Day: June 29, 2023

INT. Pulse


Dear Colleague, these days, if a tech newsletter does not start with the acronyms AI or ML, it can be safely assumed that its writers are probably living under a rock. Thus, to mask our prehistoric addresses from over 40 thousand monthly readers, we are starting June’s Pulse with an AI story, but there’s a twist. Out With It, Please. Okay, so word on the street is, contrary to the doomsayers, AI and ML seem to be creating new jobs for humans, faster than they are killing employment. No Way! Surpriiise. A good 75% of companies think that they will adopt AI in their businesses soon enough; the great challenge now is to get the staff with the necessary expertise to fill these new jobs. Many human resources folk are also suddenly agreeing that the labour market is being shaken by the demand for new workers in AI-related areas. Where Are These New Jobs? Alright, we will start you off with two.  For instance, AI can create personalised medicinal treatments, precision farming and sophisticated industrial methods. These new products and services can lead to new responsibilities in research, development and marketing, along with new skills and experience requirements.   The emergence of AI-powered digital assistants and smart home appliances has opened up new career prospects for hardware engineers, data analysts and software developers, akin to how autonomous vehicle and drones have opened up new career prospects for engineers, technicians and logistics specialists. Always A Catch While more employment is always cool, AI is expected to make some jobs obsolete too, especially in the content generation area.  This means, pretty soon, as generative AI begins to write this newsletter, you may receive INT. Pulse twice a day instead of once a month, and we will have retired to the Himalayas.  Win-Win  STATS: When Every Analytical Tool Failed Sample this.  On 14th June, Sweden reported unexpectedly high inflation for May, causing economists and all their tech tools to wonder: What on earth kept prices that high? (Side Talk: Dealing with an analytical crisis? Solve it over a  with Dipak Singh, our analytics & AI head honcho). And then it dawned upon them like a Manali sunrise: Beyoncé.  The pop superstar put her Renaissance tour on the road in Stockholm last month, pulling 80,000+ fans to the city over two nights.  Danske Bank finally deciphered that for this influx of concertgoers, hotels and restaurants upped their prices to such a degree, it skyrocketed overall inflation.   Your TakeawayThe fact that one person, by the sheer force of her popularity, was responsible for higher inflation in an entire country is…beyond analytics.  Danske’s chief Swedish economist, Michael Grahn, quoted, “It’s quite astonishing for a single event. We haven’t seen this before.” Well, now we have.  GA4: Underreporting Traffic? No Papa Alright peeps, the Universal Analytics (UA) sun is finally setting and come July, Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is all we have, making migration to this new platform mandatory. But, but, but… with GA4, you may also be saying hello to underreported website traffic. Before you start comparing it to the train wreck some recent Windows upgrades were, we advise you to read on. What Happened Here? Indian proptech giant, Square Yards, usually gets ~70% of its web traffic from mobile devices and the rest from Desktops/tablets. But on switching to GA4, they found a hot-potato drop in traffic stats. On fishing in deeper waters, the folks at SY found that mobile traffic was under-reported by the GA4 tracker. This could also be-happening/happen to you. GA4, Give Me Everything Please So, there’s this important setting in the GA4 Console that allows Google to collect metadata about granular device details of your site and app visitors, so it can provide you with location and device-based info. This is turned OFF by default for any new property being created in the GA Dashboard. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Fix? 1️⃣ Go to your GA4 property settings 2️⃣ Select Data Collection, and 3️⃣ Enable Granular location and device data collection. Aaaand, you’re done. 📌 We are keeping our crawlers active on GA4 stories for a ‘best hacks and tips blurb’ in our July edition. Btw, if you need help with GA4 migration, or perhaps, take GA4 to its optimum limits to power growth for your business, Sanjeeb and his team are all set to help you out. Reach out to Sanjeeb here. AI/ML: How Nvidia Hit A Jackpot Selling Chips We’ve all heard of cashing in your chips post winning big but selling chips to hit a jackpot? That’s a new one and the trophy goes out to hardware giant, Nvidia. How Come? 1️⃣ For starters, you should know Nvidia (USD960B)* is now worth more than: *as on May 27, 2023. 2️⃣ This is the company that started 30 years ago and was for almost all its life, only a video game chip maker. 3️⃣ You should also know that over three decades, Nvidia was on the verge of bankruptcy 3 times. How On Earth Then……? It turns out Nvidia’s GPUs (originally created to improve gaming graphics) are also well suited for the data processing and model training demands of generative AI. Like this analyst said, “Training AI models demands chips that have large memory…Nvidia is the only company making those chips.” The rest is history (in the making). ­Stuff We Are Watching 📌Instant Productivity Boost: You know what’s hot? Bring your own device (BYOD) programs are, as they can potentially save organisations big money on equipment – and they might increase productivity.. but there are flip sides too. 📌 A Funding Tip That Works: CEOs and CFOs looking for funding? Remember, when framing your competition to investors without having to buy them antacids or anti-stress pills, follow this hierarchy of competition, from most worrisome to least. 📌 Are Cookies Dying? In one word? Yes. In fact, we may have only 50-odd weeks left. That’s the estimate for cookie-pocalypse. Educated guesses we gathered from all over indicate that Google will get rid of 3P cookies in Chrome around

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Reviving Retail: The Role of Supply Chain Reorganization in Overcoming Challenges

Reviving Retail: The Role of Supply Chain Reorganisation in Overcoming Challenges

The global retail industry is facing numerous challenges in the current scenario, especially with regard to the supply chain, customer experience and overall sustainability. The complexities of supply chains worldwide are throwing up multiple issues for retailers in terms of management of risks and ensuring higher profitability at the same time. This is where thorough reorganisation is necessary to overcome these hurdles with gusto. Here’s looking at these aspects in this article. The future of retail and the role of supply chain reorganisation There is a steadily evolving retail and consumer landscape today, with more companies fighting to play catch-up with e-tailers who have completely disrupted the market. From on-shelf availability, there will be a switch towards on-demand availability. Greener supply chains will also be a major trend in the future, particularly with the higher focus on sustainability. Here is a look at how reorganisation of the supply chain can help retail brands overcome several common obstacles. How supply chain reorganisation can help retailers overcome challenges As can be seen, an intensive reorganisation of the supply chain is the need of the day, considering the current complexities that retailers are grappling with. The challenges facing the retail industry The retail sector is already facing several core challenges that are affecting their supply chains. Some of them include the following:  FAQs 1.What technologies and tools can support supply chain reorganization in retail? There are several technologies and other tools that can enable a better reorganization of supply chains in retail. These include artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), data analytics, digital supply chain twins in the Metaverse, robotics, drones, 3D printing, and more. 2. How long does it typically take for a retail organization to complete supply chain reorganization? Supply chain reorganization does not have any fixed timeline that all retail organizations have to follow. It depends on the technological capabilities and adaptability of the company along with its ability to bring together all stakeholders for implementation. It may take a few months to a year or more. 3.What are some successful examples of retailers that have undergone supply chain reorganization? There are many successful examples of retailers and brands that have already undergone supply chain reorganization. Adidas, for example, is already switching close to 20% of production to automated factories by 2023 while Burlington Coat Factory has revamped its supply chain with newer processes in Burlington, New Jersey. It has integrated its approach throughout IT and operations, getting a new WMS and warehouse control software in place. 4.Are there any specific legal or regulatory considerations to keep in mind during the supply chain reorganization process? There are a few regulatory and legal considerations to note during the reorganization process for supply chains. These include economic sanctions, trade policies, export controls, fraud, compliance needs, and so on.

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