Category: Digital Marketing

Are You Wasting Your Marketing Budget on SEO or PPC

Every business learns that investing in marketing is the only way to scale a business and to keep the bottom-line healthy. While most businesses are right to keep aside a large percentage of their marketing spend on SEO and PPC ads, it is quite likely that a lot of it being wasted due to the adoption of the wrong strategy. Businesses make a number of mistakes while running SEO and PPC campaigns, but fortunately, adoption of the right strategy can eliminate missed opportunities, unwise spending, and poor performing campaigns. In this article, let us take a look at some of the common SEO and PPC strategy mistakes that cause businesses to lose a lot of money. In the second section of the article, we suggest tips and tricks that help you to optimise your marketing spend and strategy, so that you get the results you need and deserve. Wrong choice of keywords A number of surveys point out to the fact that businesses often run their PPC campaigns around irrelevant keywords. Just because a keyword seems relevant doesn’t mean it is going to fetch you leads or business. Instead, it might help competitors to gain ground in places where you have missed out. For this reason, keyword research is a very important aspect of PPC campaigns. Typically, SEO and PPC teams should work together to identify strategic keywords that help in directing traffic that matters. haphazard choice of keywords in content and ad copy results in poor marketing campaigns, and wasteful spending. Targeting the wrong demographic Without adequate data insight, it is easy to keep launching campaigns after campaigns targeted at a wrong demographic. Many businesses notice that clicks from outside their target demographic results in wasteful PPC spending. A similar problem occurs with SEO campaigns too. Not strategising content around the right demographic and not setting the right tone results in wasteful content management strategy. Data insight helps businesses to discover who their target audience really are, and ensure that both PPC and SEO campaigns are tied around audiences that actually matter. Improving visibility by enhancing brand awareness and running coordinated PPC and SEO campaigns helps in ensuring clicks from the right target audience as well. Low ad scores Marketers often notice that conversion rates are lower than they expected, even when they spent quite well. Here lies an important lesson to learn, for spending too much doesn’t necessarily mean good ad scores. Good ad scores depend on a number of metrics, and focusing on each of these metrics before a campaign is launched is crucial for its success. Mere creativity without a solid basis in analytics will not fetch the kind of ad scores that are typical of optimal ad relevancy. Again, having a strategy in place and using the right analytical tools are important to enhance ad scores and conversion rates. Inefficient handling of campaigns Running a PPC or SEO campaign has dramatically become more complex in recent years. Not only has the technology changed, but psychographic and behavioral metrics have changed too, necessitating an approach that involves data analytics. Without adequate expertise or knowledge, complex PPC and SEO campaigns cannot fetch the results they claim to. Unfortunately, many businesses work with teams that are subpar and thus miss out on advanced data insight. In addition, an agile approach to marketing campaigns is very important for both PPC and SEO campaign success. Agile marketing is based on agile framework and methodology and provides consistent results across marketing processes. A strategy that helps you spend less To make the most of your marketing budget, begin to develop a strategy that works for you. Adopt a strategy that has been tried and tested by agencies across the world. Such a strategy depends on successful implementation of data analytics, improving landing pages, enhancing content, and focusing on mobile environments. Let us take a quick look at these four pillars that help build a solid marketing strategy. Getting data right The world has changed radically since the advent of artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, and data analytics. Data analytics is single-handedly helping IoT and AI to move further, resulting in the insight that has far-reaching marketing implications. User-behaviour can now be scrutinised to intimate levels, but how one uses all this insight depends on the kind of team you work with. When you choose the right data analytics team and use insight to fuel your SEO and PPC campaigns, you will begin to see that you need to spend less on your campaigns. Optimising landing pages Most landing pages are not optimised for SEO or PPC campaigns, and they are directed to generic pages that do not fetch results. To enhance conversion rates and ad scores, landing pages need to be optimised on multiple fronts. The focus should be given to CTAs, graphics, and also to mobile optimisation of landing pages. Most people visit landing pages after clicking on ads displayed on their mobile devices, and optimising landing pages is an important task. Landing pages also have an important SEO function, and that is to help your services and solutions appear in organic results. Enhance content Existing content needs to be enhanced with specific keywords to help build your SEO. This step does not require fresh content to be written and can help your website in multiple ways. In addition, using data insight to create content that actually matters to your target audience will help you to fetch better results. Most marketing companies build their content strategy around irrelevant keywords, and that is only going to result in ill-advised marketing expenditure. Focus on mobile environments It doesn’t need to be reiterated that web traffic today mostly depends on mobile usage. Yet, a lot of PPC and SEO campaigns are centered around desktop devices and are not optimized for mobile devices. This results in wasteful expenditure, especially when it comes to PPC campaigns. Make sure to hire a team that is well versed with mobile optimisation of PPC campaigns, so that

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Talent as a Service: Accelerating the Trend towards a Flexible Workforce

What happens when a project requires a particular skill or talent which you don’t have? Or want on your current payroll? What are your options as a Project Manager then? TaaS is the answer to such situations. After Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS), Talent as a Service is the latest disruption in the human resources sector that will soon replace the workplace as we know it. TaaS has brought a whole new dimension to crowdsourcing, bringing about an uberisation of the workforce. TaaS sources labour from the crowds by opening the workplace for grabs people best suited for a particular project. In other words, this gig economy will help propel talent across projects and organisations based on the former’s interest areas and the latter’s demands. It heralds a new generation of workers with highly specialized and directly relevant skills towards a better allocation of peripheral work. How TaaS can Transform your Business Liran Kotzer writing for The Huffington Post candidly states, “…with the economy in an uncertain state the pressure on these [small and micro] businesses to keep other costs in check is high.” That would explain why companies are now rushing to embrace the TaaS model. It not only enables them to enjoy flexible access to the right talent at the right time for the right price but also lowers the cost of retaining skills by a considerable margin. The scalability offered by TaaS, to roll out projects based solely on demand, is creating ripples in the world of recruitment as we speak. Given the steady invasion of the demand hiring culture into the modern workplace, blending the traditional Full-Time Employee (FTE) business model with a regular rotation of contractual workers don’t need to be as daunting as it sounds. TaaS is here to simplify the workspace, to deliver your timely needs and it inarguably costs less than hiring a new employee. According to The Economic Times, a lot of Indian IT companies including Infosys and Wipro are exploring the idea of an uberised workforce, with their own flexi-staffing models. The article speculates the possible reason that is catalysing this trend today : “What is driving this trend is the changing preference of the young workforce more than the market uncertainty and political situation in their largest market, the US.” Here are the three tenets of TaaS explained with hypothetical use cases : Flexibility and Expertise A fashion logistical company wants to rebuild their business plan and pitch an attractive deck to their prospective investors. None of the existing employees have ever drawn up a business plan before. At the same time, they will have better insights into what needs change and what stays, more than any consultant or new employees. At this point, the firm can recruit a designer with a background in fashion, retail, logistics, and design, to curate the deck for the company. Minimising the cost of FTE A firm has an AI and IT engineer on board but he has very little knowledge of UX design. It makes little sense to recruit a developer at this time for a short-term project. So the firm can hire a UX designer at this point to develop their website design. Increased Efficiency with Time Consumption A company is redesigning its brochures but their in-house team has very little knowledge of graphic design. An intern from the marketing team is willing to give it a try but it will take her a couple of days at least to learn the basics of Photoshop and even then it won’t be the same quality of an expert. There is no justification for hiring a full-time designer at this juncture; instead, it would be best in the company’s interests if they reach out to the designer designed their visiting cards once before. Things to keep in mind while adopting a TaaS model Incorporating Talent as a Service will sound as good in your company’s portfolio as it does on paper. To adopt it in your daily operations and for a seamless merger between the traditional and modern workplace, here are a few key points you must bear in mind. According to Rob Biederman, co-founder, and CEO of HourlyNerd, the model is especially suited for marketing, operations, and finance: these departments would be your best bet if you want to test the waters. While trying TaaS out for the first time, start with a small pilot project to gain experience in hiring and managing talent before investing in a large project with a lot at stake. While working with a flexible talent pool, allot and carve out distinct chunks of work and establish clear deliverables and deadlines with strong communication. Before and during talent acquisition, do your research and only recruit from a reputable source/agency/recommendation and follow it up with a strong vetting process. It trends set to improve Taas According to a report by Intuit, the number of on-demand workers in the US is expected to double in the next four years to almost 9.2 million. It won’t be long before the brick and mortar office is a thing of the past as where and how people work will change due to emerging Internet of Things (IoT), Cloud phenomenon and mobile technologies. Working in the cloud will increasingly shift work lives away from corporate office altogether and toward an in-my-own-place, on-my-own-time work regimen. “Gen Y will continue focusing less on physically spending time at a job site and more on getting the job done. Connecting through the cloud will allow Gen Y to success on the move and approach the work/life balance they desire.” As cloud computing keeps extending to every job sector, businesses are increasingly recognising that Cloud technology can be taken further to tap a virtual, global labour pool. This will in turn increase productivity, maximise the elasticity of their existing workforce and reduce labour costs.  To effectively minimise fixed labour costs and maximise productivity, enterprises of the future must be ready to work with

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How to Multiply Your Number of #Leads in Your Existing Digital Marketing Budget

A question that bothers everybody is, how one can increase the number of leads without increasing their existing digital marketing budget. The answer isn’t quite simple, but it is possible to refocus and strategize your digital marketing budget so that lead generation takes center stage. It all started when businesses began to spend more money on digital marketing than on traditional marketing. The influx of smartphones and other portable devices necessitated a completely different approach at the turn of the last decade. Today, digital is far more important than other platforms, and nobody is arguing about that. However, digital marketing budgets have increased sharply in recent years and in United States Digital Spend is surpassing the traditional media spend. It is in digital media that we are able to understand how the visitors are behaving and a number of us work are trying to get more from what we have already spent. A number of clients often ask this and then we go ahead with a 10 step simple guide which helps to multiply leads without no extra cost. You might just have to divert your budget a little to the left, and a little to the right. Audit your database If you haven’t heard already, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is coming soon and will require you to seek explicit consent from all the emails in your database. The regulation focuses on improving privacy and requires you to stop contacting people if you do not have their explicit consent to do so. Auditing your email database and discarding emails that do not explicitly permit you can be a great way to not only comply with GDPR, but also making your database more meaningful and lean. A curated and lean email database will convert at an exponentially higher rate than a large database with no meaningful leads. Redevelop your website To comply with GDPR, you will also need to redevelop your contact forms and call to action forms, so that explicit permission is sought before customers share their emails. In addition, you will have to change your cookies policies and write terms and conditions in layman’s terms, all of which require a little bit of redevelopment and redesigning. Once you do this, you will notice that leads convert quickly because the traffic is more targeted, and those who engage with your website truly want to do so. Though the actual traffic may fall, your lead conversion percentage will drastically increase. Focus on social engagement While most businesses have a lot of money to spend on social campaigns, they forget to engage with their audiences meaningfully. To increase the number of leads, it is important to focus on social engagement and get more personal. Social engagement is an important aspect that is often neglected by even the savviest digital marketers. Whether on Facebook or Twitter, maintain a respectful friendliness that is neither distant nor uncomfortably intrusive. This balanced approach to social engagement will help you to win hearts, as you will not appear pushy or non-responsive. In result, you will see the number of leads soar quickly. Have meaningful conversations Most businesses fail at customizing and doing meaningful conversations and end up talking to every segment of the market in the same tone and manner. It doesn’t work. At best, people may ignore you, and at worst, they may get annoyed or offended. Every communication from your side needs to be tailor-made for your audience. Study your target audience’s psychographic factors and demographic details, and create conversations that are customized for them. Tailor-made conversations feel a lot more intimate and personal than pushy marketing scripts, which will put people off. Be subtle and friendly, and use data to customize your conversations to suit your target audience. Create lead magnets A lead magnet is type of content that will automatically fetch you a large number of email addresses. This kind of content needs to be of top-notch quality, and people should download it even months after you make it available. Creating a series of lead magnets will help you to gain a large number of leads who can be nurtured so that they convert in future. Please do remember that you may have to make your download page GDPR-compliant, especially if you plan to use visitors’ emails in the future for marketing purposes. This means, you will have to seek explicit consent here too. Create stellar content in different formats Most businesses think of blogs and eBooks when they think of content. However, creating content in different formats will help you to generate more leads. A number of people prefer to watch videos or listen to podcasts than read textual content. It makes sense to create excellent videos that urge the viewer to download a lead magnet if they want to learn more. That will be the moment of truth, if they choose to give their consent and download your lead magnet. Such motivated users usually convert sooner or later.  In addition, this also helps you with your SEO, which in turn again helps you generate leads. Revamp your landing pages If you haven’t fixed your landing pages in a while, now is probably be the best time to do so. Even your landing pages will need to become GDPR-compliant, as explicit permissions will need to be sought before visitors share their email addresses. Make changes to the forms on your landing pages, and see a more relevant database whose conversion rates will be very high. After all, it is not a good idea to keep a large number of leads that will never convert to prospects. A highly curated list will make sure that leads convert to prospects, and prospects to customers. Don’t neglect paid ads Re-route a large percentage of your digital marketing budget towards paid ads, as this is where much of lead generation takes place. Though many choose to ignore paid ads and focus on organic marketing, it is not a great idea. Existing digital marketing

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Growth Hacking In Digital Marketing

We all definitely know what Digital Marketing is. Most of us know what Growth Hacking is. Have you however considered what is the difference between the two? Or is there a difference at all? Let us take a look at tips and tools for Growth Hacking in Digital Marketing. The 36 Rules of Social Media [Infographic] #SocialMedia #SMM #GrowthHacking #ContentMarketing #DigitalMarketing — ipfconline (@ipfconline1) May 15, 2018 What are 10 Basic Tips for #DigitalMarketing? {Infographic}#SMM #IoT #DigitalTransformation #innovation @fisher85m #socialmedia #martech #GrowthHacking #seo @dremexinc — Michael Fisher (@Fisher85M) May 13, 2018 10 EMAIL MARKETING.DO'S & DON'TS#EMAIL #emailmarketing #marketing #ContentStrategy #DigitalMarketing #OnlineMarketing #onlinebusiness #startup #SocialMedia #seo #smm #Marketingtips #growthhacking #InternetMarketing #entrepreneur — DelwarIT (@DelwarLab) May 13, 2018 10 Benefits of Social Media For Your Startups #infographic #insurtech #fintech #SMM #makeyourownlane #Tech #innovation #bigdata #SEO #business #ContentMarketing #SocialMedia #Branding #GrowthHacking #blog #EmailMarketing #Analytics cc: #ai #ml #dl #iot #infographics — Kim Muro (@WorldTrendsInfo) May 11, 2018 10 Benefits of Social Media For Your Startups #infographic #insurtech #fintech #SMM #makeyourownlane #Tech #innovation #bigdata #SEO #business #ContentMarketing #SocialMedia #Branding #GrowthHacking #blog #EmailMarketing #Analytics cc: #ai #ml #dl #iot #infographics — Kim Muro (@WorldTrendsInfo) May 11, 2018 Content #marketing is critical to engage with your #startup target and increase your #sales. #GrowthHacking — Jonathan Aufray (@jonathan_aufray) May 17, 2018 Nine types of #innovation – from incremental to disruptive. (#infographic) @INnovandgrowth via @Sarahetodd #futureofwork #DigitalTransformation #leadership #fintech #insurtech #GrowthHacking — ⭐️Danielle Guzman ⭐️ (@guzmand) May 18, 2018 #INTERVIEW @IanKnowlson MD of @selllingsuccess1 – Talks to @einnovationtv about #FutureofWork #FutureofRecruitment #Recruitment – Ian a Biz #GrowthHacking #Training #Coach and #Mentor PlzRT — Ian Knowlson 📈 (@IanKnowlson) May 17, 2018 Keep watching this space for more such updates, tips, and tricks carefully curated to share knowledge and grow together. If you have any query feel free to contact us

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Social Media Marketing – Is It The Most Powerful Marketing Tool?

We don’t think we need to tell you how crucial social media marketing is. People use multiple social media platforms not just once a day but several times per day. Social media is one of the most powerful ways to reach your customers and prospects. Let’s have a look at what’s going on in the world of Social Media Marketing. Doing meaningful social media marketing will be more important in the post-GDPR era. Get ready, or else lose touch with your clients and prospects. #digitalmarketing #gdpr #smm #socialmediamarketing — Abhishek Rungta (@abhishekrungta) May 8, 2018 5 steps to make your social #content great! 🔥#ContentMarketing #SMM #SMO #SEO #SEM #Infographics #GrowthHacking #InboundMarketing #InternetMarketing #Marketing #Makeyourownlane #Defstar5 #Mpgvip #OnlineMarketing #SocialMediaMarketing #SPDC #SocialMedia #DigitalMarketing — Isabella Jones (@IsabellajonesCl) May 4, 2018 10 Benefits of #SocialMedia for Your #Startup Success [Infographic]#SMM #SocialMediaMarketing #LeadGeneration #Sales #SEO #Branding — ipfconline (@ipfconline1) May 8, 2018 🤜 #SocialMediaMarketing does take a lot to get right, but it can be truly worth the effort. — Larry Kim (@larrykim) May 5, 2018 Keep coming to our Buzz section, we are coming up with a lot of interesting insights on technology, marketing and digital.  

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#DigitalSuccess : Why is CRO necessary for a Business?

We have launched a #DigitalSuccess program, where we are sharing lots of interesting ideas, tips, techniques to achieve digital success in your business. We hosted our first #DigitalSuccess Q&A session on 28th March. Our CEO Abhishek Rungta interviewed Arun Agarwal, CEO ebizIndia. Arun is an industry veteran and an expert on Conversion Rate Optimisation (CRO). The program was broadcast live on Facebook as well as on Twitter. Here are a few key insights from the session on Conversion Rate Optimization for Businesses.  1. CRO is a blend of Technology and Psychology of the potential customer. Both the elements complement each other to improve the conversions at scale. 2. On the mobile version of the website, you should put a mobile-friendly call to action buttons like tap-to-call, tap-to-text in addition to forms for your potential customers. This improves the customer experience and makes the lead generation process more efficient. 3. CRO experts not only have to plan the strategy taking inputs from the CEO or marketing people but they should also connect with customer-facing people (like salespersons). 4. Instead of relying completely on psychological mind tricks, it’s better to use clear messaging and keep the content minimal in terms of length to attract potential customers. 5. Challenge in CRO is having the volume data. If you get a good amount of traffic coming to the website, then it’s possible to experiment with 10-20% of the visitors to understand the performance rather than risk losing heavily on conversions for a bad sample. 6. On your landing page, talk about the pain and gain of the potential customer. This makes the “engagement” more effective. 7. is one of the websites recommended by Arun Agrawal to follow if one wants to excel in CRO. For more insights, you can watch the full episode here – We are coming up with more such sessions. Stay tuned! Do connect with us on social media (Twitter / Facebook / Linkedin) to learn from other’s success and failure. Also, if you have an interesting case study, do share with us and we will be happy to publish it on our platform.

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#TwitterChat : Segment Of One Marketing – A Thin Line between Brilliance and Ethics

Hyper-segmentation, targeted and personalized marketing has taken over the world in recent times. We call it the “Segment of 1”. We have seen the extreme of it in case of the Cambridge Analytica situation, which crossed the line of ethics, whereas many marketers use the power of data to deliver the right content, at the right time to the right person in the right context to drive brand objectives. Today we organized a #TwitterChat session between 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM (IST) on this subject, where we discussed the power of data, the power of “Segment of 1” and where should we draw the thin line between brilliance and ethics in terms of marketing. We featured Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika), CMO of Unifynd Technologies. Let’s boost up our knowledge by revisiting this interesting session once again : @indusnettech With the cookies and IP addresses, companies can adapt their communication to each person, without even knowing their names #DigitalSuccess — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Data Mining softwares are being used in processing large amounts of data into actionable intelligence to reach a level of custom contextual #marketing speaking directly to consumers based on their #traits #DigitalSuccess @indusnettech — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Brand is able to effectively provide messaging or a value proposition that resonates with the wants of the individual customer and at various stages of their brand/buying journey #DigitalSuccessExample: We recently launched our project @NhanceGo @pmcc #Chennai #malls. — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Example: We recently launched our project @NhanceGo @pmcc #Chennai #malls. We are using Hypersegmentation to identify customer traits and behaviours and then engaging with them. When you enter this mall on your birthday, our screen will wish you a Happy Birthday with your name. — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 It does sound intrusive but is pleasant anyway, for most. some hyper-sensitive people might hate this though. So it is a conscious decision that the marketer has to take. — Arun Agrawal (@ebizindia) April 3, 2018 A3: Few things that set the boundary of ethics in marketing – 1) Intent – Was the intent to help the customer or misguide him2) Permission – Was explicit permission taken to get access to user and user's friends' data, with clarity on the way it will be used#DigitalSuccess — Abhishek Rungta (@abhishekrungta) April 3, 2018 @indusnettech @abhishekrungta #DigitalSuccess i think people will be more careful on sharing data but marketers will find ways of reaching the right customers. — Shraddha Patil (@ShraddhaBPatil) April 3, 2018 We are already seeing some feature rollbacks. I think it will slow down segmentation excellence for some time till the dust settles. #DigitalSuccess However, for long-term, media companies need to clarify the data collected and how it will be used. — Abhishek Rungta (@abhishekrungta) April 3, 2018 Creativity is a huge part of marketing, and using other businesses’ marketing messages just passes you off as being creatively bankrupt and fraudulent. Plagiarism of any kind should with punishable. #DigitalSuccess but also — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Already, Facebook, Youtube and other successful platforms have a prerequisite filtration on the content one uploads which is helping the Marketeers skip an internal step and take the risk #DigitalSuccess — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 A5. There are codes of conduct and there can be more. However, we need to find a way out to reach the right customer with the right message. And nothing better than the segment of 1. The intent must be right though or else, we get caught soon enough. — Arun Agrawal (@ebizindia) April 3, 2018 In the wild-west of #DigitalMarketing, it is very difficult to enforce a #CodeOfConduct, especially when the marketers are becoming more and more faceless. Some genius brains will use it for crime as well, and this is the reality of #Digital world.#DigitalSuccess — Abhishek Rungta (@abhishekrungta) April 3, 2018 It is wrong to assume that a person would like to be mentioned and recognised on any platform, one should have the choice to select #DigitalSuccess @indusnettech — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Again Data is crucial. When FB started retargeting options, companies would share their data with agencies to create their ads. No tracking was done for what happened to this data that companies took years to create within the agency. #DigitalSuccess One Motto: #Data is Sacred. — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 As consumers? 80% Consumers are willing share personal data like DOB, Address with companies when they receive special offers or data enabled benefits. I think the real question is what will this brand get me in return. Example: #DigitalSuccess — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Example: How would you effectively use a platform like @Mint without sharing data. Their suggestive spend engine is going to fail without you linking your #bank accounts. #DigitalSuccess — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 @abhishekrungta @indusnettech #DigitalSuccess no brand can be trusted for data. The important thing is what do they do with data. I shared my no yest with one clothing store and today they added me to WhatsApp group. That's annoying — Shraddha Patil (@ShraddhaBPatil) April 3, 2018 Once majority of content on FB was UGC and now its no longer true. Its exciting to note what companies like @Steemit are doing. #DigitalSuccess … — Jeevika Tyagi (@TyagiJeevika) April 3, 2018 Indeed, an insightful discussion where we got some brilliant knowledge on “Segment of 1” marketing phenomena. Stay with us, we will bring to you more such power-packed sessions in the future.    

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Attribution Metrics and Performance Marketing in Mobile

Are you reading this article on a mobile device? Going by statistics, insights and the scene at any dining table or college cafeteria, you most likely are. We live in a mobile-first world. In an average day, at least one out of four people with access to the internet, only use a smart phone. Moreover, we freely move back and forth between devices to get things done: Over half of this demographic rely on more than one type of device in an average day, with 1/5 of them using another device while concurrently using a computer (Google Insights).  Due to the stupendous role mobile phones play in our lives enabling us today to conduct all operations on the move, consumers now have the flexibility to develop curiosity, interest, attraction, and craving for a product, even compare it with similar products and place the order, within moments of viewing its ad on Instagram! But, there is an acute dearth of conclusive data on what determines online consumption today. With the advent of Marketing Attribution, we are closer to solving the mystery of what makes up effective digital marketing. Attribution Metrics is the way in which marketers assess ROI of the strategies/channels that connect them to potential customers. These tools simplify the retailer’s understanding of what it takes to make their products marketable, in the absence of any direct communication between the consumer and the seller (save for review forms and online surveys). To learn which marketing strategy is paying off, which chess piece needs to be moved around to generate better results, Marketing Attribution brings you the best system to standardize and monitor consumer behaviour. Why is accurate attribution so important for your business? The holy grail of media measurement is to analyze the impact and business value of all company-generated marketing interactions across the complex customer journey. Settling to remain in the dark—or worse, working under wrong assumptions—is akin to driving without a navigator. Inaccurate attribution will not only hamper your growth rate, it can also throw you off the right track by generating false impression or sketchy information about the complexities involved in online retail. Various marketing channels combine and permute to convert leads to sales, and the number of such channels is increasing every day with each new feature getting added to social media-verse. Facebook Explore, Instagram Live, Snapchat stories, Twitter buttons and Pinterest redirects are constantly revamping themselves to make it easy for businesses to attract and improve their presence for prospective buyers. This also makes it more difficult for these businesses to generate an actionable analysis of which channel is ultimately responsible for their success or the lack of it. With new agents (for mobile online payment like PayTm or Apple Wallet) being constantly introduced to the cycle reaffirms how important it is for marketing attribution to be constantly vigilant about the newest developments in the field. According to Matt Voda writing for The Make Good, “With accurate attribution comes not just more confidence in the strategies and tactics in place today, but most importantly, better decision-making, improved efficiency and effectiveness, and higher ROI. Accurate attribution helps you confidently zero in on your next best moves.” Attribution will be the biggest challenge marketers face this year Besides facing the perennial challenges of piecing together the product’s lifecycle complicated by dynamic ads, there are privacy and customer trust issues which makes tracking every step of the way difficult, unethical, unprofitable and counterproductive. One aspect that attribution metrics have not yet been able to solve is how offline advertising affects the online purchase. This offline to online transition has made one thing difficult for sure: it is now much harder to estimate the impact of your campaign, especially when it comes to mobile marketing. Developers are still struggling to come up with ways in which cross-channel influencers affect the performance of online ads. The rapidly changing scene today demands granular ad-level analytics to drive day-to-day activities of branding and marketing teams. Different Types of Attribution Models : 1. Single Source Attribution: First or last touch-based attribution takes into account only the channels engaging target audience with the product in the very beginning or the end. Upper Funnel Distribution registers the beginning of a customer’s purchase journey as in the case of programmatic display ads, while Bottom Funnel Attribution makes note of an ad’s ability to close the deal, like run search ads. 2. Multisource attribution: Since both touch points work together in driving conversions, most businesses prefer a model that generates insights on all levels of lead engaging. Multisource attribution credits each channel for their contribution to the final conversion; it includes everything from ads and social posts to webinars and e-newsletters. Also known as equal attribution, this accounts for every involvement in attaining a final sale. “It brings a sense of equality to the process, but at the same time doesn’t take into consideration the idea that certain aspects of the conversion have more weight than others – for example, the first time an ad is shown could arguably have played more of a role in the final conversion than duplicate impressions.” In such cases, weighted attribution proves to be more effective because it facilitates and substantiates these insights with by filing the hierarchy of the roles played by each channel in converting leads to sales. 3. Post-view attribution gives conversion credit to the visibility, reach of the ad. However, this is highly unreliable and quite useless at the end of the day, because while a lot of ads are shown to users, not all of them are necessarily seen. This is why post-click attribution is more useful in eliminating unnecessary data, taking into account only those ads which have generated clicks or redirects to the next stage of purchase (to the company’s website or shopping portal, for example). After the initial touch and before the final touch point before the sale, it doesn’t account for any prior website visits and is thus unable to shed little

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How to stay on top and relevant with Dynamic Ads

What are Dynamic Ads? Have you ever wondered while shopping online, “Wow, this is exactly what I wanted, how does Amazon know!”? The brief answer to this “mystery” is dynamic marketing, but what goes behind the curation of such an ad constitutes an interesting process that is based on machine learning and results in high ROI and click-through conversions. A new kind of advertising stemming from bot-generated creatives is slowly taking over the digital marketing landscape, making it easier for consumers to sift through the cluttered online marketplace and for advertisers to reach their target audience with more specificity and promptness. The impact of high relevancy is huge with the surge in dynamic online marketing today. Personalisation is the most crucial deliverable for an advertiser at this point. Dynamic ads bring customisation to the real-time, enabling you to meet the needs of a shopper based on their recent views, clicks, history, location, interests expressed through web searches and redirects. “The more you shop around for a certain product or service, the more it will tailor the ads you see to those search results.” Creative elements are then pulled from the server to construct an automated visual creative, which emphasises on the content more than aesthetic or design.             This is what microcosmic dynamic advertising looks like on a microcosmic scale: Within the perimeter of a cyber cafe, where different browsers are searching up diverse data, each system is also generating dynamic ads for each user. Most of the work is done by the server which computes the data collected from the inputs (search keywords entered by the users at the cafe). For dynamic marketing to be effective, this data must be quickly and accurately converted into relevant ads. The following example should give you a clearer idea of how dynamic the entire process can be: Imagine you are browsing different travel websites for a vacation you have planned. Based on the destination and dates you have selected, you will soon notice a number of relevant ads that’ll appear when you browse the net next. They can range from travel related necessities, cheaper flight information, best deals on hotels, and even ads to lure you to different/better destinations.  If you’re going trekking, a smart boots manufacturer will use this search information and capitalize on the need created, by displaying an assortment of their boots directly on your screen to choose from. This makes life simpler as you no longer need to laboriously look for all the things you may need for the trip—they are presented to you on a platter and now only a click away. Now if you suspend this current search and modify your keywords to birthday related products instead, you’ll see that the ads will have changed. This is why The Balance calls dynamic marketing “a reverse chameleon”, highlighting all that is relevant to us at any given point of time. Different Types of Dynamic Ads Dynamic Search Ads If people are searching for the products (or services) you have to offer, Dynamic Search Ads enable you to find, track and capitalize on their demand by taking potential customers directly to the product’s landing page on your website. This increases acquisition and conversion because it takes into account insightful analytics of searches that have yielded the best results (most relevant leads to most conversions). Optimising keywords and AdWords enables your product to appear on top of the Google search results and fill in the gaps prevalent even in well managed AdWords accounts.  DSAs work best in case of advertisers with an extensive website which has a considerably large inventory or one that runs multiple services across a number of verticals. How they work? When someone searches on Google with terms closely related to the titles and frequently used phrases on your website, AdWords will use these titles and phrases to select a landing page and generate a clear, relevant headline for your ad. Dynamic Display Ads Dynamic display ads show customers personalized content from a product feed you control and attach to your campaign. These ads are ideal for websites that undergo a change in content regularly, like airlines, hotel bookings and eCommerce sites where prices need to be updated at short intervals. Also applicable for promoting new products or services from your feed. Besides being quantitative and iterative, display ads are now more responsive with dynamic remarketing— their visual recall can be prolonged by reusing the same visuals that arrested your attention initially, thus creating lasting impressions. This increases engagement and is further aided by customised clicks.             Facebook Dynamic Ads Whether or not people have used your app or been to your website before, Facebook dynamic ads will make sure that products from your catalogue reach those expressing interest for similar products elsewhere on the internet. According to Facebook guidelines, “Simply upload your product catalogue and set up your campaign one time, and it will continue working for you for as long as you want –finding the right people for each product and always using up-to-date pricing and availability.” These ads can also be used for retargeting prospective customers who have visited your website, added products to wish list or shopping cart but have not completed the purchase. Relevant ads can reach people who are most likely to install your app by driving them directly to download. Addressing the consumer’s current needs has become important in this highly competitive economy and the need is more palpably felt across sectors including retail, manufacturing, entertainment, technology, and services. Even articles you read on your favourite blog can be made to appear according to your preferences, interests and past reads! This turns the digital advertising landscape into a battlefield, a bid to own the online space by catering to every individual with simultaneous dexterity. At the same time, mastering dynamic marketing will not only save time but add necessary and automatic updates to your ads according to real-time changes in the inventory.

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Top Reasons why video marketing should be part of your 2018 strategy

Chris Anderson in his igneous TED Talk said, “What Gutenberg’s printing press did for writing, online video did for face-to-face communication. That primal medium has now gone global; it’s like reinventing an ancient art form.” The audio-visual medium helps shed a bright light on potent ideas, thus creating an intense desire for learning and response. It is perhaps the most powerful way to communicate your brand story, explain your value proposition, and build relationships with your customers and prospects today. Digital Video Marketing has slowly become a larger piece of the content marketing pie. Tech giants and venture capitalists around the world have predicted that video marketing is the future of online content marketing and 2017 has truly been the year of video marketing. According to Forbes, “An insatiable appetite for video among users, paired with better technology for making, posting and targeting social updates, sees companies now spending more money on social and digital ads than on TV advertising.”       Looking back at the year that’s been: 43% of prospective customers want to see more video content from marketers 9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI 85% of businesses now have in-house production teams and internal resources to shoot promotional videos 35% of businesses are using intermediate or advanced analytics to measure video performance Personalized videos retain more viewers till the very second than non personalized ones People spend on average 6x more time on pages with video than without People have always been drawn towards moving images. Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% while reading the text. Even until a few years ago, we could send and receive only text messages on our mobile devices. But today, we send and receive animated GIFs and short videos on WhatsApp. Videos are; undoubtedly, much more effective than text and it is no wonder that video digital marketing has taken the world by storm. The advent and popularity of YouTube have changed the way how we watched videos. Today, with almost all the social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) having video hosting platforms and live features, video consumption has increased astronomically and has become a large share of internet traffic. A new way of looking By 2018, Cisco predicts that 82% of all consumer Internet traffic will be video. It also forecasts that Consumer Video-on-Demand (VoD) traffic will nearly double by 2021. Here are some of the evolving trends with respect to video marketing to make a splash in 2018: Live Video and Stories on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat are set to occupy a major fraction of online video content. Trends show that video consumption is at least two times more when it comes to videos recorded live as compared to those pre-recorded. Facebook today is giving YouTube a run for its money with its new and more accessible video recording and uploading features such as Live Video and Lifestage. Video stories enable entrepreneurs to add a personal touch to their value proposition; the stories have a daylong lifespan which can also be capitalized because it helps enterprises showcase their dynamic and evolving nature, driving them to spin new stories out of their products or services every day which again affects engagement. Video can now be consumed on mute and in square aspect ratios, making video sharing, hosting and watching more flexible and novel than ever before. Around half the videos on Facebook are streamed without sound. Just like in films, messing with aspect ratios in promotional content on social media too garners special attention from the mass. 360-degree videos and Virtual Reality (VR) projects are being increasingly used by business enterprises, especially the B2C sector, to present their products in a more attractive fashion. Video mapping is also creating a visible impact when combined successfully and unobtrusively with online marketing strategies. Last October, Facebook unveiled Oculus Go, a new VR headset that is reputed to be very user-friendly and an easy option for developers to be introduced to VR. Forbes expects you to see AI and related tools play an ever more important behind-the-scenes role in sharing audio-visual messages. Advancement in technology will soon enable proprietors and entrepreneurs to test social media Ad variations in huge numbers at the same time. Analytics becomes an important part of online marketing, in determining which images and text will get the most clicks. In the near future, users will soon be able to “automate campaigns so that the best-performing posts are instantly boosted to the biggest audience”. Integrating video marketing into your business plan is no longer a luxury but a necessity to keep up with the global revolution that has been brought about by the emergence of the online video. Today, videos generate global recognition which drives huge amounts of effort and attention either indirectly through comments, ratings, word of mouth or directly by the number of views. Bandwidth has exploded a hundredfold and the intricate network of innovators, commenters, mavericks, skeptics, superspreaders, and trendspotters catalyze the process of making a video viral. Brian Halligan from Hubspot recommends that at least 50% of your content mix be video. Video platforms within apps and embedded videos within the website have managed to engage more users today. HubSpot says, 96% of B2B organizations use video in some capacity in their marketing campaigns of which 73% report positive results to their ROI. Marketers who use video grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. If you’re worried about a massive hit to your budget, remember that your video content doesn’t have to be highly-produced. Live video is quickly becoming a tool that gives brands a high level of reach and engagement on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, so take full advantage. Here are four reasons why you should include video marketing in your marketing plan and how videos can be effective for your business. Videos build trust Videos encourage social sharing Videos boost search engine

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