Category: Hire Experts


8 Amazing Business Benefits of Choosing the Right Software Outsourcing Partner

“Outsourcing to the right software company/agency can improve business efficiency by integrating greater value and productivity, and achieving reduced overall operational costs.” Lots of firms are outsourcing their IT infra-management and development to reduce the time and increase the feature of a product. Some of the leading organizations around the world have approached software development agencies in India for outsourcing purposes. Businesses are looking out for a huge transformation with the implementation of advanced technology with the demand of the competitive world. The transformation is effective when there is a skilled employee with the talent to facilitate the entire process. The benefits have made outsourcing software development in India a huge success in achieving the objectives of the projects of its global clients. The major benefits of outsourcing to the right software partner: Specific to the scope and objective The main benefit of outsourcing can be derived when you make the outsourcing agency understand the scope and the objective of your business. The primary need for outsourcing an activity of the business should be understood and acted on. During the transition, you and the outsourcing agency should be very clear on the synopsis of the entire project, along with all the possible solutions. Outsourcing leads to a transition of knowledge during which the company, as well as the agency partner, get to know about the requirements and an evaluation is made to analyze the best solutions for any types of issues raised. Customer-centric Approach is a MUST Sometimes various elements of the business are not constraint by the contract made by the two parties. Human behavior is also involved in technology transactions and should be considered in achieving the end results. The main objective is to have a customer-oriented approach so that the business relationship is not hampered. Even though the service providers are tech gurus using the latest technology – the vital focus should be on customer service. Hence, they should be well acquainted with the technological knowledge of their customers so as to deliver them the services which they can understand well. Avoiding vendors who are tech savvy but are not customer-centric in nature will hamper your business to a great deal. Reduction of cost – Tailoring Your Needs According to Your Project Size The most popular reasons ever in the global market is the cost saving. The utilization of internal resources is found costly by various organizations. They outsource and find it effective in reducing cost. Moreover, when they deploy they also get a compliance, which improves the process and reduce the uncertainties. The house might not get a team during an emergency. However, the outsourcing companion got a team to support during contingencies. Evaluating the technical expertise of the Software Outsourcing Partner Collecting all kinds of information about the software outsourcing company would help you to evaluate how strong they are in delivering the outsourced activity. The best way of analyzing the technical skill set is by monitoring the experience of the employees of the agency in the field of software development. By going through their client portfolios you will get a fair idea of what they have done in the past and the quality of work they have delivered. References of the clients can also give you some insight into the software agency’s ability to handle complex projects. Make all efforts to understand their working strategy. Quick Tip: Never choose an outsourcing software partner who does not know the latest tools and technologies. Top Reasons for Companies to Outsource Web Development Projects including Top Fortune 50? Reduced time of completion When there is a teamwork, the skills and competencies are working together to achieve a particular objective. The momentum also increases with a productive accuracy. The Go-Live of the projects is also completed with effective and positive results. This is not a surplus cost for the project. This is a major ingredient for the projects to show or provide the solutions or the products on time. This stands as a major adherence by the team when they deliver their best. Reaching the market (Target Group) faster If you have the right software outsourcing partner then you can focus more on sharpening your competitive advantages, such as planning a seamless marketing strategy for the launch of the new software or chalking out the marketing or placement policies or targeting the several investment schemes. Hence, while your software development is on right hands, you can reach the market faster and get hold of your target group of customers smoothly. Eliminating communication gaps as your partner is an expert in this field Communication becomes a painful point for the organization outsourcing to its partner if they are unaware of how they can overcome this hindrance. Establishing standards and guidelines can be helpful in maintaining proper communication channel between you and your outsourcing partner. It is vital to know that you can your partner has the same trail of thought and hence, miscommunications or gaps in the communication process should be avoided at all cost. Getting work done using the latest and best technologies in the market While choosing the partner to outsource software development in India, you must opt for a company or agency which has worked in the global market for a good number of years. A long-term market exposure and skilled professionals will help you to get the best possible outcome in regards to your new software product. Skilled professionals will integrate the best and latest technologies while developing your software product. Benefits can only be reaped if you choose the right software outsourcing partner, isn’t it? Here are a few pointers on choosing the appropriate software outsourcing partner : Get full information on their expert skill set, technical expertise, the business model, the latest technology used by them, portfolios of the previous projects, Capability to manage complex business challenges, A structured culture of the free flow of communication between the company and outsourcing partner, Don’t hesitate to ask for their work samples along with

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Talent as a Service: Accelerating the Trend towards a Flexible Workforce

What happens when a project requires a particular skill or talent which you don’t have? Or want on your current payroll? What are your options as a Project Manager then? TaaS is the answer to such situations. After Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS), Talent as a Service is the latest disruption in the human resources sector that will soon replace the workplace as we know it. TaaS has brought a whole new dimension to crowdsourcing, bringing about an uberisation of the workforce. TaaS sources labour from the crowds by opening the workplace for grabs people best suited for a particular project. In other words, this gig economy will help propel talent across projects and organisations based on the former’s interest areas and the latter’s demands. It heralds a new generation of workers with highly specialized and directly relevant skills towards a better allocation of peripheral work. How TaaS can Transform your Business Liran Kotzer writing for The Huffington Post candidly states, “…with the economy in an uncertain state the pressure on these [small and micro] businesses to keep other costs in check is high.” That would explain why companies are now rushing to embrace the TaaS model. It not only enables them to enjoy flexible access to the right talent at the right time for the right price but also lowers the cost of retaining skills by a considerable margin. The scalability offered by TaaS, to roll out projects based solely on demand, is creating ripples in the world of recruitment as we speak. Given the steady invasion of the demand hiring culture into the modern workplace, blending the traditional Full-Time Employee (FTE) business model with a regular rotation of contractual workers don’t need to be as daunting as it sounds. TaaS is here to simplify the workspace, to deliver your timely needs and it inarguably costs less than hiring a new employee. According to The Economic Times, a lot of Indian IT companies including Infosys and Wipro are exploring the idea of an uberised workforce, with their own flexi-staffing models. The article speculates the possible reason that is catalysing this trend today : “What is driving this trend is the changing preference of the young workforce more than the market uncertainty and political situation in their largest market, the US.” Here are the three tenets of TaaS explained with hypothetical use cases : Flexibility and Expertise A fashion logistical company wants to rebuild their business plan and pitch an attractive deck to their prospective investors. None of the existing employees have ever drawn up a business plan before. At the same time, they will have better insights into what needs change and what stays, more than any consultant or new employees. At this point, the firm can recruit a designer with a background in fashion, retail, logistics, and design, to curate the deck for the company. Minimising the cost of FTE A firm has an AI and IT engineer on board but he has very little knowledge of UX design. It makes little sense to recruit a developer at this time for a short-term project. So the firm can hire a UX designer at this point to develop their website design. Increased Efficiency with Time Consumption A company is redesigning its brochures but their in-house team has very little knowledge of graphic design. An intern from the marketing team is willing to give it a try but it will take her a couple of days at least to learn the basics of Photoshop and even then it won’t be the same quality of an expert. There is no justification for hiring a full-time designer at this juncture; instead, it would be best in the company’s interests if they reach out to the designer designed their visiting cards once before. Things to keep in mind while adopting a TaaS model Incorporating Talent as a Service will sound as good in your company’s portfolio as it does on paper. To adopt it in your daily operations and for a seamless merger between the traditional and modern workplace, here are a few key points you must bear in mind. According to Rob Biederman, co-founder, and CEO of HourlyNerd, the model is especially suited for marketing, operations, and finance: these departments would be your best bet if you want to test the waters. While trying TaaS out for the first time, start with a small pilot project to gain experience in hiring and managing talent before investing in a large project with a lot at stake. While working with a flexible talent pool, allot and carve out distinct chunks of work and establish clear deliverables and deadlines with strong communication. Before and during talent acquisition, do your research and only recruit from a reputable source/agency/recommendation and follow it up with a strong vetting process. It trends set to improve Taas According to a report by Intuit, the number of on-demand workers in the US is expected to double in the next four years to almost 9.2 million. It won’t be long before the brick and mortar office is a thing of the past as where and how people work will change due to emerging Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud phenomenon and mobile technologies. Working in the cloud will increasingly shift work lives away from corporate office altogether and toward an in-my-own-place, on-my-own-time work regimen. “Gen Y will continue focusing less on physically spending time at a job site and more on getting the job done. Connecting through the cloud will allow Gen Y to success on the move and approach the work/life balance they desire.” As cloud computing keeps extending to every job sector, businesses are increasingly recognising that Cloud technology can be taken further to tap a virtual, global labour pool. This will in turn increase productivity, maximise the elasticity of their existing workforce and reduce labour costs.  To effectively minimise fixed labour costs and maximise productivity, enterprises of the future must be ready to work with

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