Category: Explainer Video

#VideoMarketing – Is It Viral Yet?

Video Marketing is here and in a big way. You must have by now tried your hands on it already. It definitely yields more results than most of the other forms of marketing don’t you think? And don’t we all want our videos to be viral? Well going viral should never be the primary objective of any video marketing campaign. You should rather focus on the content before anything. Here are some of the ongoing discussions on Video Marketing that will help you propel your social media forward. YouTube Marketing is a fantastic way to showcase your products and services. Using interesting content will help you build your brand globally. With over 1 billion views a month YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine behind Google. #youtubemarketing #videomarketing — Andrew Lloyd (@AndrewL31763166) June 17, 2018 I love that YouTube is still ranking so high in google search results. Too bad Facebook can’t do that, they would do so much better as a video platform. #socialmediamarketing #VideoMarketing — Jacqueline Jax (@JacquelineJax) June 16, 2018 21 Efficient Video Marketing #Growth Hack for Your #Stratup's Content #Marketing [Infographic] #VideoMarketing #GrowthHacking — ipfconline (@ipfconline1) June 19, 2018 YouTube Marketing is a fantastic way to showcase your products and services. Using interesting content will help you build your brand globally. With over 1 billion views a month YouTube is the 2nd largest search engine behind Google. #youtubemarketing #videomarketing — Esanz Marketing (@esanz_m) June 19, 2018 Top #socialmedia trends. #VideoMarketing #AR #Chatbots #AI #InfluencerMarketing #SMM #SocialMediaMarketing #AugmentedReality By @Filmora_Editor — Jonathan Aufray ? (@JonathanAufray) June 18, 2018 A massive infographic of #videomarketing stats and tips (via @irfanahmad1989) #smm — Social Media Today (@socialmedia2day) June 17, 2018 People consume video more than written words. Share short videos on social media and longer versions on your site -via @Brucem67 #AMPlifySocial #VideoMarketing — Holly Chessman (@HollyChessman) June 12, 2018 Video #marketing Tools and Softwares #tools #software #videoproduction — GSG Promotional (@GStarsGreen) June 19, 2018 The AUDIENCE is the new CURRENCY for your #business. Today in this digital age for businesses to engage with their target audience they will need to have a strong engaging online presence to pull such valuable interest to their services & products. #VideoMarketing #namitakabilas — Namita Kabilas (@NamitaKabilas) June 18, 2018 50+ Video Marketing Stats to Guide Your 2018 Strategy [Infographic]#DigitalTransformation #DigitalMarketing #SEO #ContentMarketing#SEOServices #SEOtips #marketingtips #SocialMedia #infographic #makeyourownlane #infosec #finserv #defstar5 #Mpgvip #smm #startups #VideoMarketing — Nitish Sharma☯️ (@Nitish_Sharma23) June 14, 2018 Keep watching this space! We regularly publish similar blogs with current happenings from around the globe in the world of Tech and Digital.To read more Click Here

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The Best Practices of Video Marketing for eCommerce

A number of companies are realizing the importance of video marketing when it comes to boosting profits and reaching to a larger target audience. The fact is, many people prefer an audio-visual experience more than a textual one. This is apparently true among younger audiences and those who are unable to read for a long time. For such people, video marketing may seem like a better option. Moreover, very busy people will probably want to watch a 30 second video to understand the crux of the matter than read it. In this article, let us take a look at some of the best practices of video marketing for eCommerce. 1.      Start making explainer videos Explainer videos are videos that offer reasons and explanations as to why an individual  must choose a particular service or product. An advertisement is persuasive but an explainer video is informative and persuasive. It helps to know why we must buy a particular product and how it can be used. Explainer videos briefly describe the uses of explainer videos and ensure that people understand the need for a solution, how it can be solved with a certain product and finally, actually buy that product or service. 2.      Make a paradigm shift from textual content to audio-visual content Most companies still believe that textual content is all that their clients and customers want. This is not quite true. It is a well known fact that people process more information when information is provided in an audio-visual format. This helps people to understand what you are talking about in a very short period of time, instead of having to read through reams of textual content. Moreover, people are gradually realizing that they do not have a lot of time to spend on reading. Thus, they end up watching videos on YouTube, Vine, Vimeo and other websites where one can learn about products. Thus, making the paradigm shift from textual content to video is becoming apparent. 3.      Keep your videos short Videos should be short and sweet. No one really has the time to spend a lot of time on watching your videos, if they run into more than 60 seconds. They simply will get bored of your product and will move on to the next one. If you are making videos to market your products, you should ensure that they are around 30 seconds and that they explain clearly why a person must choose this product over some other product. Short videos help to retain people’s attention, and they will also be able to remember what they watched when they are short. Thus, it is important to keep marketing videos short in order to achieve eCommerce success. 4.      Make videos an important part of your marketing strategy While content writing is still the most important form of our marketing strategy, one must also make videos a part of our marketing strategy. ECommerce sites do not exist in islands. They depend on social shares, viral sharing and conversations on the Internet. For this to happen, a video is the best bet. One can easily make videos a part of a company’s marketing strategy and also save money in the process. There are professional agencies that make explainer  and other forms of videos in a short period of time and will also teach you how to market those videos to boost traffic to your eCommerce website. All that you need to do is include videos as a part of your marketing strategy. Final thoughts Video marketing need not even be expensive. Some of the techniques used in video marketing include using videos instead of blogs and marketing with product videos, video ads and explainer videos. It is important to remember that reading takes a lot more effort and time for people than watching videos. With these factors in background, it is safe to say that a number of companies are looking towards video marketing solutions. Ecommerce websites are particularly interested in video marketing as it helps to showcase products and services in a better light, and in a more sensual way (audio and visual senses). If you wish to increase sales and boost traffic to your website, choosing video marketing may be one of the better options.

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How to Effectively Use eCommerce Product Videos?

It is a well-known fact that humans are visual in nature. They prefer to process information that is readily available visually, instead of having to imagine something and then understand. However, one of the greatest mysteries of mankind is the popularity of textual content. It is something that goes against most cognitive theories yet the dreaded truth continues to persist. However, there is also a growing need for visual content and it is quite baffling to realize that there aren’t many product videos as there are product descriptions. Moreover, video content is found to be more popular among youngsters, very busy people and those who do not want to process a lot of textual content. If we observe, there has been trend towards streaming videos, explainer videos and other forms of video content that have been successfully used in marketing. It need not then come as a surprise that e-commerce websites are finding product videos a great way to boost traffic and increase sales. In this article, we shall take a look at how we can make use of product videos on e-commerce websites. 1. Publish videos on the homepage One of the best ways to promote a product on an e-commerce website is by featuring it on the homepage. You could create a video for a particular video and then feature it on the homepage, where more people are likely to see it. You could use the homepage space to promote products that you think deserve more attention. In fact, your best products could be featured on the homepage in this manner. 2. Use videos to describe individual products A less known utility of videos is to provide product descriptions. Most people think that product descriptions are, usually, required to be in a textual format. However, this is not always necessary. For the purpose of SEO, you could have a textual content while your video maybe more appealing to your target audience. In reality, using both a video description of your products and a brief text that goes along with the product is the right way to go. 3. Use videos to enhance your social media strategy You could upload product videos to social media platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and others. This helps you to strike two birds with a single stone. People often publish videos just for the sake of social media marketing. With product videos, you can promote your products on your website and also use the same videos on social media platforms. This will help you to generate newer leads and also spread the word around about your products. 4. Use videos that go viral When you create a video, ensure that it has the potential to go viral. This is a very clichéd and often used word but yet, it makes sense to create videos that have the potential to go viral on social media & elsewhere. For this to happen, you might have to hire professional video companies that are well-versed with creating viral explainer and product videos. 5. An explainer video is not a product video You need to remember that there is a distinction between explainer videos and product videos. The two are not the same. An explainer video is, usually, for a more tech-savvy and professional audience than a product video is. Product videos are for general consumers and are the right choice for e-commerce websites that deal with general population. Explainer videos, on the other hand, cater to B2B solutions and are also for e-commerce websites that require a higher level of explanation within videos. Videos are only going to get bigger In the future, videos will gradually become more commonplace than before. People will begin to get used to seeing videos and some might even expect videos to exist alongside textual product descriptions. Adding to that, the Internet is going to get faster even in the more inaccessible parts of the world. With all this in mind, it makes sense to invest in product videos so that they can be used to boost conversion rates on e-commerce websites. If you need more information about product videos, contact one of our executives who would be glad to assist you.

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Actionable Video Marketing Techniques for Online Business

In an era where digitalization has taken over traditional ways of businesses, companies also must invest in digital marketing to maintain their market presence. E-commerce is trending like never before and with it, there are new marketing techniques coming up. Video Marketing is a relatively new strategy in the digital world, which has become very popular among various audiences. Consumer psychology shows that when you market a product through videos, it remains in the memory of the audience for a longer time. It is a well-known fact that human beings process visual information much better than textual content. Yet, we have always been used to reading books, web copy and now, blogs. While we do not discount the utility of textual content and words, it is also useful to publish and create videos that help to present content in an audio-visual format. A lot of people prefer videos to text and we could be using videos to tap into this sub-section of the audience. While it is quite a task to create videos, it is yet another to create actionable videos. Actionable videos encourage the user to take some action, mostly respond to a call to action. This could involve signing up at the end of the video, providing e-mail address after watching the video or even buying the product. However, to create such actionable videos, we need to bear a few things in mind. Let us find some video marketing techniques that can act as a catalyst in boosting your business: Demos Descriptions of a product or a video demonstrating a product works well with the audience, as there are many websites and products competing for attention. You need to find a USP or unique selling proposition to increase your audience base and also to turn your audience into your future clients. You can do this by making your website more interesting; create small videos to showcase your product. You can use animation or a music video format to be different from others. Product demos can also be used to encourage viewers to take some action. This could be in the form of a covert message within the video to contact you for further information or to sign up at the end of the video, which is a more overt form of asking to take action. Both these methods work very well and demo videos are increasingly being used by companies that have a flagship product. Descriptive video content You can also use descriptive content for the videos on your webpage. You may wonder why anyone would want to add descriptive video when you can just post a video. However, research studies show that descriptive video content adds to the effect. It is quite natural, as we have been used to reading pages of content and all of a sudden, videos are becoming more visible. Adding the content will entertain the audience who are getting used to the new format. However, content need not be too long; it needs to be short and crisp. If possible, add in humor and quirkiness. This can be used as a subscript or as textual matter that is inserted within a video. What this actually does is, it grabs the attention of those people who are not very fond of watching videos. By making descriptive videos, we are targeting two different and opposing kinds of audience – one that loves videos and the other, which is still getting used to video content but is very much happy with text. Corporate videos Corporate videos are a big hit among the audience as it evokes a sense of loyalty in your customers. Everyone is interested in what goes on in a company, especially, a corporate company. Use this advantage and boost up your video marketing by bringing in more corporate videos. The themes could be anything from production of a product or showing the fun you have while working. In order to make corporate videos actionable, you could request viewers to add you on LinkedIn at the end of the video. A short note, which screams out your LinkedIn profile address, can also be useful. Another option is to have a running message at the bottom, which occasionally reads out your e-mail address or your LinkedIn address. This will help interested viewers to contact you and probably clinch a deal or two. Social videos What are social videos? Basically, using the marketing videos on social platforms constitutes the idea of social videos. You can use Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to share your video, to reach out to a larger crowd & increase your audience base. You might probably think that if your target audience is youth or the IT sector, then this is the best way to turn them into your clients. However, this is not quite true. Social media is used by all ages and demographics & it is a great platform for you to showcase your products. If you can manage to create videos that can go viral on YouTube, Vimeo and DailyMotion, you can achieve surprisingly high rates of conversion. The key here is to make videos that can go viral. For that to happen, you need to hire good script writers and video producers. To make social videos more actionable, ensure that you always have a call-to-action when you share them on social platforms. This could include urging your audience to follow you back like your page or simply, share your content more. Market research Market research is a must. You need to be aware of new trends in video marketing, if you don’t constantly update your knowledge on the current themes and also the format of product videos. This will help you to bring innovation in your videos. The more ‘newness’ you bring into your videos, the more client base you will gain. The reason why market research is an actionable video marketing technique is because it helps you understand your audience better. You need to save all the

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The Science behind Visual Storytelling Strategy

Marketers have long focused upon writing great content pieces for their customers. The results have been stupendous for some and some have failed miserably. Without undermining the power of text, content writing is a time consuming process and not every marketer is capable of creating quality content. In the era of digital communication, there are no excuses. With little resources at hand, even a small business owner can use the power of visual imagery to tell a story; a story, which would have been difficult to narrate without pictures and videos. Marketers, today, use graphic design, animation, diagrams, charts and other means of pictorial presentation to express their ideas. Visuals are an interesting way to capture your target audience. Visuals create thousand times more effect than words. If you use words along with your visual content, it creates a rippling effect across the community. But you have to be sure that your visual story is backed by determination, conviction and reality. What you need here is a well-thought-out strategy before you step into action mood. Secret behind communication through visual mediums Marketers try hard to get their message out there in the market but stiff competition often bars their reach. Small-scale owners have limited resources to spend on commercial advertising, which makes it difficult for them to compete with large-scale businesses. Visual platforms like website, blog and various social media platforms have empowered a small business owner to create and share visual content conveniently. It is congenital to humans to pay more attention to visual communication over written content. Effectively using words with pictures and videos amplifies the message and increases the retention, attention and recall of your message. Consumer decisions and actions are more often based on emotions than logic, especially, in the cases where product disparity is negligent. If a marketer is able to capture the emotions of his target customers, he is more likely to influence their decision-making process. Visual mediums allow marketers to be effective in their communication. It is the fastest way of communication as customers don’t want to spend too much time on reading and they believe what they see. Visual storytelling generates excitement and people are more inclined to engage with the content. The ability to share visual content is much higher on social media and various mobile multi-media messaging services. Following considerations will help you to understand and frame your visual storytelling strategy: 1. Explore the power of visuals Visuals possess immense power to influence the human brain. Marketers need to keep experimenting with different types of visuals. One way of experimentation is curation of content to suit social media. Social media carries enormous potential to spread your visual story. Social media users are instantly attracted by interesting visual imagery content stimulating them to share with their friends. Visual imagery can be in the form of videos, images, presentations, infographics and so on. Even if you are attempting to explain the usability of your product, visual content in the form of explainer video has proved extremely helpful for many companies. What video can explain, text can’t. For instance, Dropbox used explainer video on its home page to witness massive increase in the number of users over a short period of time. The main idea of the company was to make it easy for the customer to understand the product. 2. Relate with your target audience on social media A marketer need not ever try to force the content down the gullets of consumers. Consumers, today, are highly selective and follow what they like. As a marketer, you need to be able to sense the mood of your target audience and engage accordingly. Every platform where visuals can be shared has its unique way of interaction. There are various tools and tactics unique to every platform & marketers need to invest their energy to attain maximum benefit out of it. Different social media platforms like Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. allow the users to consume content in a different manner. Pinterest has a great capability to use pictures and infographics to tell a story. It is user-friendly and allows them to pin the pictures. The Israeli company, Smoyz, created a successful campaign on Pinterest for Kotak. The campaign, renowned as Kotak’s Women’s Inspiration Day, created a lot of buzz, as 50 lucky women who pinned the images on their board got real gifts as depicted in those images. 3. Focus on the content and its usability Do your visuals tell a story? It is every marketer’s goal to engage with its consumers. You can only do so if you are able to generate maximum value for them. Design your visual story by listening to what your customers say. Keep a tab on FAQs, trending topics in the user community, upcoming events and festivals, social issues & a lot more that concerns your target audience. Clarity of content will help you design your visual strategy and create a successful campaign. Creating videos accessible via video feeds from leading YouTube channels like BuzzFeedVideo gets you a lot of exposure across the web. Search for the right and popular channels often subscribed by your target audience. 4. Share user-generated content and issues that affect people As a marketer, you are capable of creating pictures and videos that drive on emotions and human values. Create interesting content that helps customers to relate with your brand. To take this initiative further, involve your consumers into content creation. Hold a contest on different social media platforms, where a lot of user-generated content can be created. Consumers with the best story can be awarded with special offers, service or a real gift. People love to go through content posted by fellow consumers as it is real with no marketing gimmick involved in it. For instance, marketers use YouTube channels to showcase short videos uploaded by their customers showing how they use their product and talk about it. Such videos testify authenticity, build trust and create popularity for the brand.

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Video Blogging – The Next Big Thing Taking The Internet By Storm

Attracting more than 1 billion unique viewers every month is easy now. With video blogging (vlog), it is easy to engage your audience and let them know your story. Using video is simple and something very different for the marketers in their marketing space. It is amazing to see the use of video marketing right from the beginning of 2015. Apparently, it has increased the consumers understanding of products by 74%. What’s Behind The Winning Video Blogging Strategy? Successful video marketing is not just about the format, but the execution of the right plan. However, inefficient ways of using video blogging can ruin its entire purpose. Here’s how marketers seeking to use this super video platform can follow its simple etiquettes Keep It Simple You don’t always need a professional photo shoot kit for your blog’s video. You can sit in front of your Smartphone camera and make a short and interesting video. The How-To videos help your business stand out of the crowd. Moreover, embedding the videos onto your website can increase the interaction and engagement factor, especially if you can include your video with a relevant blog. Keep It Short Make your videos less than five minutes for giving it more in-depth. All you need is a 60 seconds video and establish a rhythm in your posting. Style Your Video Include your artwork, updated content, images, custom URL in your video and link it to your website and social media pages. Choose the best thumbnail and upload a custom thumbnail. Use Humor Nothing can be better than making people to smile or laugh. Include subtle comedy in your script. This helps people to lighten up and develop the right attitude towards your products and services. Have A Plot Your videos need to have a story. The story should be engrossing and well connected to the products you are selling. Let Your Video Talk People prefer to watch than to read. Limit the use of text in the video and let your ideas flow through creative drawings and animation effects. Viewers grasp more from what they see rather than what they read. Relevant Marketing Choosing topics that are always relevant to your audience’s need works the best. News, questions & answers, events & happenings or commercials & press can make your video bogging go instantly viral. Explore Multiple Distribution Channels In order to reach out to the maximum audience, you need to create an integrated network of distribution channels. Share your video across multiple and specifically targeted sites if you want to explore its full potential. How Do You Do Video Blogging to Inspire Your Creativity? #Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Video When you do product reviews or create a how-to-video, put in more questions that needs further explanation and demonstration to clarify the points. FAQ video helps the existing, future and potential customers to get the answers of those frequently asked questions. This shows your responsive nature to your viewer’s needs, thereby increasing the trust and the like factor. #Featured Video In Your Facebook Page Video posts have the maximum organic reach of any type of Facebook post. However, your Facebook Page video should be a good representation of your business. Uploading video directly to the Facebook page enhances the reach of your video posts. A short video slideshow or a video clip can reinforce your post’s content. #15 or 6 Seconds Video To Reach Instagram Or Vine Users 15 seconds video on Instagram or 6 seconds video on Vine, it is possible to show people ‘behind the scenes of your operation’ demonstrating something inspiring and valuable. With Vine and Instagram, you can upload short video clips to easily reach different section of audience with video content. #Product Review Video Blog Video blog to review products is an effective method to gain the attention and create more loyal customers. Unboxing a product to show viewers exactly what they get when they buy products earns you a trustworthy entity. People become more confident to get associated with your products. They believe this as unbiased reviews and is a source they can trust. #Curated Videos To Create YouTube Channel Even if you do not create your own videos you can create a YouTube channel by curating the best YouTube videos created by others. Once you’ve a YouTube channel comprising of videos of top industry thought leaders, you’re already having a subscriber base especially when you start posting your own videos. #Embedded Videos to Improve Blog Post You can increase your social engagement and enhance blog post by embedding video posts on your website. In this context, you can also embed Facebook and Twitter video post. Embedding the Facebook post allows people to view and like the video without leaving your blog post. Facebook allows you to embed Facebook videos directly into your website or blog. Similarly, when you embed a tweet with video, visitors can watch the embedded video, follow your Twitter account, reply, retweet, and favourite that tweet directly from your blog post. What Is Most Important Behind A Successful Video Blog? Although there are several effective steps to build a perfect video, the real success relies on the quality and relevance of its content. This means you need to create interactive and engaging content and guarantee a high standard of audio and visual effects. Your videos can be your sales superstar. People love to watch videos that have stories to tell. As a result, effort should be made to optimize videos to garner the attention and build a larger and more motivated audience.

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Can You Use Explainer Video as Internal Training Material?

From our experience of working with various organizations, we have seen them evolving their methods of explanation from simple power point presentations to explainer videos. Many people ask us if creating an explainer video is worth it as compared to the investment required for creating multiple videos. Explainer videos are not only used for explaining the services or usability of the product to customers, or even pitching an idea to investors, they are being increasingly used to train internal teams and employees in different departments to improve their understanding of the company’s processes, and also to improve their presentation skills so that they are capable of serving the customers in a better way. Explainer videos can be a characteristic of your company representing it with the right color theme, company logo, graphics and animation. The videos don’t have to be high in quality as in this case they are not meant for mass audience. As you may have to create multiple explainer videos to cater to different needs of your employees, a descent video quality is more than enough. Highlighting specific issue and information is extremely important. The video should be comprehensive in nature and contain a link for further information that might be directed to a specific URL on your website or blog. How well can you utilize the power of explainer videos to serve as a training material? 1. Empower your sales and marketing team Sales team is the interface between your company and your valuable customers. Attaining knowledge about the customers, a deep understanding of their needs and forming a suitable proposal, forms an essential part of their job.  But are they prepared to do so? Do they lack confidence?  Do they conduct themselves well? Are they presentable and self-motivated? Are they able to meet their targets? Are they good in receiving customer feedback and reporting the same to the sales head? There are so many questions that worry you to ascertain if the performance of the sales team is up to mark. Explainer videos can be effectively used by the marketers to train their subordinates. Every marketer understands his marketing goals and ultimately needs suitable tactics to influence the customers. Depending upon your target customers, your sales force needs adequate training to pitch your services or product to the customers. Conduct a performance audit of the sales team to find out where they lack and what are the major challenges they face on the field? Create an explainer video that empowers your sales force. Besides serving their training needs, it might also serve as a tool of motivation and inspiration they could always look up to. Even if your sales team is globally dispersed, an explainer video can be used to explain the functioning of production or service processes (which of course is important) to have a better understanding of their organization. 2. Simplify IT processes for your staff Information Technology is the most dynamic field of work as the software technology evolves rapidly. In IT industry, there are new versions of software released frequently. In such a case, it becomes imperative for your organization to train your staff on a new version. For this, you plan to develop self-training modules that help you to save significant amount of time in providing physical training to every employee. It further helps you to save training costs like hiring training facility and professional. But to provide a support that helps in beginning self-training, an explainer video can be used to answer frequently asked questions and provide general instructions. Explainer video can be innovative in its approach by simplifying a complex IT process through graphics and animation, and stimulate the employees to go ahead with the training. Apart from that, the existing IT processes could be complex enough that it entails you to create a series of explainer videos to help them diagnose and resolve an issue independently. Such videos can include software installation process, software update process, running the software through a security check and so on. 3. Inculcate communication skills across the departments The process of development of communications skills is not limited to the sales and marketing team. For an organization to function properly and as a cohesive team, all the employees need to have excellent communication skills. Seamless communication enables free flow of information across the organization. It not only helps them to interact with each other with ease but also with the vendors and the customers. An explainer video focused on the improvement of telephonic communication skills increases the productivity of your customer service team. Apart from that, presentation skills are equally important. An employee is an asset for the organization and carries its brand image. The way the employees present themselves in a meeting or during their interaction with their colleagues, clearly reflects the classiness in their work, organization culture and etiquettes. Though both communication and presentation skills can be developed through conditioning and experience, an explainer video makes this process more systematic & organized. It can rather hasten the development process with its visually enchanting form. Enhancing the soft-skills of your employees is far easier in a friendly and a jovial environment of explainer video than enforcing them through a circular of strict code of communication without ensuring the implementation part. 4. Relieve your HR department We quite often observe that the HR department is loaded with unnecessary and unproductive tasks for no reason. Rather than focusing their energies on employee benefit programs and policies, they are caught in answering frequently asked questions by the employees. We are not negating the importance of communication between employees and HR department but when the same is limited to itself, it is a sheer waste of HR resources. Employees are often confused about procedure for leave application, claims and reimbursements, tax filing etc. If the same queries could be answered in the form of one to two minute long videos, it sheds off massive load from your HR team. Companies with an employee size of 100 or more

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How to Tell Your Company’s Story in 60 Seconds

In this age of fast communication, nobody has time to listen to your long stories patiently. The ability to pitch your company’s story to investors, stakeholders, vendors and customers becomes a deciding factor for the success of a company. Nobody is interested in knowing the details of a new company until they know the gist of it. You might go on for five long minutes explaining about your company as it is your baby and can explain everything about it. But this does not solve any purpose, neither for you nor your listeners. At the end of the explanation, you’ll still notice listeners’ detachment, misinterpretation and confusion about your company. This happens because it is hard to gain attention of the listeners for a long time, especially, when your company or services are entirely foreign to them. They have no emotional interest in your company. You have to be careful not to sound rhetorical and over pitch your company’s story. The 60 seconds’ magic The idea of 60 seconds is important because it serves as a benchmark for you to be to-the-point and answer the basic questions about your company in this stipulated time frame to engage the listeners. To begin with, you need to be able to answer within this time what your company does, what problem it solves, how it is different from others and why the listeners need to bother about you. Once you are successful in doing so, their attention would be at your disposal. With this backdrop, the following points brief about how this can be achieved practically. 1.      Take it easy  First impression is the last impression. While briefing about your company, you have to keep your calm, stay pleasant and not get aggressive in introduction. Mind it, you can be aggressive in approach with respect to your marketing strategy but you can’t be aggressive with your customers.  Customers today are much more aware and have the ability to judge the businesses. Take pride in your business proposition and be confident to introduce it. 60 seconds is a lot of time to introduce your company. Practice one-liners following the clock that answers all the basic questions as mentioned above. The impression created by you in the first 60 seconds will help you to take the conversation forward. 2.      Explain clearly the existing service gap in the market and how you fulfill it The point of differentiation is very important to share while you introduce yourself. Do not underestimate the knowledge and awareness of your listeners. Do not try to form an unwarranted image in their mind. Specify clearly how you differentiate from others. You need to be able to convince that none exists in the market that matches your service levels and offers what you do. Many entrepreneurs fail at this stage of explanation as their mere focus is to tell the customer what they do, leaving the only message that they too offer this service or they too exist among several other businesses. 3.      Create a brand image The reference here is not being made to massive brand building exercise taken up by large corporations with hefty budgets. In its simplest form, a brand represents its target customers, speaks of its value and vision. A brand image can be formed only when your brand stands apart in the crowd. Brand image can be associated with both tangible and non-tangible factors. Tangible factors include your corporate identity package (for example, your visiting card or company logo in this case), company souvenir (if you intend to use), dressing sense and your physical appearance. On the other hand, non-tangible factors include your confidence, clarity, and a smile on your face.  Besides that, share two to three important facts about your brand that highlight your company. 4.      Rehearse in front of a camera You don’t want to lose your customers or investors while you are still trying to build up confidence by pitching your company’s story. By the time you gain perfection, you will lose a significant number of people. There is not going to be any change in the fundamental questions and the answers pertaining to them. Rehearse your answers in front of a video camera and see the recording. Repeat it continuously until you eliminate that hesitation, stutter and stammer from communication. What you get at the end is a confident person, fluent in communication skills and prepared to hit the bull’s eye. 5.      Keep a tab on the market Though you have a completely different story to share with your listeners, it is important to know what your competitors are doing or have done in the past. As a start-up company, you get to learn a lot from them as they have gone through this phase, committed mistakes and have used unique tactics to project their company’s story. The idea here is to learn from your competitors, steal the good points, drop the bad points and add your own tactics to devise distinguished tactics that tell your company’s story.  Moreover, it also helps you during your interaction with the listeners if they consider your company no different from your competitors. 6.      Learn from your mistakes and do not regret It is a natural phenomenon to commit mistakes when you do something new. Don’t be afraid of it. Though you have camera-rehearsed, facing a real person is a challenge in itself as human beings have emotions and they react to what you say. You need to be able to improvise your pitch whenever the need arises. Meet more and more people to refine your 60 second pitch. Take every customer as a new personality, holding a different level of knowledge with a different set of requirements.  Overcome your mistakes in the next interaction and pitch better. 7.      Pitch to gain feedback Asking for the listeners’ feedback is part of your training. After you share your company’s story (which you do to the best of your ability), request them for a feedback. A genuine feedback

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Do Emails with Video Have a Higher Open Rate?

Bulk email marketers often find their emails going to spam folder due to lack of content, poor email address, and poor subject line. However, even if all the factors are taken care of, a plain email is still unable to garner a high open rate. A video, on the other hand, contributes significantly to the success of your email marketing campaign. As of 2013, there were nearly 3.9 billion email accounts all over which are likely to become 4.9 billion by 2017 according to Radicati Group research.  For every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is $44.25 according to Email Expert. This clearly shows that the potential of email marketing campaign will increase tremendously if it uses a video along. Videos can be used to the best of their capability to provide maximum information in minimum time. We often notice a video ad before our YouTube video starts playing. That apart, we love searching YouTube to see a video of our choice. Marketers have exploited this opportunity to their benefit to penetrate their target market. Videos have always been enchanting for the marketers as they relieve the customer from reading exhaustive text. Videos are comprehensive in nature as customers show a willingness to understand a new product or service without getting bored. There are many other mediums of increasing the visibility of your video like website, blog, social media and through video-hosting sites like YouTube. In this blog, we are specifically going to discuss about the probability of getting your message across customers by using a video link in your email communication. Why do emails with video have a higher open rate? Mobile/smartphone presence Majority of the customers today open their emails on smartphone. Going by the statistics, there are 897 mobile email users across the world including both business and consumer users; and 48% of emails are opened on a mobile device. With high stream internet services available on smartphones, watching videos on phone has become a growing trend. Nowadays, customers are not supposed to open their laptops or PCs just to watch a video. Big and wide mobile screens offer the same experience of watching a video on phone as computers do. In such a case, an email that contains a video link will more likely be opened in contrast to the one with just text or image. Video testifies authenticity An email containing a video naturally grabs more eyeballs. It gives the impression that the marketer is authentic and really has something significant to share. Whether the video itself is clicked, not clicked or half-seen is another matter, their mere presence in the email makes a drastic difference in the perception of the customers towards the marketer. It also minimizes the chances of your email to go to the spam box. Besides that, you need to make it a point to add a link to your website or blog at the bottom of the email as you don’t want to miss any opportunity of reaching the customer. Pre-requisites for a video email campaign 1. Optimum video quality and compatibility Using optimum video quality is essential while taking into consideration your growing mobile users. Avoid using HD videos (though there is nothing wrong in that) as it might be time consuming for users with comparatively low internet speed. Your video dimension needs to be such that it universally fits all screen sizes. A common resolution used for 16:9 aspect ratio is 480×270. The video format needs to be easily playable on most of the mobile devices. For instance, H264/MP4, OGG and WEBM work well with most of the devices. Using the appropriate frame rate is another factor you have to take into consideration. Higher the frame rate per second, higher is the file size. If you want to reduce the file size for mobile viewing, always reduce it by using a full fraction to avoid jittering. 2. Short in length You should not take the leverage of extending the video length beyond a particular time length. Always presume that your customers are busy and they have no time for your emails. When you presume that, you become extra vigilant in designing your emails; and when the videos are part of your email, they have to be short in length to convey a clear message. One might argue that a short video length would be insufficient to share the information you wish to share. But you need to remember, it is just the beginning and you have to get another click from the customers to go to your website to explore for more information or fill in the contact form. If the video can engage your customer from the very beginning, nothing can be better than that. So, avoid testing their patience with a long video. Instead, ask them to subscribe to your video channel (if you have one), if you wish to share multiple videos. 3. Focus on content Videos embedded in emails are not limited to explainer videos that tend to explain the product or service to the customers. Here the marketers can take the leverage of exploring their ideas to share content which they deem, will reinforce their brand image. Sharing event highlights, customer testimonials at trade shows, highlights of interview with industry experts, employee testimonials and interaction, company culture reflecting vision and mission and so on. Utmost care needs to be taken to keep your approach professional. A professional approach not only means that the video needs to look professional (which is obvious), it needs to clearly reflect the value of your product offering to customers. Why should they bother about you? How do you differ from your competitors? With this, it also brings us to think that you are not the only marketer who is using video email marketing campaign to target its customers. So, make the most of the opportunity. 4. Use a hosted video link along with image or infographic Video can be either hosted on your own website or on third-party

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What is Dual Coding Theory and Why Should Your Business Care

Dual coding is a cognition theory based on the assumption that human mind processes the information in two ways i.e. verbal communication and visual representation. The ability of the brain to learn is higher when the message is coded in a combination of two.  Both the codes are interlinked with each other as reflected by the recalling capacity of the brain. A human brain receiving an audio signal for a word will try to visualize the image behind the word. On the other hand, if a brain sees a visual image, it will try and link it to the word behind it. This pairing of codes enhances the memory of a person. Moreover, individuals presented the information in dual codes are likely to have a sharper memory than single-coded messages. This theory has been extensively applied in the design of multi-media messages that require both visual imagery and verbal information. The theory also postulates that verbal and visual information is processed differently when presented in isolation. For the same number of words and images shown in a sequential order separately, the brain remembers the sequential order of the words unlike images. In contrast, it recalls more number of images than words. It also states that the ability of the brain to recall the information reduces when there is no association between visual and verbal message. Correlation between explainer videos and dual coding theory Large corporations over a period of time have used the power of TV advertisements to make a brand connect with their audiences. TV ads too use verbal and visual components to deliver a message in line with dual coding theory. It is evident that TV ads are meant to create a mass appeal and involves a huge amount of production and advertising expenditure. For a business owner with financial issues, neither it is suitable nor is it recommended. But what is suitable is the use of explainer videos. Explainer videos are specifically designed to serve quality content to the target customers. Marketers carefully select their words for voice over and a corresponding imagery to complement them. For instance, your product is Anti-Virus for PCs. Your target customers would be all adult internet users with PCs. Your objective is to create awareness about your product. Now, use a story to create a video that introduces a problem faced by internet users when a virus attacks their computer. What is the capability of your product to prevent a virus attack on computers? Why should they choose you over other Anti-Virus product manufacturers in market? In the end, place call-to-action buttons like sign-up for email subscription or purchase. When you apply the concept of dual coding theory to your explainer video, you will realize the simplicity of information disbursement it offers. You will match the flow of your script with appropriate animation, drawings, images, text color, background color, transition and graphics. All these components are an essential part of visual illustration. They have to be in line with your audio message so that you don’t create boredom for your viewers. No wonder, besides having a good product, companies fail to impress their customers by creating unprofessional videos. How is dual coding theory relevant to your business?   As a small business owner, you get limited attention time from your target customers, roughly a span of 60 sec or less on your website which makes it necessary for you to effectively explain your product in a short time. Most of the visitors look for quick information instead of browsing a long list of pages. There was a time when showing power point slide to your target audience was considered to be going an extra mile in marketing. But today, in the age of smartphones, where people are busy scurrying through videos on their mobile, there is hardly any hope left for a slide presentation; and visitors do not even prefer to go through a power point presentation, if they are being shown a video to understand. Seize this opportunity to captivate them through your explainer videos. You don’t want them to work hard to know you. Let them relax and enjoy your video without putting any pressure on their brains.  Explainer videos placed on your homepage are designed to fulfill that objective. Marketing through explainer videos An explainer video does not focus only on your idea, product or company. They engage with the viewers by starting an interaction with them. A customer always keeps his option open. They are there to buy your product. The problem is your competitor. A competitor always likes to stay a step ahead. The one who initiates hits the bull’s eye. So, don’t wait for your rivals to create an explainer video so that you can create a better one after that. Customers like to keep a tab on competition and they choose leaders. In a tough technology driven market such as this, product disparity becomes a challenge. If you introduce a new product or a service model, your rivals soon come up with a reformed version. The only difference you can create is through creativity, awareness and thoughtfulness. Communicating the same idea but in a better way lets you win the race. Customers hesitate to invest in a new technology. Before you introduce your product, introduce the benefits of new technology and how it can improve the life of your customers through a crisp explainer video. Once they understand a technology, they will be able to relate to your product. Dually coded explainer videos let you explain new technologies in a matter of seconds. Why should you bother to create explainer videos? Audio-visual content creates more impact than textual content – People love to watch videos in comparison to reading boring text as text carries the risk of misinterpretation or confusion. On the other hand, videos are explicit in nature. explainer videos help you to build your brand in such a manner that people remember you for a long time. Create brand identity without

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