10 Micro Frontend Frameworks That You Must Know About

In today’s world, it is feasible to create applications with 90% front-end code. It won’t be a stretch to say that a larger part of web applications are being worked with that methodology. This carries us to a much-discussed topic in the advancement and development world.

What is a Micro Frontend? Micro Frontend implies moving toward the front-end improvement cycle of web applications with the idea and thought of microservices.

Up to this point, the predominant practice was to utilize microservices design as the establishment on which rich applications can be constructed. The applications, accordingly, created were known as Frontend Monolith. The disadvantage of this methodology was that the engineering turned into a piece of the application over time. Since it is grown independently, upkeep ended up being a test.

Micro Frontend was considered to take care of this issue. The main idea behind its methodology is, a web application is an assemblage of autonomous elements that can be created by various groups and afterward combined to make a homogenous interface.

The Micro Frontend Architecture works with a cross-functional methodology where various groups with unmistakable specializations foster start to finish highlights, going from data set to UI. The subsequent application is less cumbersome and significantly more cordial.

The application is parted according to business areas across the stack. Inferable from which, front-end designers can benefit a similar speed and adaptability as backend groups have when working with Microservices engineering.

The following are the main 10 frameworks one can use to assemble the Micro Frontend architecture:


A Bit is a product prepared solution for building Micro Frontends, which additionally makes it one of the most well-known systems there is. It permits you to make and oversee frontends through autonomous parts. The Bit landing page in itself is with respect to how autonomous parts should be consistently coordinated to make a homogenous item.

You can work just as incorporating parts by using Bit. It inclines in the direction of the form time approach for making frontends, permitting engineers double advantages – heartiness and security of stone monuments, just as versatility and adaptability of Micro Frontends.

Micro Frontend Flow Chart Bit

Bit utilizes an open-source library to make parts genuinely autonomous of one another. Simultaneously, their cloud stage works with cooperation among groups to coordinate these parts eventually.

Spot’s own landing page is the best illustration of how this structure can be utilized by conveying the Micro Frontend strategy. The page has been worked by utilizing two unique codebases on GitHub – base-UI and evangelist – for creating individual parts. The part created by the frontend framework group utilizes base-UI, which is Bit’s most essential framework for the part plan. The singular parts in this piece have been created in a decoupled codebase and afterward shared and distributed on Bit.dev. This methodology makes the parts effectively discoverable for being incorporated with those created by different groups.

The other part of the landing page involves parts that are likewise evolved in a decoupled codebase utilizing evangelist – a showcasing-driven framework, which is possessed by the promoting group. Anybody utilizing the Bit system approaches a comparable work process where groups can assemble, form, test, and distribute every free part. These parts would then be able to be presented to the groups for coordinated effort and reconciliation.

Module Federation:

Module Federation is a JavaScript design that allows fostering different separate builds with next to no codependency. These are created and conveyed autonomously. They meet up to shape a solitary application, similar to bits of a jigsaw.

Micro Frontend Flow Chart Module Federation

This tool influences the runtime approach and permits JavaScript to progressively import code from different applications. This prompts the production of a JavaScript section record that is accessible for download to different applications with the assistance of a Webpack design.

This is one of the best apparatuses for countering the code dependency issue. Hence it empowers group size extension through dependency sharing.


Even though SystemJS is definitely not a Micro Frontend structure, its job as a cross-program the board answer for modules is vital to effectively carry out Micro Frontends. It may very well be considered as a facilitator for JavaScript modules. SystemJS is at the core of utilizing highlights. For example, import guides and dynamic imports without the requirement for local program support. Besides, admittance to its ‘module library’ assists you with finding out which modules are in the program at a given time.

Micro Frontend Flow Chart SystemJS

One of its most noteworthy features is the ability to deal with module imports by mapping names to methods, Polyfill for more established applications, and the ability to set up several modules in a single record design using its API to perform single organisation requests for a long period. It is most usually utilized in conjunction with the Single SPA structure, which depends vigorously on import maps and in-program modules.

In the Single SPA micro frontend, something like one application is facilitated from a distance. It comprises a root arrangement that aids in downloading the application to the organization and delivering it. To keep away from any mistakes in delivering, you really want an import map in index.ejs design for bringing in React and ReactDOM.


Piral is the go-to instrument for anybody hoping to utilize Micro Frontends to construct entry applications. With the assistance of decoupled modules known as Pilets, it permits you to make a particular frontend application that is extended at runtime. A pilet is grown freely and connects with all vital resources for Micro Frontend advancement, including the code.

Micro Frontend Flow Chart Piral

It is like one of the most easy-to-use structures you can work with. All you really want to get everything rolling are a terminal, web availability, an editorial manager of your decision, and Node.js.

Piral is equipped for handling the total advancement lifecycle by parting it into equal parts. You regularly begin with the application shell, starting from the layout, right to investigating, building, and distributing. Then, at that point, continue on the singular modules, (Pilets), dealing with the framework before investigating, building, and distributing. The updates from the Pilets to the application shells are delivered just when important to help new capacities or changes in the design.

Single SPA:

The minds behind Single SPA depict it as a “JavaScript system for frontend microservices”. At the end of the day, it is the instrument you really want to apply a lifecycle to each application you foster utilizing Micro Frontends.

Each individual application can react to the occasions of URL directing and should be equipped for bootstrapping, mounting, and unmounting from the DOM. What separates Single SPA from customary SPA is that here, applications should be outfitted to coincide with others. They don’t each get their very own HTML page.

Anybody hoping to investigate the chance of putting diverse frontend parts or systems into a solitary DOM to have the option to incorporate them at runtime should give Single SPA some genuine thought.

A few well-known applications like Google Maps, Gmail, and Grammarly, to give some examples – are conveying the Single SPA system. When utilizing Single SPA, the layout just as the sub-application should know the area in the objective namespace of the system’s life cycle capacities. This is known as an agreement between the compartment and the sub-application.


Luigi is one more JavaScript system for Micro Frontend that assists you with the most common way of making a managerial UI guided by appropriate and neighborhood sees. This system empowers a web application to speak with the Micro Frontends it is made out of. You can design various settings like approval, route, directing, and UX components to change the correspondence stream according to your prerequisites to stay away from any breakdowns or errors.

Micro Frontend Flow Chart Luigi

Luigi Client libraries and the Core application, which are a piece of this system, assume a vital part in building up secure correspondence utilizing postMessage API.


This is a tool for Micro Frontend execution dependent on a Single SPA yet one that has been prepared. It looks to address a portion of the primary difficulties that engineers face when forming an application utilizing more modest autonomous applications. By resolving the issues of part joining and distributing static assets, it guarantees that these sub-applications stay free during the whole cycle, directly from improvement to arrangement and up until runtime. This separation demonstrates indispensable in taking care of issues of public conditions and execution.

Open Components:

The target of Open Components is to be ‘serverless in the front-end world’. Basically, Open Components looks to be the one-stop answer for all your Micro Frontend necessities. It is a complex yet rich framework that contains a large group of apparatuses that can deal with various takes, right part the executives to CLI, and formats library too.

Open Components are made of two sub-parts – parts and shoppers. The parts are isomorphic code units involving HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The customers allude to microsites or sites that suddenly spike in demand for these parts.


Podium is an apparatus for ‘server-side pieces of Micro Frontends’. It assists groups with creating and serving various parts of a web application in confinement, regarding each part as a total application all alone. These disconnected parts, known as Podlets, can be grown either with the node.js Podium library or any innovation heap of the designer’s decision.

This system improves on the method involved with creating various pieces of an entire application in disconnection, giving greater adaptability to your advancement groups.

Mosaic 9:

This is a heap of libraries and administrations that accompany specific determinations that characterize how various parts will associate with one another and meet up in microservice engineering as a component of a bigger application. It depends on Fragments, which are given by various administrations and intertwined at runtime depending on the doled-out format definitions.

The administrations and libraries that Mosaic 9 is made out of, without any assistance address a large group of worries like design, steering, displaying UIs, and format stockpiling.


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