Category: Pharma

Life Science & Pharma News Wrap | Weekly Snippet

Life Science & Pharma News Wrap | Weekly Snippet

✔️ Biotech Firm 10X Genomics is harnessing advanced technology to create advancements that promise to benefit the entire humanity. ✔️ New Delhi-based Premas Life Sciences is fast-tracking the adoption of optical genome mapping technology in India. Recently it has established a distribution partnership with Bionano, a US-based leader in genome analysis solutions. ✔️Mankind Pharma joins forces with AI-generated Anushka Sharma to express heartfelt thanks to our chemist heroes. The campaign created cool advertisements and proved immensely advantageous for chemists, amplifying their presence and elevating their sales. ✔️ Dimensionless Technologies, spearheaded by two IIT alumni is rewriting the supply chain narrative with AushadhAI and is promising to reshape the pharma and healthcare landscape.

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Clinical Trials 2.0: The Impact of Digitisation

Clinical Trials 2.0: The Impact of Digitisation

Digitised healthcare is a compelling proposition for industry stakeholders today, since it carries with it the promise of enhanced consumer benefits and operational efficiencies alike. There are several clinical trial innovations that digitisation has enabled in recent years, paving the way forward towards better data integration, virtual clinical trials, eClinical solutions and patient-centric trials. Digital health technologies have shown their propensity towards boosting objective data collection in trials, scaling up patient access, and facilitating improvements in terms of clinical outcomes. Here’s taking a closer look at digitisation and its overall impact in this space. Recruiting and Retaining Participants in Clinical Trials Digitised healthcare technologies have a leading part to play in terms of participant retention and recruitment for clinical trials. Here are some aspects worth noting in this regard:  Here’s taking a closer look at how technology impacts clinical trials in the current landscape.  How does technology affect clinical trials?  Here are a few pointers that illustrate the impact of technology on clinical trials. Now that the positive effects of technology on clinical trials are visible, let us take a closer look at the impact of digitalisation on healthcare.  How does digitalisation affect healthcare?  Digitalisation-driven healthcare or digitised healthcare, whichever way you choose to see it, will eventually be the future for the entire ecosystem. This is how digitalisation affects healthcare in multifarious ways:  FAQs 1. How are cutting-edge technologies like AI and IoT contributing to the success of Clinical Trials 2.0? IoT is already contributing towards better clinical trials through enabling easy monitoring and gathering of information that can be swiftly accessed in real-time. AI is also identifying and screening potential trial participants based on diverse criteria. Both technologies are reducing costs and timelines for patient recruitment and data gathering alike. They are also making clinical trials more accessible and user-friendly.  2. Can you elaborate on the advantages of virtual and decentralised clinical trials in the context of digitisation? Decentralised and virtual clinical trials are enabling easier access to participants across remote and under-served areas/sites. Remote data gathering and monitoring is one advantage along with combating logistical, transportation, and access hurdles. There is also the opportunity to access bigger and more diverse populations with these trial systems. These are some of the biggest advantages of virtual clinical trials.  3. What challenges arise in adapting legacy systems to the demands of digitised clinical trial processes? Legacy systems need to be adapted to digitised clinical trial processes in the current scenario. Some of the major challenges in this case include software and technological costs, awareness and education on new technological procedures, choosing suitable technologies, and technological literacy of participants.  4. What role does real-world data integration play in driving insights and innovation within digitised clinical trials? Real-world data integration plays a crucial role in enabling greater innovation and insights as far as digitised clinical trials are concerned. Wearables, remote tracking, and virtual clinical visits may enable more patient-focused trials. This will enhance patient engagement greatly while enabling higher accuracy in terms of insights on how medicines perform in actual settings and scenarios.

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Life Science & Pharma News Wrap | Weekly Snippet

Life Science & Pharma News Wrap | Weekly Snippet

✅ Scientists unveil a new tech for detecting protein modifications. From disease research to drug development, this discovery can now delve deeper into vital biological pathways. ✅ Hyderabad’s thriving ecosystem is offering boundless opportunities for growth and breakthrough research. No wonder, more than 12 big biotech companies are now eyeing this city to expand their footprints. ✅ CHA Vaccine Institute and Pharos iBio join hands to co-develop AI-based treatments. This collaboration aims to reinvest immunotherapies for a healthier future. ✅ PIPA and Meati are set to redefine how we approach life sciences and food innovation. Powered by AI, this transformative journey promises the way for personalised and more effective treatments.

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HCP centric Branding in Pharma Industry

Pioneering HCP-centric Branding: Revolutionising the Pharma Industry

Healthcare professionals (HCPs) are the target customer base for pharmaceutical companies. Now when it comes to offering them more innovative solutions for better patient outcomes and trust building, there has to be a better understanding at work for tailoring campaigns. In a highly regulated pharmaceutical marketing environment, is it possible for companies/brands to build better relationships with healthcare professionals (HCPs)? The answer is yes, provided the brand-building activity is done in a suitable manner. Here’s knowing a little more about the same. Understanding the Needs of HCPs Understanding the requirements of healthcare professionals (HCPs) is crucial for not just trust building but also to ensure more purposeful pharma brand-building. HCP engagement can be summed up as an approach that is diverse and targeted throughout multiple channels, with a view towards actively responding and seeking the requirements and feedback of HCPs. This may be done through various forms of communication, marketing, outreach, events, programs, educational and awareness initiatives, tailored content, and more. Here are some key points that should be understood clearly in this context: Building Trust with HCPs Trust building with healthcare professionals (HCPs) is a two-way street, based on the principles of authenticity, credibility, reliability, and transparency as outlined above. Here are some other points worth noting in this regard: Creating a Purpose-Driven Brand Here are a few ways in which a purpose-driven brand can be built by pharmaceutical companies in order to engage better with HCPs. FAQs 1. What are the key insights and data sources that pharma companies can utilise to better understand HCPs and their needs? Pharmaceutical companies can utilise various sources of data and insights to understand HCPs and their needs better. These include direct or indirect feedback and insights from HCPs, social media communication and interactions, posts and relevant content from HCPs and stakeholders regarding products, services, and their challenges, and so on.  2. In what ways can HCP insights be integrated into the branding process to create a brand that resonates with HCPs and builds trust? HCP insights can be integrated seamlessly into the process of branding in order to enable better brand-building. This can be done through collaborative initiatives for engagement, awareness, and education. Other methods include community-based information and learning sessions.  3. What ethical considerations should pharma companies keep in mind when leveraging HCP understanding for brand development? Some of the ethical considerations to be kept in mind by pharmaceutical companies in this case include respecting data privacy and adhering to consent regulations. Pharmaceutical companies should also abide by data security policies and maintain open and transparent communication with regard to information sharing.  4. What are the primary challenges and obstacles faced by pharma companies when it comes to leveraging HCP understanding for brand development? Some of the primary hurdles faced by pharmaceutical companies for tapping an understanding of HCPs to enable better brand development include the lack of proper opportunities for face-to-face interaction and higher competition for HCP attention and time spans in the market. Other challenges include aligning products and value propositions at the right time for the right HCPs.

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Life Science & Pharma News Wrap | Weekly Snippets

✅ NanoTemper Technologies launches a Biotinylated Target Labeling Kit that aims at transforming the way scientists in the pharma landscape approach challenging drug targets. ✅ Nvidia is driving advancements for a healthier future in the pharma and healthcare landscape with Generative AI. ✅ MeitY-nasscom CoE is all set to host an exclusive forum on the transformative power of AI in the healthcare domain. ✅ Scientists have developed an advanced genetic technology to combat malaria-spreading mosquitoes. This advancement brings us one step closer to eliminating malaria and saving millions of lives worldwide.

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The impact of 3D printing on pharmaceutical manufacturing

The Impact Of 3D Printing On Pharmaceutical Manufacturing And The Potential For Personalised Dosage Forms And Drug Delivery Systems

3D printing has the potential to not only revolutionise core business segments like manufacturing and construction, but also the pharmaceutical industry. From pharmaceutical manufacturing to personalised dosage forms and drug delivery systems, there are several applications of this technology in the sector. It has led to a major shift with a change visible from conventional medicine mass production towards personalised drug products for each individual. The concept has future potential with regard to enabling advantages for the industry, patients, and pharmacists, through offering on-demand production and design of flexible medicine formulations, complete with personalised sizes, shapes, dosages, drug releases, and combinations of multiple drugs. At the same time, 3D printing may be integrated into applications like precision medicine and additive manufacturing with the technology enabling the creation of medicines personalised for therapeutic needs of patients, including drug combinations, dosage, and drug release profiles along with personal requirements in terms of the flavour, texture, shape, and size. 3D printing also ensures multiple advantages for not just the pharmaceutical industry and clinical practices, while also helping lower overall costs and speeding up development cycles alongside. Pharmaceutical 3D printing system types 3D printing has several avatars in terms of its usage in the pharmaceutical manufacturing space. These include the following:  Design- Pharmacists and companies can design and tailor formulations with software, choosing sizes, shapes, and types that cater to clinical or pre-clinical needs. The designed formulation will be transferred digitally to the chosen 3D printer.  Develop- Printlets can be created through the insertion of the necessary ink cartridge into the printer. The suitable parameters are chosen including temperature, resolution, and printing, which are usually based on the characteristics of the drug, type of printer, and the outcomes which are desired.  Dispense- The 3D printer can automatically enable the preparation of printed formulations on a layer-wise basis, which will be prepared for dispensing through the pharmacist.  Some methods of printing include SLS (selective laser sintering), FDM (fused deposition modelling), BJ (binder jet), DPE (direct powder extrusion), and SSE (semi-solid extrusion). Every type of technology has its own specific technical attributes while enabling the production of personalised drugs with diverse attributes. Key benefits of 3D Printing for pharmaceutical manufacturing Here are some of the biggest advantages of 3D printing in the pharmaceutical manufacturing space, right from drug delivery systems to personalised dosage forms.  Personalisation of treatments on the basis of individual or therapeutic needs of patients.  Patients can ultimately select formulation types from available catalogues, leading to preferential colours, textures, flavours, sizes, and shapes. This will mean higher autonomy of patients along with engagement across various pathways of treatments and higher adherence to medicines.  Medicines can be produced with exact dosages as needed by patients, or even flexible types of dosages.  The efficiency of treatment can be improved while also lowering the risks of any unwanted effects due to inaccurate and unnecessary dosages.  These abilities may be helpful for pediatric patients, who may not always prefer traditional formulations that are mass-produced.  3D printing in the pharmaceutical industry may benefit senior citizens or older people, especially those with complex dosage needs and higher tablet volumes regularly. Combinations of multiple dosages and drugs along with drug release profiles into single formulations may be advantageous for this section of the populace.  Clinical pharmacy practices may also benefit from easy integration of 3D printers, with SSE, FDM, and DPE being especially helpful in these cases. Pharmacists will be able to leverage flexible and automatic systems of compounding which may generate tailored forms of dosages upon demand, based on evolving situational or patient requirements. On-site printers will naturally enhance access to medicines for various categories of patients, lower manufacturing costs, and also hasten discharge timelines due to lower labour needs.  The overall application of this technology can reduce the total time required between drug discoveries and marketing formulations along with the overall costs linked to the same.  3D printing may be deployed as an alternative method of production by the industry for offering mass-personalised/customised medicines. Formulations may be customised for patients as mentioned for on-demand production throughout decentralised areas including clinics, pharmacies, and even the homes of patients.  Down the line, 3D printing may be a veritable game-changer for the pharmaceutical industry, enabling personalisation and formulations, along with efficient drug delivery as well, while simultaneously lowering go-to-market timelines, costs, and many other hassles involved in the process for pharmaceutical companies. FAQs What is 3D printing and how does it work in the pharmaceutical industry? 3D printing or additive manufacturing is the procedure of creating three-dimensional solid items from digital files. It works through the manufacturing of specific, multi-drug, and personalised formulations in the pharmaceutical industry.  How can 3D printing be used to create personalised dosage forms and drug delivery systems? 3D printing can be leveraged for the creation of personalised forms of dosages and drug delivery systems, through either multi-drug combinations or formulations, or on-demand dosages with differentiated flavors, textures, sizes, and shapes. How does 3D printing impact the speed and efficiency of pharmaceutical manufacturing?  3D printing, especially on-site, lowers the time taken by pharmaceutical manufacturing entities to produce on-demand drugs. It also reduces the time between discovery and marketing of formulations by a great extent. The entire procedure becomes more efficient with lower labour, costs, and higher efficiency with minimal logistics.  What are the regulatory considerations for 3D printed pharmaceuticals? The medical products made by 3D printers are regulated by the FDA. The regulatory review that is needed depends on the type of product that is being manufactured, along with its intended usage, and the potential risk factors for patients.

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INT. Pulse

INT Pulse

Dear Colleague, there you are at your desk, starting the day with a review of your 80/20 list and suddenly –  upcoming meeting alert – or in other words, the sound of your workday dying.  Fret not, because just like you, your boss hates that sound too.  Nope, we didn’t cook this up ourselves – multiple researches stand by what we’re telling you.   Executives spend an average of 25 hours a week in meetings, yet nearly half of those video calls and project updates could disappear without any negative impact, per a survey of over 10,000 desk workers by Future Forum.   Reluctantly going to noncritical meetings wastes about USD100 million a year at big organisations, according to another survey.  The studies found the top reason why business leaders went to unproductive meetings is that they thought it would be a good use of time, but ultimately wasn’t.  They also attend because they’re afraid to miss something important, and to show their own manager they’re working.   Reminds us of that old saying – ‘this meeting could have been an email’.  Just like the one you are reading now.  AI: Why Google Is Taking It Nice And Easy What You Know The once-a-little-known startup, OpenAI, took on Big G head-on in a fight for the spot as AI’s top dog.  Within just 60 days of its release, ChatGPT amassed 100 million+ users worldwide. Also, since it saw daylight, ChatGPT has passed multiple prestigious graduate-level exams in law and business, even going as far as passing the United States Medical Licensing Exam (USMLE).  On the flip side, Google recently released an ad for Bard (it’s own AI tool) that had incorrect information coming directly from the chatbot, resulting in the loss of over USD100 billion in market value for the tech giant. What You Also Know Even with an unspectacular tech stack, ChatGPT’s decision to offer AI to the masses through the web has revolutionised text generation through automation, having big ramifications on sectors like education, employment, and, particularly relevant to Google, the evolution of online searches.  On the other hand, Google has only allowed some groups to test out Bard before its full public release in the near future.  Plus, Blake Lemoine, an ex Googler, stirred up a storm by publishing a document in which he proposed the possibility of the AI being sentient. (ChatGPT had its share of lobotomy as well, BTW) What You Don’t Know ChatGPT might be winning the AI race for now, but soon Sam Altman will probably have to fly to Washington DC and spend afternoons with an 85-year-old farmer-turned-Senator from Idaho, to explain why his great-granddaughter was suspended from private middle school for using something called “the GPT AI.”  Jokes apart, our resident AI/ML lead, Dipak Singh, is doing some transformational work for enterprises with ChatGPT, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in general. Reach out to Dipak to explore a solution for your organisation BFSI: Apple Is Ummm, A Bank Now? For all practical considerations, yes.  Let us explain. Sometime back, Apple drove an armoured cash van through the American banking industry.  Yeah?  True. While the average bank is paying less than 0.5% on savings accounts, the USD2.6 trillion tech giant announced it would dish out 4.15% (that’s 10X the national average) annual returns to savers. This, when regional American banks are balking in the wake of the Silicon Valley Bank crisis to maintain their deposit bases, and cash-starved fintech startups are gasping for breath.  Is It A Gravity Game Changer? Pretty much. Per Forbes, “as trust in traditional banks falters, the two most iconic names in tech and finance are joining together to create what might become America’s mightiest FinTech.”  Clarification on the other iconic name – since Apple does not have a banking license, it has teamed up with Goldman Sachs Bank, USA.  In pure fintech jargon, Apple is now a neobank like Jupiter and Fi Money – except its ginormous brand strength, with over two billion iPhones globally, is now serving as Goldman’s branch network.  At 4.5%, Where Are The Profits? Apple’s 10X returns savings account is less about profits than it is about bringing more iPhone owners under Apple and Goldman’s financial umbrella.  While two billion people around the world own Apple devices, fewer than 10% are Apple Card users, meaning there is a megatron* market opportunity waiting to be tapped already.  Net earnings from interest margins may not be Goldman’s priority either.   Profits or no profits, the iPhone user is certainly not complaining.  *megatron is a myth, but it sounds so cool, we used it for effect.  Pharma: Unable To Pear The Loss Pharma technology pioneers, here’s a reality check – one that is brought to you, courtesy, insurance companies.  What The Eff? Yes, Pear Therapeutics, creator of 3 FDA-cleared prescription apps to help treat substance use disorder and insomnia, just announced that it is, err, bankrupt, as the tech startup struggled to get insurers to pay for its technology.  Btw, we are talking about America here.  While doctors were willing to prescribe digital therapeutics and patients were willing to use them, “that isn’t enough,” Pear’s CEO Corey McCann wrote in this LinkedIn post.  “Payors have the ability to deny payment for therapies that are clinically necessary, effective, and cost-saving.” What made Pear special? Clinical robustness: Through high quality clinical trials, Pear demonstrated enhanced patient outcomes in substance use disorder and insomnia. Regulatory blessing: One of the earliest to get US-FDA approval, Pear saw 10,000+ prescriptions written for its digital solution. Investor enthusiasm: Pear raised USD300M in equity, USD100M in debt and went public last year with a valuation of USD1B+. Key Takeaway? Per Tushar Sadhu on LinkedIn, “external capital comes with its powers and responsibilities. Unrealistic valuation and pre-mature IPO undid the good work the company had done in product creation.”  Stuff We Are Watching  GoI’s Chatbot Plan: The Government of India is working to create a multilingual ChatGPT-like chatbot helpline that can be used to manage grievances of disgruntled consumers.   USD100,000 Saved by AI: ChatGPT use cases now run into millions, populating every nook and corner of social timelines, but how does

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How the Large Language Models like GPT are revolutionising the AI space in all domains (BFSI, Pharma, and HealthCare)

How the Large Language Models like GPT are revolutionising the AI space in all domains (BFSI, Pharma, and HealthCare)

Large language models or LLMs are ushering in a widespread AI revolution throughout multiple business and industry domains. DALL-E-2 set the cat amongst the pigeons in the AI segment in July 2022, developed by OpenAI, before ChatGPT came into the picture. This has put the spotlight firmly on the invaluable role increasingly played by LLMs (large language models) across diverse sectors. Here’s examining the phenomenon in greater detail.  LLMs make a sizeable impact worldwide With natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, and predictive analytics among other advanced tools, LLM neural networks are steadily widening the scope of impact of AI across the BFSI (banking, financial services, and insurance), pharma, healthcare, robotics, and gaming sectors among others.  Large language models are learning-based algorithms which can identify, summarise, predict, translate, and generate languages with the help of massive text-based datasets with negligible supervision and training. They are also taking care of varied tasks including answering queries, identifying and generating images, sounds, and text with accuracy, and also taking care of things like text-to-text, text-to-video, text-to-3D, and digital biology. LLMs are highly flexible while being able to successfully provide deep domain queries along with translating languages, understanding and summarising documents, writing text, and also computing various programs as per experts.  ChatGPT heralded a major shift in LLM usage since it works as a foundation of transformer neural networks and generative AI. It is now disrupting several enterprise applications simultaneously. These models are now combining scalable and easy architectures with AI hardware, customisable systems, frameworks, and automation with AI-based specialised infrastructure, making it possible to deploy and scale up the usage of LLMs throughout several mainstream enterprise and commercial applications via private and public clouds, and also through APIs.  How LLMs are disrupting sectors like healthcare, pharma, BFSI, and more Large language models are increasingly being hailed as massive disruptors throughout multiple sectors. Here are some aspects worth noting in this regard:  Pharma and Life Sciences:  Healthcare:  The impact of ChatGPT and other tools in healthcare becomes even more important when you consider how close to 1/3rd of adults in the U.S. alone, looking for medical advice online for self-diagnosis, with just 50% of them subsequently taking advice from physicians.  BFS:  Insurance:  The future should witness higher LLM adoption throughout varied business sectors. AI will be a never-ending blank canvas on which businesses will function more efficiently and smartly towards future growth and customer satisfaction alike. The practical value and potential of LLMs go far beyond image and text generation. They can be major new-gen disruptors in almost every space.  FAQs What are large language models? Large language models or LLMs are specialised language frameworks that have neural networks with multiple parameters that are trained on vast amounts of unlabelled text with the usage of self-supervised learning.  How are they limited and what are the challenges they encounter? LLMs have to be contextual and relevant to various industries, which necessitates better training. Personal data security risks, inconsistencies in accuracy, limited levels of controllability, and lack of proper training data are limitations and challenges that need to be overcome.  How cost-effective are the Large Language Models? While building an LLM does require sizeable costs, the end-savings for the organisation are considerable, right from saving costs on human resources and functions to automating diverse tasks.  What are some potential ethical concerns surrounding the use of large language models in various industries? Some concerns include data privacy, security, consent management, and so on. At the same time, there are concerns regarding these models replicating several stereotypes and biases since they are trained using vast datasets. This may lead to discriminatory or inaccurate results at times in their language. 

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Healthcare Tech Trends 2023

Healthcare Tech Trends To Watch In 2023

There are multiple interesting healthcare tech trends 2023 that could completely transform the space as the industry buzz goes. It is clear, going by the latest trends in healthcare industry that more innovation is afoot in the sector and this will dominate headlines all throughout the year. 

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