Day: June 8, 2018

What Did We Learn From This Year’s Apple #WWDC 2018

Worldwide Developer Conference or more popularly known as WWDC is Apple’s biggest date on their calendar. It the yearly week-long summer event for developers where Apple makes the biggest announcements about their products and about important updates. Held between 4-8 June in San Jose, software developers from around the world look forward this event and plan to attend this for the entire year. Starting with their keynote speech announcing major updates on iPhone, Mac, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and other devices. , the event features workshops, training, networking sessions, and parties. If you were looking forward to this event but was not able to attend it, we have got some of the best tweets for you. Here we go: Control your iPhone with your eyes. Just look at a button to select it and blink to press. Powered by ARKit 2. #ARKit #ARKit2 #WWDC #iOS — Matt Moss (@thefuturematt) June 7, 2018 #WWDC18 Numbers from the Keynote — Horace Dediu (@asymco) June 7, 2018 Here's how you can make a personalized Animoji of yourself in the new iOS 12. #WWDC18 — CNBC (@CNBC) June 5, 2018 Tim Cook says he’s more afraid of “people thinking like machines than machines thinking like people” #ai #ArtificialIntelligence #ml #MachineLearning #WWDC18 — Evan Kirstel #B2B #TechFluencer (@EvanKirstel) June 5, 2018 Apple Watch gets Walkie-Talkie mode #WWDC18 — TechCrunch (@TechCrunch) June 5, 2018 Apple has introduced several new features for iOS 12, including group FaceTime calls and custom "memoji" #WWDC18 — CNN (@CNN) June 5, 2018 Also at #WWDC18, a future filled with virtual playgrounds — WIRED (@WIRED) June 5, 2018 iOS apps will be able to show up in the Siri watch face even if they don't have an Apple Watch app #wwdc18 — Guilherme Rambo (@_inside) June 7, 2018 Oh hey Jenna #Memoji ?? #WWDC18 — Jenna Ezarik (@jennaezarik) June 4, 2018 This is massive! Paid apps can now have a try before you buy! i.e a free trial for paid apps ? #wwdc18 — Michael Dube (@dubemike) June 5, 2018 The biggest announcements from WWDC and why they matter #WWDC18 — TechCrunch (@TechCrunch) June 5, 2018 We will bring you more such updates and stories from around the globe. Watch this space to get latest updates on digital and what’s happening in the world of tech.

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