Category: Management

Spend Time with Pets to Reduce Stress at Work

If you have been feeling a little down and about, there might be a reason. Too much of work can cause stress and that is never a good state to be in. If you are feeling stressed out, there is help at hand. You could try meditating, increasing your physical activity, eating better food and getting a good sleep. If all this doesn’t work, you might have to seek therapy. However, recent research shows that having an animal around significantly reduces stress. If you could have an office pet of sorts, you will not only reduce your own stress but also that of your employees. There are a number of research studies that support this idea. In this article, let us take a look at the kind of pets which are convenient to be given the post of official stress busters. 1.      Cats Cats are the most suitable pets when it comes to having them in offices. They are usually silent and when they do mew, it doesn’t disturb everyone. They sleep during the day and if your employees usually work during the day, cats will sleep away in a corner. If you are feeling stressed, spend a little time with your feline friend and it is known to be a very therapeutic pet. A cat’s purring is known to heal injuries, prevent bone damage and also help you unload your stress. Moreover, they are very intelligent beings and can learn to live with the humdrum of daily office life. An increasing number of offices have their own official cats! 2.      Dogs Dogs are great companions, just like cats and they are just as popular. Just like cats, you need to choose the right breed that does not bark too much or that which is not very aggressive. A gentle and quiet dog is what you should be looking at, when you are trying to buy one for your office. Dogs can be toilet trained too and are just as intelligent as cats. The only problem with dogs is that many people are scared of them. You do not want to scare your employees away with a dog running amok! 3.      Rabbits Rabbits are easy to handle and are not expensive. They are gentle creatures and remain silent. You will not have to tend to them much and the minder can find them once in a while so that you and your employees can spend time with it and de-stress. However, rabbits are not great companions and may not add to office gossip like a cat would. Moreover, rabbits do not purr and are not exactly known for their therapeutic effect. Nevertheless, these soft and cuddle creatures are enough to bust your stress at work. Rabbits need to be kept in a cage and that might prove to be a little less attractive than having a cat walk around the office while supervising all of you. 4.      Birds You could have a separate room where birds can be raised. Parrots and other small birds can be kept in small cages. Birds can be healing too and are known for their therapeutic effect. However, they cannot be toilet trained like a cat and their mess will need to be cleaned up by the minder. Moreover, they cannot be allowed to fly freely in the office as that would disturb people who are not comfortable with birds or those who are trying rather hard to concentrate on something. Yet, with a little effort and if you truly wish, a parrot can be a great companion at office. Get a pet that doesn’t interfere with office work Finally, ensure that everyone is comfortable with whatever pet you choose to get for your office. You may ask, how one could actually maintain a pet at office, when everyone is so busy and need to concentrate on coding or web development. The answer seems to be to choose the right kind of pet and a minder to go along with the pet. Pet minders are not very expensive. They can be hired for a small amount of money. You could even hire someone from the disabled list to look after a pet. Cats and dogs are the obvious choices when it comes to choosing a pet. Try to adopt one from a rescue agency or an animal shelter, and set an example for everyone else.

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Stressed Out and No Time to Relax? Learn to Do the One Minute Meditation

Leading a company or a team isn’t an easy job. It is a nerve-wrecking job that often leaves you feeling tired, stressed out and anxious. In a world where start-up culture is valued, where scaling up and attracting investment are a measure of a person’s success or worth, it is not uncommon for start-up owners and leaders to start feeling spent, stressed out and out of control. Most crises like these do not need mental health support. A good conversation with a friend, a general counselor or even your own doctor should help you relax. However, when things get a little serious, it might be time to dial the number of a clinical psychologist or a psychiatrist. If you think you are feeling stressed out and would like to feel better, start with the One Minute Meditation, a simple and quick technique developed by Katherine Gordy Levine. Katherine Levine is a Colorado-based author and psychotherapist who is the founder of Emotional Fitness Training. Her One Minute Meditation helps children, adolescents and adults to cope with day-to-day stressors and slowly build resilience. What is the One Minute Meditation? The One Minute Meditation is a short vacation from your stressful environment, wherever you are. It does not matter whether you are in a boardroom, at a conference, an exhibition or at work. All you need to do is excuse yourself for a minute or even do this covertly so that nobody knows. You do not have to practice lengthy meditation or yoga sessions. Regular One Minute Meditation should just be enough to learn to cope up with stressful situations. In this article, let us learn how to do the One Minute Meditation. The procedure The first step is to breathe in slowly while tensing all your muscles. When you tense your muscles, it should feel slightly unpleasant but not so much that it will actually cause you injuries. The next step is to hold your breath and the tension that you feel in your body for a count. You could also do this for 4 counts, if you are able to hold it that long. Then, slowly breathe out while counting from 1 to 4. As you breathe out, feel the muscles relaxing and all the pent up stress leaving your body. Finally, say thank you or ‘oh, well’ or just about anything that might seem convenient to you. Once you have done this, observe your own thoughts and feelings. Do not react or judge. When a whole minute is over, you can repeat the process all over again. In just 2 minutes, you will start feeling refreshed and energetic. This is one of the keys to ensuring that you feel calm and relaxed. The second part of the OMM (or the One Minute Meditation) is to imagine a safe or a calm place in your mind. Also, identify a soothing slogan which you can repeat during meditation. It could be something like ‘I will love myself more’ or ‘I am glad to have survived another day’. Customize these slogans to your needs and utter them while you do the One Minute Meditation. Katherine also suggests that you should look for beauty wherever you can find it and focus on it. If you choose to look for beauty, it is everywhere. Combining the OMM with beauty will help you to feel calm and relaxed. Start with One Minute Meditation when you are not stressed out Katherine suggests that initially you must practice the One Minute Meditation when you are not stressed out. Yes, you read that right. If you are feeling stressed out always, try to find a time when you are slightly less stressed out and do it then. Strengthen your natural state of relaxation before attempting to relax when you are stressed out, with the aid of OMM. Slowly, relaxation begins to build into your system and you can practice the OMM whenever you are stressed out. You will naturally learn to control stressful situations and learn not to let them affect you. Everyone can practice the OMM It might interest you to know that Katherine developed this and other Emotional Fitness Exercises while directing Mental Health Crisis Teams before, during, and after the bombing of the World Trade Center on 9/11. The One Minute Meditation is not only for CEOs and leaders but also for everyone else, including web designers or developers. As you feel stressed out staring into the screens of your laptops, begin to do the One Minute Meditation and you will realize that your work is actually getting much better with each passing day.

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How Mental Contrasting Can Help You Manage Your Company Better

If you were looking for an effective way to overcome certain hurdles and manage your employees better, you must probably try mental contrasting. Mental contrasting is a problem solving strategy that was introduced by psychologist Gabriele Oettingen. This also doubles up as a motivation tool and you could teach it to your employees so that they can solve problems & achieve stated goals. In order to fully understand mental contrasting, you need to understand that it is a recognized form of psychological techniques. It helps in focusing on realistic goals and avoid unrealistic goals, which lead us to waste our resources unnecessarily. Mental contrasting can be understood as a method of behavior modification, which has several effects on cognition, emotion and motivation level. The technique helps in assessing the future and the existing reality & come up with strategic steps that would lead you to a certain problem-oriented or goal-oriented behavior. This helps in removing unnecessary goals and expectations from life, thereby, freeing up space for realistic management goals. While mental contrasting was not used in management initially and primarily, was a behavior modification tool, it is increasingly being used at workplaces. How does mental contrasting work? You need to first fantasize a wished future. For example, if you want to study in a particular university, you would be asked to imagine what it would be like and when the university admission really happens. This helps to envision the future in a way that is only possible for the client. Secondly, you would be asked to mentally look at all the realities and hurdles, which are standing in the way of the desired goal. This might include stating your academic grades and financial conditions as hurdles. If you have high expectations, you have a tendency to increase effort, which ultimately leads to success. If you have low expectations, it does not lead to success. Low expectations do not necessarily mean that you are useless. It helps you to realize that certain goals and ambitions are unrealistic & you can free that space. For instance, if you envision being in Harvard with a GPA of 3.0, you needto realize that you neither have the grade nor the academic qualification to seek scholarships. By realizing this reality, you will focus on applying to a community college, instead of wasting your time dreaming about Harvard. How does this help you to manage your employees? Mental contrasting can be a powerful tool to teach and manage employees. You can imagine the future you want for each employee and try the exercise yourself within your cabin. If your secretary does not really match with your envisioned future and seems to be the hurdle, you could replace him or her with someone else. If you imagine one of your employees as a potential partner, you could assess the same with current realities and motivate yourself to give the employee more tasks, which if he or she is actually capable, will be able to finish. This will help you to promote that employee or probably even take him or her as a partner for a future project. Similarly, you can teach this technique to your employees so that they can overcome their own obstacles and be a part of an organization as an efficient & productive entity. By imagining an ideal future and comparing it with existing realities, you will be able to focus on what is realistic and doable. This way, you will avoid the pitfalls of unrealistic ambitions. Looking forward There are many psychological techniques such as mental contrasting, which help you to manage your employees better. Mental contrasting stands apart because of its ability to help you envision an ideal future and then, compare it with existing hurdles & obstacles. If you are really motivated, you will be able to overcome these hurdles. If you have low expectations, then it is better to switch over to a different goal that is more easily accessible. Ultimately, this will help you to build a better company and better work culture.

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Is Using WordPress Advantageous to Your E-commerce site?

E-commerce sites involve a lot of transactions often carried out in the purchase of goods by the buyers. Hence, it is good for you to stick to a reliable e-commerce system like WordPress. Like many other people, I was not a big fan of WordPress because it was available free-of-cost without any licensing restrictions. Obviously, freebies don’t thrill me. But, later on this incident which I am going to share with you made me think otherwise. Read on. I woke up from a deep, dreamless sleep one fine morning to the chirping of birds and a pleasant feeling that comes with the dawn of the day. Wanting to get a glimpse of the weather outside, I took a peep through the window and wondered what this day has in store for me. Having my mind cluttered with the previous day’s strenuous activities and badly in need of fresh air, I was gasping for breath. So, I hurriedly put on my track suit and stepped out of my house for a jog into the nearby park. It being a part of my daily regimen to end the jog with a glass full of juice, I headed to a nearby eatery. Here, I was face to face with a man that I knew from my childhood. He wore expensive clothing and seemed to lead a lavish lifestyle with all the jewelry he had on his person. He was on the phone talking to an acquaintance about his business. I overheard the conversation wherein he was talking about the recent e-commerce store that he had opened. By the ongoing conversation, it seemed that his store was doing brisk business and he was constantly in touch with various people entrusted with the responsibility of managing his business. It was seeming impossible to recollect from my childhood days that he had an humble beginning. He was so less privileged that the bare necessity of a square meal would prove daunting to him. It was a luxury that he couldn’t afford. So, he used to do odd jobs to support his bare necessities. He was very meek in his appearance and always was at the receiving end of many taunts and insults of well-to-do people in the neighborhood- he never retorted back. He was always in the search of opportunities that would help him to wriggle out of this extreme poverty he was living in. I slowly regained my senses- it was a bit of a shocker to me of his transition to a rich man from the abject poverty he was living accustomed to- and became more interested in this metamorphosis of his and pressed for an answer from a bystander living long in the locality that this man of ours was from. The bystander revealed that the man had experienced a major upheaval of fortunes after experiencing many pitfalls and challenges compounded with the recent global slowdown that brought many otherwise brisk businesses to a screeching halt. He managed to found an e-commerce website and successfully kept it afloat in the professed aftermath of these turbulent times. Later, he shot to fame with this business of his. I later learned from the bystander that he used the WordPress e-commerce system in his store. It is very heartening to know what this customer-centric system can do to your business. This man had reaped huge benefits of this e-commerce system that effected in him a great transformation- a rags-to-riches story. Let’s look into a few of the benefits that come with using a site built on WordPress e-commerce system. Benefits of using WordPress e-commerce system Here are some of the benefits of using WordPress e-commerce system to build your store. Though there are a lot of benefits, only those benefiting largely are explored. 1. Dependable WordPress e-commerce system is very popular with buyers the world over. It being a trusted brand, there is all the possibility of your site living up to the expectations. WordPress being downloaded to the tune of 300,000 and counting, this brings a kind of security among the shoppers regarding the usually large transactions made on the website. This is a very important aspect in the e-commerce business as a sense of security creeps up in the mind of the buyer. The transactions being overlooked by such bigwigs of the e-commerce business and under such an authentic brand can be very rewarding to the store owner. The brand that WordPress endorses also means that the money involved safely changes hands under the stipulated norms and guidelines, laying to rest rumors or more precisely, fears of the process involved in transactions being rendered incomplete midway by technical difficulties or other problems. The buyers are also guided with FAQs regarding the failure of the transactions as to how they can troubleshoot these bugs. They can be informed about the steps they can take as to what glitch occurred and how they can resolve the issues. If problems in connectivity arise, they can be sorted out promptly by guiding them with the possible remedy. Bugs such as browser issues or other technical details can be explained with lucid and clear language. 2. Diverse payment gateways WordPress comes with many pre-installed gateways such as PayPal-Express, Chronopay, Google Checkout, Paypal and Manual Payment. Manual payment can be used by your buyers for transactions involving money or cash orders. There are other alternatives too that buyers can opt such as eWay and The possibility of a gold cart module may have to be explored by them to vouch for these options, though. WordPress e-commerce also comes with built-in calculators for computing shipping rates. It has links to shippers too to maintain updated shipping rates. With international buyers can be entertained, thus expanding your business horizon. This gives you ever more exposure to a whole lot of prospects of making your business successful. The gateways mentioned herein can make your clients feel more secure, but it is advised to arm yourself with SSL certificates. A lot of buyers’

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Designing Corporate Identity: Self-effacing Bias and How It Affects Business

One of the biggest challenges faced by a company belonging to a collectivist culture is, coping with its intrinsic disposition towards a self effacing attitude. Most of the profit centers of a company require an aggressive approach to generate greater revenues and can go to any lengths for touting their company in the market to achieve their goals, but ambitious goals are seldom accomplished with a self-effacing attitude. Self-effacing Bias and Pseudo-modesty It is a basic human nature to associate self effacing behavior with modesty and it may be perceived as a virtue, but in the cut throat competition amongst the corporate giants there is no place for this ‘virtue’ rather it will take your company down the hill. With the advent of globalization the competition between companies has increased by leaps and bounds, which has led strategists to believe that everything can be commoditized and shoved down the throat of customers. Clearly if companies follow a self effacing pattern, it will not be of any help rather it will leave them flailing for help. This behavioral pattern should be understood in depth to avoid falling prey to it, many companies slip into the grip of this behavioral pattern and lose in the race. What is a self effacing behavior and how is it significant in the commercial world? A self effacing behavior refers to being reticent, withdrawn and holding back of oneself from reaching out to people. Overuse of modesty along with a withdrawn attitude can also pass for a self effacing behavior. Some cultures appreciate modesty and may perceive this behavioral pattern as a virtue but it is definitely a vice for corporate biggies looking for ways to augment their profit margins. In today’s competitive society it is very important to become outgoing and venturesome, especially for companies aiming to achieve phenomenal growth. This behavior pattern may keep companies from adopting ostentatious marketing strategies and communicating their potential strengths to their customers which may lead to insignificant profits.  As a rule, a company must not leave any stone unturned to reach out to its customers. The best example is many companies still find it difficult to promote themselves unabashedly on social media. Why pseudo-modesty is not good in online businesses Modesty is an appreciable quality, but when you are striving to carve a niche for yourself you must put your best foot forward and make your presence felt in the market rather than being modest and shy. These are the prerequisites for a company to get noticed and picked over its arch rivals by its target customers. This behavioral pattern is very redundant and almost all of us have come across individuals who exhibit this behavioral pattern. A shy backbencher in high school who evades public attention, prefers doing things in his own way without keeping up with the joneses exemplifies self effacing behavior.  Now, this guy may not be weird or psychotic, but just because of his awkward and withdrawn behavior he may be perceived as a soft target by the bullies. Such behavioral pattern can also restrict the kid’s performance in extracurricular activities. He may not volunteer in any activities because of his self effacing behavior and might not discover his forte or hidden talents. Is your company being too modest or pretends to be modest? It is well understood that self effacing is not favorable for companies to achieve astronomical profits, even after knowing so you may fall prey to it if you do not have the knack to identify it. This behavioral pattern can easily be noticed in marketing strategies employed by a company. A ruthless company with a competitive mettle will follow a rigorous marketing strategy and will stop at nothing to advertise its products, which may be considered as utter effrontery by the ‘moralistic’ society but it would propel sales to unprecedented heights and generate profits. It has been noticed that nascent companies or start-ups evade self effacing and adopt rigorous methods to shoot up their sales, they do not hold themselves back from reaching out to their customers rather they force their products in the shelves of retail stores. To satiate their burning desire for achieving greater profits such companies fervently advertise their products and pay a great deal of attention to brand communication. They don’t mind if their advertisements are immodest and are meant to shock and awe the conservative cultural groups. Most of the companies without a self effacing behavior believe in being pompous and sharing their achievements with the social media to show where they stand in the market, this helps them in achieving accolades and also makes them famous in every household. This modus operandi works wonders for companies which aim to increase their profits over a small period of time. Since it is a brash world out there, it is necessary for us to be vigorous while marketing a brand and not only that, a laid back attitude is unacceptable to reap desired profits. If you are very successful, modesty may work Having said that, there are few companies which may act ‘modest’ in their approach to safeguard their reputation of being moralistic. Such companies are usually well established and raking in moolah is not their only goal, they are more concerned about their reputation in the market. This may stem from the unnecessary need of showing oneself ‘holier than thou’ just to feel complacent. Believe it or not, even this approach works, it helps companies in establishing a goodwill with its customers which fortifies the brand. Evidently, start-ups and companies looking for greater profit margins cannot adopt this behavioral pattern and will have to follow a vehement approach to establish their brand in the market. Situational factors and intrinsic factors go hand in hand to achieve success As we now know, self effacing is a heightened form of unnecessary modesty which often drives individuals to blame themselves for their failures and attribute their success to situational factors. This behavioral pattern is not helpful to

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INT. CEO, Abhishek Rungta shares insights about the trends of Global Tech Industry in NASSCOM’s Face to face

National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM), the trade association of Indian Information Technology (IT) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry, recently interviewed Abhishek Rungta, CEO, Indus Net Technologies (a proud member of NASSCOM) on the key trends of global tech industry to look out for and how Indus Net Technologies is contributing in this arena. Source : NASSCOM Abhishek Rungta is the Founder & CEO of Indus Net Technologies, a premiere web development and digital marketing company with offices and subsidiaries in India, UK and USA. Indus Net has rated as #1 IT SME by Dun & Bradstreet, and also ranked in Deloitte Technology Fast 50India. Abhishek graduated from St. Xavier’s College, Kolkata and did his Masters from University of Bath, UK. He is also Co-Founder of Seeders Venture Capital which is an angel investment firm. Q: What in your opinion are going to the key trends and disruptions that will drive the growth of the global tech industry? We are moving towards ubiquitous computing—connected devices, mobile applications, wearable computers, mashups of different apps, that are resulting in contextual, actionable knowledge and creating new opportunities. Applications, solutions and management tools need to be developed to leverage these emerging platforms. A new wave of innovation is simply waiting on the horizon. Very important trends to watch out for are mobile apps, smart TV apps and social mashups. We can also expect to see major movement in the areas of data storage and computing that will veer towards Cloud infrastructure. Last but not the least, the form of interaction is set to change from typing to clicks to touch to gesture to voice. This is finally coming into practical computing now. Q: How is Indus addressing these trends? “As consumers begin using the Internet and the mobile, our clients will need to have more innovative Cloud, mobile and social strategies for their businesses”Indus is playing a critical role, right at the heart of these changes. We are developing user-friendly enterprise mobile solutions to enable organisations to achieve productivity and profitability. We have invested heavily in creating innovative mobile and web products for the BFSI vertical to ensure seamless operational efficiency across these organisations, especially in top-line focused activities. We are additionally working with media houses to create unique social TV experiences for their audience. We are working on gesture and surface computing, conceptualising new ways. Q: What are the customer segments and verticals that you are targeting? We are primarily focused on the BFSI (specially Insurance) and e-governance verticals and in the process of developing solutions for media, entertainment and publishing sectors. Q: What do you feel are the main challenges being faced by the BFSI segment and how are you helping resole these? Our decade-long experience in the BFSI segment in the European markets tells us that the biggest challenges faced by this vertical are product distribution and risk mitigation. We have innovative solutions which work with existing core systems to enhance and improve the distribution of financial products through multiple channels. We use the power of mobile technology (primarily tabs) and social media to achieve the same. Indus is offering solutions for all the layers, i.e. manufacturers (i.e. insurance companies, banks and financial services companies), distributors (agents, brokers, etc.) as well as end consumers. We are bridging the gaps in the sales and distribution process to help companies increase their top line. Q: How are your Cloud solutions levelling the playing field for your SMB clients? What are you offering your smaller customers? Cloud solutions allow you to pay for what you use, when you use it and scale up as demand increases. Thus they can gain access to enterprise solutions even though they are small, at affordable prices. Our Cloud based solutions are helping these companies reduce their infrastructure costs, since infrastructure is available as a services, providing them ‘on-demand’ IT resources at rock-bottom prices. We offer hosted solutions to our clients and our billing is based on usage, which is the primary premise of cloud computing. Q: With the Internet and mobility proliferating at a rapid rate in India, how do you perceive the opportunities presented to the country’s domestic market and your role here? Internet and mobility will bring all the users into the mainstream. As a company, we are leveraging the Internet and mobile platforms and hence, opening up a floodgate of opportunities for your customers. As more and more consumers begin using the Internet and the mobile, our clients will need to have more innovative Cloud, mobile and social strategies for their businesses. This will keep us on the innovation curve and we will continue to help our client grow using these three technology forces. We see a lot of work happening in segments such as BSFI, retail, media and entertainment and of course e-governance. This is where we have positioned ourselves and are creating opportunities.

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Abhishek Rungta interviewed at SES London 2009

Byron Gordon, SEO-PR, interviews Abhishek Rungta, Founder and CEO of Indus Net Technologies at SES London 2009. Abhishek talks in brief about: Indus Net Technologies as an Internet strategy company, Its service offering spanning web design, web development and Internet marketing SEO outsourcing and How outsourcing helps the professionals hurt by the recession Click here to watch the full interview.  

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Web 2.0 is NOT a design concept

Ever heard your clients asking , “I need a Web 2.0 Designer” or “We want a new Web 2.0 look for my website” ? I bet that if you are still in business you must already have heard of it several times and you must have done it already whether you knew about it or not.  But what does Web 2.0 design actually mean? To a ordinary designer who can’t even explain what Web 2.0 is, it means nothing more than a good looking combination of: 1. Large Fonts in Headlines with selected words highlighted or underlined 2. Jazzy colors in High Contrasts (Apple championed it with White over Black) 3. Big Star Bursts with guarantee statements, specials offers or call-to-actions 4. Gradient and Gloss 5. Oversized boxes with bevelled borders 6. Preference to texts over images This recipe sells wells and so there is nothing wrong with it as long as it remains in demand. Whatever happens to good old creativity, I don’t find enough reasons to complain as long as doing this makes money for our clients (and for us too!). I just imagine a day when all websites across the internet will start looking the same – it’s like they are all being run by a common CMS system. Web 2.0 originally meant using Web as a Platform with data being as “Intel Inside”. It was a term introduced in 2004 to characterize new generation Web applications which may provide an infrastructure for more dynamic user participation, social interaction and collaboration. It never mentioned the word “design”, not in a sense of creating layouts!  For now, let’s just label glossy layouts having star bursts and over-sized boxes as “Web 2.0 layout” because it sounds smart and no one has the time to educate the world.

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Making Money with Fixed-Price Projects

I was with a client from Australia last week and he said; “Only way to sustain a relationship is when both client and vendor are gaining from the deal”. Fixed-price contracts have the highest propensity of getting into the red and as a software services company you need to very careful (if not wary) of entering into such contracts. When can you give a fixed quote? Here are the rules – giving a fixed quote makes sense only when: 1. The scope of work is detailed enough to be estimated properly and you can plan the project. 2. You can meet or exceed the expectation of the client within reasonable amount of tolerance (i.e. while keeping yourself profitable) On the other hand, you can never make money with fixed price contracts unless: 1. You have the knowledge of the business domain. This is simple to explain – if you have never built a “newsletter application” before, you will never be able to estimate it correctly. Clients cannot detail out everything and they expect the vendor to fill in the gaps, unless you have worked on the same type of applications earlier, these gaps will seem like rifts and you will blame client for not specifying everything. Remember that technical skills are not a replacement of knowledge of business domain. 2. You have the right team to do the job. Again, when you estimate something, implicitly you are assuming certain base skill-sets which you know your team possesses. At the time of execution, if a team that does not have the adequate skills or experience is assigned to the job, the project will take 10x longer. 3. You know the technology. This is no biggie! you cannot estimate R&D time beforehand. At best you can budget out for 15 days R&D but you can guarantee that at the end of two months, all unknowns will be known. 4. You have sufficient cushion. No, I am not talking about sleeping over the project! You need to have adequate slack of time, budget and profitability. If your developer estimated 20 days and you gave calendar 20 days to the client then you are doomed even before you start. Similarly, if your client’s budget is $1000 and your budget is coming to $900, its better to say goodbye to this project. 5. You factored the complexity of the project into quote. Complexity is a multiplier to the cost of the project. Forget the technical matters, you may need to change your price by upto 3x depending on the nature of the client. You need to have enough financial incentives to work with a client who is control freak and demands an update 6 times a day. Other factors to consider except technicality is communication with the client or involvement of 3rd party vendors. Remember: Prevention is better than cure!

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Ideas to protect from falling dollar value

Same time last year, USD 1.00 meant INR 44.6 while as of today it means something like 38.00. American Dollars lost nearly 16% of its value in a period of one year and for companies like us it may mean between 6% – 7% reduction in profits. The situation is more complex because wages continue to rise by as much as 25% per annum and unless the situation is controlled, the decline in profits will be as much as 19% – 20% for a SMB which do not have access to sophisticated techniques to managing forex. The blazing question right now is: how an organization can protect itself from this loss? Here are some suggestions: Increase billing rates One of the quick fixes will be to increase your billing rates by 15% – 20%, so that you may continue to earn the same level of revenue as we used to earn earlier. Increasing the price will make you lesser attractive and for providers who compete just on price, this will spell certain death. Increase billable hours You may want to increase the billable hours as much as possible. Making all satirday as working days will mean that your billable hours will increase increase by 13.33% which will offset the dollar depreciation entirely. This will make your very unpopular with your employees though! Start billing in Local Currency You may start billing your clients in your local currency and then convert it to USD equivalent at the time of receiving payments. This is the exact opposite of what you are doing now. This approach will make you some of your clients feel uneasy, especially those who insist on fixed dollar value quotes and can’t understand what rupees mean. Have contract level agreements While signing the contract you can have a clause that says that if dollar value falls below a certain threshold level, the client will have to pay the difference amount. Increase Business outside US This is a long term solution but one that you must take a close look at. You must develop markets outside USA, so that you are not that badly affected by the dollar rates. Reduce dependence on USD You must invoice the clients outside USA in their local currency and not in USD. It will reduce your exposure towards dollars. On lighter note, gold prices keep on rising. Thus, may be you can charge your clients in gold, the idea of asking for 100 gms of gold (or its $ equivalent) for a job sounds like a silver bullet solution. (Please, no noble prize for this one!)

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