Category: HRD

Navigating the Future of BFSI: Insights from Vymo on Market Positioning, AI Impact, Gamification, and Talent Retention

Navigating the Future of BFSI: Insights from Vymo on Market Positioning, AI Impact, Gamification, and Talent Retention

The future of the banking and financial services (BFSI) industry hinges on various factors that leverage advanced technology towards enabling higher progress. Here are some insights from the Managing Director-Asia Pacific at Vymo, Rajesh Sabhlok. Vymo is one of the quickest-growing SaaS entities in the market at present with a novel positioning based on its focus on the financial industry.  This narrowed-down emphasis on the ideal client profile has enabled a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by the sector and sales teams, while ensuring that core solutions cover their requirements and spur higher adoption of users. Let us now look at some valuable insights that deserve closer attention.  Key Insights for the BFSI Industry Here are a few pointers worth highlighting in this space:  Let us now take a closer look at some other valuable insights that should matter to BFSI companies.  Additional BFSI Trends Worth Noting Here are a few more trends and insights from Vymo that should merit closer attention from banking and financial services institutions.  Here are some more emerging trends as per Vymo’s forecasts.  Emerging BFSI Trends According to Vymo Here are a few more emerging trends that are crucial for the banking and financial services (BFSI) sector.  Vymo feels that it has created a unique ecosystem with its digital sales engagement and enablement solutions for sales teams, along with higher user adoption through strategic approaches. It has created a customer-focused post-sales target operating model which has a novel tool kit that ensures better engagement and user adoption levels. The entity is also investing in ML and AI models to enable better user experiences and skill development simultaneously. Customers now have increasing access to reviews, price comparisons, product comparisons, and other information online. Their buying behaviour will naturally be influenced by all these factors. Hence, sales teams and agents should rapidly transform their processes while being digitally enabled to meet the customer shift. Hyper-personalized solutions for customers are the need of the hour throughout multiple touch points. There is a higher demand for more agile approaches that are tailored to individual requirements along with digital-first interactions through portals and apps. Customers now want digital onboarding journeys and automated onboarding procedures. Sales professionals are increasingly looking for more support from AI-based tools to streamline and quicken procedures while lowering their overall workloads. Flexible and usage-based insurance will also be necessary for customers along with pay-as-you-go systems. Insurance companies will also have to increasingly sync their operations with ethical and sustainable practices to connect better with their customers and their specific requirements. These are the core trends that the BFSI industry should witness over the coming decade.

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What We Can Do to Collectively Achieve Gender Equity

What We Can Do to Collectively Achieve Gender Equity

Gender equity is best defined as respecting all individuals without any discrimination, irrespective of gender. It also includes tackling gender inequalities which restrict the abilities of people to get access to opportunities for better education, economic opportunities, and health on the basis of gender. Implementing gender equality in the workplace is not only about ensuring higher diversity and inclusion, but also ensuring equal opportunities through fostering an inclusive work environment and taking collective action to address gender gaps at work.  Challenging Gender Stereotypes Ensuring gender equity at the workplace is only possible through challenging gender stereotypes. Here are some points worth noting:  Ending Violence Against Women Ending violence against women is a giant leap towards gender equity and ensuring a healthy environment for everyone. Here are the key aspects to be kept in mind:   Empowering Women in Leadership Empowering more women will positively impact overall economic growth in any country. Here are some points that may be noted in this regard:  These efforts, even if suitably executed, will only be a drop in the ocean. The truth is that we are still a long way off from basic gender equity and the concept of equal opportunities. The boy’s club or glass ceilings still prevail to an extent where we recognise and fete a few examples of those who break them/into them. FAQs What strategies can corporations adopt to close the gender pay gap and ensure equal compensation for all employees? Corporations can adopt several strategies to close up the gender pay gap and ensure equal compensation. They should be transparent regarding income slabs, bonuses, and incentives. Men should be encouraged to take parental leave.  Childcare help should be provided to both men and women. Remote working should be encouraged whenever necessary and of course, payment slabs should be solely on merit and job duties.  What initiatives can companies implement to provide equal opportunities for career development and advancement for women? Some of these initiatives include revamping onboarding processes to be more inclusive and tailoring jobs to fit candidate profiles without taking the opposite approach. Companies should make sure that both men and women have access to the same leadership development programs and build discrimination-free managerial/decision-making cultures.  The ratio of men to women should be evaluated periodically while the working environment should be safe. Coaching and mentorship should be available for women without any discrimination.  How can organisations create and enforce policies against gender-based discrimination and harassment? Companies can create policies against gender-based discrimination and harassment through drawing from applicable legal statues. They should enforce these policies through offering helplines/options to reach out for reporting such cases. There should also be safe spaces, neutral and external conflict resolution and monitoring, law enforcement links and coordination, proper employee harassment and discrimination cells, and so on.  How can we leverage technology and digital platforms to advance gender equity and bridge the digital gender divide? Digital platforms and technology can be leveraged to form communities and groups for help and assistance, along with swift emergency outreach. They can be used to build safe spaces to document, record, and report grievances. They can be leveraged for swift coordination and supervision, courtesy of external authorities. Technology can also be used as a great leveler, with regard to helping women find equal opportunities for career growth within the organisation.

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Hybrid workplace model statistics

AI – The Winner of Attracting Top Talents

Aside from being the biggest game-changer in multiple segments, it is undeniable that AI (Artificial Intelligence) has unearthed multiple use cases and possibilities today. Thinking along those lines, how would AI fare for recruitment? Let the discussion begin. Is it really what it’s cracked up to be? Job markets have been reeling globally in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the industry has been confronted with a surprising exodus of workers in the quest for something more meaningful in life. However, the shift hasn’t opened up a wealth of opportunities for aspirants. They’re finding it harder to crack jobs today. What could be the reason? Many organisations have been fine-tuning recruitment processes via artificial intelligence. By automating pre-screening for qualifications, checking credentials/certifications and scheduling interviews, employers are hoping to make recruitment procedures more efficient. In reality, these systems filter applications by screening CVs and cover letters for particular sets of keywords. The absence of the same in these documents is leading to the instant elimination of otherwise-skilled candidates. In short, if resumes aren’t being seen by human recruiters, then it poses an issue. With machines rejecting candidates on such grounds, companies face risks of missing skilled talent. Some AI systems even scrutinize gaps in resumes which could otherwise be explained by candidates. A Harvard Business School and Accenture report outlines how in 2021, 27 million people were hindered from finding jobs in their preferred sectors due to AI tools. The only probable solution is an expansion of candidate pools via algorithms, along with deploying lookalike matching based on the highest-performing talent. Humans are still indispensable in examining resumes and determining the best fit. How do candidates feel about faceless hiring? It is more than a mixed bag in reality; most candidates feel anxious about being able to find an audience with employers in the face of being scanned by AI tools. Many of them, however, testify to faster and more streamlined methods of recruitment for those with stronger CVs. AI capabilities can considerably fast-track communication, getting stronger applicants directly before potential employers. Other tools also help in accelerating onboarding, training, orientation and tech set-ups. Are automated hiring systems ‘hiding’ candidates from recruiters? As mentioned earlier, millions of workers are being instantly rejected or filtered out by AI tools owing to reasons such as the absence of specific keywords, gaps and so on. Automated hiring mechanisms sometimes reject genuine and skilled candidates as per several reports. These are hidden workers who desire employment but are being rejected regularly through processes emphasizing more on what they lack instead of their intrinsic value to an organisation. Immigrants, those with disabilities, caregivers, veterans, those who served prison sentences and those with relocating spouses are bearing the brunt of these mechanisms along with people in more categories. While the problem is clear, the solution lies only in a shift towards more positive or affirmative job filters by companies from negative filters when scanning resumes. These include the skills to be brought by candidates to any job position instead of focusing on not having experience, degrees and so on. Experts also recommend easier application procedures for drawing skilled talent along with clarity for applicants on when the company will respond. Use AI in recruitment but responsibly While AI usage in hiring procedures has accelerated over the last few years, responsible usage is the need of the hour. Companies are relying on AI for automated screening and evaluation, data analytics and virtual interviews. Yet, AI can hinder their access to skilled and genuine talent if they are not careful enough with their strategy. In the absence of historical data for training and equipping AI-based algorithms, recruitment tools will carry biases more predominantly than before. However, with efficient and responsible usage, AI can help in creating a wider, fairer and easier recruitment procedure as per industry watchers. Companies have to stop seeing AI as a quick fix while implementing it in a half-baked manner which does more harm than good. The onus lies on recruiters to ensure ethical, widespread and diverse usage of AI for hiring. It is a common perception that since HR departments do not directly garner revenues, leaders are more amenable to automation for cutting costs. However, at this point, there is a need to align human and technological resources for ensuring the best results. There are anxieties regarding the data collected by AI on candidates and regulations on management of the same. While addressing these concerns, companies should go all out to responsibly deploy AI tools. Some are taking the right steps by using the technology to find problematic content in JDs and other briefs, ensuring inclusivity and gender neutrality. AI is also being used by many companies to help new employees get access to swift onboarding systems and organisational information. Instead of replacing human beings entirely, AI can be a potent tool for helping them work more efficiently, thereby saving on costs and time in the long run. Some companies, for instance, are looking at AI tools to only identify applicants based on specific skill sets, without looking at conventional education, name, gender, etc. A double-checking mechanism may also work as a hand-holding measure till AI algorithms also evolve in response to multi-faceted requirements. As can be seen, AI in recruitment is still a mixed bag with a lot of fine-tuning and streamlining needed. Going forward, one can remain hopeful about the responsible, ethical and efficient usage of AI to transform recruitment procedures but not in a chalk-and-cheese manner that leaves little scope for understanding, interpretation and opportunities in many cases.

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People First, Computers Second

Have you watched the documentary The Man vs. The Machine? Do you remember the historic match of the reigning global chess champion Garry Kasparov versus the IBM computer Deep Blue?  If not, let’s refresh your memory once. On May 11, 1997, Deep Blue became the first machine to defeat a world champion in a six-game match under conventional time constraints.  After witnessing the historic match, many people started to believe that machines would take over the world in the coming years.  Imagine a world without people and full of computers. So, will there be life? No, because creativity is the soul’s spark. It’s the people who have souls not machines. It’s the people who create lives, and machines serve the role of catalysts.   People are an integral part of a business’s success. The three pillars or Ps of a successful business model are: People, Process, and Product. We often hear the advice to focus on the three Ps and everything will fall into place. But with time, companies focus predominantly on the process and product of our businesses and keep our people at bay.  Why people-centric?  Business leaders are increasingly recognising the advantages of building people-centric companies that prioritise employee happiness. Many companies emphasise the importance of their employees in their mission and vision statements. But the question remains, how many business leaders practise what they preach? What does it actually mean to ‘put people first’?  Well, if we consider the formal definition of ‘employment’, it goes something like this – “The fact of someone being paid to work for a company or organisation” This is true to some extent. But the reality is that employees are still considered like gears in a machine whose main function is to generate outcomes mechanically and consistently. The return on investment of an employee is equal to whatever output he or she produces on behalf of the company.  The understanding and recognition that an employee will contribute to a company to the extent that they feel appreciated, respected, and recognised is lacking from this outmoded equation. The finest companies recognise and understand this, which is why they prioritise their employees. Can computers make judgments? If we think deeply, computers assist people in analysing and comprehending patterns as well as future possibilities when making judgements. But they are incapable of making judgments on behalf of humans.  Humans are innovative and creative. Unlike computers, humans can create and invent new things. But computers work with mechanical brains designed and programmed by humans.  Computers have artificial intelligence (AI), whereas humans have intellect and emotions. Businesses need to strike the perfect balance between humans and machines to get the best results.  “Tools are just tools” Do you know what Steve Jobs said in an interview? He said, “Technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart — and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them. Tools are just tools. They either work, or they don’t work.” AI should complement rather than replace human intelligence Humans rely on the memory, computational capacity, and thinking abilities of their brains. But AI-powered robots rely on data and instructions input into the system. In many businesses, AI is used to automate repetitive and redundant clerical jobs. On the other hand, human brains can focus on higher level activities that require critical thinking and decision making.  Road ahead While investments in technology increase manifold YoY, resulting in disruptions and failures alike, a World Economic Forum report forecasts that 133 million new jobs are expected to be created by 2022, and guess what, not one of those hirings will ever result in a 100% failure.  At the end of the day, it’s our people who make the difference. When you establish a business on the foundation of its employees, you have a solid platform on which revenues can organically grow and legacies can be naturally built.  

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Challenging Our Limits: New Additions To Our First Flush Program

The monotonous flow of idea exchange often makes the workplace experience a dull one, leaving behind a limited worldview to carry out day to day operations. This is exactly where new generations fit in as they bring a sense of fresh perspective and often challenge us to go beyond our limits and do something which we were not willing to do. At Indus Net, we are obsessed with the term “Adding Value”, so we ensure that we are doing it across all our functions. Our interns are not made to spend most of their time on making presentations; instead, they are given responsibilities to do some pilot projects. Under our flagship program, First Flush –where we aim to help budding digital pros to start their career with their first IT job, we have a rigorous process of ensuring that the mentors have a plan even before they join. Meet some of our sharp-witted and savvy interns who are making a mark, a rather big one! Sumit Kumar Sumit from Masaurhi, Bihar has been a star Super 30 student. He is a final year student at IIT, Kharagpur with the Department of Electrical & Electronics Communication who aims to become a dynamic Software Development Engineer down the line. His love for technology developed and shaped due to his uncle, who has been a source of inspiration and support, and he similarly wants to contribute back to society in his own way to make the world a better place. At Indus Net Technologies, he is currently working on developing an interesting employee feedback system. He, not only codes but also has defined the product needs by interacting with the employees at regular intervals.   Kuldeep Singh Kuldeep, also known among his friends as a ‘tech geek’, is pursuing Dual degree in Integrated M.Tech, Department of Electronics & Electrical Communication, IIT Kharagpur, and hails from the Bulandshahar district of U.P. As a child he wanted to be a cricketer but with the growing exposure of science and technology in his life, he slowly but gradually started to eat, sleep and breathe technology. He dreams of becoming an entrepreneur in the tech field someday. At Indus Net Technologies, he works as a full stack developer, right from hosting to front and backend. He is doing a pilot project around improving employee referral mechanism. He is well equipped with web languages like JavaScript, MySQL, and PHP.   Harshal Dheliha Brought up in Kolkata, Harshal is a first-year student from the University of Massachusetts, the USA who is majoring in Computer Science & Statistics. He is a focused individual and a good juggler between his non-academic and academic interests. He is a smart worker who is immensely passionate about learning new things and aspires to land up a job at Google. At Indus Net Technologies, he claims to have learned things that were never taught at the university and is currently developing a mobile application for products, which he finds very exciting.   Insha Taj A go-getter, Insha loves new challenges that come her way. She is currently pursuing an MBA from Amity University in Finance and Marketing and is an ardent branding and marketing lover. She is well-versed with 6 different languages, excels at Fine Arts and is a skillful Throw ball player.  At Indus Net, she is analyzing social profiles of a number of organizations and providing insight about ways to make their digital presence felt in the era of millennial.   Rajdeep Datta Born and brought up in Bardhaman, West Bengal, Rajdeep currently is a 3rd-year student at Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College where he is majoring in Computer Science and Engineering. He is a big-time TV show binge-watcher and is up-to-date with almost all the recent shows on Netflix! He is a tech lover who loves to explore new facets of technology for real-time applications. Rajdeep is interested in Android Development and does the same at Indus Net Technologies. He is learning the basics of PHP and Backend Server development with the team.   Mayank Churiwal Mayank, the 1st engineer in his family is not only a tech lover but is also a star sports player. He has been a part of U16 for basketball and U19 for football at the State level. He is a sports maniac who has played almost all sports – indoor and outdoor. His love for Computer Science led him into engineering at Vellore Institute of Technology. At Indus Net, he is working on automation based technologies and making changes to the existing mechanisms responsible for growth.   Sahil Agarwal Sahil, an enthusiastic student of Indiana University, Kelley School of Business, USA, is self-motivated and addresses himself as the “Jack of all trades” as he has varied interests in the fields of sports, literature, art, and academics. He particularly excels at Billiards at the National level. Sahil is an organized and focused individual whose main goal in life is to start-up his own business in the technology sector in the future.  With us, he is working with the team around our flagship event- Digital Success Summit. We are thrilled to have these energy-driven tech-lovers on board with us! We are sure to do some great work collectively with these great minds!

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Why You Must Train Your Employees in a Foreign Language

As the world grows smaller with the advent of Internet, we have also seen our businesses spread out to countries with which we normally did not share many relationships. Most English speaking countries often conducted business amongst themselves until Germany and Japan became business leaders too, along with Britain and the USA. This led to people learning German and Japanese, while perfecting various dialects of English. While it is very important for your employees to speak and communicate in good English, it is also crucial for all of them to know at least one foreign language. No matter in which industry vertical you are, you need to make a list of a few foreign languages that can always prove handy. Some of those languages are French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic, Russian and Portuguese. These are international languages that are spoken in not just one country, but many. As we continue to do business with other countries, there will always be a situation when one of your employees who knows a foreign language will help you better in terms of signing business deals with another company in a different country. [php snippet=1] Now, let us take a look at why you must go ahead and invest in teaching your employees foreign languages. Helps build teams One of the biggest advantages of learning a foreign language is that it can be used as a team building exercise. An entire team may be encouraged to learn one foreign language while the other team can be trained in a different language. At the end of course, these teams can showcase what they have learned during team activities. All this helps to boost team loyalty and assists in team building. Boosts international business relationships We live in a very small world now and it has become important for us to look for clients in countries where they may not speak English. This is especially important when dealing with countries in the European Union or in the Far-east. When we speak the language they do, it helps to boost relationships with them and engage in conversations that could lead to signing a deal. In fact, the more foreign languages you know, the more people you will be able to connect with. Avoids ambiguity while signing contracts When you know a foreign language, you will be able to avoid ambiguities in the contract. When you read a contract in a foreign language, you will be in a more authoritative position that you might have been if you didn’t know that language and depended on a translator. Makes your company seem more international One of the most important benefits of employees knowing a foreign language is, when they go abroad on tasks, they will be able to speak the local language, which makes them seem very international. That boosts the image of your company and this is always a good thing. Reduces attrition It is a well known fact that employees who stand to gain something usually do not leave the company for a long time. This is more of a psychological benefit than anything else. If you teach your employees a foreign language, they are more inclined to stay back during the course. No foreign language can be learned perfectly (along with a full time job, at work), in less than 3 years. Considering how quickly people quit jobs, using foreign languages to keep people from leaving a job is not such a bad idea. Boosts morale of employees When employees feel they are doing something constructive, especially for their own personal growth, at a free cost, they tend to feel good about themselves. This boosts their morale and they perform better in other tasks. By ensuring that you teach your employees a foreign language, you might effectively be boosting their morale and encouraging them to perform at their best. Employees get better at other tasks It is a well known neuropsychological fact that learning a foreign language boosts brain activity that is reflected in unrelated tasks. A study revealed how children who learn foreign languages fare better in general mathematics, than those who do not. This is related to neuroplasticity,

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Marketing Automation May Not Be Enough. Here’s why

Many CMOs have had hands-on experience with marketing automation software to leverage their marketing efforts.  Automation software is capable of generating better sales lead, improve sales volume and use analytics to steer marketing decisions.  It also manages content and SEO. And all this is done through automation of contact database. It enables you to conduct targeted email marketing, content marketing, targeted landing on web pages and manage PPC campaigns. Higher the precision delivered by marketing automation software, higher is the conversion. However, is it really adequate to depend on upon marketing automation software for all your marketing needs?  Can it be placed on human analytical skills as far as marketing is concerned? Unfortunately, it has still a long way to go to gain traction among marketing managers. Right now, it is just one of the many marketing tools to enhance your marketing efforts. There are many limitations attributed to it that impede its success.  Moreover, marketing automation software is useful to implement marketing strategy; however, if there is no marketing strategy in place, this fancy software is unable to do any value addition to your business. The following article will address the challenges faced by marketing automation software that inhibits it from becoming a fundamental part of marketing strategy. [php snippet=1] Implementation is a burden for marketing professionals Marketing automation software is full-fledged enterprise software like ERP, CRM etc. A software implementation is a lengthy process with a high cost of ownership. Marketing managers need to spend a lot of time and resources to get output from the software. Technical skills and requirements required to operate the software are more than an average marketing professional feels comfortable with. Cultural divide between marketing and sales hinders technology growth Marketing managers tend to focus more on generating awareness about the brand through publicity, content marketing, SEO and other marketing tactics. For them, marketing automation software is something that holds the potential to minimize their load to manage contacts and effectively implement marketing campaigns. On the contrary, sales professionals are always under pressure to achieve sales target. Their performance is completely based on their sales achievements. Misalignment of goals and tasks cannot promise co-operation over new technology like automation software.  The two departments still like to function in their own particular manner. Failure to explore its potential Marketing software is high potential software that creates customer segmentation, delivers quality and relevant content for customers. However, many managers fail to exploit this potential and merely use it as a bulk email distribution platform. The usability pattern fails to incorporate product type, buyer’s place in the purchase process and becomes just another marketing tool. This gross neglect of software potential diminishes the purpose of this enterprise level software. Software overuse Marketing automation software may have innumerous functionalities. Software vendors often tend to misguide clients and oversell by sharing multiple capabilities of the software. However, marketing software should only be bought with specific agenda on the mind. Too many features don’t do any good. It rather confuses and deviates your marketing goals. For instance, landing page feature may be available through specialized marketing tool like Unbounce. Therefore, it is better to use a different tool for that function to get better conversion ratios.  As a result, if you forcefully use automation software for a task it does not expertise in, there is no point of using it. Always consider external vendors in such a case. Dearth of quality content Marketing automation software needs a constant supply of quality content to advance leads through the buying process. However, most marketers hardly devote time in producing content. And even if they commit to doing it or hire writers, it is a full-time job. They need to focus on content creation and content curation to get output from automation software.  They need to work in tandem with writers to guide them about the type of content to be created depending upon market needs. This approach is necessary to forward your content marketing goals. Though many marketers aim to implement content marketing, it becomes difficult for them especially small business firms to sustain their effort in the long run. Therefore, investment in automation software becomes insignificant. Absence of revenue model It is marketer’s job to measure the impact of marketing activities on sales revenue. They need to identify tactics that perform better than the others. It is for the marketer to forecast and measure how their below-the-line activities impact sales revenue. To begin with, marketing managers should be in line with sales pipeline. Marketing automation software is enabled to bring visibility to the revenue model. However, you need to fix metrics that connect sales parameters to marketing functions. If there is no revenue model, marketing automation software will add to your woes and appear more of a nuisance. Limited analytics There are many types of software and tools available to generate standard reports about marketing data. However, generation of simple reports does not require enterprise-level marketing automation software. Marketers who tend to use automation software only to generate basic reports are not exploiting its potential. Automation software is capable of generating many significant reports like gaining insight into campaign ROI, Return on Marketing Investment etc. Marketers need creative thinking ability and analytical skills to generate and interpret varied reports automation software is capable of. Poor staff training Marketing automation software is technical software. It needs professional training of managers and other executives and staff who use it. Software implementation does not promise to generate revenue. Users must understand how to set up automated processes. Only a professional trainer on marketing automation would be able to teach them. The marketing manager must have enough time and resources to arrange for staff training; else continuous errors may result in lost revenue opportunities. Use of marketing automation software is conditional Marketing automation holds a lot of potential, but, if the above challenges and conditions are not taken into account, it may be unfit to implement and you won’t generate expected ROI. Apart

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Open-ended Questions to Ask Job Applicants to See if They Are Culture Fit

Hiring can be a long and tedious process for an organization. It is the priority of an HR manager to find the most suitable candidate for a particular job profile. It is comparatively easy to shortlist a candidate based on objective questions that match the job description. However, what really differentiates one candidate from another is their ability to be a culture fit. Open-ended questions are used to encourage an elaborate and meaningful answer from an interviewee. Unlike closed-ended questions that result in a simple yes or no answer, open-ended questions encourage the candidate to talk more and be more expressive during the interview. The interview is more interactive rather than being a mere monologue. Following are some of the open-ended questions to be asked and their significance: Why do you think this company is suitable for you? This will help you to understand their motive behind joining the company. You can expect different types of answers like company brand name, customer’s trust, employee work culture, or even compensation benefits on offer.  This will enable you to put a counter question to know more about their drive. Why did you leave your previous job? Knowing the reason for leaving a previous job is important to find out. This will help you to assess their stability to stay in the organization. It will also help you to know their strengths and weaknesses. You can expect answers like a conflict with the boss, work saturation, or unsatisfactory work culture, etc. Again, don’t take the answers at their face value and try to dig deeper. [php snippet=1] Do you prefer to work in a team or alone, and why?  A job profile that entails teamwork must have a team member who loves to engage. Communication within the team is absolutely necessary to succeed. However, a person who likes to work independently without collaboration is not fit to be in a team. Knowing the reasons behind their answer will help you to assess demeanor and temperament of the candidate. How do you manage a conflict with your associates? When working in a team, conflicts are likely to arise due to a difference of opinion. However, it is important to reach a consensus to move forward. A candidate based on past experiences with conflict would be able to give an appropriate answer. If not, you can also propose a conflicting situation and ask the candidate to act on their predicament. How do you handle job pressure? A demanding job can soak up a lot of energy. It is important to rejuvenate and unwind oneself. Asking about how candidate beats stress would be reassuring for you to decide upon the suitability of the candidate. Add value to the hiring process To be culture fit, a candidate has to conform and adapt to the core values and collective behaviors of an organization.  An interviewer must explore this opportunity to understand the candidate better and his suitability to take up the job. The best way to do so is by asking open-ended questions. Open-ended questions add value to the interview because both interviewer and interviewee are likely to gain something out of the conversation.  

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Invest in Pre-Hire Assessments to Avoid Costly Recruitment Errors

Recruitment errors may cost dearly to an organization. According to HR trade association, bad recruitment can cost five times higher to the organization than the annual salary of a new recruit. Recruitment is a lengthy and tedious process. It consumes significant time, energy and resources of the organization. The purpose of recruitment could be to bring new talent, new skills, fill up vacancies, or to expand the organization. However, the whole exercise of recruitment goes in vain when you end up hiring a wrong candidate. Many organizations have started using recruitment applications to simplify recruitment process including sorting of applicants, screening candidates, organizing interviews, till the time candidates are hired. On the contrary, the mere use of such applications does not warranty high-quality recruitments. Consequences of wrong recruitment Wrong recruitments may lead to poor performance, waste of time and energy of managers to train recruits, poor learning, low productivity, client dissatisfaction and low morale among employees. In the worst case scenario, an organization may be charged with conspiracy or recommendation favors by unsuccessful and more deserving applicants. To avoid this farcical scenario, it is recommended to invest in pre-hire assessments to hire the most deserving and suitable candidate. [php snippet=1] What are pre-hire assessments? Pre-hire assessments are utilized to screen job applicants. These assessments help an organization to hire the most suitable candidate, save time, generate a better return on investment, minimize employee turnover, and boost employee morale.  It may include: Assessment of cognitive abilities through a popular test like the Wonderlic test that measures aptitude, learning and problem-solving abilities of candidates Assessment of knowledge and work skills Assessment of physical well-being and abilities Behavioral assessment or predictive index that measures personality to predict candidate’s willingness to perform a particular job function Emotional intelligence tests to assess self-awareness, self-motivation, empathy, managing emotions and handling relationships Language proficiency test in terms of speaking and writing capabilities Caliper and Myers-Briggs behavioral assessment to measure general behavioral tendencies Similarly, there may be assessment tests to check honesty traits, selling and negotiation skills. Understanding the usability of pre-hire assessments Validity and reliability of assessment Pre-hire assessments hold immense potential for selection of the right candidate. However, the employer must ensure whether the test deployed actually meets the criterion used to measure the performance of candidate on the job. There has to be significant proof about the test’s validity. The test should not be biased towards certain candidates and should result in fair selection.  It should be reliable enough to measure candidate’s score.  The repeated attempts of test should not change candidate’s score. For instance, a test should not be biased towards a specific gender, religion or community. To avoid any dispute regarding the validity and reliability of pre-hire assessments, employers should always use certified tests.  The tests should comply with employment laws and should not be overtly personal in nature.  Well-developed assessments lead to reduced employee turnover and improves the probability of job success. Explore your options Tests should be developed by organizational psychologists with prior experience of testing in the industry. Employers must explore a variety of tests available in the market to choose the ones that conform to their needs.  There are industry-specific tests available and employers should be well versed with them. Employers should know what assessments can be invalid for them. Some pre-hire assessments become conclusive only when coupled with other assessments. For instance, personality test alone is of no use, it should be coupled with at least one cognitive ability test. Hire a specialist to interpret results Hiring is done based on subjective & objective data and also on intuition. Employers don’t have the expertise to interpret test results. If there are some external factors that are likely to affect test results, they must be taken into account to infer fair results. It is always advisable to hire a specialist who can evaluate all parameters and do justice to the job position at stake. Clarity about job function Pre-hire assessments are null and void when there is no lucidity about job position for which candidates are hired. Job profile should be given a lot of attention during an assessment. There is a need to revisit job profile to ensure that assessment is in compliance with it.  It should be tailored to the specific job profile. If a candidate is hired for a customer-service oriented role, it is important that potential recruit is extrovert, gregarious, and talkative. Therefore, apart from quantitative aspects, HR managers should also focus on interpersonal behaviors and personality traits of candidates. In-depth assessment required for C-class positions Identify the top traits required for a particular job profile and use them as benchmarks while assessing candidates. Some job profiles require in-depth assessment especially C-class positions owing to the complexity of the role. In that case, assessments must include factors like motivation, assertiveness, accountability, decision-making, relationship, crisis-handling, critical thinking skills, brainstorming etc. Correlation between pre-hire assessment and current employee performance Investment in pre-hire assessments should give a big return on investment. And it can happen only when companies can realize the potential to grow with the candidate before they are hired. An appropriate way to go forward to is to correlate pre-hire assessments with ongoing employee performance to get better results. This helps employers to identify skills attributed to better performance. This approach is effective only when companies use rigorously profiling of employees to identify top performers. Training managers are equipped better to design programs Pre-hire assessments are quite beneficial from training perspective. Training managers can plan their learning approach for employees based on pre-hire assessment results. This enables them to build programs based on current skill level of new hires. Pre-hiring assessments are an integral part of hiring process Pre-hire assessments are a part of hiring process. It helps you to screen candidates before they reach the one-on-one interview stage. This saves you a lot of time in interviewing inapt candidates. Nonetheless, HR managers should always include other traditional measures like interviews, social networking sites, referrals

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What are Predictive Metrics and how can it help you predict Employee Turnover?

Businesses are prone to risks of market volatility. Ability to deal with such risks is heightened by human capital risks. It is always difficult for HR managers to predict which employees are likely to quit. Business owners have often paid least attention to HR department owing to its inability to contribute towards strategic business decisions. Employee dissatisfaction or any other latent reason may trigger a sudden exodus of employees from a company. This can cost heavily to the company leading to loss of business productivity, bad reputation in the market, customer dissatisfaction and deterioration of work quality. Instinctive prediction can be misleading because it is not supported by facts. Predictive metrics follows a purely data-driven approach and is gaining importance through its impact on talent management function. What is predictive metrics? Predictive metrics is a value-added process for HR managers to enhance their decision-making abilities by defining factors associated with employee turnover.  Managers can use parameters like employee history, job functions held, the time between promotions, the time between change of job, personal data, current profile, time spent in current profile, employee performance, and many other business factors to take informed decisions and help their company to grow.  The data can also be put to use to find out which departments or teams face a higher risk of turnover. [php snippet=1] Predictive metrics allow businesses to identify and understand risks associated with employee retention. Such metrics may include the number of top performers at high risk of resigning in the next one year and costs associated with filling the vacancy. A number of HR analytics applications have surfaced in the market that assists in the processing of real-time data. Analysts use various three-dimensional predictive metrics to understand employee turnover patterns. Firstly, it is important to study turnover patterns in the past few years. Secondly, how have those patterns evolved over the past years. Thirdly, what new metrics can be taken into account that affects employee turnover. What does predictive metrics do? Identify the factors attributed to key targeted employees likely to resign and assign a risk ratio to each of those employees. Identify the factors attributed to new hires like characteristics, job history etc to predict the probability of high performance over the next 12 months. Estimate the impact of employee training programs and other talent management functions on business revenue. Estimate revenue per employee generated today and likely to be generated in future. This helps you to keep a check on labor costs in comparison with business revenue. Conduct employee satisfaction survey and analyze the factors that need to be addressed seriously. Use a talent index that compares performances of different teams and managers. Talent index number can be used to identify problems associated with employees and managers. How does predictive metrics help in anticipating attrition? Employee productivity  Assessment of employee productivity plays an important role in predictive metrics. Factors that positively impact productivity can be highly useful to HR managers. A graphical representation of employee productivity curve will give an insight into problems and corrective measures can be taken. Employee behavior Employee behavioral issues are often neglected in the organization. Negative behavior among employees has strong implication for attrition. Metrics like negligence, punctuality, absenteeism, sick leave, low morale, lack of commitment etc can be used to suggest effective solutions to deal with behavioral problems. Career trajectory Progression of new hires is critical to understand the quality of recruitment. Career trajectory can help managers to understand how fast new hires are likely to grow and contribute towards organizational success. It can further help them to predict the duration of their stay in the organization. Personal and professional goals should be in line to ensure that the employee does not quit. A similar progression can be drawn for existing employees in the company. Successful managers A successful manager ensures that every team member is happy. Apart from that, he is responsible for productivity, innovation, hiring and control employee turnover. Identify the metrics that defines the success of a manager. Such metrics can help you to identify and improve weak managers. It can also help you to spot employees capable to become a successful manager. A similar metrics can be drawn to identify new hires and current employees with good leadership capabilities. Large-scale openings HR managers are poorly prepared to predict large position openings. Establishing metrics that help them to predict what position will have maximum openings in future can lead to better planning for training, internal promotions or need for external hiring. Failure to do so negatively impacts business causing a sudden peak in turnover. Well-timed talent hiring Predictive metrics enable HR managers to hire talent at the right time. Hiring when all your competitors are aggressively hiring is not a good hiring tactic. Predictive metrics helps to identify the right time for your organization to hunt for talent to get most qualified and talented candidates.   It also helps you to spot surplus talent in certain areas in the organization so that you can plan to fill up top positions well in advance. Layoffs Hiring is not always a necessity. Many a time, organizations respond to market dynamics to layoff. Predictive metric helps you to forecast the need for shrinking. Once you know, shrinking is imperative, you can concentrate to spot and hold the best talent in the organization. Internal shuffling Predictive metrics helps you to conduct an internal movement of employees. There are times when employee shuffling is important to bring new energy and improve the productivity of the organization. Employees with a suitable set of skills can be deployed in better positions to exploit their talent and avoid work dissatisfaction. Temps Predictive metrics allows HR managers to project the need for temporary or contract workers. An organization may require extra manpower for a short duration or during the course of a particular project. Rather than hiring full-time employees which are an additional burden on human capital, part-time workers can be hired. Hiring full-time employees and then suddenly

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