Create A Successful Workplace Model: Here Are The Steps

What is a good workplace model? Successful workplace models do not crop up overnight. While there are radically diverse opinions regarding a successful workplace model, one could whittle it down to a few core attributes.

These may include productivity, organisational goals and behaviour, employee satisfaction/wellbeing, efficiency, inclusivity, flexibility, and relevant authority/hierarchical structures. Here’s delving deeper into workplace models and their intrinsic components.

Types Of Workplace Models

Hybrid Workplace Model

The hybrid workplace model means that employees can flexibly work either from home, the office, and remotely. 

It is one where work is not limited to staying in office or any physical location for that matter. Yes, the location does matter, but it is not the be-all and end-all of things. The model itself supports more flexibility, fusing in-office work with remote/home work along with on-the-go employees as well. 

This is done to ramp up productivity, reduce unnecessary costs, and help employees work more efficiently while maintaining their work-life balance.

Inclusive Workplace Model

Inclusive workplaces are those which welcome people with all types of disabilities or differences. They are all valued and made to feel welcome for their contributions to the organisation. This model is one where people with both visible and invisible differences/disabilities have similar opportunities for growth and advancement as other colleagues. 

They key components of these models include giving a platform to employees to voice their opinions, creating a sense of belonging, contributing towards a collaborative working environment with ample scope for learning and development and also ensuring equal access to company resources.

Perma Model In the Workplace

Of late, there has been a lot of talk about how the Perma model is applicable to the modern workplace. This was created by Martin Seligman and highlights five core elements contributing towards overall wellbeing. 

The word translates into Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment. If you put these concepts together, then what you get is the Perma model for employee wellbeing. If you look closely, then many of these concepts have echoes in inclusive and hybrid work models as well.

Motivation Models In The Workplace 

There are universally acknowledged models of motivation in the workplace. These include the ERG Theory, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory, and the Dual Factor Theory of Herzberg.

Creating A Robust Workplace Model

Here are some core components that can help build successful workplace cultures, frameworks and systems.


The first cog in the wheel is inclusivity. This could comprise various sub-sets like the following:

  1. Allowing people to be themselves.
  2. Accommodating cultural, religious, gender, ethnicity, age and other differences.
  3. Allowing people to laterally grow and venture into newer fields, experiment and adopt multi-dimensional approaches.
  4. Giving employees a sense of ownership instead of conforming to conventional appraisals.
  5. Accommodating all backgrounds, skill-sets and encouraging inter and intra-disciplinary collaboration.
  6. Encouraging idea exchange, feedback, responsiveness and customer-friendliness.
  7. Equal opportunities for all without discrimination.
  8. Proper management interfaces for every layer of the workforce.
  9. Diversity and inclusivity in recruitment, perks, benefits, etc.
  10. Creating an open and transparent environment without coteries or cliques.

Organisational Frameworks

The second cog in the wheel is the organisational framework. Here are some sub-sets under this core idea:

  1. Clear system of hierarchy and management from top to bottom.
  2. Management, leadership and supervisory interfaces at every layer/level.
  3. Clearly established organisational objectives/goals with specific departmental/divisional objectives.
  4. Clearly defined policies on engagement, collaboration, teamwork, reporting to authorities, etc.
  5. Clearly defined policies on rewards, benefits and career growth prospects for meeting targets and on the basis of other parameters like seniority, up-skilling, etc.
  6. Clearly defined long-term company objectives and employee roles towards achieving the same.
  7. Clearly laid down employee behavioural policies, code of conduct and rules and regulations governing work, authority, actions, engagement, rewards and all other aspects of the workplace.
  8. Zero tolerance policy for disrespect, breaking the code of conduct and rule violations.
  9. Mechanism for employee feedback, tackling problems of all types and clearly defined corrective actions.
  10. Universal employee recognition programs.
  11. Policies on data and information handling, security, usage, sharing, etc.
  12. Policies related to usage of company resources.
  13. Policies related to customers/clients.

One could go on and on in this section. However, these are some of the basics that need to be mentioned.


Under the broader term productivity, there could be the following subsets:

  1. Workforce motivation
  2. Employee feedback
  3. Encouraging new ideas, creativity and experimentation
  4. Group and team work
  5. Bonding, mentorship and guidance options
  6. Employee wellness and mental health
  7. Work-life balance
  8. Social activities
  9. Continual knowledge gathering and up-skilling
  10. Personal development initiatives

These are the three core components that can be ramified into sub-sets as mentioned above. They can help in creating a healthier, happier and more productive workplace model.

Managements need to create sustainable strategies to ensure the ultimate goal for any successful workplace model, i.e. seamless alignment of personal needs to organisational goals.

What Makes A Good Leader?

Leaders steer workplaces. They have an indispensable role to play in maintaining workplace cultures and philosophies. What makes a good leader? Here are some points worth noting: 

  1. A good leader is one who can roll up his/her sleeves and slog it out. Leaders are born on the shop floor before they take up the corner office. This is the philosophy that wins respect and enables better decision-making too. 
  2. Hard work has no substitute although it may sound like a cliché. It is where the wheat separates from the chaff. This does not always mean long hours but rather equates to smart work in line with organisational goals and targets. 
  3. Trust, transparency and reliability are always desirable along with taking responsibility for decisions/actions. 
  4. A good leader is dynamic, flexible, creative and solution-oriented. He/she is positive and open to feedback, ideas, criticism or change.  


How to be a positive role model in the workplace?

Being a positive role model at work is possible if you work hard, take responsibility for your actions, strive to meet organisational goals, maintain accountability, uphold company regulations and philosophies, are a great team player, and are trustworthy, reliable, and flexible.

What is a hybrid workplace model?

A hybrid workplace model is one where employees have a combination of in-office and remote work (may be from home or any other location) in order to help them be more productive. Companies often use this model to get more work done, cut costs, and make things easier for employees.

What is the inclusive workplace model?

An inclusive workplace model is one where people with all kinds of disabilities and differences are welcomed and recognized for the value that they bring to the organisation. They have equal opportunities for career growth and advancement as well.


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