visibility and also steers the readers towards your other social accounts and posts, which are displayed under the photo at the top of your profile. You Network with the Best Influencers of Your Industry LinkedIn is all about networking. It’s the only platform that has the perfect mix of professional and social context. You get more mileage from your best article in Pulse. The entire platform is made to help you make connection by giving you access to the right influencers. However, those 300 million sets of eyeballs can even glaze over your post, if your content lacks a compelling and click-worthy headline. For that matter, your entire content has to be extremely engaging. The Best Practices for LinkedIn Pulse Article Publication You can effectively drive Pulse article engagement through the following practices: Choose your topic and its title wisely. Avoid covering too many topics in the long-form post and keep your writing focused. There are no limits on word count; the long-form posts can be more than three paragraphs. Add images, videos or presentations to your content. Place three relevant tags that represent the content of your post. Publish whenever you’ve something valuable to share with LinkedIn members. Keep your content authentic. Make your most valuable content published on LinkedIn and get your voice heard and your company seen by numerous potential clients.

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A New Addition in Instagram’s Creative Platform

With 300 million people using Instagram satisfactorily, it is time for the advertisers to experience the same on this powerful social media platform. Instagram has always been a creative platform for visual content for business. To add to this, Instagram in this week, announced the expansion of its new ad system for brands to tell their ‘deeper stories’. Although advertising on social networks is commonplace now, the trick of using this new Instagram ad platform is to ensure that the ads are well targeted. Also it offers enough visually appealing content to prompt positive engagement from users. The News in Town Seeing Instagram having a younger audience than any other social media platforms, brands saw an excellent response in terms of brand awareness and reach, especially, among the 18-34 age groups. Keeping this in mind, Instagram, the well known photo sharing social media site, has recently rolled out its carousal ad platform worldwide to help brands become more ingenious and reach their target audience with their ads. The ad format is designed to serve advertisers drive business results across variety of objectives – from website visit to brand awareness or offline sales. According to Instagram’s global head of business and brand development, James Quarles ‘the quality of ad experience remains a very important point of differentiation for us’. The new ad system will enable advertisers reach people on Instagram based on demographics and interests, as well as information businesses have about their customers. Besides, the platform will have feedback system within the network to allow people greater control and improve the relevancy of the ads they see. Instagram will increase the ad frequency up from 1-2 ads per user per day. Also the ads will soon be layered into Power Editor as well as available through partners. Control over Creativity With Instagram allowing ads on its platform, it has also offered advertisers more creative control over their assets. The Instagram users will have control over what advertising gets placed in areas they frequent. However, the call-to-action buttons will be beta tested before fully implementing it. The ads will look like regular Instagram post with only difference being the usual time stamp, which used to appear on a post will be replaced  by the word ‘sponsored’ marked above the top right corner of the photo, thereby, indicating to the users that they’re looking at a paid-for post. The Ad Platform to Empower Large and Small Businesses People want to connect with brands of all sizes on Instagram – from restaurants to their favourite local clothing store. Brands who have access to Instagram’s Sponsored posts are the ones who can incorporate ad content into the user’s Home Feeds as non-intrusively as possible. Instagram advertising will be available through an Instagram API and Facebook ad buying interface. With two million advertisers using Facebook to market their businesses, they can leverage the best of Facebook’s infrastructure for managing, purchasing and measuring the success of ads on Instagram.  The advertisers can link the ads to the external websites or app stores with button as ‘sign up’, ‘shop now’, ‘install now’ or ‘learn more’. This is, indeed, a golden opportunity for businesses to reach the right people through expanded targeting options. Not Anyone or Everyone can Advertise on Instagram It is not that any brand can pay to appear in the user’s Home feeds. Only brands with existing Instagram followers are chosen to advertise their posts. Advertisers of big brands including American Express, Starbucks, Stella Artois and Mercedes Benz are the first ones to get selected by Instagram to advertise on the platform. It aims at making any advertising look as natural as Instagram photos that are enjoyed by the followers from their favourite brands. Strategies to Use Advertisements on Instagram Instagram Giveaways Whether it’s a partnered or solo-branded giveaway, conducting giveaway is a popular option for businesses, especially, those who wants to invest for creating brand awareness on Instagram. To drive maximum awareness, host contests that require users to tag a friend in the post’s comment section. Even contests that require entrants to post photos or video on their personal Instagram profile and that tag the business or their contest Hashtag in their posts ideally get great exposures. Brand’s Instagram Account Takeover by Influencer When a brand invites a popular guest instagrammer who has a huge following to post on their account for a certain period of time, the process is called Instagram account takeover. This enables your business to get exposed to a unique group of followers and leads to an increase in followers, clicks and post likes on the bio’s URL. The influencer posts on their accounts whenever an Instagram takeover happens. This is done to let their followers know that they’re taking over a brand’s account. Pay the Influencers to Post for Your Brand In addition to hosting alluring giveaways, paying the influencers can do wonders. You’ll find that every time a paid influencer posts about your brand, there is a certain increase in the number of followers following your account. For instance, if you have fitness products, team up with fitness experts on Instagram and see the benefits. Business Partnership and Instagram If your business is planning for a partnership agreement with an influencer, it is always advantageous to include posting stipulations in your partnership contract. Both the partners can decide on a number of brand-related Instagram posts within a specific period of time. Also you may specify that influencer must use particular call-to-action and tag your brand’s Instagram account on their post’s copy. This would also help you to promote new products or promote your giveaways. A Great Go for the Followers It will be, indeed, exciting to see photo of Lebron’s newest sneakers in the Instagram feeds for those who’re following James, the NBA or any other sport-related account. Also, anyone searching for the nearest cafe on Facebook can have the advantage of seeing Starbuck photo in the Instagram feed provided the user have connected their Facebook account

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Twitter’s Tale of the Month – Introducing Group Direct Message and Mobile Video

Among Twitter’s numerous updates, the one that caught our attention is its recent launch of Group Direct Messages (DM) and Mobile Video to share more content, photos, videos, links, tweets and emoji. Twitter, now enables users to send direct messages to a group of up to 20 followers unlike before. Users do not need to follow one another to participate. What is so different with Group Direct Message? Group Direct Messages do not appear in the public timeline. The direct message has up to 20 participants. However, additional users can also be added to the conversation at any time and by any member of the group. It gives users the option for how and with whom they can communicate. Merchants can use group messaging via desktop as well as mobile devices. Online retailers can discuss their business activities in a private setting with a selected group of individuals. Group messaging can collaborate privately with other members of your business, social media team or workplace. How to create a Group Direct Message? You can start your direct messaging session by clicking on the ‘Messages’ tab. Once you click on the ‘New Message’ icon on the top of your screen or the speech bubble icon on your mobile, you can search for the names of the people you’d like to add. When users are added to a group message, they’ll get a notification informing them that they’re a part of a group direct message. In the address box, enter the name(s) or the @username(s) to whom you want to send a message. Now, click ‘next’, type the message and click on ‘send message’. When you’re initiating a group direct message to share a tweet or discuss something, you can begin chatting directly from your timeline on the web. Now select ‘Share via Direct Message’ after clicking the icon on the three dots at the bottom of any tweet. How Merchants can Utilize DM? Merchants follow four different ways to use Group DM. They can use group messaging to showcase new product and receive feedback or leap ideas off a select group of customers. By giving your loyal followers a glimpse of your upcoming services, you can receive valuable feedback. This is an excellent way to build strong relationships with the customers. Group DM can engage users with Hashtag chats without disrupting the public timeline. This is a popular form of Twitter engagement. For encouraging retweet, merchants can select a loyal group of Twitter-connected customers and share public tweets through Group DM. With Group DM, a long conversation can be continued without interrupting the public timeline. With Group DM, merchants can communicate with their followers more easily and swiftly. Group DM is a great way to help your followers find what exactly they’re looking for. Sharing messages with brand advocates can become more efficient if they’re done as a part of a group message. If you do not provide the product or service that they’re looking for, you can always refer them to the relevant service providers and in a way, engage them in 3-way conversation. What’s Next? Besides, Twitter has also introduced a video capture feature for the iOS and Android apps. It allows users to capture, edit and share videos up to 30 seconds directly from within the mobile app. They appear as thumbnails within your timeline that play when tapped on. Twitter video involves three stages: 1. Capture: You can hold down the record button to capture video content, if your message contains videos. 2. Edit: You can delete clips and rearrange others by utilizing a drag-n-drop process. You can hold the thumbnail image of the clip and drag it onto the main screen, if you have to remove the clip. A trash can icon will appear. 3. Share: Once the recording and editing of the video is done, it appears as an image in the posting area & is ready for sharing with the followers. How Does It Benefits the Online Merchants? You can always ask your audience to share their videos using your products or request for video testimonials. This helps you to measure your product performance. If a customer is unaware of how to use your products, the recorded demonstration need not take more than a minute to explain in details. This is a great way to share product knowledge without having to make the customers get annoyed. It is easier to influence the potential customers with a quick 30 second video portfolio that they can view without leaving Twitter. Group messages and videos offer new opportunities to host competitions & other offerings. The ability to converse, maintain confidentiality and show a quick video give online merchants more options for how & with whom they can communicate on Twitter and spread their brand name.

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Maximize the Exposure of Your Facebook Ads with Power Editor

It is not new that every marketers turn to social media to accomplish their marketing goals. Social media is one of the effective ways to get the word out about your brand. To make it easier to manage your brand, Facebook introduced Power Editor to help marketers have greater control over their advertising segment. Facebook Encouraging Marketers to Spend More Time on Ads Facebook introduces Power Editor. This social media tool is used to create bulk ads and manage the same on Facebook. Power Editor is typically used by advertisers who are looking for advanced features. Advertisers, on a large scale, can efficiently manage their ads and campaigns. With these bulk ads being targeted to the right audience, marketers can definitely enhance their customer experiences. This plugin works on download and upload system with Google Chrome. So, every time when you want to work in Power Editor, you’ve to download all the data from the Ads Manager and then create your campaign, ads & ad sets within Power Editor. Take a look at the comprehensive guide to setting Power Editor. Core Features to Consider Lookalike Audience The Lookalike Audience feature helps you to reach people who are similar to your existing customers for brand awareness, fan acquisition, coupon claims or site registration. Saved Audience Demographic information is essential. The Saved Audience feature allows you to save time needed for target audience selections and apply them to future ads with a single click. Once the audience has been created, select the ‘Use Existing Targeting Group’ option within the Audience segment and automatically apply your target preferences. Fan Targeting It has been observed that targeting fans only with Facebook ads can dramatically increase click-through rates by 700 percent. If you want to expand your reach beyond your existing followers, you have to target your ads to them through Power Editor. Bulk Ad Power Editor has the ability to simplify the bulk ad creation process. The ‘Duplicate Button’ in the Power Editor’s Ad creation makes any type of campaign set-up function very efficiently. Partner Categories Partner categories represent groups of Facebook users that can be served different types of ads based on their previous online browsing and shopping histories. Conversion Pixel Conversion Pixel is code needed to follow conversions on your webpage back to the ad on Facebook. You Have Enough Reasons to Use Power Editor Here’s how Facebook Power Editor offers you all the perks: Better Management of Ad Images With Facebook Power Editor, a larger number of ads and their images can be saved in one place. It not only enables you to see which images are tied to which ad but also while creating ads, you can choose an image you had previously used. However, the most impressive feature is its ability to allow marketers to see the click-through effectiveness of each image and exclude images that do not work. Bulk Uploading of Ads The bulk uploading feature of Power Editor allows you to run multiple ads. It enables you to upload an Excel spreadsheet of your ads, download them as well as edit them. This is useful specifically when one needs to save time on large campaigns. Bulk Editing Your wide array of ads and ad sets can be easily modified with the help of bulk editing. You can apply changes to all of your ads at once and update them accordingly. Optimization of Ads You can optimize your ads for the same things available in the Ads Manager. These might include post engagement, impressions or clicks. In addition, you can also choose daily unique reach that helps you to bid on impressions. The feature ensures that your ads get viewed by people at least once a day. You can truly optimize the amount of views and engagement your ads receive. Custom Audience Custom Audience allows you to make your own contact lists with phone numbers and emails, in order to reach customers with targeted Facebook ads. Run Ads According to Different Time Zones If you know your audience is on Facebook at certain times of the day, you can progress your ad performance by showing your ads at the local times. You have the option to choose which times you want your ad to run in any time zone. Mobile-Friendly Ads Power Editor allows you to create and run ads specifically on mobile devices used by the customers. You can run your advertising campaigns for iOS or Android users. This kind of targeting can be used for luxury products, which are more likely to be used by the smart device owners. Marketers can also target the teens by running campaigns specifically for the iPod users. Run Unpublished Page Post Unpublished page post allows you to create ads with longer text. Unpublished posts look similar to regular page posts and include a call-to-action button to draw attention to the desired actions. The greatest advantage of using unpublished page post is its ability to split test ads without promoting too much of promotional content multiple times on a day. Advertise through News Feed Power Editor helps you to advertise on Facebook through news feed. It has been observed that the click-through rate for advertisements in news feed have shown great impact. Power Editor helps in analyzing what kind of audience is actually responding to the advertisements. Split Testing and Duplication You are able to do split testing on Facebook advertising using Power Editor. It is now easy to create a large number of variations of the advertisement on Facebook on the basis of headlines, images, ad text or colors. These variations can be tested and done by using ‘duplicate’ button on the Power Editor. This means, you can create an ad, duplicate it and modify as per your requirements. Here you have it…the best way to maximize the exposure of your Facebook ads.

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