Category: HRD

Why Equal Opportunity Hiring Should Be Your Motto

Lately, companies are beginning to realize that being fair is not only expected of them but is also part of regulations. Equal opportunity hiring is increasingly common across countries. Whether it is about hiring army veterans or the disabled, equal opportunity hiring is going to get more important in the coming years. While this may seem like a daunting task, to diversify the workplace and also ensure that there is quality all around, one needs to add that there are far too many socio-political aspects attached to this idea. Overcome biases and prejudices Hiring has always been biased by interviewers’ prejudices and existing notions, often leading to a distorted sense of efficiency. In fact, by not eagerly adopting equal opportunity hiring, companies are losing out on quality and efficiency. Sociological research shows that diverse environments help employees to foster positive relationships with each other, leading to more productivity and a better work culture. Studies have also shown that diversity brings in a sense of equality and harmony that is difficult to create artificially. In all respects, equal opportunity hiring is good not only for the company but also for the staff. To give you an example, company ABC, which was part of the establishment, did not have a very diverse staff. The staff were often found to be discussing things that were not really compatible with existing norms of the society. When the CEO of the company decided to hire people from different backgrounds, the company’s culture began to change. People no longer made remarks that were unseemly and instead, they began to learn about one another. Reflect real world’s diversity at work In a globalized world where different cultures interact with each other all the time, it is important to ensure that our own workplaces reflect this diversity. Special considerations need to be given to disadvantaged groups so that they have an equal opportunity while being hired. Disabled people may not be able to endure rigorous interviewing and recruitment processes. You can set aside a different day to interview them. One must remember that while being interviewed along with everyone else may turn out to be stressful to certain people, they may work very efficiently when they are at work. It is all really about making each others lives easier and being fair to those who may not be in a position to compete with everyone else equally. By bringing opportunities to them, a company will not end up hiring those who are less skilled. Instead, it will diversify and will be able to look for gold where it is usually not searched for. These days, people hold a more positive opinion about companies that stress on equal opportunities and rights. It is important as a branding exercise too, while also ensuring that you are being fair. After all, being fair and nice helps you to not only be a better company for your employees but also be a better brand for your customers.

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When Is Too Much Automation Bad for the HR Department?

Lately, there has been a trend to automate every single business process possible. Companies have begun to invest in enterprise resource planning (ERP), human resource management systems (HRMS) and customer relationship management (CRM). Companies have also begun to automate industrial functions and certain mechanized skills. While all these are great, there is a time when one needs to stop. One cannot and should not replace human managers with software programs Automating everything possible and more will lead to a state wherein companies will not be able to have that human touch which makes working or dealing with a business entity a pleasure. Staff are known to prefer to a human manager for certain problems than having to use employee self-service. They may also find it more motivating when an HR manager appraises them personally, instead of letting employees’ access performance appraisals on their HRMS screen. The reducing humanization of working spaces has led to the mechanization of company work culture. This is known to cause a reduction in performance and a lack of enthusiasm among staff. Certainly, there is a time when one can safely say that HR department has automated too many of its functions. Here lies the paradox. While HRMS makes things efficient, it also makes it unnecessary to have too many HR professionals. It is probably a better idea to strike a balance between the two. Originally, the concept of human resources arose in order to actually manage the staff, motivate them and also to address their grievances so that they can perform better. Human resources have its roots in industrial psychology, which stresses on the importance of reducing man-machine conflicts. While HRMS is a great tool to automate basic and complex human resource functions, it cannot and should not replace human managers completely. This leaves the employees having to deal with product managers or immediate supervisors who are not trained to address employee grievances. Bringing back the human touch It is important to have an HR department with trained human resource personnel while also using automation tools such as HRMS. This allows HR managers to work on more abstract tasks that cannot be performed by computers. It is important to have regular one to one conversations with employees. This is a task that can never be eliminated, just because an HRMS cannot perform it. There are a number of reasons why machines cannot completely replace human beings. One of the main reasons is, employees like to have their human managers around. While HRMS significantly reduces the need for human intervention, when dealing with employees, human managers have their role to play. This leaves us with the conclusion that while HRMS is absolutely necessary for companies to get leaner and increase productivity, trained HR personnel are required too, so that employees do not feel alienated in a world that is ruled by machines. A good balance between the two will help companies to create the ideal atmosphere where employees remain motivated, human errors are reduced, and there is a symbiotic relationship between man and the machine.

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Should HR Managers Receive Training in IT?

An often asked question at conferences is if HR managers should be trained in IT. Most IT companies, e-commerce initiatives, and tech start-ups often ask this question because they usually hire coders or IT specialists. IT makes sense then, that HR personnel involved have some degree of knowledge about IT. Interestingly, a number of companies surveyed have reported that they have programs that help HR personnel to understand the nuances of IT, especially when it comes to certain specialized topics. Thus, it may be a good idea to train HR managers in IT, especially if you can afford it. However, there are a number of other options too. Why not hire an external interviewer? Many companies that were surveyed have been reported that they hired an outsider IT specialist to be one of the interviewers. This helped companies to avoid training costs. Moreover, it is not possible to train HR managers in all aspects of IT. It makes sense to hire IT consultants on a temporary basis, sometimes even for just a few hours, when the interviews take place. This will help companies to understand an applicant’s skills and if he or she is really suited for the job. Most importantly, it is essential to hire interviewers who are well versed with nuances of the IT domain for which an applicant is being hired. IT is a vast domain and all specialists do not know everything about this field. It is crucial to hire those who are experts in their fields so that they can interview the applicants thoroughly. This rises the question of training the hired interviewer about your company’s processes. This is not a difficult thing to do. An external interviewer can be briefed about the requirements and why a certain candidate needs to be hired. This helps the interviewer to ask specific questions and assess the applicants’ skills based on performance tests and group discussions. Indeed, training in-house HR managers in IT is an ideal situation but it is certainly not realistic. It is not possible to train all HR managers in all aspects of information technology. A realistic opinion is to hire external interviewers who will assist in-house HR managers during recruitment. What does it matter if HR managers need to learn IT for other reasons? There are a number of reasons why companies want to train HR managers in IT and recruitment of IT specialists for specific tasks is not the only one. Sometimes, it is easier to manage IT professionals if their HR managers also knew what they were doing. However, this is an ideal case scenario and is not possible in real world situations. It is practically impossible to train all HR professionals in every IT field that your company works in. A balance needs to strike and that probably is to help HR managers understand the basics of information technology so that they are at least able to understand when an employee specialized in one of the IT sub domains has certain problems and has no one to ask for help.

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10 Ways HRMS Can Help Your Organization Grow Leaner

Most companies have some form of a Human Resource Management System (HRMS) installed across their systems. This may be a small and basic HRMS tool or a full-fledged cloud-based HRMS that helps the company with everything, right from hiring to managing employees, to paying their salaries and trying to retain them, when they want to leave. Yet, HRMS is one of those enigmatic tools that confounds even the savviest CEO out there. There are an equal number of companies who do not use any form of HRMS and instead, depend on their human resource staff to do everything that a software program can do. In the end, they pay more salaries, waste man hours that could have been used more constructively and create a working culture that is far from being efficient. The only solution to this problem seems to be to install a good HRMS. It automates most basic HR functions and reduces the burden on human resource professionals. Thereby, it helps them to focus on more important tasks than entering personal details of employees into a computer. In this article, let us take a look at 10 ways HRMS can help your organization grow leaner. 1. Streamline payments There is nothing worse than having to listen to complaints from employees when they are not paid in time. HRMS can automate payments and keep a track of all payments made to each employee and also help with taxes. In fact, all kinds of payments and reimbursements can be meticulously calculated on HRMS and one can rest assured that checks and balances are maintained automatically. 2. Track employees’ time and attendance It can become a serious problem when employees do not login or enter the office at the designated time. An HRMS will ensure that the entry and exit time are recorded so that employees are tracked for both their time in the office and also for their attendance. This will also help employees to keep track of their own time in office so that there will not be any confusions. 3. Automate performance appraisals Performance appraisals are an important way to boost the motivation of employees. It helps employees to know where they are professionally and where they must improve. Future promotions and incentives depend on such performance appraisals. These can be automated so that employees always know how they are performing, maintaining their motivation levels adequately. Indeed, there is nothing better than automating performance appraisals in order to streamline an organization. 4. Build training modules for employees A well-trained employee is many times more efficient than someone who is not. Thus, companies have a reason to train their employees and encourage learning. HRMS can help build training modules that are effective while also motivating employees to learn something new. This will help to increase productivity at work. Any kind of professional training can be undertaken which will ultimately help the company to grow in stature and size. 5. Employee self-service One of the main reasons for missed days and lost man hours, is employees are often waiting to meet their supervisors, even for small requests and clarifications. All these queries and requests can be automated with employee self-service. This enables employees to change their addresses, print salary slips, apply for leaves and vacations and just about anything that you might allow them to do. 6. Gain access to HR analytics HR analytics can be derived from the data that is accumulated in the various modules of an HRMS. This data helps companies to prepare policies and make changes to existing ones, in order to boost productivity. Using these analytics, one can predict what organizational changes need to be brought in order to increase efficiency and productivity while also improving employee satisfaction rates. 7. Address problems faced by employees quickly Whenever employees have problems, they tend not to work as efficiently. It is important to ensure that working conditions of employees are adequately met and if they have any problems, they are quickly rectified. An HRMS helps to address grievances quickly and promptly without adding extra layers within communication. For this reason, it is a good idea to use an HRMS. 8. Streamline recruitment Recruitment of employees can be an arduous process. It takes time and is also one of the most challenging tasks within the HR department. An HRMS can reduce the workload and also streamline the recruitment process. Applicants data and other factors can be analyzed and processed easily while recruited employees can be further inducted into the company easily. Certainly, HRMS is a great way to streamline the whole recruitment and interviewing process. 9. Maintain performance records Performance records of employees can be saved and recorded, in order to retrieve when required. This helps to know how an employee is faring over the years. Performance records are also required for appraisals and any incentives that may be given. Automating this process helps to avoid confusion and human errors while also boosting efficiency and productivity. Moreover, regulators may always need copies of these performance records. 10. Focus on more demanding tasks Most importantly, trained HR professionals can focus on more important tasks that cannot be performed by computers. They can engage in critical thinking and bring in policies that will enhance the productivity within a company. They can focus on engaging in more demanding tasks, and thereby help a company to grow leaner. An HRMS reduces most tasks to something that can be automated, leaving employees with more time and resources to handle complex tasks. Using HRMS helps you to grow leaner As it is becoming increasingly clear that we will need to automate most business processes, human resource tasks are not behind either. Automating HR tasks help to create an organization that has more time to focus on what is more important: to focus on core business activities and creating a healthy working culture. After all, the most important task of human resource professionals is not about maintaining records but actively building valuable human relationships

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Why You Must Look Professional on a Skype Video Conference

They say, appearances matter more than you think and they are quite true. When we say “they”, we are referring to psychologists, who have come up with a term called “lookism”. Lookism, in their opinion, reflects the human tendency to evaluate people, based on their appearance. Appearance bias makes people rate people who are good looking or well dressed as more efficient or talented, while people who lacked good looks are, usually, evaluated negatively. In this article, we need to discuss lookism within the context of Skype conference calls and offshoring. Lookism isn’t different from other forms of discrimination Lookism, in its structure, is not different from racism, homophobia or sexism. It depends on a person’s look to judge his real worth, taking only into consideration his or her external appearance. Lookism costs people more jobs, relationships and even business opportunities than many other forms of discrimination. Lookism is still a grey area for human rights activists as there is so little that is being spoken or written about it. In fact, it is sort of a taboo to talk about people’s looks, while actively or inactively most people engage in it. Marketing professionals often exploit people’s tendencies to judge people based on looks by hiring physically attractive models and it does work. However, what works is always not ethical or right. We cannot continue to support lookism when anyone can be a victim of it. How to beat lookism while on Skype conference calls? With Skype and other tools aiding recruiters & clients to speak to people in distant lands, lookism can certainly contribute to the way a person is evaluated & judged. With this in mind, how one needs to present oneself? If we are talking about Skype conferences with international and national clients, we need to know that whether we like it or not, our appearances are being judged. A majority of people does not engage in this sort of discrimination but unconsciously they do, psychological research studies indicate. If we are being evaluated negatively based on our appearance, how do we present ourselves in order to clinch those business deals or get that job during a Skype interview? How do we tackle Skype conference calls with clients and vendors, when there is a possibility of being judged only based on your appearance? The answer seems to be, to present oneself professionally and put our points across in such a manner so that our professional value takes precedence over our looks. Present and conduct yourself professionally Though this is a very unpleasant topic, most of us can relate to being judged for our looks, appearance, weight, skin color, race and a number of other factors. It might turn out that your next client does not like people who have a mole on their cheek and you apparently do have it. Tough luck, it might seem but it really does not matter as long as you present yourself professionally over Skype video calls. Moreover, if the person is actively judging you based on your look and preventing you from clinching a business deal or a job, it is probably not worth it in the long term to work with such a biased person. Thankfully, most people today are sensitive and only a small minority engages in this sort of behavior. Looks need not matter There can’t be a better conclusion than saying our appearances or looks need not matter but unfortunately a tiny minority of people seem to evaluate us based solely on our exteriors. If we were to engage with them online or offline, we need to remember that it says more about them than ourselves. If we are going to worry about how our clients, vendors, recruiters, employees and business partners judge us based on our looks, things will not really go far. The only solution seems to be, to actively make sure that we don’t engage in lookism. Another important and beneficial thing to do is to be presentable & professional not only in terms of grooming but also in terms of behavior and conduct. These steps need not be more than enough to tackle any lookist that we come across on Skype, in person or at a real conference.

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How Getting Analyzed Can Help You Be a Better CEO

Psychoanalysis is a form of therapy that involves talking to a trained analyst who tries to work with your defense mechanisms, repressed memories and other obstacles that may hinder you from achieving what you must. Psychoanalysts are different from psychologists, though both can be loosely called “psychotherapists”. A psychoanalyst is a person who is trained in the Freudian or Neo-Freudian principles that believe in the dynamic nature of our consciousness. They believe, the unconscious mind has a lot of potentials, which can be explored to remove problems that exist and create a psychological state that is free from defenses & destructive behaviors. Sigmund Freud was the original proponent of psychoanalysis and it has come a long way. Today, psychoanalysis sessions do not last for years like they used to and are, instead, brief and to the point. Though not accepted by mainstream psychologists, psychoanalysis has its own proponents and many successful businessmen swear by it for their fruits. In this article, let us take a look at what psychoanalysis does and why it will help you to be a better person. How can psychoanalysis help you? If you are a CEO or a person who has huge responsibilities, you really need to have a sharp and calm mind. Anxieties and neuroses will not help you be successful and they will not allow you to reach your full potentials. If there are lingering problems that date back to your childhood or adolescence, they can be effectively addressed during therapy. A psychoanalyst will, usually, ask you to discuss everything that comes to your mind without any inhibitions. This sort of “free association” and “stream of consciousness” helps the psychoanalyst to assess which defense mechanisms are working against you and which ones are pulling you down. By tackling these maladaptive defense mechanisms and making sure that psychic conflicts are resolved, you will be able to be a better boss, manager or even just an employee. If you are a CEO, it is all the more important to resolve your psychic conflicts. Let us take a look at a few instances in which psychoanalysis might be deemed necessary or helpful. You are feeling overworked and are growing resentful towards your employees Your technical skills are not as good as they used to be Your managerial skills are waning You find it difficult to maintain calm and poise when it comes to handling difficult clients You often find it difficult to sleep When you sleep, you might experience strange and vivid dreams that often scare you Your performance at job might go down You might no longer want to lead or take responsibilities You might feel like “giving it all up” If you experience any of these thoughts or feelings, it might adversely affect your work performance. Psychoanalysis helps you to address your problems at a very deep level, at the unconscious level. Other forms of psychotherapy, usually, address only the superficial issues. Psychoanalysis goes deep down and tries to rectify defenses that are deeply ingrained within your psyche. If you feel you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, it is probably time to get analyzed by a therapist trained in psychoanalysis. Where to find a psychoanalyst? Classical psychoanalysts are hard to find but you will, usually, be able to find a psychotherapist who leans towards psychoanalytical thought. Speak to the therapist over the phone or meet them in person before actually signing up for therapy. Therapy is an ongoing and continuous process that helps you to achieve your inner potential. If you are a CEO or a boss, it is even more important to maintain peace and calm & have a healthy mind. Before stress goes out of control and begins to affect your work, try to seek therapy. There is nothing wrong in choosing psychoanalysis or another form of psychotherapy even if you do not have serious psychological issues. Psychotherapy helps you to remain in touch with yourself and not be bogged down by everyday pressures; and that is very important to succeed in life and in your profession. If you feel the need to talk, speak to a trained therapist. It will prove to be more beneficial for your business than speaking to colleagues or friends.

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Will HRMS Replace HR Managers?

The HR profile in a company has long been a desk job loaded with papers to recruit and pay the employees. The HR executives worked to the best of their potential but often found themselves overloaded with hoards of employee information as the company began to grow. Then came basic HR softwares to store and manage information on computers which eased their pain to a certain extent. HRMS and HR: A changing environment But with the introduction of HRMS (Human Resource Management System), the profile of HR management has been given a new definition. It goes far beyond just managing employee information. HRMS has a strategic importance for a growing company. It is a valuable asset that differentiates a company from its competitors. It has empowered small-scale business owners to think innovatively. It not only helps the employers but also the customers. The role of HR managers will become even more competitive. The question is not about replacing HR managers, but rather about helping them to make informed choices with HRMS. Through its set of modules, HRMS can perform myriad tasks and revive the HR management strategy for the companies struggling with it. The article below will discuss the abilities of HRMS and how it helps HR managers perform better than ever. How does HRMS help HR managers? 1. Recruitment Management Recruitment is an on-going process for an organization. The task is complex as it takes a number of steps to recruit a suitable candidate. It involves creating a job profile, posting a list of openings, short listing the candidates according to the desired skills, scheduling interviews and final selection. If an employee leaves the organization, then you need to post job vacancy and go through the entire chain of recruitment process again. Through its centralized data structure, HRMS can store list of all candidates, shortlist them as per the desired skills and helps in scheduling interviews. It posts a vacancy which is visible to all the employees to open the possibility of internal recruitment. The whole system of recruitment is automated and candidates can apply online directly to the organization. 2. Payroll Management Deducing the salary of employees becomes a tedious task with so many factors involved. Employees have different pay structure as per their hierarchy and department. There are certain employees with a mixture of fixed and variable component, for instance, for a sales executive. The other factors involved include tax deduction, provident fund, investments, declarations, reimbursement, arrears, interest accrued on loans and so on. There can be other factors depending upon the needs of the company. HRMS includes all these factors in the system and automatically calculates accurate amount to be paid to every employee. HR managers also have the provision to do manual adjustments wherever required. The payroll system can also generate automated pay-slips for every employee. Thus, it is a major relief for HR managers to handle payroll. 3. Leave Management Leave management is fully automated with HRMS. Employees can apply for leave online, get approval by their superior and track the leave balance. Leave policy is often different for employees, according to their gender and job profile. Number of leaves, paid or unpaid leaves and carry forward leaves can all be viewed by employees through a self-service portal. It eliminates use of paper and reduces burden on HR managers to answer unnecessary queries of employees. Apart from that, employees can view the list of holidays in the company calendar. 4. Training Management Regular employee training is essential for many organizations to keep their employees competitive. HR managers can create, manage and classify programs that they consider important for all employees or for certain job roles. Common programs might include leadership skills, communication skills, negotiation skills, virtual collaboration tools training, software skills and likewise. Managers can categorize programs into compulsory and optional. HRMS also allows you to form training groups, according to the training requirements and suitability of time. Training schedule can be created and employee feedback can be taken online to improve the training programs. Training budget can be allotted to keep the actual expenses under check. 5. Appraisal Management HR managers often find themselves struggling with appraisal management. A systematic appraisal system ensures transparency and improves employee loyalty towards the organization. Appraisal system can involve many parameters to measure the performance of the employees like objectives, KPIs (Key Performance Indicators), experience, targets achieved, skills etc. HRMS cuts down the administrative effort by introducing self-appraisal forms that can be easily filled by employees online. It collects information from employees about their aspirations and career plan. HR managers can track the performance of every employee and decide upon the increment or promotion to be given. The holistic performance of the employees will give an idea to the managers about the progress of the organization towards its mission. They can identify and work to fill those gaps accordingly. 6. General Administration Employee information has to be stored systematically to reduce errors and avoid redundancy. HRMS have templates that allow you to store exhaustive information about every employee like date of joining, past experience, address, contact details, family members, job profile, department, photo and a whole lot of personal information. It stores complete information about their pay package, compensation and benefits. If an employee quits the company, you can capture all the details in the system to identify problem areas, improve the experience of existing employees and generate final settlement slip for the exiting employee. Besides that, you can set notification alerts, birthday reminders or use it for any kind of announcement. It also helps in displaying organizational or departmental structure and employees’ name for reference. 7. Attendance Management HRMS integrates the daily attendance of the employees with their salary computation matrix. There are RFID cards and biometric devices that track the entry and exit of employees in the office premises. The accurate time recorded, thereby, reflects their punctuality, shift time, half-day, overtime and so on. For virtual employees, employee portal can be used to mark online attendance. If your organization has multiple

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Your Golden Career in Gaming Industry

The Growing Opportunities to Build a Golden Career in Gaming Industry

Have you ever thought of making JAKE run in the street of Kolkata and a cop running after it? Or how good are you at making people wide awake till 3 am to cross level 83 in their Candy Crush Saga? Well, you can only imagine this if you are a born game developer and a gamer? Indus Net Technologies aims at putting all your hard work and imagination culminate into something that people will enjoy. The company helps unveiling your creative ideas in gaming and gain an extra edge to stay ahead of your competitors. Statistics highlighting the growth of gaming industry in India The Indian gaming industry, which was USD 171.66 million in 2010, is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 32.1% through 2015 ( source – FICCI-KPMG) Analysis says that console gaming will have the largest market share of 62% while mobile gaming will account to 23% by 2019 Ken Research report shows India’s video game industry will grow at a considerable CAGR rate exceeding INR 180 billion by 2018. This shows the magnificent career growth opportunities in this sector. India, being a very competent nation, is equipped with all the technological expertise and has an edge over others in terms of talent engaged in online game development. The focus is solely on leveraging cost-competitiveness. The country has already offered a significant cost advantage in animation and game development compared to any other outsourcing destinations. Games developed in India are internationally recognized, and therefore, are enhancing India’s image as a nation with the best technical & infrastructural capabilities to provide gaming services that easily meet international standard. Not ONE but MULTIPLE career options Developing a game entails coming up with new concepts, programming, scripting and animation, designing characters & testing. It is not only creative and fun-filled, but also offers attractive global employment prospects. Tons of careers are available as a – Concept Artist Designer Developer Technical Instructor Content Developer Sound Engineer Voice Artist Tester Marketer. INT, in no way, is behind the competition; it works on world’s number one gaming engine – Unity 3D According to Unite 2013, Unite 2014, and in another Unity Conference- by 2018 all iOS, Windows, Android or Blackberry developers will soon be merged as Unity developers. They will work on a single platform – Unity 3D Gaming Engine.  Its cross-platform technology enables delivering games to 14 different platforms with a single click.  The platforms include: Web Player PC Mac Linux iOS Android Blackberry Flash Player Google Native Client Xbox360 PS3 Wii Windows Store App Windows Phone 8 xbox One PS4 Gaming business – the ever-growing exciting industry With new games and technologies rolling in everyday, working in gaming industry will have you on your toes. INT, with its 3+ years of experiences in the gaming sector, gives you countless opportunities to club all your ingenious ideas together to create something unique and extraordinary. How? Learn the gaming trends and create interactive games for all age groups Enough liberty to incorporate ideas to make your games addictive Inspire curiosity, exploration, irresistible challenges and game rewards through your games Work on 2D and 3D technology Work on the world’s largest gaming engine – Unity 3D No stringent rules to follow With the growing penetration of internet, adoption of Smart devices and bigger screen sizes, gaming industry is booming. There is no place for saturation. For instance, take a look at the growing percentage of Android gamers in India by categories: Arcade & Action – 67% Casual – 50% Brain & Puzzle – 12% Cards & Casinos – 17% Sports Games – 14% (Source: Flurry Analytics, 60,000 device sample, January, 2014.) The basic skill sets required for game development Professionals who have a unique combination of technological knowledge and creativity & focus on innovative thinking can easily achieve perfection in their work. The motivation to create the finest and versatile online game & the ability to adapt to changes and meet strict deadlines are some of the fundamental skills looked for in this industry. Developing games and creating animated characters demand meticulous observation skills along with the zeal to achieve what is desired. The gaming industry has been changing at a rapid rate. The gaming diffusion across all ages as well as the competitive pressure has been significantly changing the entire gaming market. So, are you ready to take the plunge and explore your potentials as a game developer?

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Top 8 Animation Festivals across the World You Shouldn’t Miss

Being in the field of animation, web designing and development, you probably want to meet other professionals from different corners of the world. It is often said that a designer must visit the remotest corners of the world to find inspiration, when things start to get boring. Instead of going to remote places on earth, we have compiled a list of important and interesting animation festivals from across the world. Whether you are an explainer video producer, web designer, animated movie lover or just someone who wants to travel and meet interesting people, these 8 animation festivals from around the globe will not disappoint you. Note: They are not listed in any particular order. 1. Anima Mundi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Anima Mundi is held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It started as a festival to raise awareness about animated productions in Brazil, in 1993. The festival features short films, feature films, children’s short films, animation courses and other activities. And when you are in Rio, do not forget to let your hair down at Ipanema and Copa Cabana. 2. Flip Animation Festival, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom FLIP is organized by the Light House Media Centre in Wolverhampton, UK. It features professional talks, networking, special screenings, industry panels, workshops, competitions and other activities related to animation. It attracts submissions from more than 30 nations from around the globe. 3. Melbourne International Animation Festival, Melbourne, Australia The Melbourne International Animation Festival is held every year and is supported by the Australian Centre for the Moving Image, the Australian Film Commission and the Melbourne City Council. Many artists, guests and animators from around the world visit the festival to exchange ideas and collaborate with each other. 4. Scotland Loves Animation, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dundee, U.K. Scotland Loves Animation is held every year in the Scottish cities of Dundee, Edinburgh and Glasgow. The festival started only in 2010 and is relatively new. Yet, it is one of the coolest animation festivals you could probably visit. It features full day of talks, workshops, panel discussions and other fun things. 5. Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema, Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada Waterloo Festival for Animated Cinema is held every year at Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. It seeks to promote animation as a narrative medium, as opposed to mainstream film-making. If you are into explainer videos, you have found your cause to visit this amazing festival. The festival seeks to bridge gaps and divides between anime and non-anime. 6. KROK International Animated Films Festival, Russia and Ukraine The KROK International Animated Films Festival is held in Russia on even years and in Ukraine on odd years. It is one of the main animation festivals of the former Soviet republics. The festival takes place on a cruise ship named Taras Shevchenko. When in Russia, the ship moves along the Volga and when in Ukraine, it moves along the Dneiper. Some of the top animators, directors and professionals from the region visit the festival. 7. Hiroshima International Animation Festival, Hiroshima, Japan Hiroshima International Animation Festival is held twice a year at Hiroshima, Japan. It was founded in 1985 by the Association International du Film d’Animation or ASIFA. The city, which suffered nuclear bombings during the World War II was chosen as the venue to hold the animation festival. It is now one of the most respected animation festivals in the world. When in Hiroshima, try and learn how animation artists have been working together towards world peace. 8. Animafest Zagreb, Croatia Animafest Zagreb or The World Festival of Animated Film Zagreb is held in Zagreb, Croatia. This annual animated festival was initiated by the International Animated Film Association (the same ASIFA we spoke about in the previous entry). It has received worldwide acclaim and is one of the most important animation festivals in the world. If you are looking at meeting some of the biggest names in the industry, do not forget to attend this event. If you happen to visit an animation festival that is not listed here, do let us know how you felt about it and if we must take a trip there too. We bet there are a number of other animation festivals that we haven’t heard of!

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Top 4 Relaxation Techniques to Increase Productivity at Work

Top 4 Relaxation Techniques to Increase Productivity at Work

Modern life has made it easier for us to live a comfortable life without having to sweat it out. Not only that, it has also brought us a number of diseases to comfortably nurse ourselves with. Well, not so comfortably. Stressful lifestyles have contributed to an increase in autoimmune conditions, cardiovascular diseases, pre-diabetes and a host of other ailments. Also, work suffers. No one who is stressed out can work efficiently and effectively. In order to ensure that you work as effectively as possible, we have made a list of 4 relaxation techniques that you can use easily to de-stress yourself. After all, the moment you are de-stressed, you will start to work much better. 1.      Learn to meditate This sounds like the obvious choice for a list of 5 relaxation techniques but it is important. Psychologists and mental health professionals who have studied the matter have found that meditating regularly decreases stress and improves mental health. They also found that meditating regularly helps to improve concentration, memory and attention. Apart from these benefits, it can also reduce anxiety and improve your state of mind. All that you need to do is, find a quiet room, lay down a mat, sit comfortably, close your eyes and begin to chant a positive mantra such as “I am peaceful” or “The world has been very kind to me”. If you are distracted by thoughts, allow them to pass like clouds. Observe them. Do not react. 2.      Breathe deeply If you cannot find a room to meditate or you are pressed for time, you can use a 5 minute deep breathing technique to bring down stress levels almost immediately. Deep breathing counters the effects of stress. It brings down your heart rate, increases the amount of oxygen in your body and lowers your blood pressure as well. All that you need to do is, take a five minute break and begin to focus on your breathing. Sit straight, close your eyes, and if possible, place your hand on your belly. Begin to slowly breathe in through your nose and feel the air fill your stomach. Notice how your body is filled with refreshing air and then exhale it out through your mouth. This is one of the quickest and easiest methods to reduce stress. 3.      Engage in physical activity If deep breathing is not helping much, go to the office gym. If your office provides you with additional recreational facilities, go ahead and use them. Any physical activity is known to increase the level of endorphins in our bodies. Endorphins help us to feel good about ourselves and are crucial to reduce stress. Moreover, physical activity is known to reduce stress dramatically. It not only reduces your stress, it also improves your overall health and contributes to a better state of physical and mental well being. If you cannot find any facilities at work, have a short lunch and quickly run up and down your office staircase. That should be more than enough. 4.      Socialize with your colleagues This is one of the least neglected forms of relaxation. It is very important to build positive relationships with people around us. We are social beings, after all. By making sure that we are cordial with our colleagues, we will make sure that there is a lot less stress in our lives too. It is inappropriate to talk while at work but when you are on a break, you could always try to catch up with the “latest” with a colleague you are fond of. Sometimes, offering people support also removes your own stress. Listen to other people’s stories and anxieties and forget about your own. We should always look for opportunities to building relationships and nurturing them. Reduce stress, increase performance A little physical activity, some deep breathing and a little socializing can go a long way when it comes to reducing stress at work. When one is not stressed, one will also work much effectively. It is important to be aware of our own bodies and what they are trying to communicate with us. If you are unable to work properly, it means you are stressed out. Just take a short break and get back to work again!

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