Top 4 Relaxation Techniques to Increase Productivity at Work
Modern life has made it easier for us to live a comfortable life without having to sweat it out. Not only that, it has also brought us a number of diseases to comfortably nurse ourselves with. Well, not so comfortably. Stressful lifestyles have contributed to an increase in autoimmune conditions, cardiovascular diseases, pre-diabetes and a host of other ailments. Also, work suffers. No one who is stressed out can work efficiently and effectively. In order to ensure that you work as effectively as possible, we have made a list of 4 relaxation techniques that you can use easily to de-stress yourself. After all, the moment you are de-stressed, you will start to work much better. 1. Learn to meditate This sounds like the obvious choice for a list of 5 relaxation techniques but it is important. Psychologists and mental health professionals who have studied the matter have found that meditating regularly decreases stress and improves mental health. They also found that meditating regularly helps to improve concentration, memory and attention. Apart from these benefits, it can also reduce anxiety and improve your state of mind. All that you need to do is, find a quiet room, lay down a mat, sit comfortably, close your eyes and begin to chant a positive mantra such as “I am peaceful” or “The world has been very kind to me”. If you are distracted by thoughts, allow them to pass like clouds. Observe them. Do not react. 2. Breathe deeply If you cannot find a room to meditate or you are pressed for time, you can use a 5 minute deep breathing technique to bring down stress levels almost immediately. Deep breathing counters the effects of stress. It brings down your heart rate, increases the amount of oxygen in your body and lowers your blood pressure as well. All that you need to do is, take a five minute break and begin to focus on your breathing. Sit straight, close your eyes, and if possible, place your hand on your belly. Begin to slowly breathe in through your nose and feel the air fill your stomach. Notice how your body is filled with refreshing air and then exhale it out through your mouth. This is one of the quickest and easiest methods to reduce stress. 3. Engage in physical activity If deep breathing is not helping much, go to the office gym. If your office provides you with additional recreational facilities, go ahead and use them. Any physical activity is known to increase the level of endorphins in our bodies. Endorphins help us to feel good about ourselves and are crucial to reduce stress. Moreover, physical activity is known to reduce stress dramatically. It not only reduces your stress, it also improves your overall health and contributes to a better state of physical and mental well being. If you cannot find any facilities at work, have a short lunch and quickly run up and down your office staircase. That should be more than enough. 4. Socialize with your colleagues This is one of the least neglected forms of relaxation. It is very important to build positive relationships with people around us. We are social beings, after all. By making sure that we are cordial with our colleagues, we will make sure that there is a lot less stress in our lives too. It is inappropriate to talk while at work but when you are on a break, you could always try to catch up with the “latest” with a colleague you are fond of. Sometimes, offering people support also removes your own stress. Listen to other people’s stories and anxieties and forget about your own. We should always look for opportunities to building relationships and nurturing them. Reduce stress, increase performance A little physical activity, some deep breathing and a little socializing can go a long way when it comes to reducing stress at work. When one is not stressed, one will also work much effectively. It is important to be aware of our own bodies and what they are trying to communicate with us. If you are unable to work properly, it means you are stressed out. Just take a short break and get back to work again!