Category: HRD

The Importance of a Well Decorated IT Lab

The Importance of a Well Decorated IT Lab

Everybody likes a well decorated room. No one likes to walk into a room that is dull or drab or just too ordinary. When a room or a working space is decorated in an interesting fashion, it starts to stimulate people and they begin to feel better when they work. Moreover, you do not want to bring in clients who might get a negative opinion about you because of the way it is decorated. Decorating IT labs is very important as it boosts motivation It is very important to make sure that your company’s IT office or labs are well decorated. It is common to notice that computer labs and working spaces are often the messiest in offices. This is partly because the developers and engineers who work in those spaces are often not too concerned about interior decor. There surely will be exceptions but the fact that they work for long hours in front of the computer forces them to ignore their surroundings and concentrate on their work. It is not a good practice and it should preferably change. A well done computer lab that is attractive and great to look at stimulates IT workers and engineers. In this article, let us take a look at why it is important to decorate an IT lab or office. • IT professionals like art too It is a misconception that IT workers and employees do not enjoy art and wall hangings. By investing money in art and hanging them on the wall, you will please your IT workers more than anyone else. These are the people who usually look for things that break their monotony. Thought provoking art works can break the monotony that they usually endure. • A well decorated IT lab stimulates workers Art, artifacts and colors stimulate people into working. A dull and drab room can demotivate even the most enthusiastic employee. It is important to decorate working labs in such a way that it stimulates employees. You could use colors like red, deep blue, orange and other bright colors that stimulate people to work. No one likes to work in a somber grey room. • Interior decor can alter moods and emotions Decorating rooms and living spaces in certain ways can alter our mood. There are techniques which help to make people happy, energized and stimulated. Speak to an interior decor specialist and get the room decorated in such a way that it is stimulating. It should not be so stimulating that employees are distracted from their work. But it should be stimulating enough to encourage them to work and remain alert. • Interior decor can increase communication between employees Employees often do not talk to each other because they feel demotivated or are just too busy with work. In order to help them to socialize with each other, you could leave thought provoking art works on the walls. These art pieces can be rotated among different rooms in order to break teh monotony. Art is one of the best ways to decorate a room and by investing in good art, you will also make sure that your working space is stimulating. If you do not want to invest a lot of money in art, you could ask some of your employees to bring their own art works and contribute it to the office. They will not only like their art to be hug on the wall but will find a hobby to keep themselves occupied in their free time. Art can be therapeutic in nature. And it can also be a great way to decorate your working space. Whether you spend money or don’t, begin to fill your IT labs and offices with interesting and stimulating art works to see employees’ productivity go up.

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Can a Short Nap at Work Boost Productivity?

When Shirley feels tired at work, she goes to the washroom cubicle and takes a 15 minute nap, only to be woken up by an alarm that she sets on her cellphone. It is her dirty little secret but she claims that it helps her to stay more alert and focused at work. Doesn’t she sleep well at night? She does but then there is always something that makes her to crave for those moments of slumber in which she can recuperate from a tired mind. A lot of people stealthily or openly take naps during work. A lot of them also get fired or warned when they are caught sleeping. Napping at work has a stigma but is not that bad Sleeping while at work is considered to be a hallmark of those who are lazy, unprofessional and those who are not interested in work. Yet, a lot of people, a majority of people in fact, sleep at work. This only shows that it is a perfectly normal thing to do, as long as it is monitored by oneself. Sleeping at work is not only normal but can be beneficial to both employees and companies in which they work at. This is one of the reasons why a number of companies have begun to offer sleeping lounges where employees can go and grab some sleep, albeit for just a few minutes. Short naps rejuvenate the brain It is scientifically proven that sleep helps us to rejuvenate our brain cells. When we sleep for at least 15 minutes, our brain cells get the necessary time to recuperate from the days hard work. It is not enough to just close one’s eyes. When we take a nap, we feel refreshed and are able to use our brain cells better. Short naps increase productivity Short naps are also known to increase productivity. Every company wants its employees to be productive and efficient. If they are feeling sleep and are not able to work efficiently, what is the point of them sitting in front of the computer? It does not really make sense to force employees to stay awake when a 15-20 nap could actually make them work more efficiently. Lack of sleep decreases concentration Researchers have shown that drivers who are deprived of sleep are more prone to causing accidents than those who are on alcohol. This is because, people who are sleep deprived are unable to concentrate. Do you really want your accountant to add a couple of zeroes more because he or she couldn’t sleep properly. Letting employees to take short naps at work will help them to concentrate on their given tasks better. And that is ultimately good for all of us. Sleeping well boosts health People who are sleep deprived are usually unhealthy. It can cause serious metabolism issues that can turn into chronic illnesses. With that in mind, it is important for people to take short naps and repay the sleep debt, as it is known. Those who sleep well notice that their general health improves. This helps them to work better as well. At the end of the day, health is more important than everything else. People who sleep well are happy Even after 10 minute nap, people report being elated and satisfied. This improves their mood and they are able to communicate and interact with people better. If an employee has to make a presentation, he or she will do better to take a short nap before making that presentation. They will also look better, when they feel rested. Short naps make people happy and this is one of the reasons why companies must start encouraging people to take short naps at work. Scientific and psychological research shows that even short naps are enough to boost people’s productivity. The next time you see someone taking a short nap at work; do not look down upon them. They might actually be preparing to work harder and better, when they finally wake up from their slumber. Sleeping at work has a stigma but when people take short naps in order to boost productivity, there is nothing really wrong in that.

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10 Computer Museums You Have to Visit in Your Life

It is quite probable that your career depends on a computer or some aspect of this wonderful machine and technology. Computer science has evolved so much that Charles Babbage wouldn’t be able to recognize or even understand computers and computer science as they are today. The computer itself has evolved over the last century and through the current one. Its history may be short in terms of numericals but it is a very significant one, to say the least. Not surprisingly, there are a number of museums in the world that are dedicated to computers and allied technologies. These museums are great destinations for anyone who has the time and interest to travel. If you are on a business trip to one of the cities that we have listed below, you could certainly make some time to visit these wonderful museums that are dedicated to computers. In this article, we have listed ten museums that are dedicated to computers. From the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, to the computer museum in Haifa, Israel, we have got them all covered. Computer History Museum, Mountain View, California, U.S. The Computer History Museum started in 1968 as a quest to collect all historical artifacts related to computers. It not only has a great collection of artifacts of the information age but also presents the stories in a unique way. Photoshop 1.0.1 source code, a Difference Engine designed by Charles Babbage and a historic PDP-1 minicomputer are some of the exhibits at the museum. If you love computers as much as we do, you will surely love the time you spend here. When you are in sunny California, this is one place that you should not miss at any cost. Musée Bolo, Lausanne, Switzerland The School of Computer And Communication Sciences is already one of the most important centers of computer science in the world. Part of the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Lausanne, the Musée Bolo is one of its kind and has different exhibits related to video game consoles, microcomputers and different computers from different countries. It exhibits more than 50 computers and is a great place to spend an hour or two, after walking in the charming streets of Lausanne. Switzerland is one of the most beautiful countries but it is also one of the most scientific in the world. Its museums curate some of the most important technological artifacts in the world. The Centre for Computing History, Cambridge, England If Cambridge weren’t already charming enough, The Centre for Computing History adds to the intrigue and mystery of the university town. The museum contains a number of historic computers and vintage gadgets that are almost education in nature. Some of the computers that you can find at this museum are Apple II series, Altair 8800 and the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. The museum is open from Wednesdays to Sundays and is a great way to learn the history of computers. It also houses a number of magazines, computer manuals and other publications that are related to computers. If you are in Cambridge to attend a conference, you can certainly make some time for this wonderful museum. The National Museum of Computing, Buckinghamshire, England This is a museum that has dedicated itself to the act of collecting and restoring historic computers. It opened in 2007 and is located at the Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire. The building houses a Colossus computer and several examples of antique computers. The museum does not receive public funding and is maintained with the help of private sponsors and supporters. You will need to pay a small admission fee in order to support the upkeep of the museum. After you visit the museum, you could totter around the quaint streets of Buckinghamshire and discover the quintessential English way of living. Personal Computer Museum, Brantford, Ontario, Canada Brantford in Ontario is a quite little town but it also houses the very important Personal Computer Museum. This museum houses computers from almost all the important manufacturers. Whether you want to learn about the Atari or Commodore computers or take a look at the initial Radio Shack machines, you will find them all here. You will also find machines by Mattel, Timex, IBM and Apple. Another interesting detail is that the museum is located in a former city building which was built from the reclaimed bricks of Brantford Opera House. Make sure that you arrive here on a clear Summer day, as Ontario can get pretty chilly during the winters. Charles Babbage Institute, Minneapolis, Minnesota The University of Minnesota is a great institution of learning and researching about computers. Without a doubt, it also houses one of the most important computer museums in the world. The Charles Babbage institute is a research center that is dedicated to the preservation of digital history. It has artifacts and documents related to programming, software, computer networking and others. It holds several important archives related to computers in electronic and paper form. Montana has some amazing hiking trails as well. Once you are done with the museum, grab your trekking shoes and discover nature in its true form. The Israeli Personal Computer Museum, Haifa, Israel Israel is one of the most important IT hubs in the world. In fact, many people insist that it has more important companies in the Tel Aviv area than the entire Silicon Valley of California does. That may not be untrue and there is only one way to find out. You must go ahead and visit Israel! When you are there, make sure that you visit The Israeli Personal Computer Museum in Haifa, a northern city. The museum was established by Yariv Inbar, who started to collect old computers in 1993. The museum is free of charge and you can view a number of artifacts which describe the evolution of computers. Israel is a very ancient country and is the cradle of human civilization. When you are in this magical land, do not forget to visit

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Understand the Big 5 Personality Factors to Manage IT Workforce Better

Psychologists and personality researchers believe that there are 5 basic kinds of personalities. When we talk about personality, it is a pattern of behavior that is enduring and relatively permanent. It occurs in a pattern and an individual behaves from that personality paradigm. At workplace, it is important to understand what personality type your employee has and how they might often behave. Why you need to understand personality types and traits? Understanding personality types helps employers and businesses to weed out a number of people who might not be fit for a job. Also, personality types help us to understand our employees better and make sure that we train and mentor them in a way that is most suitable for them. That only increases productivity at work and helps us to grow as successful businesses. The Big 5 personality factors Usually, psychologists classify personality types into the ‘Big 5’. These are 5 personality types that have been reduced to their states after subjecting various personality styles to factor analysis. Earlier, Raymond Cattell’s “16 Personality Factors” was seen as the gold standard but it increasingly began to be viewed as too complex. Eyesenck Introversion-extraversion Scale proved to be too simplistic. Thus, the Big 5 personality factors are a great way to understand people and the way they might behave in future. It also helps us to recruit the right kind of employees. In this article, we will describe the 5 personality factors that psychologists, usually, talk about. Extraversion This is one of the most coveted characteristics in the job market today. However, that does not mean it is a particularly desirable personality trait. Extraversion as a trait includes characteristics such as being talkative, assertive, emotional expressiveness, sociability and excitability. People who score high on extraversion tend to be outgoing and they can interact with people well. They are also expressive and if you need a presentation to be made, hiring an extraverted person is better. On the other end of the scale, introverts tending to be less excitable are introspective and thoughtful. We must remember that neither of the personality trait is a negative or a positive quality. Some people tend to be extraverted and they are better suited to certain kinds of jobs. Introverts, on the other hand, make great decision makers and leaders. They are introspective and thoughtful, which makes them measured and careful. Introverts are less likely to make rash decisions or be impulsive. That makes them more reliable. However, an introvert is not the best choice for a marketing job, where he or she will have to interact with a number of people and be persuasive & assertive at the same time. Agreeableness Agreeableness, as a trait, is very important when it comes to hiring. A person who scores high on this trait will, usually, be trustworthy, trustful, affectionate, kind and altruistic. They possess pro-social behaviors, which are required not only for employees but also for leaders. It is very important to see if a potential recruit is pro-social and scores high on agreeableness. Those who are agreeable tend to be helpful and make it a joy to work with. However, those who score less on this trait might be difficult people to deal with and might not be sympathetic to all your concerns & needs. They might also tend to be suspicious and cold. However, that does not mean you must not hire someone who scores very low on agreeableness. If he or she is well-qualified and is suitable for a job, you can always hire them. You need not expect them to be very agreeable and friendly. On the other hand, hiring someone who is affectionate and kind will help you to make sure that the workplace is less stressful & a pleasant place to be. Conscientiousness People who are conscientious tend to be very thoughtful and careful. They have very good impulse control and are, usually, goal-directed. They are also organized and mindful of details. Someone who scores high on conscientiousness might also be a perfectionist or obsessive about order. That is again not a much cherished quality. Choose someone who has a moderate level of conscientiousness so that they are neither undisciplined and sloppy nor obsessively perfectionist. On this trait, walking the middle ground is a better idea. An example is someone who scores high on conscientiousness and is what the teenagers would call ‘a stuck-up’. On the other hand, someone who scores very low on conscientiousness will be much undisciplined and not thoughtful at all. They might be given to impulses and might act randomly. When it comes to hiring someone who needs to make decisions, it is better to higher someone who scores on the hire side of this scale. However, if you are hiring a creative person, it is better to hire someone with just a moderate level of conscientiousness. Neuroticism Those who score very high on neuroticism tend to be emotionally instable and anxious. They might also be moody, irritable and given to sadness. Those who score high on neuroticism also tend to be creative but one of the flipsides is that they might not be pleasant always. They might also be given to negative thinking. On other other hand, those who score very low on neuroticism maybe unusually calm and might not take good decisions when there is an emergency. Those who score very low on neuroticism often remain complacent and careless. Lack of anxiety is not always a good thing. It is a good thing to be a little anxious and not overly anxious or unusually calm. On this trait, it is important to ensure that an individual neither scores too high nor too low. Just making sure that they are slightly more neurotic or slightly less neurotic is more than enough. At the end of the day, you neither want to hire someone who is very depressive nor do you want to hire someone who just does not take things seriously. When it comes to

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Importance of Nurturing Art in Tech Companies

Running a business is not an easy task. There are a number of things to consider and one of them, usually, does not happen to be a purchasing art. Understanding and purchasing art is more important than many CEOs and CTOs might think and that fact is, generally, becoming popular. Companies and business have now begun to understand art and purchase art that represents their work ethos and culture so that they can be displayed at the workplace. There are a number of reasons why IT companies and start-ups need to begin to consider purchasing art. Art is not something that graces the homes of aristocratic people who have developed a taste for it. Art is a human necessity, as much as it is considered a luxury. Even though art is expensive and not many companies can afford to pay for it, there are a number of reasons why one needs to stretch one’s budget and buy some art to hang on the walls or place them strategically so that employees, visitors and everyone else at the workplace can see it. In this article, we shall discuss a number of reasons why one needs to purchase art and why art is necessary at the workplace. Some of these reasons might seem outlandish but they are not. Using art in workplaces has been scientifically studied and the results indicate that we all need to be investing more time and money on understanding art & eventually, purchasing them. Art for the sake of art Art is never a priority for anyone who is not naturally inclined towards arts or if they are not artists themselves; but art needs to be a priority for everyone, even for those who cannot afford it. The concept of understanding and purchasing art for the sake of art has been in place for a long time. Art in its various forms, painting, conceptual art, sculptures, installations etc., help people to observe, criticize, question, introspect, think and imagine. All of these qualities help people to become more artistic themselves and eventually, builds creativity. Now, who does not need creativity at workplace? We all do. Before we discuss what benefits we will have when we buy art, we need to understand that if we can afford, we must purchase art, whether we think we need it or don’t. Sometimes, we just do not have the ability to understand the need for purchasing art. Most of the times, all things in life cannot be quantified and art is certainly not something that can be quantified. Its uses and advantages are qualitative and subjective. However, studies show that benefits of art at workplace can be quantified as well. Art reduces stress When a group of people were interviewed and asked to provide their input, 78% of them agreed that art reduces stress. Art is, indeed, one of the most therapeutic interventions one can find and it is non-invasive in nature. Art does not require you to do anything. The very fact that you purchased art and placed it on the wall for everyone to see is enough. Those who are disturbed and stressed out might find something pleasant to see. Not that art needs to be pleasant. Art, whether pleasant or unpleasant, piques our imagination, kindles your emotions and makes us introspect. It distracts us from reality and helps us to forget about certain worries. If we hang paintings on the wall, employees will be encouraged to observe and introspect, instead of getting stressed over deadlines and drinking more cups of coffee or taking cigarette breaks. It will also encourage them to discuss art amongst themselves, instead of probably gossiping about something that is not really productive. Such discussions about art can help build analytical and creative thinking abilities. Certainly, art can reduce workplace stress. Art increases creativity and productivity 64% in the same survey conducted by the Business Committee for the Arts, Inc. (BCA) and the International Association for Professional Art Advisors (IAPAA) agreed that having works of art at work can increase creativity & productivity. How does art increase creativity? Let us take a look at an example. A young employee who is faced with difficulties at work might wonder how she can resolve her difficulties. She will probably speak to her friend over the phone and discuss her problems. The problems could be related to performance and creativity. Unless her friend has some knowledge about human behavior, she probably will not be able to help the employee much. Instead, if works of art are hung in strategic places and employees are encouraged to look and observe them when they are faced with difficulties, this employee in question will probably seek the help of art instead of people. She will probably gaze at paintings and art works instead of talking about her problems. In that quiet moment, she might experience epiphanies, leading to creative solutions. Even on a serious note, art encourages us to think creatively and enjoy it for the sake of itself. That alone can help us forget about worries, which, usually, impede creativity. Broadens employee knowledge and appreciation It is a company’s responsibility to ensure that the employees learn and grow as professionals. To make sure that employees grow as people, most companies offer courses, training materials and free classes in a number of subjects. Most companies spend a lot of money on training and development. If part of that money is directed towards teaching employees how to appreciate art, things can change dramatically. Art appreciation courses help people to become analytical, non-judgmental, creative and good at criticizing in terms of psychoanalytical theory, feminist theory and postmodern theory among many others. These professional critiquing techniques help people to become more knowledgeable and when the time to criticize or think logically arrives, they will be able to sue their skills learned while appreciating art. Art appreciation can be held in the form of workshops and art that you bought for the company can be used as

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Best Places to Escape the Internet and Enjoy a Vacation off the Grid

While our world is incredibly beautiful even after humans ruining much of natural beauty and adding to urban chaos, we still remain stressed out, anxious and highly strung. A major reason for this stress and anxiety is because we are constantly hooked to the Internet & smartphones. Those of us who are inexorably connected to technology, like the ones who are in to IT or those who run tech start-ups, are incredibly more affected by the Internet. In fact, most of us use the Internet 24/7, while most of us check our smartphones every 7 minutes on average. People just do not take the time to unplug and that is certainly having a disastrous consequence on our mental & physical health. There is an increased incidence of stress-related diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and even cardiovascular diseases. While our lifestyle can greatly change, if we want to, sometimes it is advisable to unplug and take a vacation to a distant place. However, you should go to a place where there is no Internet or cellphone signal. That way, no matter how hard you try, you will not be able to access either your e-mails or Facebook feed or Twitter conversations. We have made a list of places around the world where your cellphone or tablet is going to be as useless as a brick. Aran Islands, Ireland Ireland is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Though it has had a disturbing recent history, it has a rich culture, great music and amazing pubs to visit. A trip to Dublin will leave you spoiled for choices when it comes to pubs, live music, art galleries and such. However, the point of this article is to help you go to a place where there is no internet or cellphone connectivity. The Aran Islands, which are located to the west of Ireland, are a great place to unplug. The islands are a short ferry ride away but do not have smartphone signals or Internet connectivity. You could choose to stay in a thatched hut or in a small stable, where you can smell hay and horses, instead of checking who liked your comments and if anyone replied to your e-mails. With the breathtaking vies that the region offers, you will really not miss glossing over Instagram pictures on your smartphone. Yellow Stone National Park, United States Right in the middle of hyper-connected U.S., there are places where you will never be able to make a call, receive an SMS or read an e-mail. The Yellow Stone National Park is one such region where there is absolutely no connectivity whatsoever. You can, instead, admire the rustic beauty of mountains and watch the bison walk around. You might even want to take a dip in the cold rivers of the park. There are a few lodges that offer basic connectivity but the connection tends to be so slow that you will give up trying to check your e-mail. Instead, take horse riding lessons, watch the birds and learn to count the stars at night. Watching the patterns that clouds make and imagining stories in them will help you to de-stress as well. Kenya’s Ewaso Ngiro River There is nothing better than some animal-watching on the outskirts of Nairobi, very close to shopping districts and all the night hotspots. However, a short drive away from civilization will take you to Samburu Safari Camp, where you can watch elephants and register them in your memory, instead of uploading those pictures on Instagram. The nearest Internet connectivity is probably 4 miles away at the Elephants Research Camp and that is probably not fast either. Kenyan wilderness is world famous and you can learn a lot about animals’ lives instead of Googling them on your cellphone. It is always better to hear an elephant trumpet instead of watching the same on YouTube. Enjoy a Kenyan meal and try to get some exercise by walking around camping areas. Tristan da Cunha, Atlantic Ocean Tristan da Cunha is an archipelago that lies in the middle of South Atlantic. It is almost 3,000 kilometers away from either South America or Southern Africa. It is known as the most isolated group of islands in the world that is inhabited. With a very mild climate that rarely drops below freezing and never rising above 25 degree Celsius, Tristan da Cunha is known for its wildlife, scenic beauty & disconnectedness. In fact, there is only one internet connection that is so slow that you probably will never be able to check your emails. The fact that it is difficult to use the Internet and the fact that it is so isolated is enough to make you want to go to Tristan da Cunha. It might be a little difficult to travel to the islands but that is part of the journey of getting disconnected from the internet anyway. Sahara Desert Though it gets a lot of bad rep, it is one of the beautiful places on earth. You can choose to go and stay in an inhabited village somewhere in Morocco, which is not only safe but easily accessible, when it comes to transportation. However, once you reach the villages on the border of Sahara Desert, you can forget about those e-mails, telephone calls and Instagram pictures. Sahara Desert is very remote and there is almost no way you can ever get a decent Internet connection. Instead, enjoy the emptiness and beauty around you. The sand dunes, the whirring breeze and the cold air at night should be enough to make you wish there was no Internet in this world. Try and camp in the desert and at night, you can again begin to count all the stars, instead of counting all the comments you got for your last Facebook update. American Samoa, U.S. Pacific Territories Though these islands belong to the U.S., they are very remote and are located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The islands

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How to Avoid Burnout: An Internet Professional’s Guide

Anybody who works in front of the computer has a risk of being burned out more than people from other professions. Having to sit in front of a screen at a desk, not getting enough exercise, repetitive hand movements and continued eyestrain can all lead to a state of burnout. Whether you are a tech company’s CEO, a designer, a web developer, an SEO professional or just about anything, you will end up being burned out sooner than others. However, all is not so bad. There are ways to make sure that you are not so stressed out that you will actually experience a burnout.  Understanding what a burnout is Before going on to the tips, let us try and understand what a burnout is and how psychologists define a state of burnout. Burnout is an emotional, physical and psychological state of exhaustion which is a consequence of prolonged and extended periods of stress. When an individual feels overwhelmed by work or when he or she feels they are unable to meet certain demands of life, they experience stress. When this stressful period continues for a long time, people begin to lose interest in what they do, feel disillusioned, helpless, sad and negative about just about everything. A burnout causes an individual to be depressed, anxious, cynical, unproductive and fearful. Burnout can also elevate cholesterol, blood sugar levels, blood pressure and put an individual at the risk of developing metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. There are several symptoms of a burnout. The most common ones are: Blunted emotions Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness Lack of motivation Inability to concentrate Emotional distress Life does not feel worthy enough to be lived Feelings of detachment and depression Disengagement from world There are several causes to a burnout among Internet professionals and techies. They can be groups under these 3 categories: Work related burnout There is a lack of recognition for the work that you do Highly demanding job profile Unclear job expectations Work that is not challenging, boring and monotonous. Chaotic and highly-challenging work environment Having no control over one’s work Not wanting to socialize or take a break Not sleeping enough Not drinking enough water or eating right Not having good friends or romantic relationships Not understanding interpersonal expectations Taking too many responsibilities Personality traits that cause burnout Being a perfectionist Being a pessimist Always wanting to be in control of things Being a high-achiever and not wanting to accept defeats If you feel you are going to experience burnout or if you feel you are highly stressed out, there are several things that you can do yourself in order to make your life less stressful and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit. Here are some of the prevention tips that most psychologists recommend: Engage in relaxing activities This cannot be said enough. Relaxation can come through anything. One might choose to meditate, engage in yoga or just spend sometime in the garden. You might even choose to write your diary or engage in very light physical activities. If there is a park nearby, go for a morning walk instead of checking your smartphone for Twitter updates. Eat healthy One of the main causes of stressful conditions is not eating right. When our bodies do not receive the kind of nutrition that we require, we end up becoming stressed. Minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and flavonoids are all very important to reduce the effects of stress. Certain fruits and nuts can actually lengthen our telomeres which are responsible for ageing. This process can stop ageing and also reduce stress. Make sure to eat a lot of fruits, nuts and vegetables. Drink water Most people do not drink the recommended amount of water. It is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Exercise and workout Working out at the gym and lifting weights are important to both men and women. Cardio, aerobic and strength training are all important. Women will not become bulky if they lift weights. They need to lift weights in order to remain fresh and healthy. Men need to engage in aerobic activities as well as that will help to release toxins. One must also sleep for at least 7-8 hours a day no matter what. Sleep is one of the most important activities in our lives. Indeed, sleep can prolong our lives to a large extent. Learn to say no When someone asks you to work more or when you feel like working a lot yourself, learn to say no. It is important to set boundaries and it is also important to ensure that you are not taking up responsibilities unnecessarily. Take a break from work Try and get away from work. Speak to your manager, colleague or just about anyone whom you have to report to. If you work for yourself, inform someone that you are not feeling great and need a break. Go for a vacation or spend time at home for a while till you feel rejuvenated. There is no point in working when your mind, body and spirit are exhausted. Once you feel rested and recuperated, you can get back to work again. Take a break from technology Every day, stay away from your smartphone for a while. Do not tweet endlessly, do not pore through your instant messaging apps or email applications endlessly. Check your messages only a few times a day. the rest of the day, do not use your phone when you do not have to. Also, do not stare at the screen of your computer if you have to work for a long time. Instead, look away and try to cup your eyes with your palm in order to rest your eyes. Engage in creative activities Take up painting, writing, singing or something that you like to do. Creative activities can help you feel rejuvenated and young. That can also prevent stress from resulting in burnout. Manage stress Learn to manage stress and seek help when you cannot.

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Building Your First Web Magazine: What to Communicate to Readers?

It is not easy for any of us to build a web magazine and hope to drive traffic and advertorial revenue from it. It takes a lot of homework, willingness to research and a sense of creativity that can be developed only with experience. While it sounds daunting, building ones first web magazine is not very difficult if one knows what they are trying to achieve. Web magazines can be understood as a part of the larger content development strategy of a company or also as a stand-alone project that is expected to fetch revenue in the long run. In both the cases, one should treat a magazine as one would treat a print magazine. Dedication, time, effort and creativity are required in great amounts and even when it feels like it is an impossible task one should not give up. Before jumping into developing content for a web magazine, publishers should consider a few aspects of magazine development that are central to the idea of reaching out to the readers: Understanding what the readers want Listing the priorities of a magazine Understanding the target audience Analyzing the competition Understanding Readership Readership may consist of corporate audiences or regular web users, depending on the context of the magazine. Understanding what your readership wants to read and what entertains them can be found out through surveys, interviews, analysis of the target audience and also through observation. Content development strategy must always keep the readership’s interests in mind. What Are the Priorities of Your Magazine? One must also try and understand what the priorities of a magazine are. You must list whether it needs to attract advertisers, clients for your businesses, simple readership or just assist you in driving traffic to your company website. A magazine can serve a number of purposes and before launching one, you need to know what your priorities are. Analyzing the Target Audience The target audience of your proposed audience must be well reached. Their quirks, likes, dislikes and culture must be understood in order to be able to create great content on your magazine. Analyze Competition With more companies taking to writing website content professionally, there are going to be a number of magazines who might compete with you. Understanding your competition and developing content that is unique and entertaining will keep you going for a long time. Once these issues are sorted out, the most important aspect of building a web magazine is that of deciding what to communicate to one’s target audience. The target audience of a magazine certainly helps content creators to develop a broad theme that engages the audience. However, things may not be as simple as that, and one may need to dig deeper in order to ‘know’ what to communicate to one’s target audience. Here are some of the best ways to decide upon what needs to be communicated to a magazine’s target audience: Nature of business – Do you sell products and services? If so, your magazine must feature articles and posts that are indicative of future marketing plans. Nature of industry in general – Communicate the trends and future possibilities even before they are guessed by other honchos. Prophesize trends before they happen and run articles that help your target audience to expect what the future holds for them. Diversity of target audience – If your target audience is diverse, your magazine needs to be diverse as well. Run features that cater to different segments of your readership and do not alienate any particular segment. Journalistic competition – If your magazine already has competitors, you will need to employ journalistic tactics in order to ‘bring news’ to your readers. If you are in an Internet or software related business, this becomes all the more important. No matter what your magazine’s purpose or content is going to be, the way it needs to be managed will be similar to that of a traditional magazine. Only, you will need to walk on a tightrope because web magazines cater to a fickle-minded virtual audience. It is way too easy for them to lose interest in a magazine if it does not entertain and inform them at the same time.

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Internet Marketing and the Puzzle of Fundamental Attribution Error

Internet is a growing medium for marketing and advertising. The primary reason for its unperturbed growth is its easy accessibility and inexpensiveness as compared to rest of the marketing and advertising methods. Internet marketing has experienced phenomenal growth and has managed to become a big hit amongst the advertisers, every brand plans its online presence even before launching its product in the market, such is the influence of online marketing on advertisers . Tricks of online marketing Online marketing is practically open to everyone so it is quite important to understand the tricks of the trade. The competition here is cut throat and even a small glitch in the advertising campaign can prove disastrous for your brand. It is for this reason; advertisers and marketing strategists take special care while dealing with this medium. Biases in Internet marketing The dos and don’ts of formulating a perfect marketing strategy can come from any know-all, but the tips to achieve the right attitude and to ignore the influence of situational factors are not discussed by all. Understanding the various parameters of a situation is a precursor to devising any strategy related to it, and while you are at it your perception should be free of any cognitive bias. Fundamental attribution error In this society we are surrounded with correspondence bias and fundamental attribution error, it is because of this we tend to make decisions basing on the opinions of an expert rather than our own perception.  Clearly, people do not want to be fazed by the deceptive appearance of the market before devising a strategy and it is for the same reason that they depend on the advices of a market expert rather than following their own instincts. Evidently, it is very crucial to understand the actual market conditions or else there is no other reason to explain the whooping salaries of market analysts and investment bankers. Going to a trade analyst or a market analyst is a common practice to understand the prevailing trends, even if the same data is available with us we have a disposition to believe what the experts have to say. Their word assures us because we believe that the experts usually forecast the market conditions by evading the fundamental attribution error. By evading cognitive bias we can achieve the understanding of a given situation like no one ever has, and use it in devising a lethal online marketing plan, this is some marketing gnosis that has never been spoken of. Online marketing and cognitive bias When it comes to online marketing the hazards of cognitive bias are far more deep reaching due to lack of ethics amongst marketers, they can go to any lengths to sell a product. In context of online marketing there is no distinction between deception and cognitive bias; deception can be carried on under the cover of cognitive bias. Needless to say, it is important to spot the difference and to have the knack of using it to your advantage. It is important to discuss the hazards of fundamental attribution error before revealing the tricks to avoid it. Examples of fundamental attribution error Let us consider two arch rivals. Their products  are slated for release at around the same time and but one of them backs out right before the launch date giving reason that their product needs to pass through another test in the Research and Development department. Ideally in a situation like this, customers may perceive the company that launched its product on time as ‘competent’ and the other company which failed to deliver on time as ‘incompetent’, but little do they know that it could be a strategy employed by the ‘incompetent’ company to see how the product of the other company fares in the market depending on which they can make necessary changes in their product to give it an edge. In this case, both products were much of a muchness and there was a very less chance for either one of them to be extremely successful. The ‘incompetent’ company understood this very well, so it raised the stakes by delaying the launch of its product and giving out an impression of not being able to deliver on time. What might be perceived as incompetency was a well thought decision to boost the sales by providing an edge to the product. This classic case exemplifies the fundamental attribution error in customers, who blindly believed in what they were presented with and did not bother to reason the situational factors. This realm of social psychology attributes to the naive behaviour of people and it is often explicitly or implicitly used in internet marketing. Online marketing does not provide much scope to the customers to dig deep below layers of fundamental attribution error and perceive the marketing gimmicks. This error in perception is usually caused when the effect of personality or dispositional factors are enhanced or overestimated in comparison to the situation factors. This error in judgement takes place while explaining the behaviour of others, while interpreting one’s own behaviour one tends to consider the situational factors. Another example will give a clear picture: Consider Mr. Hopkins, an old, conservative and moralistic school teacher, who is waiting in his car at a traffic intersection. As the traffic lights turn green Mr. Hopkins begins to accelerate but another car swooshes right in front of him through the red light. Because of fundamental attribution error Mr. Hopkins might perceive the other driver as reckless hooligan who is driving on mind-bending drugs; this judgment could clearly be an error if the other driver turns out to be a sincere humanitarian person rushing a patient to the emergency room. Probably, Mr. Hopkins would have done the same had he been in place of the other driver. Few actions are a call of a situation and may be considered heresy by observers, because observers are used to believing and perceiving things in a certain pre defined way and seldom do they consider the situations

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7 Blunders Not to Commit while Devising a PR Strategy

Over the past few years organizations have realized the importance of Public Relations and have started considering it a powerful tool in achieving the desired brand reputation in the market. With correct Public relation skills a company can change its image overnight in the market. This practice started working in full swing immediately after the media sector experienced a staggering growth, which is fair considering the importance of media elements in carrying out various processes of Public Relations. People working in this domain ensure that there in a free flow of information between the organization and its audience. Importance of public relations As we understand, this domain is not just about outsourcing information it is also responsible for projecting the brand in the market. With PR skills you can either make or break an impression, needless to say, this potent tool should be handled with utmost precision and care, most importantly one should have a knack of using it. Not being entirely based on social science, there is a little scope for one to acquire or learn the public relation skill set. It is probably the next highly commoditized art after advertising. There are few ground rules which can be followed to save your company’s reputation from getting sabotaged unless you are a complete masochist. Do not make mistakes like these ever. • Choose your Public Relations expert wisely This could be quiet tricky given the abundance of PR experts present in the market. Mind you, choosing the right PR expert is almost equivalent to choosing an apt brand ambassador for your company. It is of vital importance to pick an expert who thinks the same way as you do, by doing this you can avoid conflicts and work on the same lines towards achieving a common goal. You can easily get an idea on the modus operandi of the PR agency you plan to hire by looking into its past records. Most of these agencies who work for corporate organizations have a high flying clientele, do not get mesmerized by the clientele consider their work to evaluate their performance. PR agencies that constantly employ groundbreaking concepts are usually considered the best. At times it is not even necessary to go out and about searching a PR agency separately as their are advertising agencies who also solve the purpose. • Try to remain in the good books of Media Most of the PR activities involve dealing with media and if you step on the wrong foot of media then your are doomed. Most of the media dealings will be taken care of by your PR expert, all you have to do is ensure that media gets what it wants. Never chide media for invading your privacy, it could blow up in your face and come off as “Black PR”. A PR expert and the media are two separate entities, if they work coherently they can change the perception of your target audience overnight, which is called PR transfer process. Being a representative of your company, your PR expert must know how to manipulate media to your advantage. As we know that the reach of today’s media industry is far more than any other medium to propagate information and it is a vital part of the PR transfer process. • Keep your customers posted about your company’s developments You do not expect to invest in a company you know nothing about, same goes for your customers. They must know that your company is on the roll and should be informed about each and every achievements of your company. This activity can create a bond of trust and faith between the organisation and its target audience which is quite essential for brand building. Consider the case of Skoda, it’s rags to riches story is not only inspiring but shows how important it is to keep your target audience informed. Until 1991 Skoda’s popularity was limited to the European market and could never out to its foreign market. Volkswagen invested heavily in Skoda and enabled it to manufacture automobile at par with its competition in the foreign market. With right PR skills this development was made public and the company’s earlier reputation of “just another brand in the communist market” was outshone by it’s new reputation which well received globally. • Press releases should be impeccable and should appeal to the target audience Good literary skills form the core of PR activities, a poorly written press release will not only convey the wrong message but will also affect the reputation of the organization. While writing an official press release do not fall prey to the prevailing linguistic slangs or buzzwords, no matter how enticing they are unless you intentionally want to exude a blithe vibe. The message should be loud and clear, beating around the bush must be avoided to help your audience focus on the main points of the message. Crafty use of simple language is appreciated by everybody, jargon should be avoided as much as possible to make the press release easily comprehensible. Remember, an editor gets inundated with press releases every single day and a poorly worded never-ending copy immediately goes to the trash bin. To avoid your press release from falling into this category, make sure that it is precise, meaningful and smart. Try to capture the attention in the first few lines by unfolding the information as soon as possible, do not stretch the write-up unnecessarily, this makes the reader lose interest. • Do not ignore the follow up calls If you are being vocal for a cause you should be prepared to answer questions related to it. Any kind of silence or absence can pass for lack of information and your organization’s reputation may have to face dire consequences. No goal is achieved without ruffling a few feathers so be well prepared to answer follow-up questions and try not to evade any calls. No matter how intricate the story is be prepared for questions related to

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