Day: December 26, 2008

A gift of vision – Indus Net Technologies welcomes 2009

Indus Net Technologies decided to welcome the new year by giving the gift of vision to few less-fortunate people. We collaborated (sponsored) with Lions Club of Ranaghat to get cataract surgery done for thirty-three villagers who could not afford the surgery on their own. The surgery were carried out on 21st December in the Eye Hospital operated by Lions Club of Ranaghat in Ranaghat (a small villa/town around 75 kms. away from Kolkata).   Wondering what is cataract? A cataract is a clouding that develops in the crystalline lens of the eye or in its envelope, varying in degree from slight to complete opacity and obstructing the passage of light. Early in the development of age-related cataract the power of the lens may be increased, causing near-sightedness (myopia), and the gradual yellowing and opacification of the lens may reduce the perception of blue colours. Cataracts typically progress slowly to cause vision loss and are potentially blinding if untreated. (Courtsey WikiPedia) We will like to express our respect and gratitude towards the people who run this eye hospital for such a noble cause. Our heartfelt thank to them for giving us an opportunity to make a small difference.

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Indus Net Technologies is now a NASSCOM member

Indus Net Technologies has recently joined NASSCOM, the apex body representing the IT & ITeS companies in India. NASSCOM is a global trade body with over 1200 members, of which over 250 are global companies from the US, UK, EU, Japan and China. NASSCOM’s member companies are in the business of software development, software services, software products, IT-enabled/BPO services and e-commerce. NASSCOM has been the strongest proponent of global free trade in India. NASSCOM was set up in 1988 to facilitate business and trade in software and services and to encourage advancement of research in software technology. It is a not-for-profit organization, registered under the Indian Societies Act, 1860. Currently, NASSCOM is headquartered in New Delhi, India with regional offices in the cities of Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Pune and Kolkata. NASSCOM has been the strongest proponent of global free trade, and is committed to work proactively to encourage its members to adopt world class management practices, build and uphold highest standards in quality, security and innovation and remain competitive in today’s rapidly changing technology landscape. Joining NASSCOM is an important stepping stone as it brings Indus Net Technologies in the mainstream of IT industry. We look forward to contribute and benefit from our association with this trend-setting organization.

Read More » – Another successful venture blooms.

Indus Net Technologies has always taken pride in working with companies through their struggle till they succeed (and of course after that). Today, when I picked up the newspaper, I was thrilled to see that media has discovered another poster-boy of the Kolkata dotcom industry, for whom we have worked very closely for over one year. I am talking about, a venture headed by Aadarsh Agarwal and his brother Siddhant Agarwal. Read the full story here: Indus Net Technologies is proud to be closely associated with the project as the technology provider. We have worked with Aadarsh through the blueprint of the website, leading to design and development of the website. Our relationship does not end here. We also do on-going maintenance and updates for the website to keep them at the cutting edge. On a personal front, Aadarsh is a good friend, with whom I share several intense discussion on business philosophy, strategy and ideology. The interesting part of the story is that he knew he will be successful. His confidence is contagious. He has very strong work ethics and he is never shy from helping another person! Things to learn from Aadarsh and Siddhant: Be persistent. Give your best shot. Never compromise on customer experience. I think Aadarsh has excellent thought leadership about online retailing and I am expecting him to start his own blog soon. Aadarsh – do you hear me?

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