Category: SEO

A Step-By-Step Guide on SEO Copywriting

A Step-By-Step Guide on SEO Copywriting

As a marketer, you cannot afford to lose the customer who visits your website and does not bother to purchase from it. The obvious reason for this failure is that your website lacks compelling content for the target audience. It does not matter how good the quality of your content is. If it is not valuable and relevant to the target audience, the content posted goes wasted. Market your content in such a manner that it goes well down the throats of your visitors. The whole idea behind SEO copywriting is that the visitors get impressed with the quality of the content on your blog, website or e-store and they are more likely to become your customers in future. What is SEO Copywriting? SEO Copywriting is an art of writing quality content with relevant keywords with a dual focus on target audience and search engine friendliness. The basic job of the search engine is to display the best and relevant results. However, one must remember not to stuff keywords unnecessarily as the search engine crawlers discard dubiously written content. SEO Copywriting adeptly presents the product offerings thereby pushing sales and click-through-rate. Write your content with conviction and aim to be on the front page of Google. This article will provide you a step-by-step guide on SEO Copywriting. Keep your writing focused Though you have to optimize your content for search engines, do remember that it is actually meant for human beings. Do not digress from the topic. Add valuable content that enlightens the readers. Keep your content tightly focused on the topic and the relevant keywords. Usually, very brief content is not substantiated by the crawlers. Keep the length of your content long enough generally above 300 words to get eminence from search engines. Keyword Research Keyword research is pivotal to the SEO Copywriting process as it broadens your horizon to understand customers’ preferences. The right set of keywords will increase conversion rate of your website which is your priority. What should you do to optimize keyword research? How valuable is your keyword?As a matter of fact, customers use different words while searching for the same product. You need to find out what keyword is more often used. This will help you to narrow down your keyword list and optimize your content against those keywords. How can you achieve that? Take a pen and paper and jot down the keywords which you think are most likely to be used by the visitors Type those keywords/phrases in the search engine and see what results are displayed Use Google Analytics to find out what keywords led the user to your website and improve your keywords based on the test results. Should you focus more on the long-tail of keywords?The answer is yes. Why? Because 70% search on the engine is headed by unique phrases. This clearly shows how important it is for you to be specific with your content. The content should be such that answers your prospects’ question. For example if they want to know “How to increase the battery life of your phone?” then your mobile-phone oriented e-store should be able to answer that question. Many website designers include FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in their website to get more traffic on their website. And genuinely written answers drive the target audience to purchase the product from your e-store. What tools can you use?There are a variety of tools available like Google Adwords keyword tool, Google Insights for search, Google trends keyword demand prediction, Wordtracker’s Free Basic Keyword Demand. To find out how keyword-rich is your article, you can use SEO for WordPress if you are working on WordPress or use SEOmoz. Please note that keyword richness has nothing to do with keyword density. Appropriate use of keywords Now that you know the essentials of keyword research, start writing your content. And ensure that you use the keywords naturally. If your focus shifts toward increasing keyword density, then you start losing the quality of your content. Also, leading search engines use Latent Semantic Indexing to search for related keywords, synonyms and grammatical variations in your content. So, you don’t have to sound rhetoric yet appropriate. Structure your content Content structuring is important before you start writing your content. It gives a clear direction to the reader where your content is leading them. Avoid writing ostensibly if you want to get higher ranking in the search results. In-depth yet succinct content is not only liked by the visitors, it is SEO-friendly as well. Optimize title tags Ideal headlines are the ones that draw the attention of the viewers in SERP and are compelling enough to hit your website. Title tags are necessary to establish the relevance of your keywords. So, your title tags must contain keywords and your content must contain the most important keyword used in the title tag. What are the requisites for an ideal title tag? Keep it snappy and informative Do not cram keywords in it Use only one title tag on a page Limit it to 70 characters including spaces Know your competition You must understand that you are not the only one to get your website visible in the SERP. There are many in the market trying to sell the same product as yours. Search your product by using the appropriate keywords and see what results appear in the front page. These are your competitors. Visit their website and find out how to improve your website. Put your thoughts in and do even better. Optimize snippets Snippets also known as meta-description is the vital information displayed below the title tags in the SERP. It is specifically written for every page on your website with relevant keywords so that the viewers get some information about the content on your page. It helps them to decide whether or not to visit your webpage. Snippets are usually limited to 150-160 characters and must contain at least one keyword phrase from the page. Get your content noticed and shared

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How to Measure and Track Success of SEO Projects: The Definitive Guide

One of the achievements of any successful company is to sustain a website that brings back business leads. As we hurtle towards 2015, the importance of standing out amidst a crowd of similar companies and business entities has become ever more important. Initially, companies could get away with writing content about targeted keywords and placing strategic advertisements. Things are of course, not so easy anymore. The importance of measuring and tracking SEO success While there are a number of strategies that can help one to achieve SEO (search engine optimization) success, one of the most neglected or misunderstood aspects is that of measuring and tracking SEO success. Anything that confuses us or even remotely seems difficult to us creates a feeling of resistance. This resistance builds up over a period of time and we either choose all the wrong tactics or choose not to do anything at all, both of which are increasingly common among clients that we see. In order to ensure that a website is successfully helping you to connect with the right kind of people, good SEO practices are a must. However, the most important aspect is to be able to measure if your SEO tactics and strategies have been successful. In this article, we shall discuss how you can measure the success of your SEO projects and what your success metrics must be, for the SEO investments you or your company makes. Before we go further into tracking and measuring, make note of the 10 commandments of SEO success. Do not expect quick results. There are no magic results for SEO Nothing compares to conversion rate originating from organic traffic You need to participate proactively with your agency regarding website content and design alterations. Begin to track visits from your non-paid search Analyze and track the keywords that bring traffic to your website, other than your brand name Track all the branded keywords which bring traffic, right from the first month Keep track of your SEO goals Calculate the average price of your products and services. If you cannot do that, calculate the conversion rate from your leads Filter your organic search to assess if conversion tracking is working accurately Don’t give up. Ever. Every business is unique and it is important to consult with an SEO agency or a search professional to arrive at the best strategy for measuring and tracking SEO success. However, if you would like to try this on your own before approaching professionals, here is a detailed guide. Remember that you are going to measure and track SEO success and not SEO rankings. Search engine ranking is not as relevant as it used to be and things have certainly changed. Where Is Your Traffic Coming From? SEO professionals already know that it is important to segment and categorize from where traffic is coming. It is important to understand how each of these segments behave and how they can be improved in the future. For this, it is important to track the contribution of various traffic sources for your website every month. Direct Navigation: How many people are directly typing in your address to arrive at your website? Did they type it in traffic or did they arrive from a page that was bookmarked? Did they click on links within emails sans tracking codes? Analyze these visits as they probably are more interested in your brand and what you offer than anyone else. They already know you, and they are specifically searching for you. Referrals: How much traffic is coming from referral sources? This may include traffic that originates from links across the web. It could also be from a branding campaign that you launched or some kind of promotion or traceable email. Search Engines: How much of your traffic is coming from queries that were typed into search engines? Search traffic may come from all kinds of search engines. Whether they are big or small, you need to make a list of search engines that are regularly sending you traffic. This may give you important insights into the kind of demographics that are arriving to your website. You will need to keep track of the number of traffic and also the percentage. This will help you to become alert when traffic from search engines plummets. Moreover, if your traffic suddenly increases because of referral links that are insignificant, you do not have to become excited. These insights can be particularly important to track SEO strategies and plan marketing campaigns. What Is the Number of Visits for Each Specific Search Engine? The number of visits per search engine can reveal valuable information about your target audience. Much of the search traffic in North America and elsewhere comes from Google and the partnership between Yahoo and Microsoft’s Bing.There are also other search engines such as Yandex and Baidu, which are popular in Russia and China respectively. People hardly use Ask, AOL and others anymore. However, it is important to know which search engine is sending you the most of number of visitors. Unless you are in China or Russia, it will most likely be Google. Track by each country: By tracking your traffic by country, you will understand how search engines are being used to arrive at your website. Moreover, it helps you to assess market share and compare performance. Google usually has a younger user base than other search engines, though this gap is widely closing in. Yahoo and other search engines are used by older users who have still not moved towards using Google. Yet, that could be a valuable insight in itself. If your business concerns health or retirement benefits, your traffic may very well come from Yahoo. Analyze traffic drops: Sometimes, your traffic will drop drastically. It is then time to check your search engine share in order to see what went wrong. If all search engines have contributed to the traffic drop, then it is probably due to an accessibility issue. However, if only Google shows a

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When we are talking about ROI from SEO, We assume you are a website owner, running a business through your website. You have hired a SEO agency or an internal team for your online business promotion. This article will help you to understand how good is your SEO with respect to the money you are investing on them, The truth about website traffic from SEO (you should know and can’t blame on the team) There is no magic formula to improve the traffic. Don’t expect it in the 1st month itself. The conversion rate from organic traffic can’t be compare with any other medium. Website content and design change suggestion will come from the agency but your involvement is highly necessary. 1st Step- For calculation of any type of ROI the base month’s statistics are highly needed. You need a benchmark to start with. So, keep every possible data from you analytics from the 1st month itself. Keep track of visits from non paid search. Keep track of no. of keywords except brand name that brings traffic to the site. Keep track of traffic from branded keywords from organic result from the 1st month. Keep track of goal completion in the 1st month (most important). 2nd Step- Calculate the average prices of your products/services, if direct payment option is not available on the site then calculate the conversion rate from your leads based on the previous history. 3rd Step- Create a filter for organic search, check if the conversion tracking is working accurately or not. CALCULATION 1 This method works best, where revenue from each sale can be quantified, generally in B2C scenario and where you have strong sales channel attribution process. Example: If the average product/service price is – $150 The conversion rate from organic leads is 2% (based on the previous history) It means out of 100 prospective/ form fill up you are getting 2 customers => $150*2=$300 To get 1 perspective /form fill up/ = $3 In this case if from the organic search you are getting 50 leads then it is worth of $150. So the Formula => Total Gain (Average price* leads*Conversion Rate) – Total Spend There are lots of factors, which may add inaccuracy in the calculation. As you take them into consideration, the simple looking calculation may become quite a complex formula. Some of these factors are (for example): A) How does SEO impact the decision of an existing client to buy the product from you via-a-vis your competitor? B) The rankings may have fallen, but the search volume has increased giving you the benefit of increased demand. The reverse, however, is also true! C) The rankings for the keyword for which Optimisation was done may not have contributed to the client acquisition. Therefore, this base calculation need to be refined and tweaked to fit the given requirement, sometimes with added complexity to track the improvement in organic traffic due to the campaign and keeping out the normal variances. In absence of the above scenario, the following method can be used: CALCULATION 2 Savings potential (Savings, when compared to SEM or Media buying for the same traffic) This is much more straightforward, and talks more in terms of savings in terms of cost of acquisition of traffic and not in terms of profit gained due to the campaign. So, let’s say the website gets an increase in organic traffic to the tune of t. Now, the keywords for which the traffic has been generated must be noted. Let’s say the keywords were k1, k2, k3, etc and the average market price of CPC of those keywords are p1, p2, p3, etc respectively. Further let’s assume that t= t1+t2+t3… each of them aligning to their respective keywords and prices. This translated to the total saving due to the campaign and the profit from the campaign can be calculated as: (p1.t1+.p2.t2+ p3.t3+ …) – C (campaign cost) Example: Google adwords charges $2 per click for key phrases 1 and $1.5 for key phrase 2 at your targeted locations. For those particular keywords you got 50 visits each from organic search. If you spend $100 for the SEO team then ($2*50 + 1.5*50) – $100 = $75 is your profit from the SEO campaign. ROI from SEO= number of organic visitors from targeted keywords * adwords bid of those keywords – cost of SEO campaign It is always complex to calculate ROI of SEO, and more so in a multi channel marketing environment. It is made further complex by the fact that different methods of Internet marketing support each other and therefore silently steps into each other’s territory. As a result, the calculation can never be precise. But, you can get an approximation from the above suggested methods.

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Understanding Blekko: The Phenomenal Search Engine You Didn’t Know

Most web users feel Google search results are not all that perfect, but that there is no choice other than the world’s most famous search engine. Google’s search results are based on algorithms that are not transparent but many results that end up at the top are somehow pushed by certain unethical SEO professionals who disregard web standards. As a solution to this terminal problem, Blekko is fast gaining accolades among web users. What is Blekko? Blekko is a web search engine that relies on social recommendations, human curation and transparency of SEO. Its stated goal is to provide better search results than Google does and makes use of 3 billion trusted sites that are handpicked by editors and professionals. Glekko summarily excludes material from content farms and uses ‘slashtags’ that provide enhanced search results. Co-founded by Rich Skrenta in 2007, Blekko has raised millions of dollars in venture capital from the biggest names among technocrats. How Does Blekko Work? Blekko works on a paradigm that is completely different from Google or its competitors. Blekko makes use of human curators, editors and professionals who pick and choose websites from the billions that exist in the cyberspace. These websites are chosen for their accuracy of content, originality and quality of information present. Blekko editors exclude many high ranking websites on Google that are obviously search engine optimized regardless of the quality of content. Slashtags are similar to Twitter hashtags and help in refining search queries. Thousands of slashtags are already present within Blekko and users are free to create their own slashtags in order to curate results that they deem important. By allowing Blekko users to see the IP address of a website that is running, registered users can label a site for hosting spam content. Thus, by eliminating spam and content farms from search results Blekko aims to compete with Google. Luckily for Blekko, there is a lot of support from various organizations including Yandex, that Russian search engine which tries to compete with Google. Web Search Bill of Rights Blekko claims to have created the web search bill of rights which rightfully explains what their outlook really is. The idea is to keep search open and that search results would involve people. Moreover, the bill states that ranking data would not be kept secret from people and that web data would be available when required. As there is no one-size-fits-all even in search engine optimization, they make sure that advanced search features are available. The tools would be open to all and searching goes hand in hand with community. The most important statement in the bill is that spam would not be included in search results and that the privacy of users would not be violated. Slashtags and How They Change the Search Experience Central to the experience of Blekko are slashtags. For instance, when you search for depression/health, you would receive search results from sites that are respected and trusted such as, and Content farms and spam websites are completely erased from search results. One will never have to accidentally waste time reading an article on the inner mechanisms of depression, only to realize that it is marketing copy trying to sell spurious antidepressants. As one can create their own slashtags, the Internet becomes more personal, social and reliable. In fact, this is probably as reliable as a search engine could get. Blekko has 3 kinds of slashtags: Topical slashtags: These are slashtags that are created by Blekko and often curated by experts in that area. These slashtags are also built into the website and available for everyone to click and explore. Specific topics like recipes, health, media, technology are included in this list. User slashtags: These are the slashtags that users can create after registering with Blekko. After personalizing slashtags, one can go ahead and mark authoritative websites that one trusts under them. Built-in slashtags: These slashtags are built-in by Blekko team and perform specific functions such as /date, /news or /blogs. Thanks to the social atmosphere that Blekko has built into the search engine, Editors-in-chief of slashtags can collaborate with co-editors who have limited control over what they do to your slashtag. It is being noticed that using slashtags on Blekko can significantly improve your SEO effort as well. Keywords that are important to you can be used to boost slashtags. On the other hand, Blekko uses a function called Slashtag Boosting, in which search quality is enhanced and improved. Creating Your Own Slashtags With all this talk about slashtags, it can get a little confusing for the novice. It must be noted that creating one’s own slashtags are not difficult and even beginners can learn how to do it within no time. Though Blekko has hundreds of slashtags on all the major topics, you may sometimes feel there is a need to create a slashtag in your niche area. These slashtags can then be paired with websites that you trust. All that you would need to do is register for an account and click on ‘Create a New Tag’. The first step would be to name your slashtag and this has to be something that relates to your niche area or expertise. Once you name your slashtag, it is possible that someone else has already begun to add links under that slashtag. If that is so, you have the option of adding your links and collection of websites to that slashtag, or go ahead and create a slashtag that is even more specific and targeted. The next step is to add keywords about your slashtag. Not only can you add your own list of websites, but you may also search for websites to add to your slashtag. Another option is to upload an existing .txt or .opml file. One must remember that Blekko is deeply social in nature and survives with the help of the slashtag community. Your next step in making your slashtag sustainable is to invite co-editors who can

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Using Social Media for SEO and Top 10 Strategies for Social Media Optimization

While no SEO professional would deny the importance of social signals when it comes to optimizing websites for search engines, there is still certain confusion about the strategies that need to be followed. Social signals, or the metrics that help in assessing web user behaviour on social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr and a host of others are inextricably linked to traffic and link building. Let us understand how social media optimization is inextricably linked to search engine optimization. The second part of the article shall provide you with the top 10 strategies that you should use to optimize search engine ranking. How Search Engines Assess Link Credibility Search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo try their best to provide users with the most relevant and credible search results based on the search keywords. Search engines just do not trust any website that may seem relevant, and they follow their own algorithms to assess the importance of a certain webpage. The more inbound links that point towards a web page, the more credible and trustworthy it seems to search engines. Link Building and Sharing on Social Networks Link building is increasingly dependent on social networks, as people tend to share what they link. These links that are shared on social networking sites not only drive traffic but end up becoming “references” themselves, as they are thence used on blogs, or even other news websites as sources. The importance of social media is such that, instead of robots and algorithms deciding what is credible and what is not, search engines have begun to realize that what is shared most often must be more important than what is not shared on social networks. An interesting article or a good piece of content always gets shared on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms in real time. Social Signals and Search Engine Optimization Google and other search engines have realized the importance of sharing of social media, and that when something goes viral on social networks, that link has to be important and credible. The data from social signals decide the importance of a website or webpage and understanding social influence and community impact is more relevant to search engines than mechanical link building and activities that may actually work against the credibility of a website. Thus, one can say that search engine optimization (SEO) and social signals are mutually inclusive, and shall remain so in the future. The Basics of Utilizing Social Signals If you plan to optimize a website, the first step is to explore social media and gain ground. The next step is to assess social metrics and social signals to learn where your inbound links are coming from, and who is sharing and talking about you the most. The third step is to engage the identified audience, and try to use the social platforms to get other people interested in your website as well. Engagement involves actively participating with your target audience and building social relationships online. Engagement of your audience is a continuous process, and building trust is equally important. Once trust is built and you are actively participating on social networking sites, you can begin to see more inbound links from several places, most of which would be referred by people on social media. Social promotion helps you to generate natural links, which are very important in search engine optimization. A large percentage of tweets contain a URL and the more number of times a YRL is retweeted, the better it seems to search engines. Similarly, on Facebook, the more number of ‘likes’ a link generates, the more important it seems to search engines. Thus, social promotion generates natural and organic links, which are very important in SEO. Driving traffic to a blog or any published content depends on how viral a link has gone in Twitter or Facebook. Sharing links and a little part of the text ultimately leaves your followers on Facebook and LinkedIn to click on the link and visit your website or blog. The most important goal of SEO is to generate targeted traffic, and it is only possible to do so on social networking sites. Such sharing leads to a steady stream of traffic that is well targeted. If you searched for your favourite company or product on Google, it is quite possible that along with their business website, their Facebook page, Twitter profile and LinkedIn page appear too. Curiously, these appear on the first page. Thus, social networking sites rank very high in search engines and increase a company’s online brad presence. Links shared by the company on their Facebook page or on Twitter appear in search results too, in a higher degree of preference. Key Strategies in Integrating Social Media with SEO Efforts Mashable writes that there are 5 key strategies in integrating social media with your SEO plans. Identify Audience: Like we mentioned earlier, the first step is to identify the audience and understand their quirks, behaviours, what they like and dislike and how they share content and who they share it with. There are software programs available to monitor social media, and help you to identify keywords, conversations and influencers. Define Objective: Once the audience is identified, it is important to define your objective. Social media can’t be about direct marketing. While sales and marketing are very important in SEO, in social media it takes a covert role. Presence on social media must be utilized for defining and achieving objectives. They may include marketing and sales, but has to be covert. Establishing a Gameplan: The author continues to state that a combined social media and SEO effort must focus on content building and interaction. Active promotion of objective content and sharing them on social networks is very important. Tactical Mix: Lee Odden defined this as doing homework to find where your desired audience spends time interacting and sharing content. You would need to invest time and build relationships in social networks where your target

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How to Write Clickable Ad-text in Google Adwords

The most difficult task in Search Engine Marketing is “writing an ad copy ” that works. This is because the Google ads have limited space and it is not easy to fit everything you want to convey about your business in just few words. Moreover the website visitors will just glance at the ads, so the ads should catch their attention at the very moment. The ad itself does not sell, it just grabs the attention of prospective customers, so they click on it and in turn are taken to the website where actual sales happen. So writing an effective ad copy that generates high CTR is the key to the success of the Search Engine Marketing campaign. Writing an ad copy involves thoughtful approach and careful observations. While Writing an Ad Copy, Consider the Following Questions: How to make a strong call to action that will impact ad performance Why to include the keyword in the title Does price inclusion in the ad text reduce unwanted click? The following tips will help you in writing an effective ad copy that stands out and generate result. Highlight the USP of Your Product/Service The USP differentiate you from others. So highlight what makes you different from others. Why customers should go for your product or services. Your proposition should be something which your competitor cannot and should not offer. You may be providing free shipping, For example the USP of FedEx is “When your packages absolutely, positively have to get there overnight.” Use Question to Arouse Curiosity or Interest If your ad can arise curiosity among the visitors they will definitely click on it. But make sure your landing page is equally effective else the conversion will be less. For example you can say “Want to make money working from home?” Include Price and Promotions If you are running any promotion for customers, make sure the message reaches to customers. So include any promotion or any special price in your ad text. For example you can add “Get 50% off when you buy now.” Tell About Benefits Before Features If you can show what will be the benefit of your product/service, then someone looking for it will be enticed to click on your ad. For example a person with obesity is more likely to click on ad that says “Loose 30lbs in 30 days.” Include Keyword in Your Ad Text The ad text must contain atleast one of your keyword. This is because the adwords ads are contextual and when people are searching for a keyword, they are more likely to notice your ad if it contains the keyword. Capitalize Every Keywords It has been seen that Capitalizing keywords have boost CTR by 80%. So make it a practice to capitalize every keyword, but do not capitalize words like in, an, of etc. Match Your ad to Landing Page Whatever products you are advertising on the ad should be present on the landing page else it will create confusion among customers and this will reduce the conversion rate. Create Trust Through Endorsement When you associate a testimonial of a celebrity or a renowned person to your product or get the review from a trusted brand, it will build trust among users. For example you can include phrase like “ranked #1 virus cleaner by PC World” Tell a story If you include a personal experience in your ad text that is more likely to bring attention. For example “How I made $6000 in a day” will surely make customers enthusiastic and they will want to know more. Use Dots in Description Text Using dots in the description creates an impression that there is more that can be seen upon clicking on the ad. Mindvalley Labs published a report that compares the CTR and Conversion rate of similar ads, but one with dots at the end and other without dots. Think Yourself as a Google Searcher There is nothing better than putting yourself in customers shoes. So if you can think like a visitor who is searching for the exact keyword you are advertising. If you are advertising “Stain remover”, you are willing to find, “how to remove stains”. So users might be interested in if he sees ad that says “How to remove stains quickly” or something similar. Try Using the Keyword Free “Free” is a magical keyword when it comes to online advertising. But this may not fit in all and every products and services being advertised. However if you have a product or website that has something free for every users, you must include it. Remove Common Words Common words like a, an, the, and, on etc. consumes word. So avoid them as much as possible because ad text has limitation in characters. Use Call to Action Phrases If it is an image ad, it is easy to add a call to action button and make it standout. But we can use the same approach in ad text by utilizing call to action phrases. Some of the phrases that can be used for this purpose are “Try Free”, “Download Now”, “Save 40%” etc. Components of Google Text Ads The Text Ads of Google Have Three Components as Mentioned Below: Headline: This is the first line of Google text ad. This is the main text of the ad that is noticed by customers. The main goal of any ad is to grab customer’s attention. So you need to make this as attention grabbing as possible. Also include keyword in the headline too. People are more likely to click on the ad if they find something similar to what they are looking for. The headline is limited to 25 characters only. Description: The ad description contains information about the products or services you are offering and how it meets the need of the users who is looking for something related. The description has a limit of 70 characters and it is spread into 2 lines. Each line can have a maximum

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10 Step Guide to Forum Link Building

Forums are a great way to make sure that you are getting the links that you need the most. High quality links can actually come from forums both directly and indirectly. It is possible that forum members link your post and link back to your from a higher authority website they work for, or own. It is also possible that the high PR forum itself will link back to you. Though it sounds very attractive, it may actually be a bit difficult for novices. Here are 10 steps for successful forum link building. Step 1: Search for Relevant Forums It is important to make a list of forums that are related to your chosen or identified niche. It goes unsaid that you must not engage yourself in link building activities on forums that are not relevant. The easiest way to look for forums within your identified niche is to run a Google search. All that you would need to do is type in your identified niche + forums. For example: logo design forums, if your niche is logo design. Several forums will appear in the search results and it makes sense to visit each one of them and assess their relevance and also make sure that these forums are active. Step 2: Short-listing Forums to Target Once you have a list of forums derived from your search results, it is important to eliminate forums that may not be relevant, active or useful. This requires a little time and you will have to individually visit each forum and check for consistencies and relevance. You must make sure that the links are all from do-follow forums. You must remove any forum that may contain pornographic material. Also, if you suspect a forum is spamming, take it off your list as well. Forums with hateful, provocative and racist comments need to be avoided as well. Step 3: Register and Introduce Yourself Register on every forum that you have shortlisted and introduce yourself honestly. Tell the members who you are, what you do for a profession and why their forum interests you. Be as subtle and classy as possible, but try to be intelligent in your remarks. Initially, instead of typing in lengthy self-important forum posts, it makes sense to acknowledge other members’ posts and appreciate their posts with compliments and thanks yous. Step 4: Begin Slowly but Participate Effectively Do not start posting on the forums with a bang and do not leave links all over the place. It might get you banned or people might just ignore you. Instead, start slowly and engage fellow-members in conversations that are genuine. Actively and effectively participate in existing forum discussions and share your opinions and tips. Step 5: Be Resourceful and Helpful The next step is to actually provide members with tips, suggestions and valuable lessons in the niche area. You might want to share links that direct to neutral and third party websites before sharing your own links. Do not promote your website or blog hastily but take a slow and prudent approach. Step 6: Forum Signature Links Every forum allows its member to have a unique signature. This signature space can be used for promotional purposes but in a subtle way. Always have a link to your website or blog as a signature and that helps in building SERP. It is a well known fat that forum backlinks increase SERP. Moreover, it also helps in getting referral traffic. Step 7: Build Brand Awareness Once you have established yourself as an authoritative, genuine and knowledgeable member, begin to build your brand pretty much the same way as you would amongst a group of people in a real-life social situation. Share information, resource and also why your products or services need to be given attention to. Step 8: Targeting Anchor Text On forums, you may target any target text and engage in deep linking. The links would be ready with the post almost immediately. Sometimes, the links may need to be approved by a moderator but usually they don’t have to be. These links can be used to drive referral traffic. Step 9: Foot in the Door Theory Always give something for free, and present your promotional offer soon after. This psychological method of getting people to do what you want them to do derives from the belief that when you ask for something little and they oblige, they will also be obliged to do something bigger than those who weren’t asked to do the smaller favor. Thus, offer valuable resources, information or services for no cost at all. Once you build your subscriber list, present your promotional plans and offers. Step 10: Clarity and Relevance of Keywords Use your keywords and keyword phrases in as many posts as possible. However, do not overload your forum posts with keywords and keep them clear and relevant. Use them only when required but do build your personality on the forum around your niche keywords.

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How to Use Social Bookmarking for SEO

When you mark a webpage that you want to visit later, read later or simply share with your friends or acquaintances, it may be described as social bookmarking. There are several services that offer social bookmarking, beginning with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn to specialized services like Instapaper, Digg, StumbleUpon, Sphinn, Delicious, YouTube, Flickr and many more. In fact, there must be more than 200 services out there that help you bookmark socially. Socially bookmarked links go viral or at least they receive more traffic than links that are not shared socially. Why Use Social Bookmarking Sites for SEO? As SEO professionals, our utmost priority is to drive traffic to the website and to increase the ranking of the page. This can only happen when there is a surge in the traffic and when the target audience click on links and arrive at the designated page. By making sure that the link is being shared on social networking sites, we can ensure a steady or even exponential traffic to the page. SEO professionals thus have to ensure that apart from traditional search engine optimization, they must take Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, Pinterest and other social networking sites into account. Links that are shared from credible social media accounts add to the relevance and contextual importance of that link. Here are some important tips and tricks while using social bookmarking for SEO. Identifying Target Audience It is important for SEO professionals to identify a target audience and connect to them via social bookmarking sites. Since social media is a two-way communication, participating in communication and discussion may help in promoting your own bookmarked links. Using Tinyurl It may become necessary to shorten your URL before sharing, as it adds to the visual appeal and also makes sure that precious character-space is not wasted. A disadvantage is there is no way one can brand a tinyurl. However, spending money on customized URL shortening services may help. Temporally Optimized Sharing One must bookmark or share links only when followers are most likely to be online. There are several services like Buffer, SocialBro and HootSuite that help in addressing this issue. Automated Sharing You could use automated social bookmarking services but it may not be a very good idea. People recognize when social media accounts are automated and it doesn’t take too long for people to unfollows or unfriend you. Rather than using automated tools, hiring an employee on a part time basis to do your social bookmarking may be a better idea. Using Keywords and Keyword Phrases As an SEO strategy, even while sharing or bookmarking links on social media sites, it is important to utilize keywords in a non-intrusive manner. By doing so, readers will know what your link is all about without having to guess. Moreover, links that are tailed with descriptions with keywords have a higher chance of being ranked well. Choosing the Right Social Network Depending on the context of your content, you could choose the right social bookmarking service. If t is something personal or something that taps the goodwill of your reader, you may choose Facebook. For business and professional related posts, LinkedIn or Twitter can be more useful. Images can be bookmarked on Flickr or Pinterest while videos can be bookmarked on YouTube. Issues with Social Bookmarking for SEO For successful social bookmarking, one needs to be hard working and patient. It simply does not make sense to bookmark your own sites across all the social bookmarking sites as no one would be interested to click on such links. On the other hand, it may become impossible to create a social bookmarking account that is genuinely active and has thousands of relevant and worthy links that are updated regularly. Many people have tried to bookmark the same link from a hundreds of different accounts. However, if they all come from the same IP address, it may never help you drive traffic to the link you have shared and instead may get you banned from the social bookmarking site altogether. Another method is to collaborate with many people and begin social bookmarking on a team basis. However, this is very time consuming and may ultimately not be successful either. If you are a company or individual who would like to use social bookmarking sites for your benefit, you may approach SEO professionals who have the tools and software to bookmark sites and promote your links on social media.

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10 Advanced Settings of Google AdWords to Boost Your Campaign

When companies decide to launch a Google AdWords campaign, they would need to bear a number of factors in mind. While much of AdWords settings can easily be understood and customized to suit the needs of a particular campaign, many companies tend to ignore the specific details that are very important. One may call these specificities as ‘Advanced Settings’. SEM professionals understand that these advanced settings not only consist of all the steps available in AdWords’ very own Advanced Settings tab, but also consist of a few other customizations and tweaks that one may need to engage in manually. Let us take a look at the top 10 advanced settings of Google AdWords to boost your ad campaign. The Advanced Settings tab in Google AdWords has some of the most important techniques to launch a successful campaign. Let us take a look at all the options that Google provides under this tab. 1. Schedule: Start date, End date, Ad Scheduling This option allows users to set a particular date to launch a campaign and to turn it off, when the campaign is no longer needed or when the season comes to an end. This option helps campaigners to automate ad scheduling and avoid lengthy and unnecessary campaigns which may become relevant and hurt a company’s marketing efforts. Ad Scheduling on the other hand allows users to set certain days of the week or particular times during a day for campaigns. This may be particularly useful once you profile your target audience and how they behave temporally. Ad scheduling also provides the option of setting the percentage increase/decrease in bids by hour, day or week. 2. Ad Delivery: Ad Rotation, Frequency Capping Ad rotation helps you to evenly rotate and optimize ads based on which ad is doing well at the particular time. Again, ad rotation depends on how much time you can invest in managing AdWords campaigns and how best you understand which campaign may be particularly useful. SEM professionals usually can help you understand ad rotation and its importance. Ad Delivery Options to choose from: Optimize for clicks: The ads expected to provide more clicks will start showing more frequently Optimize for conversions: Frequent showing of ads expected to provide more conversions Rotate evenly: All the ad copies currently active will be given equal preference and will be rotated and shown same number of times. Now, this will be continued for 30 days and then the ads will be run with ‘Optimize for Clicks’ features. These settings work upon the available ad performance data of the particular campaign and its ad group(s). Campaign launchers sometimes witness a number of impressions but very few translate to clicks. This may hurt a campaign’s quality scores and frequency capping helps to reduce the number of impressions during a particular time. It could be a given day, a week or per month. You also choose whether the limit applies to each ad, ad group, or campaign. 3. Demographic Bidding As the name suggests, it helps you to segregate your audience according to their gender, age or other criteria that you may notice in your Google AdWords demographic reports. Over-performing or underperforming demographic segmentations can be identified and bids may be modified accordingly. 4. Social Settings This setting allows you to incorporate the +1 button and annotations. Google+ is Google’s social networking endeavor that may also add to your revenue and ad campaign to an extent. You may request your friends, acquaintances or just about anyone else to click on +1 when required. 5. Automatic Campaign Optimization This setting helps you to analyze historical conversion data in your campaign. It is particularly useful if you do not have time to do it yourself or hire a professional. However, you may bear in mind that by choosing this setting, you are giving Google a lot of control over your campaign. In most instances, it is advisable to optimize a campaign with the help of professionals who know how Google AdWords and SEM work. 6. Campaign Experiment AdWords Campaign Experiments help you to sequestrate certain factors of your AdWords campaign and test certain areas by segmenting your traffic the way you please. You could test keywords, bids and placements, according to Google. However, there are limitations to the number of experiments you can carry out and at present there is no API support, which means you will have to use their web interface. However, it can be a great tool to test different keyword match types. If this is a little confusing, hiring an SEM professional may be necessary. Apart from the 6 settings available under the Advanced Settings at Google AdWords, here are other ‘advanced settings’ that you can utilize yourself by tweaking your campaign a little bit. 7. AdWords Sitelink Google first unveiled Sitelink way back in 2009 and it consisted of 2 to 6 links under an advert. Now, AdWords Sitelinks come with social, call, location and product extensions. Exploiting available Sitelink real estate should be your primary goal, and you might want to play with your campaign in order to do so. 8. Negative Keywords Google allows you to filter out negative keywords which may bring unwanted traffic that is not relevant to your ad campaign. By avoiding certain keywords, you may direct desired traffic who actually might click. This helps in improving the click through rate and directing our ads only to relevant searches. Usually words like free, cheap are used as negative keywords. For e.g. – for a Website selling designer watches, negative keywords would have been cheap, inexpensive, discount, affordable, free, etc. Hence, ads won’t appear for any keyword having any of these phrases in them. Also, for the brand names which they are not selling (e.g. – Christian Dior, Rolex) can be used as negative keywords since they would cut down unqualified traffic. 9. Separate campaign for Display Network By creating a separate campaign for display networks, you will easily be able to make changes or experiment

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Google’s Penguin Update

When Webmasters and Bloggers are still struggling with Google Panda Update, the new algorithm in the name of “Google Penguin Update” has come up as yet another threat to a considerable number of websites. Google has rolled out this update in order to decrease the ranking of all such sites that are violating the existing quality guidelines. The Penguin Update is focused to penalize those who are using tricky webspam tactics for over optimization. In post Penguin Update period the Penguin update can not only decrease the traffic of the websites but it also has a big tendency to damage the SERP ranking. Penguin Update has been launched as an effort to promote quality content and reduce webspam. Google’s Penguin Update is an improved version of Panda Update which was released on the 24th of April 2012. It aims at demolishing all those websites that are over-optimized with webspam techniques. Many sites have been seen to use wrong tactics and a shortcut to bring traffic and rank higher than expectations; these tactics are of no use to the users and Google’s new algorithm is targeted to penalize such sites. Therefore, while Google Panda will fight against low quality pages the Penguin will focus on spam content. You can be safe and stay away from being hit by Penguin update if your website is not using any spammed, old-fashioned strategies. It is mainly going to affect those websites which are loaded with low quality contents and abuses the guidelines of inbound linking. If you are wondering whether your website can be hit by Penguin or not, it’s easy to find it out. Simply search with common keywords in Google to check whether it is getting the same rank that it used to get previously. Check the website statistics to find out whether there is a major traffic drop compared to the previous stats. If it is yes, you are likely to be hit by Penguin Update and if there is no change, then you are safe. To Avoid being Hit by Panda do the Following: It is time to stop comment spamming; commenting on high page rank websites for the sake of getting BackLinks or using automation commenting over-stuffed with keywords and links, will make Google identify them easily and the sites using such spam techniques will be penalized in Post Penguin age. Avoid the contents which are overflowed with same keywords. Since keywords are an essential part of SEO and it is the keywords that help the users to get relevant contents by means of search engines; repeating the same keywords again and again make Google suspect and penalize. Avoid duplicate content; you cannot attain high rank in SERP by copying contents. Therefore, instead of copying contents from others, concentrate on making your unique, fresh contents. Otherwise, you many face penalty and your blog may get banned from SERP. Link Building Tips for Surviving the Penguin Update: Whenever you post fresh contents to your site make it a point to share it on your social pages like Google+, Facebook or Twitter. During Link building do not make the mistake of linking to your homepage, rather link to the inner content pages. Keep in mind that apart from external links, internal links are also very important and will help both Google and your visitors to crawl your site easily. Avoid over-optimization by diversifying your anchor texts. There should not be a feeling that you are you are forcibly trying to rank a site for a particular keyword, therefore, try to diverge your anchor links in a natural way. Keep focus on quality, not quantity; having a large number of backlinks from untrustworthy sites, you can be penalized, therefore, prefer high quality, small number of posts rather than large number of low quality ones. Focus on producing high quality contents that people like to link from websites and from their social profiles. Do not worry! Google Penguin update is not going to affect those websites which are using pure SEO and high quality contents. This new algorithm is surely meant to give the users a better way of searching and better search results. It will also give a boost to high quality blogs or websites by ranking them high in Search Engine Results. If your site is already a victim of this update and has lost ranking an traffic we can bring it back by our purely white –hat technique of Link Building. Before the situation gets more worse contact us today and allow us to help you to regain your lost position. Mail us at

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