Facebook & Cambridge Analytica Saga : Here is what the Stalwarts are saying

The social media giant Facebook is confronted by tremendous controversies after the breakthrough news came in the limelight last week, resulting in 9 percent drop-down of its shares.

Uk based analysis firm Cambridge Analytica, best known for campaigning 2016 presidential election of U.S. President Donald Trump, has been accused to use 50 million Facebook users data without their consent. If the speculation of utilizing this data for Trump’s election victory and the Brexit vote to be proved, then it will have a huge socio-economic impact.

As the lawmakers in the U.S. and the U.K, are questioning their business ethics and demanding CEO Mark Zuckerberg explain his company’s practices, we present some views going on strongly on Twitter :





Facebook has suspended Cambridge Analytica’s access to its platform, this act truly brings to the surface the never-ending data security concern of common masses yet again.

The views are not our own.


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