Category: DigitalSuccess

Hackathon Diaries #3

Hackathon Diaries #3 Digital Democracy: Web-app Vote, One-click Remote

The INT. Hackathon 2023 was a call to all the tech enthusiasts, problem solvers, and innovators at our company to be a part of an electrifying opportunity to showcase their abilities, collaborate with their peers and bring their groundbreaking ideas to life. This offered a platform that left every one of us awe-inspired and amazed through the unleashed creativity.  In this edition, our tech gigs focused on our commitment to the Digital India initiative as we are already serving a plethora of government bodies time and again. ‘Digital Democracy’ is what the team emphasised with the motto, ‘No stress, no mess, just a simple click and your vote is expressed.’ Digital Democracy Digital democracy is a cutting-edge web application to revolutionise democracy through a decentralised voting system. It harnesses the power of blockchain technology to ensure secure, transparent, and tamper-proof elections. It acquires the potential to avoid long queues and outdated voting systems to welcome a new era of democracy. The Team Shankha Chatterjee Shankhya Subhra Datta Lokenath Karmakar Sayantan Sur Market Potential Increased demand for remote voting: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of remote voting, as more people are looking for safe and convenient voting remotely.  Blockchain technology adoption: Blockchain technology is growing across a variety of industries, and its potential applications for voting and elections are increasingly being explored. Potential cost savings: An online voting app with blockchain can provide cost-saving options compared to traditional voting methods, such as paper ballots and in-person voting. Problem Statement Voting: India is the largest democracy in the world, however only 67% of people vote Security: Electronic voting machines are vulnerable to hacking, tampering, and other forms of interference hampering the voting procedure Transparency: Voters face ambiguities in the counting of their votes and the accuracy of results Reliability: The data stored in the database can be hampered and manipulated resulting in trust issues Paper trail: Voting solutions lack a paper trail making it difficult to audit the results raising the possibility of disputes Expensive: Current conventional voting system is costly The Solution and Its Benefits Digital Democracy – A Voting Web-App having the following features: Decentralised identity verification through Blockchain technology allows each voter to create a unique digital identity that is linked to their physical identity Tamper-proof and transparent ledger to provide an immutable record of all casted votes, making it more difficult to breach results Maintaining privacy to keep an individual’s vote secret Voters would be incapable to give their voting rights to third parties  Easy voting and making everyone eligible to vote Maintaining immutability by keeping the unmodifiable records of the casted votes on the blockchain The system is easy to use and accessible to all voters, regardless of their technical abilities Facilitating seamless verification of votes to ensure validity  The system upholds voter anonymity to ensure their choices remain private The solution processes votes quickly and efficiently to make the results available on a real-time basis  The system is resilient to cyber-attacks and can withstand attempts to compromise the integrity of the voting process How It Works Workflow #1 Workflow #2 Tech Stack FrontEnd: React Js Backend: Node Js Web 3.0: Metamask, Solidity, Polygon, and Hardhat Database: MongoDB Future Business Scopes The platform can establish partnerships with other companies or organisations to offer additional services, such as voter education materials or voter outreach campaigns. These have the potential to generate revenue through joint marketing efforts or revenue-sharing agreements.  Tie up with the government and corporate sectors  The online voting system can offer customisation services for election authorities, like creating custom ballots or integrating the system with existing voter databases

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Secrets Of Building A Successful B2B Marketplace By Naman Shah

Secrets Of Building A Successful B2B Marketplace By Naman Shah at Digital Success Summit V3.0

The audience at the Digital Success Summit V3.0 was in for a treat, as Naman Shah, the CEO at NowPurchase, talked about secrets behind developing successful B2B (business-to-business) marketplaces.  He returned around five years earlier to India and began his journey towards developing his company.  A Basic Look At Marketplaces And B2B A B2B marketplace is any type of service where business may purchase/sell goods/services with the help of technology in a more transparent/easier way.  It is also possible that a business may not require an app/website to purchase goods or services. Technology is required for helping them make these vital purchases.  B2B is not B2C- Strategies and other blueprints will be radically different, especially where smaller and bigger entities operate differently despite producing similar products.  The business has to be defined specifically in terms of the industry segment and the scale while beginning any B2B business/marketplace.  One should always consider things that add value and the role played by technology. However, the latter should not be a force-fit even though digital transformation is inevitable. Technology should help grow margins, speed, or build a major differentiator in order for it to be viable. It should do at least one or more of these things.  Businesses have numerous stakeholders. There are persons raising enquiries, paying for the product, decision-makers, and actual users. Hence, B2B marketplaces should understand the decision-maker, user, and the one who is going to pay, along with the application of what they are purchasing for any specific business/customer segment.  Naman Shah also talked of how NowPurchase began as a B2B marketplace which was greatly successful, although they ultimately realized how people were purchasing goods but they were not generating ample value.  Another dimension was added and the company started selling to the retailer category and attempted to know the actual sweet spot in terms of value.  It eventually focused only on casting producers as its customer segment. NowPurchase went for a value-driven approach, while refining their segments and built SOPs on factory management and other topics as part of its content engine, along with printers and posters on how to keep workplaces safe during COVID-19.  The current platform (procurement based) could only launch after the pandemic.  Vital Pointers According To Naman Shah He drew on his experience at NowPurchase, talking about using technology to build a successful B2B marketplace.  Technology can help simplify buyer access- WhatsApp bots, price discovery, delivery tracking, etc. may be potent tools.  Seller segment may gain greater value through technologies such as customized WhatsApp bots.  SaaS layers for manufacturing clients helped reduce costs of production.  The website or app should not be the first step, since it is time-consuming and expensive.  First go for interactions offline, understand the applications, and then build the digital use cases accordingly.  No market in India is small and creating value for customers will make each vertical a billion-dollar opportunity.  Do not focus overly on customer acquisitions or users acquired. NowPurchase, for instance, has an internal tracker called SOPW (share of procurement wallet).  He also outlined a personal philosophy which is to avoid over-analyzing, while talking about how the right attitude always matters. Luck only comes to people who try enough and persevere according to Naman Shah.  The ultimate mantra according to Naman Shah is that B2B is a space where one should go as deep as possible, without going wide.  Full coverage of the session Secrets of building a successful B2B marketplace by Naman Shah at Digital Success Summit 2022

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Lavin Mirchandani

Demystifying Web3.0 With Lavin Mirchandani at Digital Success Summit V3.0

Lavin Mirchandani, the founder at Mirc Media, discussed Web3.0 and its future potential with an engaged audience at Digital Success Summit V3.0. He left listeners in no doubt about how Web3.0 use cases are only going to increase in the future and how it is steadily shaping almost every aspect of our daily lives.  Web3.0 – Some Basics Lavin Mirchandani demystified Web3.0 at a very basic level, outlining how Web1.0 was about helping people read, while Web2.0 enabled people to not only read but also write or respond, ushering in the social media age. He talked of how Web3.0 enables not just reading and writing, but also ownership.  From a platform standpoint, according to him, Web1.0 had companies owning their platforms, while Web2.0 saw companies becoming platforms themselves.  However, Web3.0 is more inclined towards increasing user ownership of platforms. Previously companies earned revenues from users, business owners, and creators while Web3.0 will enable ownership and money-making from platforms all by oneself.  Some other pointers worth noting included the following:  Web3.0 ensures a permission-less economy minus multiple authorizations that we usually require for each activity in the Web2.0 world.  Web3.0 worlds have companies not owning data and this is instead stored on a decentralized database or blockchain. You pay differently for the same and there is no single source.  There are domains being sold as NFTs in the Web3.0 ecosphere as well, with everything established on the blockchain and without renewal requirements.  For every app or platform that is owned by a centralized entity in the Web2.0 world, Web3.0 has a decentralized counterpart.  Four Key Traits of Web3.0 Lavin Mirchandani also outlined the four key traits of Web3.0 which also help from an identification standpoint. These include the same:  Decentralization– Web3.0 shifts away from a central owner or deciding entity.  Blockchain Driven– Web3.0 platforms are driven by blockchain that enables smart contracts.  Universal Identity– Every Web2.0 app needs signing up and logging in, along with several details and IDs. Web3.0 will shift to a system of universal identity with something called a wallet. This does not function like a conventional payment wallet although it can also store money.  Pseudonymous– Web3.0 is not anonymous at all and transactions and their locations can be traced without difficulties.  Use Cases, Layers and More Use cases have already covered aspects like security, banking, finance, insurance, data storage, and identity across the blockchain framework. Other use cases include financial services, NFT marketplaces, social networks, and gaming.  There are several layers contributing toward the Web3.0 ecosystem.  There is a protocol or fundamental layer along with an access layer like the browser in Web2.0 or the wallet in Web3.0 and use case layer. There are products that are scaling up these infrastructure or fundamental layers.  There are apps being built on blockchain with self regulating or smart contracts. Valuations of different chains like Solana or Ethereum now depend on more apps being built on them, more user activity, and economic activity as well.  Every chain is building ecosystems equivalent to the Web2.0 framework in the first and fundamental layer.  Lavin Mirchandani also talked about deFI or decentralized finance where investments, savings, insurance, and banking are already being explored as financial services or use cases on most blockchains. He highlighted the pioneering AMM (automated market maker), citing the example of Uniswap, the self-regulated marketplace which functions like an exchange minus any governing body.  He also added that codes are replicable and transparent and this is what is propelling the development of exchanges. Success in this space is measured through TVL (total value locked) and this stands at $68.62 billion that has been locked across platforms globally today according to him.  NFTs are gaining prominence with their smart contracts, enabling people to gain membership, hold assets, and covering things like gaming and royalty rights as well.  DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations) ensure on-chain governance which is spurred by smart contracts and voting that is community-based. There will also be more employee-driven organizations in future.  Cryptocurrency is another fast-emerging use case in the Web3.0 world and they encompass assets, stable coins (which mostly operate like currencies), security tokens, and utility tokens. He also outlined the need for more responsibility and awareness while using the platform. Greater freedom automatically underlines the need for more alertness in using and securing wallets. More education and awareness on Web3.0 is hence necessary according to him.  He also advised people who are absolutely new to the space to start interacting with others and create groups on Discord, Crypto Twitter, and Telegram among other platforms to gain a better understanding. 

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Risk Assessment In The Insurance Industry

Risk Assessment In The Insurance Industry

Risk assessment in insurance is not something new; it serves as the bedrock for insurance companies in terms of analyzing risks linked to every individual policy. Before delving deeper into the transformation of these legacy processes, it is important to know what insurance company risk assessment stands for.  The procedure is also known as underwriting and is a method deployed by insurance companies for the evaluation and assessment of risks attached to insurance policies.  This helps in calculating the right premium amount for the insured individual. There are several risks linked to insurance including morbidity and mortality rate fluctuations, disasters, etc. Hence, the insurance risk assessment process goes through several methodologies including stress testing, parametric, simulation, stochastic models, benchmarking, deterministic and many others.  Risk management is the fulcrum of the industry, with insurance companies accounting for every possible factor to create high and low risk profiles for policy holders.  The risk level also influences the premiums on these policies. Insurance companies also collect massive data on prospective policy holders and the objects that are being insured.  Data mining-based statistical tools and frameworks are now being leveraged for working out risk levels. How Technology Is Changing The Game When it comes to business insurance risk assessment, several reports confirm that most companies are now looking at big data analytics and other insurance risk assessment software for augmenting their underwriting systems. When it comes to underwriting, the following steps are usually covered: With this premise at the forefront, here is how predictive analytics is transforming the entire picture: Predictive modeling enables the creation of models with mathematical/statistical tools. These illuminate future performance of policies, offering insurers a detailed analysis of risks involved in the process through inherent data patterns.  These models can be neatly added to applications. How It Benefits The Whole Insurance Ecosystem Predictive and data analytics enable superior risk assessment while helping underwriters get automated outcomes for better business decisions. Insurance companies can leverage predictive modeling and analytics for more effectiveness and consistency in the process.  This will not only help them lower costs, but also enhance overall client experiences while ensuring sizable business development simultaneously. Insurance firms will benefit from lower processing time for applications as well. At the same time, insurance companies can forecast risks well in advance. This equates to faster identification of potential problem-areas and mitigating the same in advance to save money as well.  Risk assessment can also help them customize their policy offerings for customers based on a better understanding of intrinsic factors and risk levels. When it comes to risk assessment and other analytics, Indus Net Technologies(INT) offers varied solutions for insurers.  It ensures cutting-edge big data analytics enabling decision making and better performance across metrics like customer retention, cross-selling/up-selling, claims and fraud. INT ensures efficient processes and outcomes for insurers, helping with the following: Other solutions include m-commerce/e-commerce portals, API integration, lead-capturing portals, renewal, claims and quote & buy mobile apps, core insurance processing mechanism, and portals for managing brokers.  All in all, INT. assumes the role of an end-to-end solution, while taking care of risk assessment in insurance with advanced analytics-driven solutions. About the author: Dipak Singh is a thought leader and data cruncher. Currently, he heads the Analytics Wings at INT. To know more do check out his LinkedIn profile here.

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World Earth Day – Role of Digital Technologies in Correcting Environmental Impact

Environmental impact, natural calamities and global warming are the biggest moot points today among policymakers and corporates worldwide. While Nature’s Fury is not fully in our hands, technology can be a future safeguard in terms of better response systems, mitigation strategies and correcting environmental impact. With World Earth Day around the corner on 22nd April 2022, now is the time for countries and authorities to adopt comprehensive digital technologies for managing environmental impact, and conditions and contribute towards futuristic, sustainable and sound policymaking. Digital Technologies- How They Stack Up? Digital technologies may enable easier decision-making and response systems through their integration into environment-linked data. For instance, with New Delhi suffering from toxic air quality last winter, residents were able to track everything on the GEMS Air (Global Environment Monitoring System Air) site in real-time. GEMS Air is one of the numerous technologies deployed by the UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) for tracking environmental conditions at local, global and national levels. In the near future, integrated digital data platforms will help countries understand, track, manage and mitigate environmental hazards including growing air pollution and harmful emissions. Multiple public and private sector players are already tapping into digital technologies and data for scaling up environmental action plans. At a time when the world is battling pollution, loss of biodiversity and climate change, digital technologies are enabling transformational measures for safeguarding nature, lowering pollution and boosting overall sustainability. GEMS Air for instance is the biggest air pollution network worldwide, encompassing almost 5,000 cities. More than 50 million people accessed it in 2020 as per reports. It is now playing a crucial role in alerting citizens about risks with real-time updates. How Other Digital Tools Are Contributing To Much-Needed Environmental Action? Big data and other technologies are helping generate timely and effective insights. For instance, farmers now have accurate data on weather and predictive modelling/forecasting applications. They can lower the usage of water, conserve natural resources and prepare for calamities. Applying digital technologies to environmental information is helping in better management and regulations. For instance, migrations of birds are hard to track and cover various regions. This is a major obstacle to conservation efforts in this space. Yet, forecasting models are now helping understand patterns and variances in migration. This knowledge is helping combat migration issues with better policies. Non-governmental change agents are also being mobilized through environmental insights and information, including corporates, communities and organisations. Some tools are already tapping data on emissions of methane already and offering analytics to companies for building future sustainability goals. Simultaneously, digital technologies are playing a role in enhancing overall accountability among all stakeholders, veering policy-making away from distractions towards hardcore and understandable analytics and environmental data. Minimizing environmental impact, identifying potential problems and finding solutions are processes made faster and easier through digital technologies. AI and big data analytics along with IoT, social platforms and mobile applications are contributing towards enhanced sustainability, lower resource usage and greater awareness. At a rudimentary level, these technologies are digitizing workplaces, production units and establishments, making them more environment-friendly and conserving more resources as a result. More corporates are depending on AI and IoT along with analytics for coming up with futuristic and more sustainable practices that lower carbon emissions and minimize wastage. Big data analytics is already at work in certifying products based on their environmental sustainability quotient. Blockchain may be used for greater sustainability in the future, scaling up lifecycles of products, maximizing usage of resources and lowering emissions, thereby greatly contributing to lowering environmental impact. These are only a few of the multifarious use cases of digital technologies and their role in mitigating environmental impact. One aspect is crystal clear- A fusion of environmental understanding, policies and sustainability with digitization is mandatory. It is digital transformation that will enable countries to move towards lower resource wastage, higher conservation and more sustainable ecosystems. On World Earth Day, it is time to embrace the power of technology and use it for environmental good.

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INT. Celebrating 25th Year Of Digital Transformation By Bringing Together The Extraordinary Minds

“Brainstorming is the nexus of ideas”- rightly said by A.D. brown, and at INT., we are practising it for a long. For the last few decades, we are witnessing the acceleration of digital transformation by building digital-first businesses. To gain a competitive advantage and deliver value to the customers, we bring the industries’ best minds together to brainstorm on the defined problems and innovate solutions. On the 25th year of celebrating success at INT., we bring you the most insightful snippets of #digitalsuccess dialogue from our astute leaders across the industries.  Re-Imagining Realtors By Re-Defining The Actions In one of the episodes of #DigitalSuccess Dialogue, we decided to deep dive into the challenges and opportunities of realtors to understand how real-estate stalwarts are lining up digital strategies to overcome these sudden hurdles. Thus, we invited Dr Niranjan Hiranandani, Co-Founder and Managing Director of Hiranandani Group of Companies, and Mr Apurva Salarpuria, Salarpuria Sattva Group. On the rise of digitisation in real estate, Dr Hiranandani concluded, “Yes! Digital acceleration has taken place during the pandemic. Whether it is going to stay in the future? The answer is yes! If you ask whether it will be the only way of conducting business, then the answer is no! As people will demand touch and feel experience while buying their future home. Some changes are bound to happen. How much will it be sustainable? Time will tell!” The upsurge of digitisation occurred due to the ongoing pandemic. In the real estate sector and across various sectors, digitisation is considered as an antidote to the crisis. The recent outbreak of COVID-19 has also given rise to social distancing norms, which stalled daily business operations. Thus, the WFH concept took the front seat and became trendy during this unprecedented period. Adding to it, Mr Salarpuria gave insight into the new concept of co-living and co-working business model. He further added, “The significant change that I felt in the pandemic is the ‘mindset’. Customers are willing to engage on a zoom call or any virtual platform. Change in the mindset towards digital is the most significant change that we have seen during the pandemic.” In this episode of #digitalsuccess dialogue, we came up with the key takeaways: Digitisation is the future, but it won’t be the only way in conducting business.  Evolving mindset of the customer is acting as a catalyst for building new real-estate capabilities. “The flight to quality and safety” is observed among customers’ priority lists. The rise in usage of advanced technologies such as blockchain technology augmented reality, and chatbots will be seen in this sector. The realtors adopt digitisation in enhancing the customer experience with personalisation. Fintech And Open Banking- Phygitalization This decade has witnessed the rise of “Experience banking”, and as the COVID-19 pandemic grasped the world with various challenges, people have adopted digitisation in banking. This gives rise to ‘Phygitalisation’. It means taking a phygital leap towards a new structure to add value to the customer through experience. Therefore to explore more about this new form of banking, we, in our one of the episode of #DigitalSuccess Dialogue, invited Bruno Macedo, Head of Delivery Implementations at five°degrees, Speaker, Lecturer, and Fintech Evangelist with more than 19 years of international experience to talk on the phygital model and how banking sectors and fintech are adapting it for survival. “Fintechs need to go beyond simple digitisation by adopting physical architecture to leap to a new productivity frontier,” Bruno advised. Phygital is a process that cannot occur within a few weeks; it is a step by step process—becoming phygital starts with becoming agile to respond to the changes besides the technical side of things. Robust infrastructure provides information to forecast the future and a feedback card of each interaction gives a holistic view of the overall experience. Phygital architecture is setting up an ecosystem where customer value will increase throughout the journey by reducing cost. Better customer experience needs to understand the hurdles they face while using it. “Reimagine the bank with more human contact but at the same time becoming more digital,” says Bruno. The Phygital model, which is a confluence of digital and physical, helped in various ways. Therefore the key takeaways from this episode of #digitalsuccess dialogue are: Big tech companies are pampering consumers with advanced technology by providing seamless interaction. B.I., Analytics, Quantum Computing, A.I., ML, IoT are the processes and methods used in the omnichannel of banking interaction to have an “intelligent context-aware conversation” with customers. Phygital provides a 360-degree view of life stages, customer relationships, and life-cycle. For more such insights, you can follow and subscribe for the next event that will transform the digital face of industries across the world.

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Celebrating 25th Year Of INT. Transforming Companies To Tomorrow’s Market Leaders

To build an iconic brand, one needs to inject the right skills with expertise. In the last 24 years of delivering new-age technology solutions, we have worked with various companies at different business life cycle stages. In the meantime, we have also felt the importance of keeping the solutions aligned with the evolving business needs. At INT., we have always tried our expertise in diverse projects. Who would have thought that there would be another popular game for visually impaired kids? Or a newly formed business will find its early success by developing an eCommerce application?  INT. has always offered support to projects that no one believed in. Celebrating the 25th year of INT. wouldn’t have been completed without mentioning these three clients we have collaborated with and brought the best outcome possible.  Tea People- A Premium Tea Brand We have a unique bond with the team of Tea People, a speciality tea company that is passionate about spreading the richness of natural, high-quality whole-leaf tea. Their teas range from the finest premium single estate tea to a selection of exquisite blends, flavoured teas and herbal infusions.  When we were first introduced to the team of Tea People, we were aware of their circumstances. A startup with a dream to cater for the premium tea market with a rich experience. Just like any other startup, Tea People was a low funded project. But they wanted to make their customers aware of their capabilities. Therefore, they decided to build a mobile application that will have a richer look than they are. “As we were starting from zero, it was important for us to have website which will showcase all our capabilities and make our customers believe that we are capable to deliver what we are promising to. When we needed a website with a modern look and (equipped with) all scalable features that would fit in today’s e-commerce site.Most importantly the amount of confidence we got from INT. team was incomparable to others”. Neeraj Agarwal, Co-Founder of Tea People Our partnership resulted in a surge in online sales. They have also experienced more visitors from mobile devices, which increased from 30 % to 55% in a year. With a scalable eCommerce platform, INT. provided their customers with an immersive shopping experience.  Somax Inc– Scalable IoT Solution on Cloud Collaborating with Somax have further enhanced our capabilities to explore a new niche market. They challenged us to build an IoT based scalable solution on the cloud for them. Somax is a software solution provider that specialises in consistently churning out solutions that revolutionise how facilities are maintained. They specialise in advanced maintenance and engineering management, inventory and purchasing management program and information management. Both teams were new to working with cloud, but at INT., we never take a step back when circumstances challenge us with new-age technology. We have always been relieved to expand our capabilities end to end to serve better. Thus, we took up the project and made their hurdles as our own and started working on it. “We actually gave INT. a preliminary design of our mobile application and asked for helping us with it and what they gave us was something that has great design which showed their experience and (capabilities) of designing a mobile app.”– Roger Lawton, CEO, INT. collaborated with the team of Somax and released an upgraded version of the desktop app to a streamlined and powerful sensor-based tool that connected employees, hand-held devices, computers and equipment on the field in real-time. When asked as feedback what they liked most about INT., Roger said “At the time of crisis when we needed to ramp up our resources quickly, and INT. has always supported us at our problems and thus creating a different type of comfort level. From our point of view, you helped us create value. When we started with a product which barely worked, and now we have a mature product used by thousands of users at hundreds of sites.” Circus Master Revenge- Game for Visually Impaired Circus Master Revenge is a project that is close to our hearts. When Joe Quirck, Founder Mental Vision LLC, first narrated the story of the game, we were touched by the thinking process. A game that will provide a chance for visually impaired people to experience just like others.  Irrespective of the market value of the game, we decided to collaborate with Joe and bring his dream into reality. “When I first started with the ideation of the game, it started with the two page summary where I described how the game should be played. Unfortunately, I failed to find a partner who could help me in building this game. I am not a developer but a story writer. Thus, I searched on LinkedIn and found 4-5 developers I emailed them about my project and they replied that there is no market for this type of game. Luckily I found INT. who offered a hand to support my dream project even though they were new to this format of the game.”– Joe Quirck, Founder, Mental Vision LLC We created the game engine from scratch. To get real-life experience of the game, our team entered into the darkroom and imagined the game before developing it. The challenge was immense and demanded hard work. After eighteen months of partnership, we came up with circus master revenge. As Joe said, “My friendly piece of advice to those who dream a project that no one believes in, come to INT. they will go extensive to have your back.” Later, Circus Master Revenge has won the prestigious AppleVis Golden Apples of 2019. The game has been one of the most downloaded games in this category.

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“We Win When Our Clients Win”- Top 3 Amazing Success Stories From Our Client

Success has varied definitions for us; it lies under the success of our clients. Therefore on the occasion of completing 24 years in digitising the lives of our clients, we have taken three amazing trailblazing companies and how our partnership has kept both of us relevant in the fast-changing times.  Three Amazing Partnership Stories To Digitise the World  Ageas Insurance – Agile Remote Teams For Core Insurance Development Ageas Insurance, an internationally renowned insurance group with a history of more than 190 years, joined hands with INT. to provide a 360-degree digital transformation of their internal operational platform and enable superior broker and customer experience with the direct, broker, and partner channels. When Ageas partnered with us, all they asked was to build an immersive experience. Digging deeper, we understood the problem lies elsewhere. They are facing challenges in building interactive design and also a scalable platform. Our high-performance team collaborated with the Ageas team to create a fully customised and immersive ecosystem with robust features such as the end to end management of Midterm management, inbuilt document management system, and many more. The outcome was massive! Ageas experienced better engagement, more revenue and reduced time to market. Over here, our consultants understood the underlying issues was challenging for us, but it was necessary too. Thus today y solutioning it accurately, we are cherishing the success of Ageas as our success.  CashPoint – Agile Remote Team and Consulting Cashpoint Solutions, a European renowned sports betting and gambling company, made the betting experience accessible with INT’s integrated embedded devices and progressive web and mobile technologies. With a dedicated remote team for supporting multiple skills, they have made their technology a significant competitive advantage responsible for driving growth. Cashpoint had a very particular challenge; they wanted to create an immersive betting experience. The whole idea was to create a high-quality betting experience beyond casinos. But the application has failed to deliver a smoother experience and synchronous data streaming with cross platforms updates. Thus, the team of cashpoint collaborated with INT. to build a robust console betting platform. bY creating a graphic rick platform with secured time session and authentication, cashpoint now has uniform experience. The outcome was measurable as they expanded customer base within short points of time along with better engagement with the users.  Tesco Bank – Transforming Policy Management System Tesco Bank, a leading insurance and banking solutions provider, teamed up with INT. to create an integrated virtual platform that could help its customers purchase and manage travel insurance policies from any device smoothly. Since they were a reseller of one of the largest insurance providers, a real-time module to track the policies and claims was also set up. The situation for Tesco bank was unique. They were looking for an ecosystem where they could track every query through a comprehensive platform. On close analysis, the Tesco bank realised that the queries from the valuable clients are getting lost in silos. Moreover, they wanted a versatile and continuous digital experience for their clients through the interactive interface and intuitive platform.  INT. helped Tesco bank to design and implement the user interface for a new mobile application. INT. delivered an intuitive digital experience through an integrated core back-end process with an advanced reporting feature to fully leverage the cloud-based platform and empower the customer-facing stakeholders. The outcome was exceedingly positive as it boosted sales to 5X by reducing claim processing time. That is not the end of the list of our partners who collaborated with us to meet the gen “now” customer need. We made sure that at INT., we will provide a broad range of solutions for businesses that will actively help them expand their customer base. Today we have 500+ happy customers who cherish the success along with us. We are looking to bring a smile to many more in future!

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INT. Celebrating 25 Years

Celebrating 25th Year Of Innovation & Resilience

Established in 1997, INT. is the brainchild of our CEO Abhishek Rungta. A global consulting and digital IT service, INT. is home to over a thousand employees who are working tirelessly to deliver next-generation digital experiences to clients. From getting rid of bluffs to making digital simple and jazz free, INT. is soaring high. The journey started in 1997 when the internet has still not grasped the Indian population like today. What started as a website building startup by one man in ‘97 is standing 750 strong today. From web development for SMEs to specialized enterprise tech consulting, the journey of Indus Net Technologies has been quite extraordinary.  In the last 24 years, we have grown into a leading organization that has established itself as a trusted technology solution partner by delivering unrivalled value through pioneering and cutting-edge technologies. Few companies from the dot com era had the foresight to temper their pace in anticipation of the long journey that lay ahead. The journey of INT. is a testament to the resilience, dedication and society-first principle and adaptable long term strategy and leadership. From  $0.68 to $9 million business, INT. has always kept its solutions relevant for the evolving generation.  In the last 24 years, INT. has catalyzed major changes that have led us as one of the major IT service companies in the Eastern zone of India. Kolkata being a non-IT place, thriving in the heart of it was a challenge, but we did it and transformed the outlook! Our primary focus was always on offering simple and sustainable solutions. INT.’s consultative & collaborative approach is analytics-driven. Also, our entrepreneurial zest and legacy have helped us formulate enterprise-grade scalable products that translate organizational ambitions into a successful reality. At, INT. we have always strived to understand the emerging need of global clients. Responding to new-age capabilities, INT. has ensured success to many market leaders such as Mattel, Fox Sports, MasterCard, Cipla, Statoil, Ageas, Tesco Underwriting, John Lewis Insurance, SREI BNP Paribas, SBI General, PepsiCo, Cadbury, KPMG and many more. On completing 24 years of thrilling adventure, we are excited to share our journey with you. In all these years INT. has evolved and changed in its dynamics, structure, culture, value system and stayed relevant in the market through four such major changes in over two decades: Phase 1: 1997-2002 – Experiment Phase 2: 2002-2008 – Scale and become an outliner Phase 3: 2008-2012 – Evolve capabilities and resilience  Phase 4: 2012-2020 – Develop and prove enterprise capabilities across digital (INT. Ver. 2.0, 2.1) Now, we are in the next phase of INT. where we are evolving as an enterprise-grade technology partner for enterprises, which help them value creation at the confluence of technology, analytics and marketing.  This is INT. 3.0- A world of minimalism, simplicity and sustainability.  An INT. that can match and surpass the best in digital. An INT. which is ambitious and bold, and has arrived at the big stage. An INT. with learning, adaptation and sustainability. An INT. that “Makes Brands Matter”.

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