Category: E-commerce

How to Leverage Social Media for eCommerce Marketing

There is a lot of noise about using social media for eCommerce marketing. If you don’t have a digital marketing strategy, you can consider yourself a little outdated, to say the least. You might have a website and a blog but that doesn’t mean that just your online presence is enough. You will need to start spending time on social media and discover how you can optimize your digital marketing plan with the help of social platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. However, do not forget that social media is just a platform and not something that will sell your products magically. Everyone is eager to monetize social media but the important thing to evaluate is to see how it is going to benefit you. Statistics show that only 12% of the companies feel that their social media strategy is working out for them. As Cyriac Roeding, CEO of ShopKick, a social commerce app, said, “Don’t mistake social as the core of the shopping experience. Social is a means to make shopping better, not vice-versa.” You can connect to a large audience and market your product to them. Social media also helps in finding out whether your customers are satisfied with you or not. It also acts as a monitor to show you who is talking about your product, whether they like your product and what are they talking about it. All these provide you with a heads up about where you stand in the market. You need to understand that your objective is to sell. So, use the media to attain that. Also, social media can add to your business other than direct sales. You can use Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as an extension of customer service or to build brand awareness, this can be a place where you can improve customer engagement & gain insight into your customers’ interests. All these contribute in increasing overall sales. Finally, making your social media strategy a success requires time and unwavering commitment. Follow the given instructions to leverage social media for e-commerce marketing. 1. Involve your audience Your website needs to be designed in such a way that it aims at enhancing customer friendliness. Add social media into all aspects of your e-commerce website. Give your customers the option of using an existing profile to log in. By doing so, you can avoid unnecessary steps that require a user to create an account or register. Make sure your home page, product pages and other pages also have easy sharing buttons. The power that a simple share button has can’t be undervalued. New customer would want opinions of the veterans in the business, rather than the companies blowing their own trumpet. Involving your audience can give you an edge over others. 2. Don’t oversell Many businesses who fail to engage their audience on social media commit to self-serving. Talking about new products or sales is great but you need to know where to draw the line.  Try to engage your audience with the company itself and not just buying or selling. You can do this in multiple ways by resorting to contests, quizzes and tips. Make the questions interesting enough to generate discussions. Try to keep promotional posts only up to 20% and the rest needs to be what the audience connects to. It could range from current news to popular TV shows that have link to business. However, make sure that all your conversations are related to the kind of products that you sell on your e-commerce website. 3. Visual creativity Visuals attract crowd better than words and there is absolutely no doubt about it. You can use this for your gain. A collective of all social media platforms, photographs are the most shared. Photo sites such as Instagram and Pinterest can be the perfect platform to showcase your company with a creative streak. You can choose a wide range of things to post like photos, cartoons, caricatures and even a small text message in a quirky font and an attractive background to catch the eyes of your audience. Philosophical quotes and motivational messages never grow out of fashion. Build a relationship with your customer that is interesting and fun. Last but not the least, use visual creativity to showcase all your products from their most flattering angle. 4. Scope for improvement Social media is the best place to know where you went wrong or what else you could have done due to the immense information available about your performance. You can measure your activity and learn about social media marketing & the important nuances like the best time to post, the trending topics, which products are popular, who is doing what to promote their brand. Combine all of this knowledge and monitor your own performance to create a power-packed e-commerce publicity campaign. The trick is to never stop experimenting or never stick to one particular strategy. Experiment with your strategies to keep your audience engaged to your company. 5. The third wheel content Like mentioned earlier, you don’t have to limit your posts to e-commerce topics. You can use other interesting matters relating to your business. Likewise, you can share content from other websites that are related to your business but with due credits to them. Even if you curate content from other sites by sharing, try to add a creative description along with the shared content to captivate your audience. For example, if you are a telecommunication brand, and you come across some interesting things related to telecom sector, share it on your web page. But don’t forget to mention and give credits to the source, you got the information from. 6. Crack a sweet deal The secret code to successful e-commerce marketing is to make your audience feel special. Focus on showing what you can offer rather than making them purchase. Talk about attractive deals and exclusive offers to show how special they are. You don’t have to make grand utopian gestures; a simple “thank you” for their purchase will work wonders.

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How to Personalize Shopping and Improve Conversion Rate?

It is often one of the most important questions that a marketer might ask himself or herself. How do we personalize shopping and improve conversion rate? The answer seems to be a little convoluted. We need to understand how a website works and who is visiting that website. That tells us a lot about the demographics and psychographics of the audience. It also helps us to know who is actually visiting the online store and becoming customers in the process. Of all these, we need to remember that personalizing the shopping experience is key to ensuring that a customer will stick on. When companies do not understand this simple fact and continue to market products in a mechanical way, with a one size fits all approach, it just does not attract potential customers. In this article, let us take a look at how to personalize shopping and improve conversion rate. At the end of the day, we are all trying to convert leads into customers and this article will discuss how to do that with the help of personalizing of the shopping experience. There are, in fact, many ways personalization can impact purchase decisions and thereby, increase sales. Understand your customer The most important thing is to understand who your customer is. It is important to ask yourself questions such as “Is this person really interested in the products we sell?”. It is not worth the effort if your product is not relevant to the target audience. You need to understand their cultural habits, their lifestyle, their socio-economic status and a lot of other things. Your marketing campaign needs to be customized and personalized to suit your audience. This will attract those who fall into the bracket of your target audience and eventually, this will help you to make more conversions, which is the ultimate goal of all marketing exercises anyway. Show that you know your audience Once you understand your audience, it is important to show that you understand them. You need to use promotional events, advertisements and even web copy to display your empathy for your audience. When you treat them with empathy, customers will feel naturally inclined to buy your products because they feel “understood”. They can feel “understood” only when you decide to customize your marketing and promotional campaigns. This helps to build goodwill as well and that is very important to retain customers and also turn them into advocates, who will, in turn, bring newer customers as well. A lot of people are influenced by ergative reviews online. Thus, you need to customize your marketing approach to ensure that those negative reviews do not hamper your marketing strategies. Get the right visitors and create a space that is customized for them Use all the data that you can lay your hands on and ensure that you are able to create an atmosphere where your prospects and leads feel comfortable. Once they feel comfortable, you could be rest assured that you will end up converting them into either advocates or actual customers. Thus, customization of reaching out plays an important role in increasing conversions and this is very important for all businesses. You need to prepare marketing strategies that are completely customized for your audience. The script, the branding and even the products themselves need to be customized for your customers. The more you customize, the deeper your relationship will be with your customers. This is what is required to move towards success. Conclusion If you notice these points, you will realize that customizing the way you market your products and services will help you to build long term relationships with your customers. Customizing is one of the most important qualities of successful businesses. By remembering your prospects’ birthdays, anniversaries, marriages and other such important dates, you could wish them & send custom messages. You might also want to seek the help of professional agencies who are specialized in creating custom marketing and ad campaigns based on the tastes of your target audience. If you are unable to do it on your own, you could seek professional help. If you have felt customizing your business and marketing strategies helped you ever, do let us know in the comments section below.

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How to Effectively Use eCommerce Product Videos?

It is a well-known fact that humans are visual in nature. They prefer to process information that is readily available visually, instead of having to imagine something and then understand. However, one of the greatest mysteries of mankind is the popularity of textual content. It is something that goes against most cognitive theories yet the dreaded truth continues to persist. However, there is also a growing need for visual content and it is quite baffling to realize that there aren’t many product videos as there are product descriptions. Moreover, video content is found to be more popular among youngsters, very busy people and those who do not want to process a lot of textual content. If we observe, there has been trend towards streaming videos, explainer videos and other forms of video content that have been successfully used in marketing. It need not then come as a surprise that e-commerce websites are finding product videos a great way to boost traffic and increase sales. In this article, we shall take a look at how we can make use of product videos on e-commerce websites. 1. Publish videos on the homepage One of the best ways to promote a product on an e-commerce website is by featuring it on the homepage. You could create a video for a particular video and then feature it on the homepage, where more people are likely to see it. You could use the homepage space to promote products that you think deserve more attention. In fact, your best products could be featured on the homepage in this manner. 2. Use videos to describe individual products A less known utility of videos is to provide product descriptions. Most people think that product descriptions are, usually, required to be in a textual format. However, this is not always necessary. For the purpose of SEO, you could have a textual content while your video maybe more appealing to your target audience. In reality, using both a video description of your products and a brief text that goes along with the product is the right way to go. 3. Use videos to enhance your social media strategy You could upload product videos to social media platforms such as YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion and others. This helps you to strike two birds with a single stone. People often publish videos just for the sake of social media marketing. With product videos, you can promote your products on your website and also use the same videos on social media platforms. This will help you to generate newer leads and also spread the word around about your products. 4. Use videos that go viral When you create a video, ensure that it has the potential to go viral. This is a very clichéd and often used word but yet, it makes sense to create videos that have the potential to go viral on social media & elsewhere. For this to happen, you might have to hire professional video companies that are well-versed with creating viral explainer and product videos. 5. An explainer video is not a product video You need to remember that there is a distinction between explainer videos and product videos. The two are not the same. An explainer video is, usually, for a more tech-savvy and professional audience than a product video is. Product videos are for general consumers and are the right choice for e-commerce websites that deal with general population. Explainer videos, on the other hand, cater to B2B solutions and are also for e-commerce websites that require a higher level of explanation within videos. Videos are only going to get bigger In the future, videos will gradually become more commonplace than before. People will begin to get used to seeing videos and some might even expect videos to exist alongside textual product descriptions. Adding to that, the Internet is going to get faster even in the more inaccessible parts of the world. With all this in mind, it makes sense to invest in product videos so that they can be used to boost conversion rates on e-commerce websites. If you need more information about product videos, contact one of our executives who would be glad to assist you.

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How Does Responsive Checkout Play a Significant Role in E-commerce?

The mobile space has gradually begun to dominate the online space and this is true of e-commerce websites as well. In an effort to capitalize on the mobile traffic, many e-commerce websites began to design mobile websites. Of course, this is a redundant exercise now, considering the changes within the design community. As devices became increasingly diverse and the screen sizes began to vary, developers began to adopt responsive design. Based on the philosophy of flexibility and intuitiveness, responsive web design rapidly became popular not only among the design & web developer community but also among clients. Today most well-designed websites are responsive in nature. E-commerce websites, which usually cater to an active audience, which is mostly interested in shopping or cataloging, started to toy with responsive design much later. This was because it was harder for e-commerce websites to come up with ways to make websites that worked well on both computers and mobile devices. This was, especially, true when it came to the checkout process. E-commerce websites today have begun to adopt responsive checkout, which helps in a mobile-first paradigm. This helps e-commerce website owners to concentrate on building businesses, instead of running after incomplete purchases made from tawdry mobile websites of the past. In this article, let us understand the need for responsive checkouts and how they help e-commerce websites. Responsive Checkout by Shopify Exceeding number of people have begun to use their smartphones to make purchases. Shopify, the Canadian e-commerce company launched its version of Responsive Checkout in October 2014 and the popularity of the tool has only grown ever since. This points toward a phenomenon that is increasingly mobile in nature. More than 50% of traffic to e-commerce sites today comes from smartphones and tablets. It is very important to ensure that your online stores use responsive design practices as discussed above. Responsive Checkout is a tool that helps customers to view layouts that automatically adjust to the screen size of their mobile devices. This avoid scrolling endlessly, entering a lot of information and other discomforts all of which add up to the risk of a customer not making a purchase. Whether a person uses a laptop, smartphone or a tablet, Responsive Checkout ensures that there are no abandoned shopping carts. With all the A/B tests, improving and iterating in order, Responsive Checkout by Shopify is one of the better solutions today. How does responsive design help e-commerce websites? As the usage of cellphones increases, the rate of abandoned shopping carts increases too. Smartphones and tablets have a greater chance of distracting the customer. A message could pop-up, a call might just arrive or the customer might feel like taking a selfie. Without being crude, it is important to state that we need to make sure the customer makes the purchase as quickly as possible, without unnecessary distractions. Responsive design ensures that the customer does not have to scroll down, navigate or enter information on a screen that is already small. Responsive design also ensures that companies are able to hasten the process of checkout so that more sales arrive from mobile devices, which are today’s primary source of traffic. Responsive design will eliminate the need for frantic calls and emails that one, usually, makes when there is an abandoned shopping cart. By ensuring that sales happen more often, Responsive Checkout helps e-commerce websites to tap into mobile market, instead of being unnerved by it. What is the future of responsive design with respect to e-commerce stores? The current trends indicate that people will continue to purchase on mobile phones and tablets, driving a growth for responsive design. E-commerce websites will find it increasingly important to withhold the attention of their customers. Thus, to avoid abandoned shopping carts, it will become necessary to employ responsive design within the checkout process. Shopify’s Responsive Checkout already exists but you could also speak to professional designers and developers who can help you arrive at custom solutions to create responsive checkout pages. This will help you to reduce lost opportunities and thereby, increase your profits in both short and long terms. Certainly, responsive design will be an important focus area for designing checkout pages on e-commerce stores.

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The Power of Visual eCommerce Marketing

Visual elements are powerful in this internet-savvy world. They can tell a story, inspire and persuade. Although sale is the primary goal, fostering an emotional connection through visuals can ensure repeat business. And that is why most of the online ventures wish to create an environment that invokes relevancy and attention between the customers and the brands. With social web going visual, eCommerce merchants are surely on Cloud 9. Visual marketing is significant for invigorating the right sense of sight for your online visitors. Not only this, social networks including Snapchat, Pinterest and Instagram also involves social elements as commenting, following and sharing. It is time to empower your fans to shop with a single click and eliminate their guess work. Here’s how you can make a buzz with the top three visual-rich marketing tools for your eCommerce business. Snapchat With 100 million active Snapchat users, this mobile app has gained popularity with people of all ages and retailers for driving in more business. Moreover, with its recent addition of text messaging and video calling features, this social media app has become influential in gaining audience’s attention. With its three most powerful attributes, you are sure to gain access to your customer’s heart and mind: Sense of urgency: Snaps encourage quick purchase decisions with either a ‘YES’ or ‘MISS OUT’ opportunity. Users are left with seconds to jot down the discount code or take a screenshot of any exciting voucher, thereby, building a sense of urgency. Storytelling experience: With ‘My Story’ platform, you can add series of videos, photos and doodles into one story and share it with your Snapchat circle. Moreover, with the chance of viewing multiple times over 24 hours, stories can have a longer life and impression. Type messages back and forth: The ‘chat’ feature of Snapchat allows users to click and hold on individual messages and save what’s important. The rest of the messages disappear. Even the video chat feature enables quick sharing of videos along with the ability to chat with your customers. Statistics to Support its Usage 1 billion number of Snapchat stories are viewed per day 400 million Snapchat snaps are sent every day 70% of Snapchat users are women Pinterest With its 70 million users, not only is Pinterest one of the fastest growing social networks but also the number of sales through Pinterest typically exceeds Facebook and Twitter. Some of its super beneficial features provide great business opportunities for the online marketers: Promotional and rich pins: Promoted pins allow brands to reach the best targeted audience and enable you to pay Pinterest only if users click through and read the content. Rich pins, on the other hand, contain valuable information within the pin itself. You can use five types of rich pins including movie, article, place, recipe and product. Pinterest boards: You can create boards to narrate the stories of your brand besides pinning your products. It is an effective way to keep consumers coming back to you. ‘Pin It’ button: With ‘Pin It’ button integrated on each product pages, visitors finds it easy to click through various items and easily take the next steps to share it with other followers. Buy button: Companies will soon enable users to buy various items through a ‘BUY NOW’ button. Merchants can drive purchase of their products from the site to increase sales conversions. Kosei app: The app drives business by making personalized and powerful product recommendation. The app also helps brands to improve its content. Statistics to Support its Usage 70% users use Pinterest to get inspiration on what to buy 67% uses Pinterest to keep up with the latest trends they like 50% conversion comes from Pinterest traffic 53% makes online purchases after they see items in Pinterest 39% uses Pinterest to receive special offers from brands Instagram With 300 million user base, retailers are flocking into Instagram site in hopes of garnering the attention of their target audience. By incorporating Instagram photos onto your website, you can engage the users with your brand on this happening social network platform and also provide them additional useful information. With its ability to increase the visibility of your brand, Instagram is a brilliant database to promote your upcoming products. This open social network also encourages the creation of user-generated content. Here’s how you can effectively engage with Instagram audience: Instagram Direct: Merchants can send messages containing photos or 15 seconds videos to their target groups. This is similar to Twitter’s direct message functionality. Instagram video: 15 seconds highly engaging video on new products and services or customer test imonials are effective on this popular channel. Insider program: Make announcements of sales, special events or new products and ask for feedbacks on desired features, prospective products, customer service or shipping related issues. Instagram ads: Ads get carousel treatment with links on it. You can now place multiple photos in one sponsored post allowing users the option to click on other content. The carousal allows for sequential storytelling, over multiple images. Statistics to Support its Usage 70 million photos are posted via Instagram on an average day 70% of Instagram users log in at least once a day 20% of global internet users between ages 16-24 have Instagram account 23% of teens consider Instagram their favorite social network channel Visuals Communicate and Connect with Your Target Audience The whole idea behind creating visual marketing is to get your viewers excited about your brand. Visuals are processed much faster in the brain than the texts. However, make your graphics and videos error free. Make sure that they communicate unambiguously. Great visuals always speak the right language.

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The Designing Ingredients to Build Mobile E-Commerce

The Designing Ingredients to Build Mobile E-Commerce

Approximately 7 out of 10 consumers prefer to use mobile website over mobile application. There has been a splurge in the number of mobile shoppers in the last three years. With a number of avenues of online shopping including laptop/PC, mobile and tablets; it is interesting to find that maximum sale conversions in a local purchase occur via mobile. Marketers must explore new ways of marketing their products through mobile. Using mobile coupons, promo code and offering discounts will attract more users to visit your website through mobile. It will reduce load on your servers and minimize your server capacity and server maintenance cost. Clearly, marketers can’t ignore mobile e-commerce if they want to succeed in e-retailing. You must have a mobile e-commerce website to cater to mobile shoppers. The design ingredients of a mobile are different from that of a laptop. You have to make sure that consumers have a smooth experience on your mobile website starting from loading a page, searching a product and placing an order. This article will highlight the crucial elements to build a mobile e-commerce website. 1. Is your search box clearly visible? Usability factor has a major role to play in mobile. Consumers expect a much simpler interface for mobile unlike desktops. Mobile is so handy and convenient to use on-the-go that consumers don’t even need to give entire attention towards mobile while shopping. Most often, mobile shoppers are indulged in multi-tasking. Whether they are travelling, reading a book, working in the office or chatting with their friends, mobile shopping can transpire simultaneously. In such a scenario, you can’t expect your customer to locate the search box hidden in a cluttered page. Use a magnified search box so that they don’t have to magnify the mobile page every time they visit it. It is a big turn off. Furthermore, search box should be present on every mobile page to allow the visitors to enter a search query from whichever page they land. 2. Let your happy customers engulf social media space Majority of the consumers today are active on Facebook, Twitter etc 24×7. They get real-time updates and notifications about anything happening on their social media profile. There is nothing better than a satisfied customer talking about his mobile shopping experience on their social media profile. After they complete their transaction, you can always request them to share their experience on their Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest etc. Ask them to like and follow on different social media websites. Don’t leave any opportunity unused to expand your social media presence. Consumers love to listen and follow first-hand experience as it testifies your authenticity and mobile-friendly approach by your company. It says that you care about mobile shoppers. If their friends are satisfied with your mobile shopping experience, they will definitely give it a check. To hear about good shopping experience is convincing and generates a lot of traffic to your mobile store. Though conversion may not happen on first visit, you have opened a line of communication and exposed yourself. 3. Mobile is synonymous to speed Consumers have always been impatient when it comes to page loading. Mobile shoppers are even more impatient. Their primary reason for shifting to mobile shopping is that it is convenient, fast and accessible on-the-go. Speed becomes the deciding factor here. Getting your PC shoppers to mobile is not going to work for you, if your mobile page takes a long time to load. It is even disastrous if the page closes automatically during navigation due to a large size. Customers could be in the middle of a transaction. So, you have to be careful what you are promising. The response time of a mobile webpage has to be quick. Don’t clutter your page with a huge number of search results. Spread your results across pages. Remove unnecessary elements that reduce the speed. Also, remember to add a filter criterion. Due to space constraint, mobile users are stickler about what they see when they enter a search query. Limited information will help you to maintain desired response time. 4. Is your webpage responsive? Mobile today is available on different operating platforms including Blackberry, Windows OS, iOS, Android etc. Is it designed to operate on all the leading platforms? Can your page adapt to different screen sizes, screen resolution and visual quality? Test your mobile page on all the frameworks before you release it. Customers are scattered across all platforms. You don’t want to lose any Android user. Do you? A responsive design arranges the text in a fashion that viewing is comfortable irrespective of the amount of text on the page. Customers don’t have to scroll from left to right and right to left to read the text. It should be the first thing that comes into your mind while designing a mobile webpage. 5. Finger-friendly design It is touch screen everywhere. Smartphone users are used to using their fingers for tapping, browsing and performing other functions on mobile. Make sure ergonomics is taken into account. There is no mouse in case of mobiles. So, the fingers should be able to operate the page smoothly. All the links on the mobile webpage should be easily clicked through the finger. Fat fingers should be easily able to access the links. Understand the difference between tapping and clicking. The experience of using your mobile webpage should be at least equivalent to that of desktop. Additional tools like drop down and auto-fill should be incorporated into design so that users don’t have to type too much for searching a product. 6. Incorporate instant customer service support into design Consider your mobile customers as standalone. Consider that they have no laptop or desktop. Mobile is their only source to access your website. In such a case, you have to make sure that customers get instant customer support during their stay on your page. Use a clickable phone number or request for a phone call. Use live chat and instant feedback reply to answer

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The Best SEO Practices for eCommerce Industry

With eCommerce stores mushrooming and people gradually making a shift of paradigm when it comes to making purchases, it is becoming increasingly important to focus on the search engine optimization factor of eCommerce websites. With the kind of growth that we have seen in online stores and with people preferring to choose ordering products on their phones, tablets and desktops & laptops, we need to ensure that the content on our eCommerce websites are properly indexed and made available for search engines to index. It may take a while to get a grip over all the rules that dictate SEO for eCommerce but it is not difficult to understand or practice. In this article, let us take a look at some of the best practices which help in optimizing SEO for eCommerce websites. 1. Avoid black hat techniques and plagiarism When it comes to SEO best practice, it is quite similar to what you follow on other websites. Strictly speaking, avoid all kinds of black hat SEO. ensure that you follow only white hat methods and do not indulge in backlinks purchases and other unethical means to reach success. Google will only penalize you for it. Secondly, do not copy and paste product descriptions from the manufacturers. Google considers this plagiarism and that you are duplicating content. Instead, build a healthy social environment and ask people to leave comments, user-generated opinions about the product and so on and so forth. This should take care of keeping your SEO practice clean and tidy. 2. Focus on buyer personas When you create content on your eCommerce website, write for your buyer personas. Understand where they are coming from and what they need. When you feature products in the side bar or on the home page, understand what is driving traffic to your website. If it is the Christmas time and you deal with books, ensure that Christmas or church-related books appear on the front page. It goes without saying that you need to know what is happening and you must feature products that are in demand at that particular time. Also, focus on building your social media pages, engage in email marketing and purchase display ads. All the three sources are great ways to build and increase traffic to your website. 3. Create content that is relevant and fix error pages Websites do not exist in islands. They need to be accessible from various search engines. If you have outdated products or products that are no longer in supply, weed out those pages, instead of having “not available” page. IT is important to hire people who write product descriptions that are different from what the manufacturer has given you. This ensures that the content on your website is unique and that you will rank higher in Google search results. As you may already know, duplicate content will attract penalties. If you want to improve your SEO, try and build a community of sort which will help people to leave comments and thus add to the content ecosystem within your website. 4. Category pages and alt tags Make sure that all your products are listed under appropriate categories. You must develop deep links from your category pages that lead to product pages. This will help users to experience a sense of cohesion and unity. Moreover, it also helps you to build internal linking, which is important in SEO. Alternate text or alt tags are important to ensure that your photos are optimized for SEO as well. If you have a number of images for the same product, tag those photos with alt tags and ensure that people get what they want even by looking at images and hovering their cursors over the image. This helps to build a good level of SEO as well and is good for traffic in the long term. Final thoughts Most of the eCommerce websites today either have incomplete product pages, duplicate product descriptions, just images in place of text, products that are no longer in stock still being displayed and a host of other problems. With these issues in mind, it is becoming clear that we all need to follow certain SEO best practices, when it comes to the eCommerce industry. If you follow the best practices listed above, you will ensure that your ecommerce website is SEO optimized.

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Top Ten Tips to Optimize eCommerce Products to Enhance Website Conversion

Marketers spend a lot of time and money in building their ecommerce website. But many out of them are unable to reap the benefits of their e-store. It is not that they lack product range or have unreasonable prices. The primary reason that turns of the visitors is bad experience. Bad experience can be in the form of poor customer support, poor navigation, lack of SEO tactics, unsmooth transaction process and various other harsh incidents. Such incidences hamper the growth of the online business accompanied by low conversion rate. The job of the marketer is to work upon continuously to improve visitor experience. Similarly, optimization of products is a critical factor to enhance website conversion. Product optimization improves the rating of your website and gives you significant ranking on the SERP. Marketers often fail to deal with this matter owing to unawareness and lack of understanding. This article will discuss ten important tips to optimize your ecommerce products. 1. Use right set of keywords It is very easy for the marketer to write about his product description, technical details, additional information and miscellaneous details. Marketers can choose to write in whatever words they feel like. But it will not be useful from search engine and visitors point of view. Using a right set of keywords is part of website design and structure. Customers can find you only when you use optimal keywords. Conduct a keyword research and find relevant phrases through tools like Google AdWords. Focus on the long-tail of keywords to get more specific about the words that best describe your products. Avoid using general keywords as visitors are unable to find you through them. Avoid stuffing keywords as well as it may attract penalty and relegate your ranking. 2. Publish original content Don’t ever commit a blunder of copying and pasting content from other websites. Despite similarity in products with your competitors, the product description should be your own. Write exciting and interesting product description that engages the visitors. Publishing duplicate content will again attract penalty. Apart from that, identify all pages of your website and create original content for each of them. When a website grows big in size and the number of products being showcased is increased, it becomes extremely important to plan your content requirement. Before you publish content, take a look at what others are publishing. Keep reforming your product description from time to time when you make changes or add features. When you add new products to your store, make sure you don’t so in a scurry. Take time to proofread and recheck before publishing rather than changing it again and again. 3. Structure your URL rightly Correct URL structure is essential to get the search engine robots to find your web page. This will ensure smooth crawling and indexing of your pages. A structured and well classified URL will enhance the quality of your page and make it easier for the visitor to understand product categories, sub categories and the entire navigation system on your site. If a visitor is impressed by the structuring technique used by you, they tend to stay for a longer duration. A longer duration in turn can result in conversion. Keep your products portfolio in a classified and precise form to generate a good URL. 4. Upload high quality product images Customers love to see what they are going to buy. A bright, clear and high-quality product image plays a major role in influencing buying decision. Try to use the actual image of the product rather than a representative image to avoid disappointment at a later stage. It is important because you want the customers to repurchase from your website. Once you select the right image, the next step is to add relevant keywords into the ALT tags of your images. Keywords should appropriately match the image of the product. 5. Product pages should be easily visible to visitors The basic idea of forming an e-store is to sell your products. Selling can be easier only when customers are able to locate your products on the website. Many marketers fail to place a link to their product pages on their home page resulting in poor sales. Highlight your product links as much as you can. Place them on other sections of the website as well. Classify the links as top selling, new arrivals, favorites, all time best etc to help the visitors choose and like from what is available on your store. When you place your product links on other websites as part of your ad campaign, make sure customers land on the specific product page. It even makes it easier for search engines to find you easily. 6. Keep your pages clean and clear A visitor should not feel suffocated on your website. You are here to sell. Emphasize on your products with as little text as possible at the storefront. Let the customer choose to view more details about the product. Don’t use designs in the background that overpower the presence of the images. It is always better to use clean white space. 7. Product reviews and ratings It is one of the most important factors that contribute towards selling. Once the purchase and delivery is done, request your customers to review your product and rate them after a week or so. Remind them through phone, SMS or email. Original reviews have a lot of credibility as compared to paid reviews. Highlight the images and quotes of happy customers on your front page. Some marketers express a lot of concern over product reviews because rivals deliberately post bad product reviews to downgrade the market of your product. You have to act instantly and moderate your website to avoid misuse by them. Reviews should remain posted by customers who have genuinely expressed their dissatisfaction. Talk to your unhappy customers and address their concern. 8. About us page The sole purpose of your e-store is to sell your products. But how do you infuse a sense

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