India Fares Better than Other Global Dedicated Hiring Destinations
India is one of the best countries suited for dedicated hiring. The country hosts a huge number of qualified graduates and professionals who unfortunately remain unemployed and are willing to compromise on salaries. This was the situation prevalent a few years ago when many IT companies made their way into smaller cities other than Bangalore. Recession has further exacerbated unemployment forcing employees to work for a lot lesser than before. Some of the factors that make dedicated hiring feasible in India There are a wide range of factors that make dedicated hiring welcome in urban India as compared to other global destinations and here’s how you can capitalize on it. They are 1. Keenness Unemployment is on the rise in India because of the recent global slowdown. There are many technical graduates looking for suitable jobs in the IT sector. Many of the new inductees have been issued offer letters from previous companies, but are not provided with specific date of joining. There are many technical colleges in India and thus the demand for new recruits lags far behind the supply. Being unemployed for nearly months and years, fresh graduates are ready to work regardless of the challenges that employers may pose. Many of them are so keen to find a job that they consider the possibility of moving to the Gulf countries, which is not usually seen as an attractive overseas destination due to climatic and political conditions. Such is the keenness among fresh graduates that they may be willing to work on a discount, if they come across a reliable offshore employer who requires dedicated employees. This makes it easy for offshore clients to look for the best employees at a reduced cost provided they prove the credentials and achievements of their companies. 2. People willing to work in late night shifts In many cities that are strewn all over the vast expanse of the India, working in late night shifts is the norm. People won’t mind exploring the possibility of working late in the nights provided you entice them with fat pay packages in the form of allowances for working late. This works out for you in a way, if you exempt people in designations, preferably the corporate cadre from the normal work. They will be motivated from the fact that after four or five years, they are promoted and eventually be spared from the hectic work along with night shifts. It works to your advantage and you can succeed in convincing them to work in night shifts. This makes it easy to monitor their activities and communicate with them in real time. The activities that are of the highest priority and require prompt attention from your side can be attended to. Also, you can hire select dedicated employees with certain designations so that they can monitor and manage other dedicated offshore employees of yours. 3. Abundance of cheap labor There is a large influx of migrants from less affluent destinations to the cities in hopes of landing a good job. These are mainly graduates from lower-middle income families and settle for competitive salaries as the prospects of finding a good job are almost nil in this time of global slowdown. These migrant people settle for a reasonable pay as long as it is at par with the prevalent industry standards here, which is very low, when compared with international standards. The standard of living in India can be comparatively less when pitted with other global destinations for dedicated hiring. Though bigger cities like Mumbai and Delhi are expensive, most offshoring destinations within India are affordable not only for dedicated employees but also their offshore clients. 4. Longer working hours People in India have no qualms about the introduction of longer working hours. Many companies here have bound their employees by certain Service Level Agreements. This agreement binds them to finish the day’s work even though it means having to stay for longer hours at work irrespective of the stipulated work timings. This is in stark contrast to the work timings in countries elsewhere. These stretchable working hours can be a boon to offshore businesses that choose to hire dedicated employees in India. 5. Abundance of technical job seekers and their employability The Indian IT industry provides direct employment to 2.5 million people. This figure alone can give a vague idea of the amount of people vouching for technical jobs in India. It possesses a rich talent pool that specializes in technical expertise. There are a wide variety of technical institutes too that impart quality training. These technical institutes groom a student by equipping him with a lot of necessary skills that make him employable in the related industry. Many technical courses offer Inplant Training as part of the curriculum for undergraduates to let them have a feel of the industry. This helps them to garner rich industry experience during the duration of their technical course. 6. English as the medium of instruction in technical schools English sells in India. There are many mannerisms in India that are influenced by those of the English speaking nations. The urban populace has accepted English with open arms, be it the clothes they wear or their food habits or even the culture. Because English is a global language, many universities have chosen it as their medium of instruction. There is no need for you to spend in improving the communication skills of your new recruits. These are reasons enough for you to consider India for your dedicated programming needs. Now, let us look at the cities in India that are viable options for you to invest. Some cities that are favorable for your dedicated hiring needs Let us take a look at few of the cities in India where you can look forward to hire temporary employees for your dedicated programming needs. •Bangalore Bangalore is the preferred destination in India for many IT related companies to invest. The state administration has created a sportive atmosphere here for these companies.