Beware of copycats

Hello Friends,

I founded Indus Net Technologies in 1997 with goal to reach out and serve small and medium sized businesses globally by fulfilling their internet service needs and empowering them to be competitive and profitable.

We innovated and diversified at a blazing speed to provide several successful service brands targetted towards the small and medium sized enterprises. These brands offered unmatched value for money and therefore attracked thousands of business owners who entrusted their business with us.

Inspired by our success, several copy-cat sites are mushrooming everywhere. Though we believe that imitation is the best form of flattery, we have no choice but to take stern actions (including lawsuit) against these copycats.

Most of these companies have copied our sites word-to-word. In fact some of them are lazy enough to leave our name / phone number on their sites! I was just wondering how someone can stoop so low.

Anyways, they can copy our site copy, but they cannot copy the quality, committment, technical knowledge, experience and infrastructure support that we consistently deliver to our clients.
By copying the content, they are not only committing a crime under Copyright Act, but also misguiding consumers who want to order the original service offered by an Indus Net Technologies service brand.

It is very important that you, as a consumer, make proper enquiries about these companies before you give them your business. Most of them are fly-by-night operators and their infrastructure related claims are hollow and spineless. Do verify them before you trust them with your valuable business.

If you are in doubt about any particular brand and want to confirm its association with  Indus Net Technologies, please feel free to send an email to

If you are already dealing with any such organization, feel free to contact us to verify the truth, which you can yourself make out with the evidences we have.

Abhishek Rungta
Founder / CEO
Indus Net Technologies


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