Category: Marketing

Here Is How to Set the Right KPI and Targets For Your Digital Journey?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help you understand whether you are achieving your target goals or not. KPIs also tell you how close you are towards achieving them. KPIs can help you track progress related to expenses, customer insight, revenue, etc. There are KPIs for every business function within an organization. Important sales related KPIs include number of wins, deals, and opportunities, sales qualified leads, etc. Return on marketing investment, customer retention, customer acquisition cost, etc. are examples of marketing KPIs. Measuring customer service KPIs is important too, as it tells you how happy or satisfied your customers are with your brand. Key performance indicators of customer service include Customer Satisfaction Score, first response time, customer retention rate, SERVQUAL developed by Valerie Zeithaml, which measures service + quality, etc. In this article, let us take a look at how you can choose the right KPIs and set targets so that you are always on track. Choosing the right KPIs to improve performance KPIs can be grouped under lagging and leading indicators, and you will need to monitor both. Lagging indicators are those which can be easily measured but hard to influence. Leading indicators, on the other hand, are easy to influence but hard to measure. An example of a lagging KPI is the number of orders placed on a certain day, while an example of a leading indicator would be return on marketing investments. Begin with choosing a KPI Key performance indicators should be SMART, i.e., specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. Specific KPIs are easy to track and monitor than vague ones. For instance, a specific KPI would be “exact number of orders placed every week”. A vague KPI would be “Satisfactory order processing”. In other words, it should be reduced to a number in order for it to be tracked. KPIs should also be measurable. If we take the number of orders per week as a KPI, it can be averaged over months and years. KPIs should be realistic so that if employees work hard, they are attainable. If they are unrealistic and unattainable, you stand the risk of demotivating employees. KPIs need to be tracked over a period of time and measured against time too. Make sure you can evaluate your chosen KPI across time phases. An example of KPIs : Image Source: Flickr Monitor and measure KPIs and metrics However, you might wonder what a “metric” is. Metric is a quantifiable measure or that which can be reduced to a number. The number of orders placed on a given day is a metric. However, only when it is studied over a period of time (number of sales per week, observed over many weeks) does the metrics become a KPI. While a KPI helps you measure performance and success, a metric is simply a number that needs to be assessed within a KPI. Reward employees who achieve KPI targets Recent research reveals that setting realistic KPI targets help employees to perform better. Not just that, rewarding employees when they achieve or surpass KPI targets will incentivize their performance. This IBM white paper explores how the right employee behavior can be rewarded and motivated by using KPIs. An interesting observation of the paper is to reward teams instead of choosing individual employees for rewards. This motivates entire teams to work harder to achieve set KPI targets. Key Performance Indicators (KPI): The 75 measures every manager needs to know by Bernard Marr is an important book that can help you familiarize with using the right KPIs to evaluate employee performance and encouraging them to achieve KPIs set for other areas. Review and make changes to your KPI strategy Conduct regular audits of the KPI targets and assess the metrics associated with each KPI. If they are under-performing, you might want to set a more realistic goal. If you have been consistently performing high, set yourself a higher target that is tied around time phases. Choose a different KPI is the one you have chosen is not getting you the result you need. You may also need to vary your targets consistently depending on your business success. A neutral observer will help you take an objective look at your KPI performance, and provide you with a more realistic picture of your situation. Speaking to a consultant that specializes in KPI metric analysis helps. KPIs help businesses to get back on track KPI is a measurable value that helps businesses achieve targets. KPIs help businesses to understand and evaluate their performance so that they can be further improved over time. Choose the right KPIs carefully and make sure that they are specific in what they measure, quantifiable so that what you measure can be reduced to numbers, and that they can realistically be attained. They must also be relevant to your goals and success, and must always be measured against time. Once you choose your KPIs and set targets, you should continuously monitor and measure your chosen KPI metrics. Make sure to reward employees (preferably teams) who enthusiastically work towards attaining KPIs. Finally, always review your KPI strategy and make changes to it if need be.

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How Technology and New Media Are Shaping the Future of Advertising

In recent years, the advertising industry has experienced often painful changes and has found it difficult to keep up with the pace of technology. What used to be dominated by TV (video format) and print, is now increasingly chaotic, and different media are used to reach the target audience. Usage of data and personalization of data to create more specific ad content has forced many agencies to get into a survival mode. The future of ad agencies and advertising as a profession lies in the ability to swim in the direction of technology while remaining creative at the same time. Of course, this is no easy task, and there are multiple ways technology is shaping the future of advertising every moment. Let us take a brief look at the future of advertising shaped by technology, and the new media you might want to consider if you are an agency looking to advertise. Here are the top trends. Location data to influence advertising Currently, location data is mostly used for marketing purposes. However, in the near future, more advertisers will look at launching campaigns specifically based on location data. GDPR may work out in favour of advertisers because many people do give permission for their location data to be used. What was earlier a grey area will now be a clear pathway to target people in specific locations and send them ads. Mobile devices will spur location-based advertising further afield and will help predict trends as well. In fact, ad strategy will begin to rely on location data more than ever before. A paradigm shift from offline to online Digital advertising has actually caught up with TV advertising. The share of advertising budget by channel is exactly equal to each other at 41% for TV and digital ads. Print comes at a distant 10% in ad budgets. What this really tells us is, there is a paradigm shift taking place in the ad industry, where campaigns are now written by default for digital channels, and TV and print are going to become after-thoughts. What we will also witness is the convergence of digital and traditional advertising, which actually has taken place if you notice the figures. In the near future, the share of TV is likely to fall further, with a potential for print to increase. Richer graphics and return to creativity offline With online advertising getting busier and more serious, creative will find more freedom to experiment in print. Online advertising has already become mainstream and is subject to decision makers’ opinions and strategy, leading to less elbow room for creative professionals. On the flip side, print will see a gradual return to creativity, and more expensive ad campaigns may actually be run via print media, simply because those who still tend to stick to print medium tend to be better educated and more affluent. In other words, digital will encourage print to become more niche, and that is not something bad. Application-based advertising Digital advertising is fueled by mobile users, and it is no surprise that the future of advertising will depend on how agencies tap into this medium. App usage has increased dramatically even in the last few months when we consider emerging economies like Brazil and China. In the US and Europe, much of advertising growth has taken place in the realm of mobile applications, and this is something that cannot be ignored. In-app ads and users’ geo-location together can transform the way we understand advertising today. Ads are going to be personalized further Much of the changes taking place in the ad industry due to technology is because of data. Data is helping ad managers to access insight that was previously impossible, and that’s leading to a greater degree of personalization. Personalization of ads is also important because digital ads rarely enter the periphery of perception of web users. Many of them have begun to use ad-blockers and to make sure that an ad reaches the intended viewer, personalizing it is very important. Without personalizing, you stand the risk of being blocked or just being ignored. Focus on content Finally, another important trend is the quality of the content. As content developed for online usage is searchable, it is very different from creating ad content for print or TV media. Advertisers will need to focus on the quality of content and ensure that they are filled with rich media in order to attract the attention of consumers. In fact, ad content will tend to become more informative and realistic than persuasive. Persuasive and creative campaigns may find better use in print media offline. Here are some new media to consider Location-based mobile technology While mobile ads are nothing new, you might want to focus more on location-based mobile ads in the future. Consumer lifestyle is defined by mobile usage, and people move from one place to another, and they are always connected via their mobile phones. This makes location-based advertising very important and crucial to ad success. Focus on developing ad campaigns that take this into consideration. Use location data to create ad campaigns that are super specific and targeted. In fact, using predictive analytics may even help you predict when the intended target audience is going to be in a particular location. In-app advertisements The most important of all the new media are the applications themselves. Mobile applications present a challenging but very lucrative medium to advertise. In-app advertisements can very well race past TV ads and they come in a number of types. However, making in-app ads attractive to consumers while also being non-intrusive depends on the ad interface designer. Make sure that in-app ads focus on user interface and intuitiveness so that consumers do not feel intruded upon. App usage tends to be a private activity and the perceived intrusiveness of your ad can seriously affect your campaign. Social media advertisement Without a doubt, social media advertising will continue to remain the most important platform for advertisers. Ad agencies will need to

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How Integration of Sales and Marketing Can Improve Your Conversion Rate

Across the world, for most people who aren’t part of the marketing and sales teams, these two teams work in tandem, and the words might just be interchangeable as well. “Sales and marketing” or “marketing and sales”, they are just words that can be used together or interchangeably, right? Not exactly. The two words might be related and may help towards getting customers to buy something, but they do vastly different tasks. Studies show that most businesses in the US and Europe do not understand the differences, and when they do, they simply let the two teams do what they want, without much coordination. The result is, missed opportunities and lost sales. Studies show that a lack of communication between sales and marketing teams cost businesses millions of dollars across the world. In this article, let us try to understand what the marketing and sales teams do, and why it is important to integrate the two for an improved conversion rate. What does the sales team do? Though sales and marketing are closely aligned, they are quite different. In smaller companies and businesses, the same person might take care of both the duties, and call himself a sales and marketing manager. However, there are clear differences between the two. Sales department targets individuals and small groups of people who can make a purchase. Sales activity is related to making individual and group purchases happen. Quite typically, the sales process involves converting leads and prospects into orders and purchases. It also entails a shorter duration of following the lead or prospect and does not involve general branding and other activities. Sales activities can be automated too, with the help of CRM and other tools. In fact, a good website or landing page can immediately drive up sales if it is done well. What does the marketing team do? A marketing team looks at the long-term approach of building a brand, an audience, and creating campaigns and content that build awareness about products and services. Once advertisements, content marketing, and marketing campaigns help build audience and prospects are identified, they are passed on to sales department so that they can convert them to sales. In other words, marketing activity generates leads, while sales activity pushes these leads to make a purchase. Marketing also targets the public in general after identifying segments that might be interested in certain products or services. When they express an interest in making a purchase (when the prospect is warm), they are passed on to the sales department. Integrating the two is important While they do similar things, both marketing and sales functions are vastly different. Yet, both the teams (and tools) need to be integrated so that there is cohesion between the two. There are many advantages to integrating sales and marketing teams and applications. In this section, let us take a look at 5 of the obvious benefits that come from integrating sales and marketing tools. Whether you combine the two teams or use an integration tool to integrate sales and marketing automation tools, the results will be obvious. Creates a healthy and trustful atmosphere If your business has two separate teams that carry out their sales and marketing functions, integrating tools can build a healthy and trustful atmosphere. Data and information related to leads, and how they were generated, etc. can help sales teams to approach them better. In addition, sales results can help marketing teams to devise future marketing campaigns specifically targeted at certain groups. Keeping these two entities separate along with their automation tools will not help in data sharing. Integration of sales and marketing tools helps in creating trust. While integrating marketing tools and applications is the technical side of it all, there is also a human side to this integration. Integration can encourage sales and marketing teams to interact more freely (even if they feel compelled to do so, due to data sharing). Communication always helps in forging better trust and a healthy atmosphere, both of which are necessary to identify those important leads and prospects in time. In other words, sales and marketing teams perform better and ensure more leads convert when they work together. Integrate sales and marketing data While integrating people from the two teams can have obvious benefits, there are even more important benefits when you integrate sales and marketing data. Both marketing and sales data need to be understood and looked at in their real context. Without context, data makes no sense, and it is quite useless. When you integrate your sales and marketing data, you can provide context to both and come up with better sales and marketing campaigns. A good CRM should help you to organize sales and marketing data in an easily accessible manner. Salesforce, Marketo, etc. can be used to integrate your data better and help look at data in context. After all, the importance of Big Data cannot be stated enough when it comes to designing campaigns. Integrating ERP and CRM also has its advantages and can be a crucial part in the puzzle. Enhance team performance Integrating sales and marketing data can have another effect which indirectly results in improved conversion rates. When you integrate sales and marketing data, team performance metrics improve too. This is because, when they have access to data that is relevant, they feel less pressure while developing campaigns. For example, if the sales department has access to socio-demographic data and the kind of content marketing that led a person or group to become a warm prospect, they can enhance their sales communication, leading to improved performance. Similarly, when a marketing team has access to sales data, they will have more firepower to create content and campaigns that actually matter in the long term. A lot of content marketing is usually wasted efforts because the marketing team does not have data related to successful sales. Better lead management Successfully navigating through the sales funnel depends on the integration of marketing and sales data. It is

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Digital Success Summit: Learning to Achieve Digital Success in India

Digital adoption in India has been phenomenal, and the rate at which emerging technologies are embraced by Indian businesses is equally impressive. Part of the reason why the Indian market is more amenable to digital adoption is the fact that it is the hub of software development and outsourcing since the early 1990s. From those early days of information boom to today’s Blockchain development and mobile eCommerce, India has come a long way and is much ahead of other nations. Yet, digital adoption needs to take place at the grassroots level and most Indian businesses today have not exploited the infrastructure and services available to them to bring their products and services to the global market. There are some important reasons why Indian businesses in general, have not adopted technology to boost their ROI, unlike their tech counterparts who offer technology-related services and products to a global clientele. While the Indian eCommerce industry is growing at a rapid pace, regular businesses, stores, and enterprises are still treading slowly when compared with global peers. This unique dichotomy exists not only in India, but also in other emerging countries where a certain tech-savvy section of the business community adopts digital, while the rest of the business and enterprise community does not make use of the facilities, services, and infrastructure readily available to them. Why are Indian businesses slower in digital adoption? To the casual observer, India seems like the hub of all software and technology related activities. After all, India serves as both the backend and frontend of the world’s technology-based economy. Yet, in its own backyard, businesses are slower in adopting a technology, and a closer inspection will reveal that most small and medium businesses in India’s hinterland are simply not made use of the digital tools available to them easily. This is mostly because : Non-availability of information Much of India is rural, and even in the larger cities, business owners do not have information related to digital technologies available to help boost their businesses. There aren’t many outreach programs for business owners to refresh them about the latest technologies such as IoT, artificial intelligence, Blockchain, or even various facets of cloud computing and automation. The result is, businesses still use outdated marketing techniques, spend more money and time on campaigns that do not fetch the results they seek, and traffic that simply doesn’t convert. Inaccessible services and products While Indian tech companies virtually run much of the global economy, back home, businesses do not have access to services and products available to their international peers. Businesses have still not adopted eCommerce technologies, many still use manual methods in place of automated solutions, and advanced conversion rate optimization techniques, etc. are still unheard of. Making existing digital facilities available to Indian businesses is crucial to digital adoption in India. Both cloud infrastructure and marketing automation solutions are widely available for international businesses, but yet out of reach for most Indian businesses simply because they are not easily accessible. Lack of guidance and support While there are several technical consultants in larger cities of India, the consulting guidance and support available to businesses are not adequate. There simply isn’t a cohesive network of technology service providers dedicated to bringing digital solutions to Indian businesses. Regional digital summits are crucial in helping raise awareness about facilities and infrastructure available to businesses of various statures to lunge forward. Regular summits can help businesses to not only understand the products and services available to help them adopt digital solutions but also to scale quickly. Absence of digital-first culture While lack of information and inaccessibility of digital solutions can be blamed for slower adoption among Indian businesses, there is also an absence of digital-first culture among many businesses. Many businesses still hold on to legacy systems and operations which are not relevant anymore. these methods, tools, and technologies simply hold them back, while their competitors who adopt newer tools and methods achieve success quickly. With this in mind, there need to be more digital events, summits, and conferences which normalize digital adoption among the Indian business community. The Digital Success Summit, 2018 It is with all these reasons in mind that the Digital Success Summit has been organized. The summit brings together a variety of speakers, keynote presenters, and workshops to participating businesses and entrepreneurs, to help them adopt digital solutions quickly and efficiently. The Digital Success Summit 2018 will be held in Kolkata, West Bengal, on the 10th of August. The summit will help business owners to adopt the most useful digital strategies to achieve success and growth. The conference will help businesses to Understand how the internet works and is governed Choosing the right domain name for your business Understanding what cloud computing is all about, and which cloud hosting to choose If you should get a mobile app developed or not Use marketing automation and marketing KPIs to drive more sales Maximize online leads to sales conversion rate Learn how to create viral content and engage in influencer marketing Choosing the right CMS for your website, and using conversion rate optimization (CRO) tricks Using paid marketing to drive eCommerce transactions and creating trust using personal branding How to bring a digital culture shift in organizations, and making sure that every business is safe from cyber attacks Understanding IoT and analytics The Digital Success Summit has been specifically organized to help Indian businesses to overcome the hurdles in adopting digital solutions, and get past their cultural barriers to embrace a brave new world which will lead them along the path of competitive edge, global success and business efficiency. From digital infrastructure to media and advertising, and from business enhancing catalysts to KPIs and analytics, the summit has got all things digital covered for businesses to achieve success.  

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Why Marketing Automation Matters for Your Business

If you are late to the party, marketing automation is a force to reckon with and is the fuel that is driving small and medium-sized agencies and businesses to compete with the top players in the industry. Marketing automation helps a small team to put its marketing strategy on steroids, and use Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions to automate both basic and complex marketing tasks to achieve stellar heights. There are a number of software tools and cloud solutions that help businesses to automate various marketing functions, right from understanding a target market to capturing lead-related data and nurturing long-term customers. While implementing a thorough marketing strategy used to be expensive and time-consuming, it is now accessible even to the smallest of companies thanks to SaaS subscription models. SaaS solutions provide efficient, affordable, and accessible marketing tools on different subscription models. Both big and small businesses have begun to use these SaaS marketing tools to automate various marketing functions, and have begun to see exemplary results. Regardless of the size and nature of your business, the axiomatic truth is, you need marketing automation. To explain why marketing automation matters so much for your business, we have listed 7 reasons. Let us take a look at each of them briefly. Understand your market better Most businesses fail to achieve traction because their marketing strategy is not in touch with the actual realities of the market they are targeting. This is only possible when campaigns are tied around behavioral and demographic variables that are often easy to miss. Marketing automation tools provide rich insights into the market in question and help businesses to design campaigns that are effective. When you subscribe to a MarTech solution, you will be able to compete with large businesses who probably have better resources to conduct market research. Market research can get quite tedious and expensive for those who do not have the resources to carry out large market research campaigns, Data analytics, combined with marketing automation tools can help you to arrive at marketing predictions that are useful and effective, at a fraction of the cost. MarTech is increasingly being used to conduct market research by a large number of companies and is encouraging a metrics-driven culture. Curate high-quality leads New GDPR rules and privacy-related restrictions have severely curtailed most businesses’ ability to capture high-quality leads. Yet, the new developments are positive in nature when assessed objectively. Marketing automation tools can now quickly detect and predict which of your web visitors are going to be hour leads, and which of them will convert to customers. Data analytics and marketing automation tools can be integrated and programmed in such a way that you automate the curation of high-quality leads. There’re a number of tools already available to help you automate both lead generation, and filtering of those leads. However, partnering with an agency which will help you to integrate data analytics with marketing automation tools will help you curate a list of high-quality leads. After all, communicating with high-quality leads, even if they are fewer in numbers, is a better sales strategy than coming up with a digital marketing strategy that involves targeting an exponentially higher number of users. Shortlist the best distribution channels Once you have the list of leads generated and curated automatically, you will also need to assess how you should communicate with them. This decision was earlier left to managers or staff who used their own methods (both objective and subjective) to list the preferred distribution channels. Unfortunately, this is not an effective strategy and is mired with loopholes. Inbound marketing can easily be automated, and a digital marketing strategy should be built around actual facts and figures related to which platforms, social media tools, and channels your target users prefer to use. As such, a strategy that involves marketing automation and data analytics will reveal the cold hard facts about where to reach your target audience, and how best to communicate with them. Use marketing automation to choose the best distribution and communication channels, and to base this choice on insight derived from data analytics. Understand different buyer personas To engage in successful marketing, you need to understand your target audience at an intimate level. This is only possible when the most minute of their behaviours are statistically analyzed. Automating the process of studying user behavior will help you to group them under various buyer personas. Right from what they tweet to how they respond to certain images or news feeds, you can predict exactly how you should develop your marketing strategy to win them over. As consumers tend to be a diverse group, you can develop different marketing campaigns for different buyer personas. Understanding personas are closely linked to creating winning digital content as well. Automating the process of collecting information and using data analytics to process this information helps you to arrive at useful insights related to different personas. Use this insight to create a successful agile marketing strategy. Take personalization to the next level There is a misconception that automation implies lack of personal touch. Any Chief Marketing Technologist (CMT) will tell you that automation, in fact, enhances more personal communication. Automating content distribution and basing content creation on various buyer personas help you to personalize all communication at the micro-level. For example, MarTech products can help you to target communication individually, based on various tastes, quirks, behavioral patterns, personal details, etc. While content distribution and communication can be automated, you can use your free time and man-hours to enhance customer interactions and build valuable relationships. Creating a more personal approach used to be expensive and required hiring more in-house staff. Automating such a personal approach will reduce the need for hiring more employees, and will help you build more meaningful relationships with your customers. Save time and money For most small and medium businesses, marketing is the single most expensive business process. Not only does it cost money, it also requires time and effort, all of

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#VideoMarketing – Is It Viral Yet?

Video Marketing is here and in a big way. You must have by now tried your hands on it already. It definitely yields more results than most of the other forms of marketing don’t you think? And don’t we all want our videos to be viral? Well going viral should never be the primary objective of any video marketing campaign. You should rather focus on the content before anything. Here are some of the ongoing discussions on Video Marketing that will help you propel your social media forward. YouTube Marketing is a fantastic way to showcase your products and services. Using interesting content will help you build your brand globally. With over 1 billion views a month YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine behind Google. #youtubemarketing #videomarketing — Andrew Lloyd (@AndrewL31763166) June 17, 2018 I love that YouTube is still ranking so high in google search results. Too bad Facebook can’t do that, they would do so much better as a video platform. #socialmediamarketing #VideoMarketing — Jacqueline Jax (@JacquelineJax) June 16, 2018 21 Efficient Video Marketing #Growth Hack for Your #Stratup's Content #Marketing [Infographic] #VideoMarketing #GrowthHacking — ipfconline (@ipfconline1) June 19, 2018 YouTube Marketing is a fantastic way to showcase your products and services. Using interesting content will help you build your brand globally. With over 1 billion views a month YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine behind Google. #youtubemarketing #videomarketing — Esanz Marketing (@esanz_m) June 19, 2018 Top #socialmedia trends. #VideoMarketing #AR #Chatbots #AI #InfluencerMarketing #SMM #SocialMediaMarketing #AugmentedReality By @Filmora_Editor — Jonathan Aufray ? (@JonathanAufray) June 18, 2018 A massive infographic of #videomarketing stats and tips (via @irfanahmad1989) #smm — Social Media Today (@socialmedia2day) June 17, 2018 People consume video more than written words. Share short videos on social media and longer versions on your site -via @Brucem67 #AMPlifySocial #VideoMarketing — Holly Chessman (@HollyChessman) June 12, 2018 Video #marketing Tools and Softwares #tools #software #videoproduction — GSG Promotional (@GStarsGreen) June 19, 2018 The AUDIENCE is the new CURRENCY for your #business. Today in this digital age for businesses to engage with their target audience they will need to have a strong engaging online presence to pull such valuable interest to their services & products. #VideoMarketing #namitakabilas — Namita Kabilas (@NamitaKabilas) June 18, 2018 50+ Video Marketing Stats to Guide Your 2018 Strategy [Infographic]#DigitalTransformation #DigitalMarketing #SEO #ContentMarketing#SEOServices #SEOtips #marketingtips #SocialMedia #infographic #makeyourownlane #infosec #finserv #defstar5 #Mpgvip #smm #startups #VideoMarketing — Nitish Sharma☯️ (@Nitish_Sharma23) June 14, 2018 Keep watching this space! We regularly publish similar blogs with current happenings from around the globe in the world of Tech and Digital.To read more Click Here

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Social Media Marketing – Is It The Most Powerful Marketing Tool?

We don’t think we need to tell you how crucial social media marketing is. People use multiple social media platforms not just once a day but several times per day. Social media is one of the most powerful ways to reach your customers and prospects. Let’s have a look at what’s going on in the world of Social Media Marketing. Doing meaningful social media marketing will be more important in the post-GDPR era. Get ready, or else lose touch with your clients and prospects. #digitalmarketing #gdpr #smm #socialmediamarketing — Abhishek Rungta (@abhishekrungta) May 8, 2018 5 steps to make your social #content great! 🔥#ContentMarketing #SMM #SMO #SEO #SEM #Infographics #GrowthHacking #InboundMarketing #InternetMarketing #Marketing #Makeyourownlane #Defstar5 #Mpgvip #OnlineMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #SPDC #SocialMedia #DigitalMarketing — Isabella Jones (@IsabellajonesCl) May 4, 2018 10 Benefits of #SocialMedia for Your #Startup Success [Infographic]#SMM #SocialMediaMarketing #LeadGeneration #Sales #SEO #Branding — ipfconline (@ipfconline1) May 8, 2018 🤜 #SocialMediaMarketing does take a lot to get right, but it can be truly worth the effort. — Larry Kim (@larrykim) May 5, 2018 Keep coming to our Buzz section, we are coming up with a lot of interesting insights on technology, marketing and digital.  

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#DigitalSuccess : Why is CRO necessary for a Business?

We have launched a #DigitalSuccess program, where we are sharing lots of interesting ideas, tips, techniques to achieve digital success in your business. We hosted our first #DigitalSuccess Q&A session on 28th March. Our CEO Abhishek Rungta interviewed Arun Agarwal, CEO ebizIndia. Arun is an industry veteran and an expert on Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO). The program was broadcast live on Facebook as well as on Twitter. Here are a few key insights from the session on Conversion Rate Optimization for Businesses.  1. CRO is a blend of Technology and Psychology of the potential customer. Both the elements complement each other to improve the conversions at scale. 2. On the mobile version of the website, you should put a mobile-friendly call to action buttons like tap-to-call, tap-to-text in addition to forms for your potential customers. This improves the customer experience and makes the lead generation process more efficient. 3. CRO experts not only have to plan the strategy taking inputs from the CEO or marketing people but they should also connect with customer-facing people (like salespersons). 4. Instead of relying completely on psychological mind tricks, it’s better to use clear messaging and keep the content minimal in terms of length to attract potential customers. 5. Challenge in CRO is having the volume data. If you get a good amount of traffic coming to the website, then it’s possible to experiment with 10-20% of the visitors to understand the performance rather than risk losing heavily on conversions for a bad sample. 6. On your landing page, talk about the pain and gain of the potential customer. This makes the “engagement” more effective. 7. is one of the websites recommended by Arun Agrawal to follow if one wants to excel in CRO. For more insights, you can watch the full episode here – We are coming up with more such sessions. Stay tuned! Do connect with us on social media (Twitter / Facebook / Linkedin) to learn from other’s success and failure. Also, if you have an interesting case study, do share with us and we will be happy to publish it on our platform.

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#TwitterChat : Segment Of One Marketing – A Thin Line between Brilliance and Ethics

Hyper-segmentation, targeted and personalized marketing has taken over the world in recent times. We call it the “Segment of 1”. We have seen the extreme of it in case of the Cambridge Analytica situation, which crossed the line of ethics, whereas many marketers use the power of data to deliver the right content, at the right time to the right person in the right context to drive brand objectives. Today we organized a #TwitterChat session between 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (IST) on this subject, where we discussed the power of data, the power of “Segment of 1” and where should we draw the thin line between brilliance and ethics in terms of marketing. We featured Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika), CMO of Unifynd Technologies. Let’s boost up our knowledge by revisiting this interesting session once again : @indusnettech With the cookies and IP addresses, companies can adapt their communication to each person, without even knowing their names #DigitalSuccess — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Data Mining softwares are being used in processing large amounts of data into actionable intelligence to reach a level of custom contextual #marketing speaking directly to consumers based on their #traits #DigitalSuccess @indusnettech — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Brand is able to effectively provide messaging or a value proposition that resonates with the wants of the individual customer and at various stages of their brand/buying journey #DigitalSuccessExample: We recently launched our project @NhanceGo @pmcc #Chennai #malls. — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Example: We recently launched our project @NhanceGo @pmcc #Chennai #malls. We are using Hypersegmentation to identify customer traits and behaviours and then engaging with them. When you enter this mall on your birthday, our screen will wish you a Happy Birthday with your name. — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 It does sound intrusive but is pleasant anyway, for most. some hyper-sensitive people might hate this though. So it is a conscious decision that the marketer has to take. — Arun Agrawal (@ebizindia) April 3, 2018 A3: Few things that set the boundary of ethics in marketing – 1) Intent – Was the intent to help the customer or misguide him2) Permission – Was explicit permission taken to get access to user and user's friends' data, with clarity on the way it will be used#DigitalSuccess — Abhishek Rungta (@abhishekrungta) April 3, 2018 @indusnettech @abhishekrungta #DigitalSuccess i think people will be more careful on sharing data but marketers will find ways of reaching the right customers. — Shraddha Patil (@ShraddhaBPatil) April 3, 2018 We are already seeing some feature rollbacks. I think it will slow down segmentation excellence for some time till the dust settles. #DigitalSuccess However, for long-term, media companies need to clarify the data collected and how it will be used. — Abhishek Rungta (@abhishekrungta) April 3, 2018 Creativity is a huge part of marketing, and using other businesses’ marketing messages just passes you off as being creatively bankrupt and fraudulent. Plagiarism of any kind should with punishable. #DigitalSuccess but also — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Already, Facebook, Youtube and other successful platforms have a prerequisite filtration on the content one uploads which is helping the Marketeers skip an internal step and take the risk #DigitalSuccess — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 A5. There are codes of conduct and there can be more. However, we need to find a way out to reach the right customer with the right message. And nothing better than the segment of 1. The intent must be right though or else, we get caught soon enough. — Arun Agrawal (@ebizindia) April 3, 2018 In the wild-west of #DigitalMarketing, it is very difficult to enforce a #CodeOfConduct, especially when the marketers are becoming more and more faceless. Some genius brains will use it for crime as well, and this is the reality of #Digital world.#DigitalSuccess — Abhishek Rungta (@abhishekrungta) April 3, 2018 It is wrong to assume that a person would like to be mentioned and recognised on any platform, one should have the choice to select #DigitalSuccess @indusnettech — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Again Data is crucial. When FB started retargeting options, companies would share their data with agencies to create their ads. No tracking was done for what happened to this data that companies took years to create within the agency. #DigitalSuccess One Motto: #Data is Sacred. — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 As consumers? 80% Consumers are willing share personal data like DOB, Address with companies when they receive special offers or data enabled benefits. I think the real question is what will this brand get me in return. Example: #DigitalSuccess — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Example: How would you effectively use a platform like @Mint without sharing data. Their suggestive spend engine is going to fail without you linking your #bank accounts. #DigitalSuccess — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 @abhishekrungta @indusnettech #DigitalSuccess no brand can be trusted for data. The important thing is what do they do with data. I shared my no yest with one clothing store and today they added me to WhatsApp group. That's annoying — Shraddha Patil (@ShraddhaBPatil) April 3, 2018 Once majority of content on FB was UGC and now its no longer true. Its exciting to note what companies like @Steemit are doing. #DigitalSuccess … — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Indeed, an insightful discussion where we got some brilliant knowledge on “Segment of 1” marketing phenomena. Stay with us, we will bring to you more such power-packed sessions in the future.    

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Attribution Metrics and Performance Marketing in Mobile

Are you reading this article on a mobile device? Going by statistics, insights and the scene at any dining table or college cafeteria, you most likely are. We live in a mobile-first world. In an average day, at least one out of four people with access to the internet, only use a smart phone. Moreover, we freely move back and forth between devices to get things done: Over half of this demographic rely on more than one type of device in an average day, with 1/5 of them using another device while concurrently using a computer (Google Insights).  Due to the stupendous role mobile phones play in our lives enabling us today to conduct all operations on the move, consumers now have the flexibility to develop curiosity, interest, attraction, and craving for a product, even compare it with similar products and place the order, within moments of viewing its ad on Instagram! But, there is an acute dearth of conclusive data on what determines online consumption today. With the advent of Marketing Attribution, we are closer to solving the mystery of what makes up effective digital marketing. Attribution Metrics is the way in which marketers assess ROI of the strategies/channels that connect them to potential customers. These tools simplify the retailer’s understanding of what it takes to make their products marketable, in the absence of any direct communication between the consumer and the seller (save for review forms and online surveys). To learn which marketing strategy is paying off, which chess piece needs to be moved around to generate better results, Marketing Attribution brings you the best system to standardize and monitor consumer behaviour. Why is accurate attribution so important for your business? The holy grail of media measurement is to analyze the impact and business value of all company-generated marketing interactions across the complex customer journey. Settling to remain in the dark—or worse, working under wrong assumptions—is akin to driving without a navigator. Inaccurate attribution will not only hamper your growth rate, it can also throw you off the right track by generating false impression or sketchy information about the complexities involved in online retail. Various marketing channels combine and permute to convert leads to sales, and the number of such channels is increasing every day with each new feature getting added to social media-verse. Facebook Explore, Instagram Live, Snapchat stories, Twitter buttons and Pinterest redirects are constantly revamping themselves to make it easy for businesses to attract and improve their presence for prospective buyers. This also makes it more difficult for these businesses to generate an actionable analysis of which channel is ultimately responsible for their success or the lack of it. With new agents (for mobile online payment like PayTm or Apple Wallet) being constantly introduced to the cycle reaffirms how important it is for marketing attribution to be constantly vigilant about the newest developments in the field. According to Matt Voda writing for The Make Good, “With accurate attribution comes not just more confidence in the strategies and tactics in place today, but most importantly, better decision-making, improved efficiency and effectiveness, and higher ROI. Accurate attribution helps you confidently zero in on your next best moves.” Attribution will be the biggest challenge marketers face this year Besides facing the perennial challenges of piecing together the product’s lifecycle complicated by dynamic ads, there are privacy and customer trust issues which makes tracking every step of the way difficult, unethical, unprofitable and counterproductive. One aspect that attribution metrics have not yet been able to solve is how offline advertising affects the online purchase. This offline to online transition has made one thing difficult for sure: it is now much harder to estimate the impact of your campaign, especially when it comes to mobile marketing. Developers are still struggling to come up with ways in which cross-channel influencers affect the performance of online ads. The rapidly changing scene today demands granular ad-level analytics to drive day-to-day activities of branding and marketing teams. Different Types of Attribution Models : 1. Single Source Attribution: First or last touch-based attribution takes into account only the channels engaging target audience with the product in the very beginning or the end. Upper Funnel Distribution registers the beginning of a customer’s purchase journey as in the case of programmatic display ads, while Bottom Funnel Attribution makes note of an ad’s ability to close the deal, like run search ads. 2. Multisource attribution: Since both touch points work together in driving conversions, most businesses prefer a model that generates insights on all levels of lead engaging. Multisource attribution credits each channel for their contribution to the final conversion; it includes everything from ads and social posts to webinars and e-newsletters. Also known as equal attribution, this accounts for every involvement in attaining a final sale. “It brings a sense of equality to the process, but at the same time doesn’t take into consideration the idea that certain aspects of the conversion have more weight than others – for example, the first time an ad is shown could arguably have played more of a role in the final conversion than duplicate impressions.” In such cases, weighted attribution proves to be more effective because it facilitates and substantiates these insights with by filing the hierarchy of the roles played by each channel in converting leads to sales. 3. Post-view attribution gives conversion credit to the visibility, reach of the ad. However, this is highly unreliable and quite useless at the end of the day, because while a lot of ads are shown to users, not all of them are necessarily seen. This is why post-click attribution is more useful in eliminating unnecessary data, taking into account only those ads which have generated clicks or redirects to the next stage of purchase (to the company’s website or shopping portal, for example). After the initial touch and before the final touch point before the sale, it doesn’t account for any prior website visits and is thus unable to shed little

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